物理沪科版必修2:同步测控(6.2 狭义相对论的基本原理)(带解析)


名称 物理沪科版必修2:同步测控(6.2 狭义相对论的基本原理)(带解析)
格式 rar
文件大小 774.6KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 沪科版
科目 物理
更新时间 2011-02-28 16:48:00


我夯基 我达标
答案:时间和空间是分离的 时间尺度和空间尺度与物质运动无关
答案:牛顿运动定律 惯性系
答案:牛顿运动定律都成立的参考系 是 相同 等效 伽利略相对性原理
我综合 我发展
7.下列说法正确的是( )
答案:(1)A先接收到 (2)同时接收到

                 Unit 1 Great scientists
Period One Warming Up,Pre-reading and Reading
John Snow was a famous doctor in London—so expert,indeed,that he attended Queen Victoria as her personal physician.约翰·斯诺是伦敦一位著名的医生——他的确医术精湛,因而成为照料维多利亚女王的私人医生。(回归课本)
The patients are well attended in the hospital.
I have a good doctor attending (on) me.
They have an important meeting to attend.
attendant n.服务员,侍者;adj.伴随的,陪从的
attendance n.出席,到场
attend a lecture/a movie听演讲/看电影
attend school/class上学/上课
attend a meeting参加会议
attend on/upon sb.伺候某人,照顾某人
attend to 处理;注意倾听;专心于,照料
(1)Business has to be_attended_to(要料理).
(2)He was very tired after the long run and expected somebody to attend_on_him(照顾他).
(3)Did you attend_the_wedding(参加那个婚礼)yesterday?
The second suggested that people absorbed this disease into their bodies with their meals.第二种看法是人们是在吃饭的时候把病毒引入体内的。(回归课本)
Cotton gloves absorb sweat.棉手套吸汗。
The old man was completely absorbed in the book.
Small businesses are absorbed by big ones.
absorbed adj.注意力集中的,专心致志的
absorbing adj.非常吸引人的,引人入胜的
absorber n.吸收器;吸收者
be absorbed in专心于,全神贯注于
(1)When I came in,the teacher was_absorbed_in_thought(在沉思中).
(2)Aspirin is_absorbed(很快吸收)by/into the body.
(3)The company has gradually absorbed_the_small_ones(逐渐吞并了那些小公司).
3 blame v.责备,谴责;把……归咎于;n.过失;责备
It seemed that the water was_to_blame.看来水是罪魁祸首。(回归课本)
If you are not to blame,then who is?
We were ready to take the blame of what had happened.
The police blamed the traffic accident on Jack’s careless driving.
blame sb. for sth./doing sth.因为某事责备某人/责备某人做了某事
blame sth. on sb.把……归咎于某人
be to blame (for) 应(为……)承担责任;该(为……)受责备(不用被动语态)
put/lay the blame for sth.on sb.将……归咎于某人
blameful adj.有过错的,该受责备的
blameless adj.无可责难的,无过错的
(1)Blamed_for_the_breakdown_of_the_school_computer_network(因学校网络故障受到责备),Alice was in low spirits.
(2)He deserved to be_blamed_for(受到责备)his carelessness.
(3)She’ll put the_blame_on_us(怪罪我们)if it turns out badly.
The water companies were_instructed_not_to expose people to polluted water any more.自来水公司也接到命令,不能再让人们接触被污染的水了。(回归课本)
She instructed me in the use of the telephone.
Those boys were instructed to wait there.
Our teacher instructed that we (should) hand in our papers after class.
instruction n.教授;指导;(复数)用法说明,操作指南
instructive adj.指示性的,有教育意义的
instructor n.辅导员,讲师
be instructed to do sth.被指示做某事
(1)When I came in,he was instructing his son how_to_repair_a_car(如何修汽车).
(2)The teacher instructed_the_students_to_start_off(命令学生出发).
(3)You must read_the_instructions(阅读说明书)before you use it.
But he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera.但当他一想到要帮助(那些)受到霍乱威胁的普通百姓时,他就感到振奋。(回归课本)
Don’t expose it to the sun.不要把它暴露在阳光下。
The film has been exposed.这个胶卷曝光了。
The magazine exposed the politician as a crook.
be exposed to使暴露在……
expose sb./sth. to...使……暴露在……
expose sth.揭露某事
exposure n.暴露,揭露
overexpose v.使(胶片等)曝光过度;对……报道过频
(1)He_exposed_the_plan(他透露了这个计划)to the newspapers.
(2)Keep indoors and don’t_expose_your_skin_to_the_sun(不要让皮肤暴露在太阳下).
(3)The photograph is too light:it must have_been_overexposed(曝光过度).
draw a conclusion得出结论(回归课本)
He concluded his speech with some amusing remarks.
He concluded that the plan was not workable.
What can you conclude from these facts?
conclusion n.结论;结束;议定
arrive at/come to/draw/reach a conclusion得出结论
make a conclusion下结论
in conclusion最后,总之
jump to conclusions/a conclusion贸然断定,贸然下结论
bring...to a conclusion使……结束
(1)You should think twice before making the decision.Don’t jump_to_conclusions(贸然下结论).
(2)We came_to_a_conclusion(得出结论)that the stranger must have stolen something.
(3)You should bring the matter to_an_early_conclusion(早日了结).
John Snow defeats “King Cholera”.约翰·斯诺击败“霍乱王”。(回归课本)
They were defeated in the football match.
Their first revolution had ended in defeat.
In that battle,our soldiers defeated the enemy.
a total defeat一次彻底的失败
a decisive defeat一次决定性的失败
(1)Lack of the support of my parents defeated my dream.
(2)The test completely defeated me.
(3)The proposal was defeated by 16 votes to 5.
Neither its cause nor its cure was understood.人们既不知道它的病源,也不了解它的治疗方法。(回归课本)
This method can cure your bad eyesight.
The medicine can cure you of your headache.
We haven’t found an effective cure for cancer by now.
cure sb. of...治愈某人的……
(1)Prevention is better than cure.
(2)It might be several months before she’s fully cured.
(3)Nothing seemed to cure him of his nervousness.
Who put_forward a theory about black holes?谁提出了关于黑洞的理论?(回归课本)
He had no desire to put forward his plan.
Are you serious in putting forward such a view?
We put him forward for the position of chairman.
put away放好
put an end to结束
put down记下
put off推迟
put on穿上;戴上
put out扑灭;关熄(灯)
put up挂起;举起;贴(广告等)
put up with忍受
(1)The_theory_put_forward_by_Einstein(爱因斯坦提出的理论)was later proved to be true.
(2)There are many inconveniences that have to_be_put_up_with(容忍)when camping.
(3)The fire had_been_put_out(扑灭)before the firemen arrived.

In another part of London,he found supporting evidence from two other deaths that were_linked_to the Broad Street outbreak.在伦敦的另一个地区,他从两个与宽街暴发的霍乱有关联的死亡病例中又发现了有力的证据。(回归课本)
The poet links the human heart to the life of the earth.
The road links all the new towns.
link together使连接在一起
link up把……连接起来,汇合
(1)Fingerprints linked the suspect to the crime.
(2)Keep close links with the masses.
(3)We link up with the company.

Next,John Snow looked_into the source of the water for these two streets.接下来,约翰·斯诺调查了这两条街的水源情况。(回归课本)
He promised me to look into the matter.
The government will look into how to reduce unemployment.
look about/around/round朝四周看;考虑;察看
look out (for sb./sth.)警惕或留心某人/某事
look down on/upon sb.瞧不起某人
look on旁观
look back回顾
(1)I usually look into a book before deciding whether to read it.
(2)“Will you really quit the job?” he asked,looking into my eyes.
(3)The police are now looking into the matter.

