Module 3 Places and activities Unit 8 At the shop 第三课时教学设计


名称 Module 3 Places and activities Unit 8 At the shop 第三课时教学设计
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 牛津深圳版
科目 英语
更新时间 2018-06-27 16:18:25



Unit8 At the shop 第3课时教学设计
【内容来源】上海教育出版社(2011年版)四上Module3 Unit8
【主 题】Enjoy a story, Learn the sounds
【课 时】第3课时
一、教学目标(Teaching aims)
通过阅读故事Panda’s glasses shop,帮助学生进一步巩固和运用所学句型。
二、教学重难点(Teaching points and difficulties)
语音:o (dog, shop)
句型:I’d like a pair of big/small glasses.
日常用语:Can I help you?
三、教学准备(Teaching preparation)
四、教学过程(Teaching process)
Pre-task preparations
1. 出示玩具小动物如玩具狗、玩具猫等问学生在哪里可以看到这些玩具。
T: Look, I have a toy dog and a toy cat. They’re lovely. Where can you see toys?
S1: I can see toys in a toy shop.
S1: Hi. Welcome to my toy shop. Can I help you?
S2: I’d like a toy car. How much is it?
S1: It’s twelve yuan.
S2: Here you are.
S1: Thank you.
2. 借助多媒体或挂图呈现各种商店,如toy shop,fruit shop等,与学生对话,引出glasses shop。
T: (point to the toy shop) Look! What place is this?
Ss: It’s a toy shop.
T: What can you find in a toy shop?
Ss: Toys! Dolls and robots.
T: You have 50 yuan. What would you like in this shop?
Ss: I’d like a toy train and a kite.
T: I can’t see well. I’d like a pair of glasses. Where can I buy glasses?
Ss: At a glasses shop.
While-task procedures
1. 出示Enjoy a story的挂图,介绍熊猫眼镜店,引出magic glasses(魔术眼镜),激发学生的阅读兴趣。
T: This is Panda’s glasses shop. What can you find in the glasses shop?
Ss: Glasses.
T: Yes. There are many glasses, (point to the big glasses in the picture) Some of them are big. (point to the small glasses in the picture) Some of them are small, (point to the magic glasses in the picture) These are magic glasses. What can they do? Let’s read the story and find out.
Who has a glasses shop? (The panda.)
Who comes to the shop? (The mouse and
the elephant.)
What do they want? (The mouse wants a pair of small glasses and the elephant wants a pair of big glasses.)
What do the magic glasses do? (They make the elephant look small and the mouse look big.)
2. 让学生阅读故事,完成True or false练习,通过练习帮助学生进一步了解故事大意。
True of false
(T) 1) There are many glasses in the shop.
(F) 2) The mouse want a pair of big glassess.
(F) 3) The elephant wants to play with the panda.
(T) 4) The mouse and the elephant like the magic glasses.
板书句子Can I help you?,通过示范对话让学生理解这一日常用语的含义和用法。之后播放录音,要求学生模仿录音的语音语调,特别是一些句子的朗读。
Mouse: You’re not big now.
Elephant: You’re not small now.
3. 让学生分角色进行朗读表演。如男女生分角色、小组分角色或师生共同参与,扮演故事中不同的角色进行朗读表演。然后让学生分组进行角色扮演,请个别小组上来表演故事,鼓励学生用夸张的表情和动作来表演。
4. 出示Learn the sounds的语音单词卡片(dog,shop),示范发音,让学生跟读,感受字母o在单词中的发音。
T: o, /?/, dog; o, /?/, shop.
Ss: o, /?/, dog; o, /?/, shop.
V: o, /?/, dog; Bonnie has a dog. The dog is hot.
Ss: o, /?/, dog; Bonnie has a dog. The dog is hot.
T: o, /?/, shop. The dog is in the shop.
Ss: o, /?/, shop. The dog is in the shop.
Dog, dog, dog. A dog is not a hot dog.
Hot, hot, hot. A hot dog is not a dog.
Post-task activities
1. 将学生分成三至四人一组,分发给每组两份阅读材料,如下:
Passage A
Today is New Year’s Day. I go shopping with my father. We go to the panda’s glasses shop and buy a pair of magic glasses. They are nineteen yuan. We go to a food shop and buy some eggs. They are eight yuan.
Passage B
Today I go shopping with my mother.We go to a fruit shop and buy some apples and pears. The apples are seven yuan and the pears are eight yuan. We go to a bookshop. I buy three pencils. They are six yuan.
2. 将学生分为四人一组,布置给学生Shopping for the dinner party的任务,并同时将学生熟悉的超市(supermarket)或卖场(shopping mall)中的相关物品的价目表发给各小组。请学生在组内通过问答先完成《练习册》Task第一部分的购物单(shopping list)。最后,各组派一名代表,参考第三部分提供的关键句子,向全班汇报需要买的物品。
Unit8 At the shop
o (dog, shop)
I’d like a pair of big/small glasses.
Can I help you?