Module 4 The world around Unit 11 Shapes 第二课时教学设计


名称 Module 4 The world around Unit 11 Shapes 第二课时教学设计
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 牛津深圳版
科目 英语
更新时间 2018-06-27 21:06:43



Unit11 Shapes 第2课时教学设计
【内容来源】上海教育出版社(2011年版)四上Module4 Unit11
【主 题】Listen and say, Ask and answer
【课 时】第2课时
一、教学目标(Teaching aims)
通过Listen and say的对话,帮助学生理解核心句型How many ... are there? There are …。
通过Ask and answer问答活动,帮助学生操练核心句型。
二、教学重难点(Teaching points and difficulties)
句型:How many squares are there? There are two squares.
三、教学准备(Teaching preparation)
四、教学过程(Teaching process)
Pre-task preparations
1. 播放歌曲Shape song录音,渲染课堂气氛的同时,复习第一课时的内容,为本节课的后续学习作铺垫。
2. 在复习歌曲的基础上,联系生活进行提问。既是对歌词句型的复习,也是对上节课所学形状的复习,同时培养学生善于观察周围事物的能力。
T: Look around you. What is a rectangle like? SI: A rectangle is like a blackboard.
S2: A rectangle is like a door.
S3: A rectangle is like a ...
T: What is a ... like?
Sn: A ... is like a ...
While-task procedures
1. 手拿各种形状的卡片对学生进行提问,并将这些形状卡片分发给回答问题的学生。通过此活动复习前一课时所学单词并引出本单元的核心句型。
T: (hold the shape of a circle) Is it a triangle? SI: No, it isn’t. It’s a circle.
T: Do you like the circle?
S1: Yes, I do,
T: Here you are.
S1: Thank you.
T: (hold the shape of a rectangle) Is it a rectangle?
S2: Yes, it is.
T: Who likes the rectangle?
S3:1 like the rectangle.
T: Here you are.
S3: Thank you.

T: What shapes do you have?
S1: I have a circle.
S2:1 have a …
引出本单元的核心句型How many... are there? There is/are ...。
T: How many circles are there?
Ss: One circle.
T: Yes, there is one circle.
2. 出示Listen and say的图片,让学生看图回答问题。
What’s in the picture?
(A house and some trees.)
How many windows and doors are there? (Two windows and a door.)
How many trees are there?
(There are six trees.)
How is the house? (It’s beautiful.)
3. 出示Listen and say中的房子图,让学生看图回答问题,Questions 1)-4)采用师生问答的形式,Question 5)-7)采用生生问答的形式。通过看图问答,为后面的继续学习作铺垫。
What is it? (It’s a house.)
What shapes can you see?
(A triangle, a star, some circles, some squares and some rectangles.)
How many circles are there? (Six circles.)
How many stars are there? (One star.)
How many triangles are there? (One triangle.)
How many squares are there? (Two squares.)
How many rectangles are there?
(Nine rectangles.)
4. 出示Ask and answer的图片,让学生开展对子活动,让更多的学生能够操练How many …are there? There are…,复习和巩固词汇和句型。还可以把挂图贴在黑板上,让学生根据挂图中的形状拼画进行问答。
S1: Look at Picture 3. How many circles are there?
S2: There are four circles.
Post-task activities
1. 让学生用不同的形状画一幢房子,然后根据教师的示范,用一段话进行介绍。让学生综合巩固所学的知识,提高语言表达能力。
T:Look, this is a house. It’s big. Look at the roof. It’s a triangle. Look at the windows. They are squares. Look at the door. It’s a rectangle. I can see a handle on the door. It’s a circle. The house is nice. I like the house.
2. 把挂图贴在黑板上,让学生看图中各种形状拼画,然后把不同大小、颜色的各种形状分发给学生,让他们自由分组,发挥创意,拼出一幅图画。
S1: I have a circle. I have a star too.
S2:1 have two triangles and a rectangle.
S3: I have ...
S1: Let’s make a ...
S1: This is a cat. It’s black and white. Its head is a circle. Its body is a rectangle. Its ears are triangles. Its eyes are circles. Its nose is a triangle. ...
T: Look at the picture. How many circles are there?
Ss: There are ... circles.
Unit11 Shapes
How many squares are there?
There are two squares.