To prevent this from happening again,John Snow suggested that the source of all the water supplies be examined.为了防止这种情况的再度发生,约翰·斯诺建议所有水源都要经过检测。(回归课本)
She closed the gate to prevent the dog (from) going out of the garden.
The rain prevented us (from) coming in time.
stop...(from) doing sth.阻止……干……
keep... from doing sth.阻止……干……,此短语中from不能省略
The children are neither in the room nor in the garden.
The girl neither sang nor danced at the party.
Neither she nor I am good at English.
not only...but also...不仅……而且……
(1)Either you or I am_right(是正确的).
(2)Neither_do_I_want_to_know_it(我不想知道这件事),nor do I care about it.
(3)Not only is_he_interested_in_English(他对英语感兴趣),but also he likes maths.
2 To prevent this from happening again,John Snow suggested that the source of all the water supplies be examined.为了防止这种情况的再度发生,约翰·斯诺建议所有水源都要经过检测。
suggest (to sb.) that...意为“(向某人)建议……”,此时that从句中的谓语动词要用should+v.形式,should可以省略。
The doctor suggested he not work deep into the night.
I suggested to him that he join in the club activities.
The first suggested that cholera multiplied in the air.
Are you suggesting that I am not suited for the job?
Her expression suggested that she was angry.
1.After examining the patient,the doctor advised him to have a good rest.
2.Don’t expose your skin to direct sunlight.
3.Moving to the country cured her of the illness.
4.We kept on pumping water out of the ship to prevent it from sinking.
5.The characteristic(特点)I like best in her is her cheerfulness.
6.Only by scientific(科学的)training can Liu Xiang make such rapid progress in 110-meter hurdles.
7.She often concludes(结束)her class with a funny story.
8.The teacher announced(宣布)that we would have a few days off.
attend to,put forward,link...to...,every time,expose...to...,be to blame,divide...into,be absorbed in
1.She is always doing housework every_time I come to visit her.
2.I don’t know how I can attend_to it.
3.Who put_forward this suggestion?It’s very useful.
4.Pay attention,our interests are_linked_to yours.
5.Being_exposed to sunlight for too much time will do harm to our skin.
6.Let’s divide ourselves into several groups.
7.Not I but Tom was_to_blame_for the car accident.
8.The little girl was_absorbed_in reading a novel when I came in.
1.This is the plan which was suggested at the meeting.
This is the plan which was put forward at the meeting.
2.The surrounding villages have been taken in the growing city.
The surrounding villages have been absorbed into the growing city.
3.The statue was taken away from the city center to the park.
The statue was removed from the city center to the park.
4.I want to have my own car.
I want to have a car of my own.
5.He has important things to attend to.
He has important things to deal with.
1.Don’t you think it was hundreds of experiments that led_to(导致)his great discovery?
2.To my surprise,they drew_a_conclusion_from(从……得出结论)the same fact.
3.As a nurse in the war,she was_exposed_to_many_dangers(置身于多种危险中).
4.A spell in the army will_cure_him_of_his_laziness(将会治愈他的懒惰).
5.He had_looked_through_many_books(查阅了许多书籍)before he started the research project.
6.Suddenly the plane was_out_of_control(失去控制).
1.The biggest change brought about by China’s 30 years of reform and opening up is________in the thinking of the Chinese people.
A.it B.one C.those D.that
答案 B
解析 one用作替代词,代替前面提到的a change。
2.Shenzhou Ⅶ,China’s third manned spacecraft,was launched into________space,accomplishing________most ambitious and risky task—spacewalk.
A.the;the B.the;a C./;a D./;the
答案 C
解析 space作“太空”讲,是一个抽象名词,不加任何冠词。由句意“中国的第三载人宇宙飞船‘神舟七号’成功发射到太空,同时完成了一次最雄心勃勃、最危险的任务——太空漫步”知应选C项。
3.________night coming on,they set off for home.
A.As B.With C.By D.When
答案 B
解析 with“随着”是介词,故后面是复合结构。
4.Nothing can________me finishing my work,I’ll carry on with it.
A.prevent B.keep C.lead D.help
答案 A
解析 prevent sb.(from)doing sth.阻止某人干某事。
5.All the students were________by the________speech given by him.
A.inspired;inspired B.inspiring;inspiring
C.inspired;inspiring D.inspiring;inspired
答案 C
解析 inspired受到鼓舞的;inspiring鼓舞人心的,令人鼓舞的。
6.Not only I but also Jane and Mary________tired of having one exam after another.
A.is B.are C.am D.be
答案 B
解析 not only...but also...连接并列主语时,谓语动词要按照就近原则。
7.I feel it is your husband who________for it.
A.is to blame B.is going to blame
C.is to be blamed D.should blame
答案 A
解析 be to blame应该受到惩罚,是固定结构。
8.John plays football________,if not better than,David.
A.as well B.as well as C.so well D.so well as
答案 B
解析 句意为:约翰踢球如果不比大卫好的话,就和他踢得一样好。
9.______,mother will wait for him to have dinner together.
A.However late is he B.However late he is
C.However is he late D.However he is late
答案 B
解析 本句结构是however+adj./adv.+主语+谓语。
10.She looks forward every spring to________the flower-lined garden.
A.visit B.paying a visit
C.walk in D.walking in
答案 D
解析 look forward to sth./doing sth.中“to”是介词。
There was a boy in India who was sent to a boarding school(寄宿学校)by his parents.__1__being sent away,this boy was the __2__student in his class.He was at the top in every__3__and always got high marks.
But the boy changed after __4__home and attending the boarding school.His grades started __5__.He hated being in a(n)__6__.He was lonely all the time.And there were dark times when he __7__to commit suicide(自杀).All of this was because he felt__8__and thought no one loved him.
His parents started__9__the boy.But they didn’t even know what was wrong with him.So his__10__decided to go to the boarding school and __11__him.
They sat on the bank of the lake near the school.The father started asking him some questions about his classes,__12__and sports.After some time,his dad said,“Do you know,son,why I am here today?”
The boy answered,“To check my __13__?”
“__14__,”his dad replied.“I am here to tell you that you are the most important person to me.I want to see you __15__.I don’t care about grades.I care about you.I care about your happiness.You are my life.”
These words__16__the boy’s eyes to fill with tears.He__17__his dad.They didn’t say anything to each other for a long time.
Now the boy had __18__he wanted.He knew there was someone on this earth who cared for him deeply.He __19__the world to him.And today,this young man is in college at the top of his class,and no one has ever seen him __20__!
1.A. After B.Before C.Because D.Since
答案 B
解析 根据后文的“He was at the top...and always got high marks.”可知这个男孩在被送往寄宿学校之前,在他原来的班里他是最聪明的学生。
2.A. saddest B.tallest C.brightest D.prettiest
答案 C
解析 根据语境可知这个小男孩以前是班里最聪明的学生。
3.A. exam B.activity C.brightest D.sport
答案 A
解析 根据“and always got high marks”的语境可知男孩在每次考试中都名列前茅。
4.A .running B.returning C.leaving D.reaching
答案 C
解析 根据“attending the boarding school”的语境可知这个男孩在离开家上了寄宿学校之后变了。
5.A. rising B.losing C.escaping D.dropping
答案 D
解析 根据后文可知,男孩在新的环境中经历了情绪上的波动,有几次甚至想要自杀,故知他的成绩下降了。
6.A. group B.office finema D.hole
答案 A
解析 根据“He was lonely all the time.”可知他不喜欢集体活动。
7.A. set out B.wanted C.made up D.gave up
答案 B
解析 根据“And there were dark times”的语境可知男孩几度想自杀。
8.A. worthless B.careless
C.excited D.pleased
答案 A
解析 根据语境可知男孩情绪低落是因为他觉得没有人爱他,没有人在乎他,感觉自己很没用。
9.A. thinking of B.suffering from
C.worrying about D.talking about
答案 C
解析 根据语境可知他的父母开始担心起他来。
10.A. brother B.uncle C.mom D.dad
答案 D
解析 根据后文的“The father started asking him some questions about his classes”可知男孩的父亲去学校找到了他,和他进行了一次交谈。
11.A. talk with B.listen to C.find out D.look after
答案 A
解析 根据后文父亲与男孩谈话的语境可知父亲想去学校找儿子谈谈。
12.A. parents B.teachers C.desks D.schools
答案 B
解析 根据语境可知父亲问男孩一些关于课程、老师、运动之类的问题。
13.A classmates B.books
C.grades D.papers
答案 C
解析 根据后文的“I don’t care about grades.”可知男孩以为父亲是来检查他的成绩的。
14.A. Yes B.No C.Sure D.Yeah
答案 B
解析 从下文父亲说的话可推知,对于他来说,男孩是这个世界上最重要的人,他只在乎他,而不是他的学习和分数,所以他应该是说“不”。
15.A. happy B.smart C.lovely D.quiet
答案 A
解析 根据语境可知父亲跟男孩说他希望看到他快乐。
16.A caused B.advised
C.encouraged D.set
答案 A
解析 根据语境可知这些话使男孩眼里充满了泪水。
17.A. felt B.upset C.faced D.hugged
答案 D
解析 从文章所描述的情节可看出,男孩听了父亲的话后,眼里充满了泪水,可知他应是拥抱了父亲。
18.A .nothing B.someone
C.everything D.nobody
答案 C
解析 男孩听了父亲的话后,感觉拥有了他所想要的一切:即父母的关爱。
19.A. showed B.meant
C.produced D.expressed
答案 B
解析 根据语境可知,男孩知道他对他父亲来说意味着整个世界。
20.A. sad B.angry C.wordless D.crazy
答案 A
解析 根据语境可知男孩上了大学后,从没有人看到他伤心过。

