Breaking Recordshurdling footballvolleyballWeight liftingswimmingboxingtennisbadminton table tennis hula hooping pogo stick jumping doing jumping jacks somersaulting standing on a Swiss ball doing lungesABCDEFABCDEFChoose the name of each activity from the listDo you think these activities are easy to do well?
Can you guess what physical abilities you need to do these activities well?
Good physical abilities:
athletic skills
Turn to P 2.
1. Number the paragraphs in the text.
2. Read Para 3---7 and find out what physical difficulties the sportsman has experienced when doing the activities?What are some of the physical difficulties the
sportsman has experienced when walking
with a bottle of milk on his head?
He has to make fine neck adjustments , and has
to rest and eat with the bottle of milk on his
head.What are some of the physical difficulties the sportsman has experienced when standing on top of a Swiss ball?
He needs a great sense of balance, and has to stay on top even though his legs may start shaking. What are some of the physical difficulties the sportsman has experienced when somersaulting?
He has to overcome dizziness, extreme tiredness and pain.What are some of the physical difficulties
the sportsman has experienced when doing gymnastically correct lunges?
Lunges are extremely hard on his legs.What are the qualities or skills required in these activities?
They require an enormous amount of strength and fitness as well as determination.
Now read about a man called Ashrita Furman who has broken Guinness records in all these activities. Read Para 8—Para 11 and Para 1—Para 2. Try to find out what happened to Ashrita Furman in the following time.
aged 16:
in the early 1970s:
in 1978:
in 1979:
over the last 25 years:
He discovered an Indian meditation teacher called Sri Chinmoy.He has been one of Sri Chinmoy’s students.He came third in a 24-hour bicycle marathon in New York’s Central Park.He broke his first Guinness record with 27,000 jumping jacks. He has broken approximately 93 Guinness records.1. Which one of Sri Chinmoy’s beliefs led Ashrita to attempting records?
2. Why was it amazing that Ashrita came third in the bicycle marathon in 1978?
3. Why did Ashrita believe he could accomplish anything after the bicycle marathon?
4. What does he do when he feels like giving up in an event? Read Para 8-11 again and try to answer the
following questions.Which one of Sri Chinmoy’s
beliefs led Ashrita to
attempting records?
The belief that there is no
limit to people’s physical
abilities. It is just as important for people to develop
their bodies as it is to develop their minds,
hearts and spiritual selves. Why was it amazing that
Ashrita came third in the
bicycle marathon in 1978?
He won the third place
even though he had done
no training.Why did Ashrita believe he
could accomplish anything
after the bicycle marathon?
Because he came to the understanding
that his body was just an instrument
of the spirit and that he seemed to be
able to use his spirit to accomplish anything. He believed there is no physical limitation. ________________________
_________ What does he do when he feels like giving up in an event?
When he feels like giving up, he goes deep within himself and connects with his soul and his teacher to keep on. ____
_________________ “Yet this talented sportsman is not a natural athlete.”Read Para 12—Para 13. Try to answer this question: In Ashrita’s opinion, what contributes to his success?Over the last 25 years, he has broken approximately 93 Guinness records.
Recently, Ashrita achieved his dream of breaking a record in all seven continents.There is only one perfect road. It is
ahead of you, always ahead of you.He owes his success to his teacher. He remembers his teacher’s words:“The Road is always ahead of you”1.Why is the title in quotation mark?
2.Why does the writer choose this sentence as the title?
3.Can you choose another title for the passage?Discussion