Unit 7 Would you like a pie? Story time 课件


名称 Unit 7 Would you like a pie? Story time 课件
格式 zip
文件大小 5.7MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 牛津译林版
科目 英语
更新时间 2018-07-14 08:53:47



课件16张PPT。pieWould you like a?Unit 7(Story time)a piea cakea sweeta hotdogan ice creaman egga sweet a cakea piea hot dog an ice creaman eggfood (食物)Having a picnic (野餐) Watch and choose(看一看,选一选.)1. What food do they offer Helen?(她们请Helen吃的什么?)2. What would Helen like?(Helen想要什么?)(她们是怎样请Helen吃馅饼和蛋糕的?) Read and find(读一读,找一找)(她们是怎样请Helen吃馅饼和蛋糕的?) Read and find(读一读,找一找)What about…?
(表示建议或请求) Let’s read1. Read after the cartoon.(跟读)注意模仿故事中人物的语音语调哦2. Read in groups. (小组读) Let’s act !(表演) ★ Good! 语音语调正确,
感情丰富到位。 ★★ Great! 语音语调正确,
 表演自然大方。 Summaryto offer people food?(怎样向别人提供食物?)to answer?(怎样回答?)How Have a picnic !(野餐) Share food with your friends!
(和你的朋友分享食物)A: Would you like a…?
B: Yes, please./ No,thank you.
A: What about …?
B: Yes, please. / No,thank you.Scene 1 Have a picnic. Scene 2Scene 3??. .
.(场景1:野餐)(场景2:?)We are friends.We are happy together.We share food.Happiness is to be with friends.
Happiness is to share with friends.Thank you!Wish you happy every day!