 Unit 2 The United Kingdom
Period One Warming Up,Pre-reading and Reading
...,and for convenience it is_divided roughly into three zones.……为方便起见,英格兰大致可以划分为三个地区。(回归课本)
She divided the apple in half.
He divided the cake into six pieces.
Eight divided by two is four.
divide sth.in half/into halves把……分成两半
divide up划分;分配
divide by除以
divide sth. between A and B把……分配在A和B上
(1)He has decided to divide_the_books_between_Class_1_and_Class_2(把这些书分配给一班和二班).
(2)The apple was_divided_into_halves/in_half(被一分为二).
(3)15 divided_by_3(除以3) is 5.
England is the largest of the four countries,and for_convenience it is divided roughly into three zones.在这四个国家中,英格兰是最大的。为方便起见,它大致可以划分为三个地区。(回归课本)
Many stores have a delivery service for the convenience of customers.
Come to me at your earliest convenience.
Is this evening convenient for you to go out?
at one’s convenience在某人方便的时候
for convenience’s sake为了方便起见
convenience food方便食品
convenient adj.方便的,便利的
inconvenient adj.不方便的,不便利的
(1)It’s an inconvenient_time(时间不方便)to come.
(2)It causes_a_lot_of_inconvenience(造成许多不便)when buses don’t come.
(3)Drop in on me when it_is_convenient_to_you(你方便的时候).
How many countries does the UK consist_of?联合王国由几个国家组成?(回归课本)
A university consists of teachers,administrators and students.
The information consists with her account.
consist in存在于;在于
consist of由……组成(同义词组be made up of)
consist with与……一致
(1)The happiness of a country consists in the freedom of its citizens.
(2)The entire world consists of matter.
It’s a pity that the industrial cities built in the 19th century do not attract visitors.很遗憾,这些建于19世纪的工业城市对游客并没有吸引力。(回归课本)
The actress attracted much attention.
I had been attracted by the idea of working abroad.
The cinema has little attraction for some people.
attraction n.[C]诱人之处,吸引人的地方(东西);[U]吸引力
attractive adj.吸引人的
(1)The_attraction_of_the_moon(月球的吸引力)for the earth causes the tides.
(2)The Great Wall is one_of_the_great_tourist_attractions(吸引人的景点之一)of the world.
(3)A magnet(磁石)attracts_iron(吸铁).
However,the southern part of Ireland was unwilling and broke away to form its own government.然而,爱尔兰的南部不愿意组建联合王国,它分离出去并建立了自己的政府。(回归课本)
He is unwilling to help me.
You are plainly unwilling to co-operate.
It’s hard to pump facts into unwilling students.
be unwilling to do sth.不情愿做某事
be willing to do sth.乐意做某事
unwillingly adv.勉强地
unwillingness n.不愿意
(1)Jane was_unwilling_to_admit(不愿意承认)she was wrong.
(2)She unwillingly(勉强地)agreed to go with them.
Happily this was_accomplished without conflict when King James of Scotland became King of England and Wales as well.令人庆幸地是,当苏格兰的詹姆斯国王成为英格兰和威尔士的国王时,这三个国家和平地实现了联合。(回归课本)
The students accomplished the task in less than ten minutes.
I accomplished two hours’ work before dinner.
to accomplish a purpose达到目的
accomplished adj.熟练的;有造诣的;精湛的
accomplishment n.成就;成绩;造诣;才艺
(1)The explorers accomplished the voyage in five weeks.
(2)We didn’t accomplish much at work this week.
You can clarify this question if you study British history.如果你学过英国的历史,你就能够阐明这个问题。(回归课本)
I’ll clarify my stand at a proper time.
Could you clarify the question?
clarification n.澄清;解释
clarify one’s stand/position阐明自己的立场
clarified adj.纯净的
(1)His mind suddenly clarified.
(2)We are seeking clarification from the judge.
To_their_credit the four countries do work together in some areas...值得赞扬的是,这四个国家在某些方面的确是合作。(回归课本)
His success brings credit to his family.
He earned enough credits for his degree.
to one’s credit值得赞扬;在……名下
be a credit to...为……赢得荣誉的人(或事物)
give credit to...相信;称赞
lose credit with sb.失去某人的信任
have credit with sb.得到某人的信任
(1)No credit is given at this shop.
(2)Our international credit is excellent.
(3)She is a credit to her family.
9 break away (from)挣脱(束缚);脱离;改掉(习惯)
However,the southern part of Ireland was unwilling and broke_away to form its own government.然而,爱尔兰的南部不愿意组建联合王国,它分离出去并建立了自己的政府。(回归课本)
The boy broke away from his mother and ran away.
It’s not easy for him to break away from bad habits.
break out(战争、火灾、瘟疫等)爆发
break down(机器等)出故障;(身体等)垮掉
break up分解,解散;击碎;使停止,结束
break into闯入;突然发出
break off中断
(1)A quarrel broke_out_between_them(在他们之间突然爆发).
(2)It’s wrong of him to_break_away_from_all_his_friends(和所有的朋友断绝关系).

