课件35张PPT。 Unit 1 Breaking Records
“The Road is always ahead of You”Olympics(the events)softballMountain bikeshootingswimmingfootballweightliftingvolleyballjudoarcherytable tennishandballtennisfencingequestriansailingtrampolinebasketballcanoewater polotriathlonartistic gymnasticsbadmintonrhythmic gymnasticsroad cyclingHave you ever participate one of these events?These pictures have been taken at the end of events. How do you think the participants are feeling?Liu Xiang (hurdling)Luo Xuejuan (swimming)Zhang Guozheng (weightlifting)boxingThey are: excited happy contented cheerful grateful
ecstatic (狂喜的)
intoxicated(极其兴奋的) exhilarated (振奋的)
mixed feelings……What is each person doing? Choose the name of each activity from the list. hula hooping
pogo stick jumping
doing jumping jacks
standing on a Swiss ball
doing lungesPre-readingpogo stick jumpingsomersaultingSwiss balldoing jumping jackshula hoopingdoing lungesHave you ever done any of these activities?
Would you consider each activity to be a serious sport?
Which activities would you like to try? Would you need to be fit to do any of them? Do you think you could do any of them for any length of time?discussionThe Guinness Book of World Records The heaviest cake in the worldThe dog with the largest ears The person with the longest moustacheThe smallest electrically operated motor car The World's Oldest Person 2006
Ecuadorian woman, 116, is world's oldestThe World's tallest Person,
251cmMaybe, one of you will be a Guinness record breaker this year!Ashrita & Sri ChinmoyAshrita Furman has captured the public’s imagination by breaking Guinness world records under outrageous (令人无法容忍的)conditions and in the most exotic(奇特的) places. He currently holds more than 25 Guinness records, including the record for having the most records, and has broken more than 100 records overall. "The road is always ahead of you"1. Why is the title of the text in quotation marks?
2. What do you think it means?
3. Do you agree with it?ScanningTick the topics about Ashrita that the author does not cover.physical skills needed for events number of records broken his family life kinds of records broken why he became a sportsman countries he likes best place and date of birth his occupation his education his first Guinness recordphysical skills needed for eventsnumber of records brokenkinds of records brokenwhy he became a sportsmanhis first Guinness recordTrue or falseMany people laugh at Ashrita because the events he participates are childish.
Ashrita was a born talented sports man and he showed great interests in sports when he was a child.
Sri Chinmoy is Ashirita’s teacher.TTFSkimmingRead again and answer the following questions.Where do you think Ashrita lives?The text doesn't say where he lives now but it is possible he lives in New York because we know that he lived there when he was a teenager and that he took part in a bicycle marathon there in 1978.2. How old do you think he is?
3. Has he broken records in all seven continents?
4. When did he first come across the Guinness Book of World Records?He was 16 in the early 1970s so he would be in his late 40s now.Yes. (Para. 2)When he was a child.5. Which one of Sri Chinmoy’s beliefs led Ashrita to attempting records?
6. Why was it amazing that Ashrita came third in the bicycle marathon in 1978?There is no limit to people’s physical abilities.He had done no training.7. Why did Ashirita believe he could accomplish anything after the bicycle marathon?He believed that because he had done no training, it must have been his spirit that made him come third, and so after the bicycle marathon he believed that he could accomplish anything by using his spirit, and his body was just an instrument of the spirit. He believed there is no physical limitation.8. What happens in an event that prevents Ashrita from giving up?
9. Do you think that the events that Ashrita participates in are childish? Why or why not?When he feels like giving up, he goes deep within himself and connects with his soul and his teacher to keep on.What are some of the physical difficulties he has experienced whenwalking with a bottle of milk on his head?standing on top of a Swiss ball?somersaulting?doing gymnastically correct lunges?walking with a bottle of milk on his head…He has to make fine neck adjustments, and has to rest and eat with the bottle of milk on his head.He needs a great sense of balance, and has to stay on top even though his legs may start shaking.standing on top of a Swiss ball?He has to overcome dizziness, extreme tiredness and pain. During the process, he is permitted to rest for only five minutes in every hour and stop briefly to vomit.somersaulting?Lunges are very hard on his legs.doing gymnastically correct lunges?Bye-bye!