Module 5 Sports 集体备课教案


名称 Module 5 Sports 集体备课教案
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文件大小 504.8KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 教科版(广州)
科目 英语
更新时间 2018-07-13 18:52:07



Unit?9 It looks fun Unit 10 I am very fast
(2掌握新学词汇:basketball、football、skate、table tennis、 jump等
(3)词组句型:What are/is … doing ? I want to …
能力目标:能用I like + v.ing句型介绍运动。
重点:1.句式:What are/is … doing ? I want to …
单 元
课 题
Module 5Sports
课 题
Unit?9 It looks fun
单 元
New Lesson
Teaching contents:
Let’s talk
Teaching aims
To learn new words & new sentences
Key & difficult points
Teaching aids
English cards,A tape recorder,etc.
Teach-ing steps:
Step I. Warm-up
Step II. Presentation
1.Presenting the dialogue
Have pupils look at the picture in the book (page 50). Invite pupils to talk about what they can see in the picture:
Who is in the picture? What are they doing?
Where are they?
Present the word basketball, referring to the picture .
Draw pupils’ attention to the gestures of the man and Miss White to show that the man is asking Miss White about the sports.
Arouse pupils’ interest by saying: What are they talking about? Write down some of their answers on the board.
Play the recording all the way through. Ask the same question and check their prediction.
Play the recording again, ask questions like “Who are they talking about? What is he/she doing?” Pause after each sentence to guide or check understanding, and to present the new grammar items and vocabulary.
Explain the meaning of “some of ”,using a simple activity if needed. Then use the picture on the left of the wall to explain “skating, playing chess, doing the long jump”.
Conduct reading aloud practice on the dialogue.
2.Presenting the vocabulary items
Revise “watch cartoon, fish in the park, swim in the pool” using the picture on the left of the wall.
Ask pupils to look at the picture to the right , and find Miss White in the picture . The meaning of have fun should be obvious from the picture.
Step III. Summary
Blackboard designs
Unit?9 It looks fun
What is/are… doing? Some of … are
playing table tennis playing chess
doing the long jump doing the high jump
Homework words ;
2.copy words.
单 元
课 题
Module 5Sports
课 题
Unit?9 It looks fun
单 元
New Lesson
Teaching contents:
Fun with language I
Teaching aims
To finish these practice.
Key & difficult points
To practice listening for numbers that are used in telling activity.
To practise talk about activity through a game.
Teaching aids
English cards,A tape recorder,etc.
Teach-ing steps:
Step I. Warm-up/Greeting.
Step II. Reviewing and leading in :Read U9 words & language.
Step III. Presentation
1.Listen and number
Explain the task, showing how to make sure the answer.
Play the recording, pausing after each sentences.
When pupils have done the last one, play the recording again for them to check their answers.
When T have checked the answers with the pupils, ask them what them can see. T may call out the numbers of the pictures randomly.
2.Look and say
Before class, ask pupils to bring some activities photos to the next class.
When setting up the task, T may give a demonstration by showing a activity photo of theirs and briefly talking about it.
Have pupils study the examples in the picture (page 52).
If necessary, invite two or three pairs of pupils to do the activity for the whole class to watch.
Put pupils into groups. Start the activity.
When pupils have finished, invite some pairs to re-do their dialogues for the whole class to observe. Alternatively, choose an object in the classroom for pupils to perform a dialogue based on that object.
Step IV. Summary
Blackboard designs
Unit?9 It looks fun
Homework words ;
2.copy words.
单 元
课 题
Module 5 Sports
课 题
Unit?9 It looks fun
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New Lesson
Teaching contents:
Fun with language II
Teaching aims
To finish these practices.
Key & difficult points
To read and understand a dialogue.
To understand these word .
Teaching aids
English cards,A tape recorder,etc.
Teach-ing steps:
Step I.Greeting
Step II. Reviewing and leading in
Read these word &language.
Step III.Presentation
1.Play a game
In this board game , pupils compete to be the first one to reach the Finish square. Playing in pairs or in groups, each pupil tosses a die, and moves his/her marker on the game board accordingly. Then he/she to be able to say “He is …” correctly according to the square he/she lands on, If he/she makes a mistake, he/she will have to return to his/her original square.
Revise the expression for requesting something ( Do you …).
2.Look, read and match
Revise the names of the 6 objects using the pictures: play ball games、jump、play chess、skate、play table tennis、play basketball.
Explain the task by using the play football as an example. Ask pupils to look at the picture and ask “What is he doing?”Guide them to answer He is playing football. Demonstrate how to choose the right answer.
Play the recording, pausing after each answer for pupils to choose right answers.
Play the whole recording a second time for pupils to check their answers.
Pick one of the 6 objects and ask the pupils What are they doing? Pupils will look at their completed task and answer the question. Alternatively, invite one pupil to pick an object and ask the question for the whole class or another pupil to answer.
Step IV. Summary
Blackboard designs
Unit?9 It looks fun
Homework words ;
2.copy these words.