Which country is_left_out?哪个国家被漏掉了?(回归课本)
—She left out an important detail in her report.
—Yes,she left out Question 10.
Don’t leave me out please!
leave alone不管;别惹;撇下……一个人
leave aside搁置
leave for动身到(某处)
leave off停止;脱掉;关上
leave behind 留下(不带走);遗忘(没拿);遗留
leave word留下话(口信)
(1)In copying this paper,be careful not to leave out any words.
(2)He should not have left out the funniest part of the story.

Happily this was accomplished without_conflict...令人高兴的是,完成这次合并没有发生冲突……(回归课本)
The two political parties are now in conflict on foreign policies.
Armed conflict could start at any time in that area.
conflict between two countries两国间的冲突
a bloody conflict血战
come into conflict with...和……冲突
in conflict with...同……相冲突/有抵触/有矛盾
conflict n.争论,争吵;冲突;战争;矛盾
(1)She is in conflict with her employer over pay.
(2)He and his wife frequently came into conflict.
be known as被称作;被认为;以……而知名/著称
...and the one nearest to Scotland is_known_as the North.最靠近苏格兰的那个地区叫做英格兰北部。(回归课本)
He is known as a fair judge.
The village is known as Garden Mill.
be known for...因……而出名
be known to sb.为……所知
be known by根据……得知
make oneself known to sb.自我介绍
(1)She is known_mostly_for_her_love_poetry(主要以她的爱情诗出名).
(2)He was best_known_as_a_painter(以画家的身份最为出名).
(3)He made_himself_known_to_the_audience(向观众做了自我介绍).
1 It’s a pity that the industrial cities built in the 19th century do not attract visitors.遗憾的是这些建于19世纪的工业城市对游客并没有吸引力。
It’s a pity you missed the sports meeting last week.
It’s a pity too much waste has been poured into the river.
It is a pity that he is ill.
It+be+名词词组(no wonder,an honor,a good thing,a pity,no surprise,etc.)+that从句
(1)It’s no_surprise(不惊奇)that our team has won the game.
(2)It’s_a_pity(真遗憾)that such a thing (should) happen in your class.
(3)It’s_a_pity (真遗憾)that you’re leaving.
2 To their credit the four countries do work together in some areas,...值得赞扬的是,这四个国家在某些方面的确是合作的……
You do look beautiful today.
I did clean the room last night.
He does like collecting stamps.
(1)Do be careful!务必小心!
(2)He did call you yesterday.他昨天的确给你打电话了。
(3)We do like play football.我们的确喜欢踢足球。

