课件18张PPT。UNIT 1TELEPHONE CONVERSATIONSLESSON 3Let’s learn…May I speak to Fred, please?It’s Saturday evening. Lee is calling his friend, Fred.Fred’s mother, Mrs. Brown, answers the phone.Mrs. Brown: Hello!Lee: Hello, may I speak to Fred, please?Mrs. Brown: Who is calling?Lee: It’s Lee. Fred’s friend.Mrs. Brown: I’ll call Lee. Hold on, please.Lee: Thank you.Fred’s mother calls Fred to answer the phone.Mrs. Brown: This is for you, Fred.Fred: I’m taking a shower. Mom, who is it?Mrs. Brown: It’s Lee.Fred: Please tell him I will call him later. Mrs. Brown: I’m afraid Fred is taking a shower. He will call you back.Lee: Ok, thank you. Mrs. Brown.Mrs. Brown: What’s your telephone number, please?Lee: 1820463868, thank you. Mrs. Brown.What do you learn from this story?Talk with your friends.Game Time!记忆大比拼!老师将单词卡片按照随意
据记忆将单词还原。Homework1.Remember these new words.
2.Read the dialogue to your parents. Thank You!