课件34张PPT。Unit 2
King Lear
ReadingKing LearWilliam
Shakespeare Hamlet (哈姆雷特)
Othello (奥瑟罗)
King Lear (李尔王)
Macbeth (麦克白)What are the famous four
tragedies(悲剧) of Shakespeare? HamletKing LearOthelloMacbethB. Just be myself. C. The empty vessels make
the greatest sound. D. A light heart lives long I cannot choose the best.
The best chooses me. Which of the following is not said
by William Shakespeare?B 取自莎士比亚四大悲剧之一 --《李尔王》。
的冷眼和遗弃,她们甚至密谋要除掉他。故事简介幸亏忠臣相救,李尔才幸免于难。后来小女儿挂帅领兵为父复国。这时,另两个女儿之间已出现矛盾,她们尔虞我诈要除去对方,但面对法军,她们又联合起来。此战英军获胜,囚禁了李尔与其小女儿,但却招来朝野上下一致不满。李尔的小女儿被害死,他的另两个女儿也没有得到好下场。李尔抱住小女儿尸体痛哭,自己也伤心而死。“阅读”部分节取的是该剧的第一幕,其中李尔王与女儿的对白堪称莎翁作品中最为经典的篇章之一。 devotion
friction 与……矛盾, 抵触
奉献, 献身, 投入
反对, 抗战
忠诚, 忠心
荣誉, 尊敬New words Glance quickly through Part 1 of the play and answer the following questions.List the characters who appear in
this part of the play. King Lear, Goneril, Regan, Cordelia,
the Dukes of Albany and Cornwall,
the Duke of KentPre-reading2. Which of the characters do you think
are shown in the picture on the right?King Lear and his three daughters: Goneril, Regan, CordeliaSkimming: Complete the plot diagram.King Lear has 3 daughters. He is old and wants to divide his kingdom among his daughters. He is going to do this through a “love test”.flattery vs honesty;
words vs actionHis first two daughters flatter him with nice words, but the youngest daughter insists on telling the truth.Hearing the truth, the king gets very angry. he gives all his land
to the first two daughters and leaves nothing to the youngest
one.The youngest daughter becomes Queen of France. After getting what they want the two daughters treat King Lear disrespectfully.King Lear realized that money cannot buy love and true love is expressed by action not words.Fill the blanks with proper words.lovedretire giveCareful reading how muchhappygethonest flatteringnothingangrytruthWhy does King Lear want to give
away his kingdom?Because Lear is old and tired
and wants to retire.Answer the questions. 2. How is he going to decide who to give
the best part of his kingdom to?
3. At the beginning of the play, of which
daughter is King Lear most fond? He is going to ask his three daughters
to tell him how much they love him
and divide up the kingdom according
to their answers.Cordelia.4. Which daughters are already
married and which is not?
5. What are the names of the men
who want to marry King Lear’s
youngest daughter?Regan and Goneril are
married and Cordelia is not.The Duke of Burgundy
and the King of France.6. Who tries to defend Cordelia?
What happens to him when he
speaks out?Kent tries to defend Cordelia but Lear sends him away from the kingdom (He banishes him).Choose words from the box to complete
the table below. Some words belong to
more than one character. honest loyal hot-headed truthful deceitful hard-hearted respectful corrupt greedy innocent foolish cunning bad-tempered loving daughter daughter hot-headed, hard-hearted, foolish,
bad-tempereddeceitful, corrupt, greedy, cunning deceitful, corrupt, greedy, cunning daughter son-in-law son-in-law friend honest, truthful,
loving, innocent (not known yet)(not known yet)loyal respectful,
honest, truthfulOne plays the king, one plays Regan, and another one plays Cordelia. The fourth person plays the duke of Kent and will interview the three characters to find out what they really think.
Here are some questions to consider:Role-play Why did you decide to divide your
kingdom according to how much your
daughters said they loved you?
2. How can you be sure how much your
daughters really love you?
3. What could you have done instead?To King Lear:Were you honest in your answer
to the king?
2. How did you feel when you saw
what happened to Cordelia?
3. Do you think the king behaved fairly?To Regan:Why did you not answer your father’s
question the same way as your sisters?
2. Do you think what happened to you
is fair?
3. What will you do now?To Cordelia:Questions to youDo you think these characters are
true to life? Do you know anyone in
the real world who would behave in a
similar way to any of these characters?
2. If you were King Lear, what would
you do to divide up your kingdom
among your children?
Why do you think King Lear did this
while he was still alive and not after
his death?Homework1. Act the play out with your
2. Find more Information
about the play King Lear.Thank You!