1.The club now consists of more than 2,000 members.
2.Let’s make it tomorrow if it suits your convenience.
3.15 divided by 3 equals 5.
4.Being your own boss is one of the attractions of owing your own business.
5.His mind suddenly clarified(清醒)after the teacher’s explanations
6.Roughly(粗略地)speaking,I would say that about 100 people attended the meeting.
7.The government has shown an unwillingness(不愿意)to negotiate on this issue.
8.We spent an enjoyable(令人愉快的)evening chatting about old times.
break away from,leave out,consist of,be linked to,for convenience,as well as,divide into,break down?
1.Do you believe their diet mainly consists_of vegetables?
2.The prisoner broke_away_from his guards and escaped.
3.Because of the strong wind,the telephone system has_broken_down.
4.This kind of light can closely be_linked_to skin cancer.
5.You can keep the name list on the table for_convenience.
6.You’ve made a mistake you’ve left_out the letter “F”.
7.Electric energy can be changed into light energy as_well_as into sound energy.
8.The Summer Olympics run for about two weeks and the summer athletic events are divided_into five categories.
1.He speaks not only Chinese but also Russian.
He speaks Russian as well as Chinese.
2.The exhibition is worth visiting.
The exhibition is worth a visit.
3.I hope what I say will make the situation clear.
I hope what I say will clarify the situation.
4.“Do be careful!” he said to us.
He told us to be careful.
5.How many countries does the UK consist of?
How many countries is the UK made up of?
1.She left_out(漏掉)a “c” in “account”.
2.It was strange that he should_have_made(竟然作出了)such a foolish decision.
3.He divides_his_energy_between(把精力分别用于)politics and business.
4.It’s_no_wonder/No_wonder(难怪)you were late—you got up so late.
5.The exhibition has_attracted_thousands_of_visitors(吸引了成千上万的参观者).
6.Mark Twain influenced_his_writing_style(影响了他的写作风格)in some way.
1.The girl stood there,keeping her eyes________and her mouth________.
A close;open B.close;opened
C closed;opened D.closed;open
答案 D
解析 句意为:那个女孩站在那里,眼睛闭着,嘴巴张着。keep one’s eyes closed and one’s mouth open中closed用过去分词,open用形容词。
2.She said she was not________to accept the honor they had offered her.
A.worthwhile B.worth
C.worthy D.valuable
答案 A
解析 be worthwhile to do sth./doing sth.,be worthy of sth./doing sth.,be worth doing sth.均用主语语态,这三个词组都表示“值得……的”,故选A项。
3.A library with five thousand books________to the nation as a gift.
A.are offered B.have been offered
C.had been offered D.is offered
答案 D
解析 本句的主语是a library,因此谓语动词要用单数,故选D项。
4.—When could you have a meal with me?
—I’d like to go whenever it is________to you.
A.fit B.nice C convenient D.suit
答案 C
解析 表示“某人方便的时候”常用It is convenient to sb.的结构。
5.With summer________near,it is hotter and hotter.
A came B.comes C coming D.come
答案 C
解析 句意为:随着夏天的临近,天越来越热了。with+宾语+doing用作状语,故选C项。
6.—I wonder if I could use your phone.
—________.I won’t use it until 8∶45.
A.Yes,you could B.Go ahead
C.I’m afraid not D.Please do
答案 B
解析 go ahead意思是“干吧!说吧!用吧!”。
7.I enjoy noodles________by my mother,which tastes very delicious.
A cooked B.cooking
C.being cooked D.being cooking
答案 A
解析 noodles cooked by my mother妈妈做的面条。由于noodles和cook之间存在着动宾关系,故选A项。
8.The test________a number of multiple choice questions.
A consists of B.lies in C.makes of D.takes in
答案 A
解析 句意为:这次测试包括(含有)许多选择题。consist of由……组成,包含,故选A项。
9.—Class Nine won the relay race.
—________!They’ve never won before!
A.How surprise B.What big surprise
C.How surprised D.What a great surprise
答案 D
解析 感叹句有两种形式:How+adj.和What+a/an+adj.+n.,但是在这儿应该用How surprising!多么令人吃惊啊!因此答案是What a great surprise!真是一件令人吃惊的事。
10.He________to see me and help me with my English when I was ill.
A.did come B.did came
C comes D.was coming
答案 A
解析 do/did/dose+v.原形,意思是“的确,确实;千万,务必”。
Roberta appeared on the stage.She took a deep breath and began to__1__.Now she was Portia,a strong-willed__2__in Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice.The theater was filled with people.She was speaking with a power she had never before experienced,the words flowing__3__ from her.
__4__,Roberta had never acted in her life before the audition(选拔试演).She__5__ being in front of other people.She was very__6__ at school.She had never thought she was good enough at anything to__7__ much attention.She stayed mostly to herself,making__8__ friends.She had excellent grades,__9__ she always thought that something was missing.
Two weeks before the audition,Roberta’s mother had heard about it and__10__ her to join in.
“I can’t think of anyone else better suited to __11__the part.Remember all the plays you used to act out for us.”
Roberta looked down.“I’m not interested.”
Her mother wouldn’t let the __12__drop.“You’re just a little scared(害怕).Everyone gets scared.You know you__13__ do it.The trick is to look past the __14__to find the love of what you’re doing.”
So Roberta had made an appointment(预约)with the head of the Drama Club.She had read the play and found herself excited by the __15__ of speaking such rich words.In secret she practiced Portia’s part, __16__the lines by repeating them over and over.It wasn’t hard;she__17__every minute of it.Every time she spoke the words,she had a new__18__ of the lines,as if Shakespeare had written Portia on many levels.
On the day of the audition,she__19__two of Portia’s famous speeches for the auditors.When she had finished,the head of the Drama Club announced the __20__ was hers.
1.A.sing B.dance C.speak D.report
答案 C
解析 由文章第一段最后一句“She was speaking...”可知此处应用speak。
2.A. member B.actress
C.player D.character
答案 D
解析 Portia是莎士比亚戏剧中的一个“人物”。
3.A. weakly B.rapidly C.smoothly D.slowly
答案 C
解析 由上下文可知她演讲时充满激情,话语从口中“顺畅地”流出。
4.A. At first B.In fact
C.After all D.In all
答案 B
解析 事实上,她在这次选拔试演前从未表演过。
5.A .hated B.enjoyed
C.appreciated D.regretted
答案 A
解析 她讨厌站在众人前面。
6.A. honest B.shy C.polite D.patient
答案 B
解析 由上下文可知她在学校里很害羞,不善交际。
7.A. avoid B.focus C.pay D.attract
答案 D
解析 她从来没有想到她能够吸引别人的注意。
8.A. few B.a few C.several D.many
答案 A
解析 她在多数情况下独处,很少交朋友。
9.A. or B.so C.for D.but
答案 D
解析 由上下文可知,此处为转折关系。
10.A. forced B.requested
C.encouraged D.reminded
答案 C
解析 母亲听说选拔试演的事之后,“鼓励”她参加。
11.A. accept B.play C.offer D.learn
答案 B
解析 play the part“扮演这一角色”。
12.A. role B.matter C.interest D.grade
答案 B
解析 母亲不愿就这样放弃“这件事”,即“让女儿参加表演”一事。
13.A can B.must C.may D.should
答案 A
解析 句意为:“你知道你能成功。”
14.A .anger B.pain C.sadness D.fear
答案 D
解析 句意为:“窍门是你要超越恐惧,找到你对所做之事的热爱或兴趣。”
15.A. purpose B.way
C.idea D.importance
答案 C
解析 她读了剧本,并发现自己对说出这些丰富的话语的“想法”感到兴奋。
16.A. memorizing B.organizing
C checking D.improving
答案 A
解析 私下里她练习Portia这一角色,“记住了”台词。
17.A. disliked B.loved
C.expected D.bore
答案 B
解析 她“热爱”练习的每一分钟。
18.A consideration B.description
C.selection D.understanding
答案 D
解析 每次她说这些话语时,对这些话语(台词)便会有新的“理解”。
19.A. practiced B.planned
C.performed D.delivered
答案 C
解析 在选拔试演这一天,她为听众“表演”了Portia的两个著名的演说。
20.A. part B.play C.speech D.position
答案 A
解析 最后宣布Portia这一“角色”由她来演。
Unit 3 Life in the future
Period One Warming Up,Pre-reading and Reading
What were your first impressions of Beijing?
The book left/made a deep impression on him.
What he said gave her a bad impression.
impress v.给……留下印象;使感动
have/make a good/bad impression on sb.给某人留下好/坏印象
impressive adj.给人深刻印象的
an impressive scene难忘的场面
an impressive story感人的故事
(1)His heroic deed created a_lasting_impression_on_people(给人留下了永不磨灭的印象).
(2)He looked around the house,wished to impress everything on_his_mind(铭记在脑海中).
I have to remind myself constantly that I am really in AD 3008.我得不断提醒自己,我已进入公元3008年。(回归课本)
He reminded me of his brother.
I reminded him to answer that letter.
I reminded him that he must go home before dark.
remind sb. of sth.提醒某人某事
remind sb.to do sth.提醒某人做某事
remind sb. that-clause 提醒某人……
reminder n.提醒物;通知单
Hit by a lack of fresh air,my head ached.由于缺乏新鲜空气,我感到头痛。(回归课本)
I can’t buy the bike because of my lack of money.
A lack of food caused her to grow weak.
We still lack the necessary information.
lack (for) sth.缺少……
be lacking in sth.缺少……
for/by/from/through lack of因缺乏……,因没有……
(a) lack of...……方面的缺乏
have no lack of不缺乏……
(1)He was acquitted for_lack_of_evidence(因证据不足).
(2)He is_lacking_in_responsibility(不够负责).
These carriages float above the ground and by bending or pressing down in your seat,you can move swiftly.这些气垫车是在地面上方飘浮着的,只要在座位上把操纵杆打弯或压下,你就可以迅速地移动。(回归课本)
He pressed the doorbell but nobody answered.
He pressed his way through the crowd and bought the gift.
As we all know,the power of the press is great.
be pressed逼迫;拮据
be pressed for time/money缺少时间/金钱
press on/upon努力继续或前进
(1)She pressed the button to start the engine.
(2)Don’t press him to do what he doesn’t like to do.
Just as I tried to make the necessary adjustment to this new situation,Wang Ping appeared.正当我要为了适应新环境而做一些必要的调整时,王平出现了。(回归课本)
I have made a few adjustments to the plan.
She made a quick adjustment to her new job.
Some adjustments may be necessary.
adjust to适应
adjustable adj.可调整的
(1)She adjusted the seat to the height of her child.
(2)He soon adjusted to school life.
(3)You must adjust yourself to new circumstances.
Then Wang Ping flashed a switch on a computer screen,and a table and some chairs rose from under the floor as if by magic.然后王平把电脑荧屏上的开关闪了一下,于是一张桌子和几把椅子就像变魔术般地从地板下面升了起来。(回归课本)
There is a switch on the wall for turning on the lights.
He switched the conversation from one subject to another.
switch around(使)经常更换工作;使变换位置
switch from (to)变换;转移
switch to转(换)到
switch off切断(电流);不收听(某一广播);不关注
switch on 接上(电流);收听;(使)兴致勃勃
(1)Please switch_off(关掉)your mobile phone.
(2)I used to cook on electricity,but I’ve switched_to_gas(换成天然气了).
(3)Don’t switch_the_TV_on(开电视).
Have a class discussion and decide whether you think the writer has an optimistic or a pessimistic view of the future.全班同学讨论一下,判断作者对未来是持有乐观还是悲观的态度。(回归课本)
The graduates are optimistic about their future.
The sixties were,in general,an optimistic decade.
be optimistic about对……抱乐观态度
optimism n.乐观,乐观主义
optimist n.乐观者,乐观主义者
pessimism n.悲观主义
pessimist n.悲观主义者
pessimistic adj.悲观的
(1)She said she was optimistic about the future of the company.
(2)I remain optimistic that a peaceful settlement of the dispute can be achieved.
8 uncertain adj.不确定的;不能断定的;心中无数的
So I was very nervous and uncertain at first.因此,我一开始就感到神经过敏和心神不定。(回归课本)
We are uncertain about how to deal with this matter.
I am used to the uncertain weather in Britain.
It is uncertain whether/why/how etc.不清楚……
remain uncertain仍不得而知
be uncertain about/of对……心中无数;不能断定
uncertainly adv.不清楚地;不确定地
uncertainty n.不知道;不确定
(1)The economic outlook was beginning to look uncertain.
(2)I left the meeting feeling anxious,and was uncertain about what to do next.
I still cannot believe that I’m taking_up the prize that I won last year.我现在仍然不能相信我是在接受去年获得的这个奖励。(回归课本)
If I didn’t take up the challenge,it would mean I failed.
When did you take to mountain climbing?
take off脱下;起飞;成功
take on雇用;呈现;接受
take out (带某人)出去
take over接管;接手;接任
take to喜欢上……,对……产生好感
take back收回
take down拆除;记下
(1)She_took_up_engineering(干起了工程设计)at the age of 22.
(2)The band’s new album takes_up_where_their_last_one_left_off(是接上一集的乐曲录制的).