单 元
课 题
Module 5 Sports
课 题
Unit?9 It looks fun
单 元
New Lesson
Teaching contents:
Sing along
Teaching aims
To learn the song
Key & difficult points
To learn the song.
To practise saying some fruit names through singing a song.
Teaching aids
English cards,A tape recorder,etc.
Teaching steps:
Step I. Greeting
Step II. Reviewing and leading in
Read words.
Step III. Presentation
1.Listen and sing
Ask pupils to recall the words they have learnt. Write them on the board.
Have pupils look at the picture on page 54.Ask them what they can see, as follows:
Teacher: What are they doing?
Pupils: They are …
Point to some pupils in the picture and ask:
Where is he?
Where are they?
Are they happy?
Hold the book near to T while asking the first question, but hold it far away from T when asking the second and the third question.
Play the recording all the way through for pupils to listen.
Play the recording again for pupils to sing along.
When pupils have more or less learnt the song by heart, use another object in the classroom (running; singing etc.) and invite pupils to sing the song again.
Step IV. Summary
Blackboard designs
Unit?9 It looks fun
We are all jumping
1. read words ;
2.copy these words.
单 元
课 题
Module 5 Sports
课 题
Unit?9 It looks fun
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New Lesson
Teaching contents:
Sound family
Teaching aims
To learn the usual sounds.
Key & difficult points
The graphemes ph, u, uy, in words.
To practise some of the language items learnt so far through a passage.
Teaching aids
English cards,A tape recorder,etc.
Teaching steps:
Step I. Greeting
Step II. Review and lead in
Step III. Presentation
1.Try to read
If necessary, revise the pronunciation of the letters o,ou,oo,oy,old,oor.. However, do not spend too much time on the letter names as that is not the learning objective of this section.
Write photo and phone on the board. Underline the letters ph in the two words. Read the two words to pupils, and while doing so, point to the letter ph in each word. Pupils will understand that the letter ph has a similar sound in the two words. Single out this sound and say it a few times for pupils to repeat.
If necessary, choose one more pair of words from the remaining ones to show the sound represented by each grapheme.
Play the recording all the way through for pupils to listen to.
Play the recording again, pausing after every pair of words for pupils to repeat.
Ask pupils to try reading aloud all six pairs of words.
Go over the 6 pairs of words again, guiding pupils to single out the sounds represented by the various graphemes.
2.Read the short passage
The target words in the passage are photo, guy, Bruce, blue, putting.
Write “photo” on the board, and invite pupils to sound it out. Highlight the sound represented by the letter “ph” in “photo”.
Invite them to read aloud these words.
Arouse interest by saying “This is a guy’s photo. He is my best friend.”
Play the recording all the way through for pupils to listen to.
Step IV. Summary
Blackboard designs
Unit?9 It looks fun
1、read words ;
2、copy these words.
单 元
课 题
Module 5 Sports
课 题
Unit 10 I am very fast
单 元
New Lesson
Teaching contents:
U10 Let’s talk
Teaching aims
To learn new sentences.
Key & difficult points
To learn how to ask favourite sport.
To make new sentences.
Teaching aids
English cards,A tape recorder,etc.
Teaching steps:
Step I. Greeting
Step II. Reviewing and leading in
Step III. Presentation
1.Let’s talk
They are playing chess?
They are playing basketball.?
They are playing table tennis.?
Present the meaning of clever by saying: Why do you like it? (Point to the activity when pupil say) .
Prepare pupils for listening to the dialogue by saying: Ben is tall and have long arms, so he likes playing volleyball. Write down some of their answers on the board.
Play the recording all the way through and check the pupils’ predictions.
Play the recording again, pausing after every sentence to guide or check understanding.
Conduct reading aloud practice on the dialogue.
2.Presenting the vocabulary items
Point to the picture of activity and say: Janet is playing ball. What about Ben?
Have pupils look at the pictures of the 4 activities (page 57). Guide pupils to say the activity.
For further practice, point to a picture for pupils to say aloud the activity.
Point to each pictures and ask: Who likes kung fu? Pupils find the right picture and answer accordingly.
Step IV. Summary
Blackboard designs
Unit 10 I am very fast
What’s your favourite sport?
My favourite sport is …
like to do sth
like doing sth
clever—chess long legs—the high jump
Homework words ;
2.copy these words.
单 元
课 题
Module 5 Sports
课 题
Unit 10 I am very fast
单 元
New Lesson
Teaching contents:
Fun with language I
Teaching aims
To finish these practice.
Key & difficult points
To practise listening for adjectives describing appearance.
To practice the numbers.
Teaching aids
English cards,A tape recorder,etc.
Teaching steps:
Step I. Greeting
Step II. Reviewing and leading in: Read U10 words and dialogue.
Step III. Presentation
1.Listen and number
Have pupils look at these pictures. Talk about these pictures ?to present examples.
Ask pupils to look at the 6 pictures in Task 1. Revise adjectives describing appearance with pupils using the picture.
For example:
Look at this picture. Who are they?
Explain the task, using the first picture as an example.
Play the recording, pausing after each sentence for pupils to write in the correct number.