I felt better in_no_time.我立刻感到舒服些了。(回归课本)
On hearing the noise,he got up in no time to see what had happened.
He made a call in no time.
at any time在任何时候
at a time逐一;每次
at one time曾经,一度
at times有时
at that time在那时
at the same time同时; 不过,然而
at all times一直
from time to time不时的
in time及时;迟早
(1)He is slightly mad;at_the_same_time(不过,然而) he is one of the kindest men that I know.
(2)Don’t be so disappointed.If you spare no efforts to study,you will succeed in_time(迟早).

However,I lost_sight_of Wang Ping when we reached what looked like a large market because of too many carriages flying by in all directions.当我们到达一个看上去像个大市场的地方时,由于太多的气垫车朝四面八方飞奔,我看不到王平了。(回归课本)
I saw her for a moment but then lost sight of her in the crowd.
He lost his sight in an accident.
sight n.视力;视觉;前景;风景,指“名胜”时常用复数形式,常与the连用。“看……名胜”常用see the sights或do the sights.
at first sight乍一看
at the sight of看到
in sight=within sight在视野内
in the sight of以……的观点看,以……的眼光看
out of sight在看不见的地方,在视野外
in one’s sight某人看得到
catch/get/have sight of看到
lose one’s sight失明
lose sight of看不到
come into sight进入视野内,映入眼帘
go out of sight从视野中消失,变得看不见
(1)She saw her boyfriend off at the railway station,she waved until the train was out_of_sight(看风景名胜)of Taibei.
(2)Many people come to see_the_sights/do_the_sights(看风景名胜).
(3)They fell in love with each other at_first_sight(一见钟情).

He was swept_up into the center of them.他被卷入到这群车队中去了。(回归课本)
I’m going to sweep up.我要去打扫卫生。
Would you sweep up the broken glass?
sweep aside用力把……推到一边;对……置之不理
sweep away扫走;刮走;冲走
sweep down冲下
sweep off扫去;大量清除
sweep over扫过;席卷
(1)He swept aside all her objections.
(2)Many people died when floods swept their homes away.
(3)A wave of tiredness swept over her.
1 The air seemed thin,as though its combination of gases had little oxygen left.空气似乎很稀薄,好像在混合的气体中剩下的氧气很少。
as though=as if仿佛,好像,引导表语从句,此时从句常用虚拟语气,也可引导方式状语从句,从句的谓语动词常用虚拟语气(也可用陈述语气)。
He behaves as if he owned the place.
He talks as though he knew where she was.
(1)He opened his mouth as if he would say something.
(2)They talked as if they had known for many years.
(3)It looks as if it’s going to rain.
hit by a lack of air为过去分词作原因状语,相当于because引导的从句。
Deeply moved by what he said,the children began to cry.
(1)Born_in_a_poor_family(由于生于贫困家庭),he couldn’t afford to go to school.
(2)Much_interested_in_the_job(由于对这项工作很感兴趣),he agreed to give it a try.
(3)Tired_of_travelling(由于厌倦了旅行),he bought a house in the country and settled down.
1.They are pressing us to make a quick decision.
2.Animals in zoos are not in their natural surroundings.
3.He is a man who is optimistic about life.So we can say he can live a long life.
4.The birds flew away in all directions.
5.Previous(在……之前)to leaving for France,he studied a lot about the country.
6.Travellers are reminded(提醒)that they must come back before dark.
7.The experience left a lasting impression (印象)on me.
8.She is constantly(不断地)changing her mind.
sweep up,take up,lack for,as a result (of),out of sight,remind...of,slide into,make a good impression on?
1.You’ll not lack_for money.
2.He was late for school this morning as_a_result_of the snow.
3.Leave any valuables in your car out_of_sight.
4.The story you’ve just told reminded_me_of an experience I once had.
5.They’ve sped_up production of the new car.
6.The coping of these documents took_up the whole morning.
7.The child slid_into the classroom while the teacher wasn’t noticing.
8.As a newcomer,you must make_a_good_impression on everyone.
1.We didn’t leave the station until we couldn’t see the train.
We didn’t leave the station until we lost sight of the train.
2.Because I took no notice of my daughter,she got very angry.
I took no notice of my daughter,so that she got very angry.
3.Worried about the journey,I was unsettled for the first few days.
Because I was worried about the journey,I was unsettled for the first few days.
4.His mother thought he lacked confidence.
His mother thought he was lacking in confidence.
5.The enemies fled in all directions.
The enemies fled in every direction.
1.Have you considered taking_up_his_offer_of_a_job(接受他提供的工作)?
2.It seemed as_though_the_day_would_never_end(白天永远也过不完).
3.He was soon swept_up_into_the_floods(卷入洪水中).
4.I_have_the_impression(我印象)that he doesn’t smoke.
5.Money_was_lacking(缺少资金)for the plan.
6.She was brought up by her mother in_comfortable_surroundings(在舒适的环境中).
1.We must not________the good traditions passed down from generation to generation.
A catch sight of B.lose the sight of
C.lose sight of D.catch the sight of
答案 C
解析 lose sight of忘记,忽略;看不见;catch sight of突然看见……。
2.I’ve applied for the job but I’m not very________about my chance of getting it.
A.optimistic B.optimism
C.optimistically D.optimist
答案 A
解析 be optimistic about...对……是乐观的。
3.If you want to slow down,you must________harder on the brakes.
A.take B.press C.sweep D.carry
答案 B
解析 句意为:如果你想减速,就必须使劲踩闸。press挤,压;按。
4.—Your ceiling requires________.
—Yes,I’ll have some workers________it.
A.mending;to mend B.mending;mend
C.to mend;mend D.to be mended;to mend
答案 B
解析 sth.need/want/require doing...需要……;have sb. do sth.让某人做某事。
5.After one year’s construction,our school________a new look.
A.took on B.took over
C.took off D.took in
答案 A
解析 take on呈现;take over接手,接替;take off脱去(衣服);(飞机)起飞;take in包含,包括;接纳,收留。
6.This hotel________me________the one where we lived last year.
A.reminds;to B.remembers;of
C.reminds;of D.remembers;to
答案 C
解析 remind sb. of sth.让某人想起……。
7.—Do you think the Stars will beat the Bulls?
—Yes!They have better players,so I________them to win.
A.hope B.prefer C.expect D.want
答案 C
解析 expect sb. to do sth.预测/预料某人干某事。
8.The extra work________most of his spare time.
A.takes up B.makes up
C.saves up D.puts up
答案 A
解析 take up占据(时间、空间等)。
9.When a pencil is partly in a glass of water,it looks as if it________.
A.breaks B.has broken
C.were broken D.had been broken
答案 C
解析 句意为:当铅笔的一部分放进水杯里时,它看上去好像断了。as if后面的句子用虚拟语气,故选C项。
10.The tower clock was________eleven when I was walking towards home.
A.hitting B.beating C.striking D.knowing
答案 C
解析 strike(时钟)敲响,报时。
We arrived in Spain for the first time a few weeks ago.I decided to__1__ a car because we had sold the one we had in England before__2__ home.Yesterday the sales office rang us to say the car was __3__. I had tried out a model like it before,but as I was not yet__4__ driving in this city,my wife did not want me to collect it __5__ so we went together to __6__ it.We paid for the car and __7__ the papers.They told us that there was __8__ petrol(汽油) to take us to a garage,where we could fill up.The__9__ garage to the office was about 100 yards away and we got there __10__.But when I turned into the main road I suddenly saw a lot of cars racing __11__me. I got out of __12__ as fast as I could by backing into the garage__13__ and the man behind __14__ me.
“It’s such a problem to __15__ to drive on the right side,isn’t it?” my wife said.“Yes,if only I had had a few lessons for __16__.” I replied.“You had better go__17__ on the way home,”my wife said.“You’d be sorry if you had__18__ on the first day,wouldn’t you?” While we were talking,the man behind got out of his car and said in good English,“Would you mind telling me __19__ you are thinking of leaving?__20__ are you going to sit in your car all day?”
1.A. borrow B.drive C.buy D.choose
答案 C
解析 因为“我们”的车已卖掉,且下文中提到sales office,因此“我们”决定在西班牙买辆车。
2.A. leaving B.making C.returning D.getting
答案 A
解析 因第一句提到“我们”到达西班牙,因此此处应是指“我们”离开家之前。
3.A. right B.ready C.fixed D.sold
答案 B
解析 因下文中说“我们”已试了一辆此类的车了,所以此处应是指销售部已给“我们”准备好了车,让“我们”去提车。
4.A. sure of B.satisfied with
C.interested in D.used to
答案 D
解析 be sure of对……确信,有把握;be satisfied with
对……感到满意;be interested in对……感兴趣;be used to doing习惯于……。根据上下文可知,作者刚到这座城市,还不习惯于在此地开车。
5.A. on my own B.right away
C.in a hurry D.on the way
答案 A
解析 on my own独自,单独;right away立刻,马上;in a hurry急急忙忙;on the way在路上。根据下文“我们”一起去提车,所以此处为妻子不让“我”自己去。
6.A. receive B.bring C.order D.fetch
答案 D
解析 receive收到;bring拿来;order订购;fetch去取来。根据句意知D项正确。
7.A. accepted B.wrote C.signed D.copied
答案 C
解析 accept接受;write写;sign签;copy抄。此处表示签文件。
8.A. little B.enough C.much D.no
答案 B
解析 此处为enough to do句型,车里有足够的油,可以使“我们”到达某个加油站。
9.A .best B.nearest
C.quickest D.cleanest
答案 B
解析 距离销售部最近的加油站是100码。
10.A.lately B.directly C.safely D.slowly
答案 C
解析 根据下文可知,在这100码的距离中,“我们”没出问题。
11.A. after B.with C.around D.towards
答案 D
解析 很多车朝着“我们”开来。
12.A. their way B.the garage
C.their sight D.the car
答案 A
解析 因为“我们”与他们在一条路上相向而开,所以“我”赶快给他们让出路来。
13.A . at last B.once more
C.as usual D.as well
答案 B
解析 “我”又一次倒回到加油站。at last最后;once more又一次,再一次;as usual像平常一样;as well也,和。
14.A caught B.cheered
C.shouted at D.chatted with
答案 C
解析 根据上下文的意思,“我”又倒回了加油站,挡住了后面的车,因此后面车上的人对“我”大喊大叫。
15.A. prepare B.continue
C choose D.remember
答案 D
解析 prepare准备;continue继续;choose选择;remember记住。句意为:问题是要记住靠右边驾驶。
16.A. discussion B.adventure
C.experiment D.practice
答案 D
解析 要是“我”早练习上几次就好了。
17.A carefully B.smoothly
C.quickly D.differently
答案 A
解析 根据下文“如果第一天就发生事故的话,你会很遗憾的”,因此此处应为小心开车。
18.A. an error B.a problem
C.an accident D.a headache
答案 C
解析 error小差错;problem问题;accident事故;headache头痛,根据句意知C项正确。
19.A.when B.why C.how D.what
答案 A
解析 后面的人等得不耐烦了,因此他问“我”什么时候走。
20.A.For B.Or C.But D.So
答案 B
解析 此处为并列的两个疑问句。
Unit 4 Making the news
Period One Warming Up,Pre-reading and Reading
You’ll find your colleagues very eager to assist you,...你将发现你的同事们会热情地帮助你,……(回归课本)
Everyone is eager for success.
She is in her eagerness to adopt the doggie.
be eager for/about sth.渴求某事物
be eager to do sth.渴望做……
eagerly adv.渴望地;殷切地
eagerness n.渴望
with great eagerness殷切地
(1)He is eager to_pass_the_College_Entrance_Exam(金榜题名).
(2)He is_very_eager(热衷于)in acting.
Only if you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to know.你只有提出了许多不同的问题之后才有可能获得你想知道的信息。(回归课本)
She acquired a knowledge of French by careful study.
Mr.Brown acquired a fortune in the oil business.
acquired adj.后天的;(通过学习、经历等)获得的;已成习惯的
acquirement n.获得;学到;学到的东西
(1)She has acquired some very unpleasant habits recently.
(2)The little boy acquired a large English vocabulary.
...,so you may be able to concentrate on photography later if you’re interested.因此如果你对摄影感兴趣,在以后的时间里你可以把精力集中在它上面。(回归课本)
I was sleeping badly and finding it hard to concentrate.
Luke wants to concentrate on his film career.
concentrate (sth.) on sth./doing sth.专心致志于某事/做某事
concentrate one’s attention/efforts on sth.集中精力/全力以赴干某事
concentrated adj.集中的;浓缩的
concentrated fire集中火力
concentrated food浓缩食品
concentration n.集中;专心
(1)You should concentrate_your_efforts(集中精力)on passing these exams.
(2)She lost concentration(不留神)for a moment and slipped.
You’ll find your colleagues very eager to assist you,...你将发现你的同事们会热情地帮助你,……(回归课本)
We all assisted in planting trees on the hill in March.
Can you assit me to work out the problem?
assist sb. to do sth.促进,有助于……
assistant n.助手,助理
assistance n.帮助,援助
assistor n.帮助者;加力器
(1)The plan assists young people to find work.
(2)Her job is to assist the head chef.
Not only am I interested in photography,but I took an amateur course at university to update my skills.对摄影我不仅只是感兴趣,在大学里我还修过摄影来提高我的技巧呢。(回归课本)
The data should be updated once a week.
The latest edition has been completely revised and updated.
update sb.on sth.向……提供最新消息
update n.最新报道;最新消息;(计算机程序的)更新软件
an update on关于……的最新消息
(1)Dr.Cooper can_update_us_on_the_latest_developments(能为我们提供有关最新发展的信息).
(2)We’ll give you an_update(最新消息)on the hostage situation.
The word “gifted” is usually used to describe a journalist.单词“gifted”通常被用来描述记者。(回归课本)
He is gifted at singing.他有唱歌的天赋。
She is a gifted child.她是个有天赋的孩子。
be gifted in/at在……方面有天赋
gift n.天赋;才华
have a gift for对……有天赋
(1)She gets her gift for languages from her mother.
(2)Tom has a gift for music.
They must use research to inform themselves of the missing parts of the story.他们必须通过调查研究,来告诉自己被遗漏的那部分情况。(回归课本)
I informed him (about) where to go.
Did you inform them of the progress of the work?
We’ll keep you informed.
inform sb. of sth.通知某人某事
inform sb. that...通知某人……
be fully informed被全面告知
information n.消息;情报
(1)You should keep your parents informed_of_your_study_and_life(随时知道你的生活和学习情况).
(2)She is always well_informed(消息灵通)about this kind of thing.
That means you must be able to assess when people are not telling the whole truth and then try to discover it.那就是说,在人们还没有说出全部真相之前,你就要能够判断出,并力求发现真理。(回归课本)
I assessed how much it would cost to build a new apartment.
How do you assess your students?
assessment n.确定,评定;评价;看法
assessable adj.可估价的;可征收的
assess sth.at...估计某物……
(1)The income of school teachers in this place was assessed at $900.
(2)I’d assess your chances as extremely low.
Have you ever had a case where someone accused your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick?你们有没有过这样的情况,别人控告你的记者,说他(她)们的报道完全失实?(回归课本)
My teacher often accuses me of carelessness.
He was accused of robbing the bank.
ask sb. of...问某人……
inform sb. of...通知某人……
cure sb. of...给某人治好……病
rob sb. of...抢了某人……
warn sb. of...警告某人提防……
(1)Once,a neighbour accused_me_of(指责我)playing my radio too loudly.
(2)She accused the boy of_stealing_her_purse(偷了她的钱包).