When pupils have done the last one, play the recording again for pupils to check their answers.
2.Ask and answer
In this task, pupils will work in pairs. Pupil 1 will choose an object from the picture and ask Pupil 2 What is your favourite sport? Pupil 2 will look at the picture and answer I like…
There are 9 pictures on page 58. Assign one picture to make pupils in a pair.
Use the picture 1 as an example. Show the class how to ask and answer questions about an object.
Step IV. Summary
Blackboard designs
Unit 10 I am very fast
1、read words ;
2、copy these words.
单 元
课 题
Module 5 Sports
课 题
Unit 10 I am very fast
单 元
New Lesson
Teaching contents:
Fun with language II
Teaching aims
To finish these practice.
Key & difficult points
To practice sports.
To draw a table.
Teaching aids
English cards,A tape recorder,etc.
Teaching steps:
Step I. Greeting
Step II Reviewing and leading in
Step III. Presentation?
1.Read and tick or cross
Have pupils study the dialogue on page59. Talk briefly about the dialogue with pupils, e.g.,
What does Mike like? What is Ann good at?...
Convey the meaning of True or False, e. g, Look at the first sentence, we can know Mike is strong. Yes? No? ... No. It’s false. Mike is tall.
Explain the task. Give pupils time to do the reading and write in True or False.
When T have checked the answers with the pupils, T can ask them to go back to the false sentences and correct the mistakes.
2.Do the project
Make pupils talk about their favourite sport.
Then make pupils ask classmates about their favourite sport and write down their answers in their table.
Give pupils time to prepare their survey table, go over the sentences to say again with pupils.
Make dialogue like:
A: Hi, Jiamin. Do you like basketball?
B:Yes, I like it.
Make pupils introduce their favourite sport and say why they like them.
Step IV. Summary
Blackboard designs
Unit 10 I am very fast
1、read words ;
2、copy these words.
单 元
课 题
Module 5 Sports
课 题
Unit 10 I am very fast
单 元
New Lesson
Teaching contents:
Story time
Teaching aims
To learn the story.
Key & difficult points
To understand the story.
To act out the story.
Teaching aids
English cards,A tape recorder,etc.
Teaching steps:
Step I . Greeting
Step II. Reviewing and leading in
Step III. Presentation
1.Read and act
Talk about the first picture with pupils. Help pupils understand that Ben and Jiamin are in the Ding Dong Olympics. T may ask: Where is Olympic?
To prepare pupils for reading on , T may say :Does Ben good at sport?
If needed ,T may invite pupils to sound out the new words.
At this point, with more able pupils, T may ask them to continue to read the story on their own, to find out what happens later. Play the recording for consolidation.
Alternatively, play the recording for pupils to listen while they follow the text. Then play the recording a second time, pausing after every picture to guide and check understanding.
Help pupils to understand that at the end of the story Aki is winner.
2.Play a game
In this talking game, a pupil talk of a desk, and describes him/her in a few sentences for others.
T may arouse interest by saying: I can jump. Can you jump?
Pupils will then make sentences.
Have pupils look at another example by studying Part 2.
If necessary, revise the adjectives describing appearance with pupils.
Give pupils about two minutes to think of a description.
Start the game, either as a teacher-led whole-class activity, or with pupils working in groups.
Step IV. Summary
Blackboard designs
Unit 10 I am very fast
Ding Dong Olympics
high jump --- Aki won the gold medal
long jump --- jumped around Ding Dong
Aki has been gone for 5 hours
Did he win?
1、read words ;
2、copy these words.
单 元
课 题
Module 5 Sports
课 题
Unit 10 I am very fast
单 元
New Lesson
Teaching contents:
Did you know?
Teaching aims
To learn more knowledge.
Key & difficult points
Pupils learn about the sport.
To understand these pictures.
Teaching aids
English cards,A tape recorder,etc.
Teaching steps:
Step I . Greeting
Step II. Reviewing and leading in
Step III. Presentation
1.Did you know
Besides table tennis and badminton, these are some of the sports Chinese athletes are good at.
Ask pupils to recall the sport words that they have learnt so far.
Write some of these on the board.
Use diving as an example to tell pupils that different kind of sports.
Have pupils study the 3 pictures in the book ( page 61) to find out different sports.Teach pupils how to say the names of the sport.
diving gymnastics weight-lifting shooting
[daivi?] [d?im′n?stiks] ['weitl'ifti?] [′?u:ti?]
Ask pupils to read the chart on page 61. Teach the words weight-lifting 、shooting . Then give pupils time to study the chart.
When they have finished, show them how to say the words in the chart.
Ask pupils how many cousins they have. How many of them like diving? How many pupils like gymnastics?
2.Play a game
In this talking game, a pupil talk of a desk, and describes him/her in a few sentences for others.
T may arouse interest by saying: I can jump. Can you jump?
Pupils will then make sentences.
Step IV. Summary
Blackboard designs
Unit 10 I am very fast
[daivi?] [d?im′n?stiks] ['weitl'ifti?] [′?u:ti?]
Homework words ;
2.copy these words.