A footballer was accused of taking money for deliberately not scoring goals so_as_to let the other team win.一个足球运动员被指挥受贿,故意不进球,好让对方球队赢球。(回归课本)
He worked like crazy in order to/so as to finish his work on time.
He went abroad so as to/in order to look for better chances.
so as to do sth.在句中作目的状语,常译为“为了”,可以和in order to换用;但in order to可以放在句首,so as to则只能放在句中。他们的否定形式是in order/so as not to do sth.。

We say a good journalist must have a good “nose” for a story.我们说,一个好的记者必须有对新闻非常敏感的“嗅觉”。(回归课本)
She has a good nose for an exciting story.
He has a nose for good news stories.
lead sb.by the nose完全控制某人,牵着某人的鼻子走
follow one’s nose笔直走;凭本能行事
nose to nose面对面地
turn one’s nose at...对……嗤之以鼻;瞧不起
under one’s nose当着某人的面;就在某人面前(却看不见)
(1)As a writer,she has always had_a_nose_for_good_feeling(捕捉到灵感).
(2)We should think by ourselves and not_be_led_by_the_nose_by_others(不要让别人牵着鼻子走).

What should I keep_in_mind?我应该牢记什么呢?(回归课本)
The teachers asked us to keep these sentences in mind.
Thanks,I’ll bear that in mind.
bear sth.in mind=keep sth.in mind
have sth.in mind记得,想到
bring/call sb./sth. to mind使某人想起某人/某物
keep one’s mind on专心于……
(1)Bear in mind that young children will put anything in their mouths.
(2)I can’t keep my mind on work when it’s so sunny outside.
1 His discussion with his new boss,Hu Xin(HX),was to strongly influence his life as a journalist.他同新上司胡欣的讨论对他的记者生涯必将产生强烈的影响。
They are to visit the teacher together tomorrow.
What are we to do next?
be to do
(2)表示必须或应该,在意义上等于must,should或ought to。
(6)were to do用于if从句中,表示对未来的假设。
(1)His theory was to change the view on the universe.
(2)Our aim is to catch up with the world’s advanced level at the end of this century.
2 Have you ever had a case where someone accused your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick?你们有没有过这样的情况,别人控告你的记者,说他(她)们的报道完全失实?
This is the case where this kind of problem appears easily.
Today,we’ll discuss a number of cases where beginners of English fail to use the language properly.
先行词是case,situation,point,position,stage时,其后的定语从句用where或in which。
(1)Can you tell me a situation where these phrases can be used?
(2)After graduation she reached a point in her career where she need to decide what to do.
1.They will be here soon.Meanwhile let’s have coffee.
2.It’s three years since he left home.He is eager to get back to his hometown.
3.He has made a big fortune because he knows all the tricks of the trade.
4.He is supposed to be here in about an hour.
5.There were many gifted poets in the Tang Dynasty(唐朝).
6.I managed to acquire(获得)two tickets for the concert.
7.These workers will receive technical(技术)training before they take the job.
8.He said it deliberately(故意地)to get me angry.
accuse of,be supposed to,concentrate on,so as to,look forward to,depend on,in case of,make sure?
1.My grandfather had been looking_forward_to leaving the hospital for a holiday by the seaside.
2.The doctor advised me to do more exercise so_as_to lose weight.
3.Everything depends_on whether we have enough money.
4.Make_sure all the lights are turned off before leaving the lab.
5.He is_supposed_to have finished his homework now.
6.She has_concentrated_on her studies for a long time since her mother left.
7.The wall was built along the river in_case_of floods.
8.Word came that the manager had_been_accused_of bribing the president.
1.You needn’t go to the theatre as soon as you finish your supper tomorrow evening.
There is no need for you to go to the theatre as soon as you finish your supper tomorrow evening.
2.The worker hurried through his work in order to go home to watch the football match.
The worker hurried through his work so as to go home to watch the football match.
3.It is proved that the theory you stick to is wrong.
The theory you stick to proves wrong.
4.I learned the reason why the Smiths wanted so much to have Charles sentenced to death.
I learned why the Smiths were so eager that Charles should be sentenced to death.
5.How do you like buying a new dictionary for your daughter?
What about buying a new dictionary for your daughter?
1.You can depend_on_him(依靠他)to help you with English.
2.We must concentrate_our_efforts_on(致力于)improving education.
3.Yao Ming is a professional_player(专业运动员).
4.He stole the famous painting,so he is_guilty(有罪的).
5.She broke_the_window_deliberately(故意打破了窗户),which made me angry.
6.Mother went shopping.Meanwhile_I_cleaned_the_house(与此同时我打扫房子).
1.Many reporters hurried to________the accident after the famous actor’s death.
A.write B.see
C.discover D.cover
答案 D
解析 cover (v.)对……进行新闻采访,报道。
2.People in developed countries are supposed________more healthy food before than what they have today.
A.to be had B.to have
C.had D.to have had
答案 D
解析 be supposed to have done sth.本应该……。句意为:发达国家的人们从前本应该拥有比他们现在多的健康食品。
3.He kept silent over the matter________lose his job.
A.so as to not B.in order not
C.so as not to D.in order to not
答案 C
解析 目的状语的否定式应该是in order/so as not to do sth.。
4.If you want to start your own car business,you should ask his advice.He knows all________.
A.things of cars B.car businessmen
C car sellers D.the tricks of the trade
答案 D
解析 tricks of the trade经商的窍门(秘诀)。
5.—Do you believe what they reported in yesterday’s newspaper?
—No.I think they________.
A.told the public the truth
B.got the wrong end of the stick
C.made few mistakes in their report
D.should not report the truth
答案 B
解析 句意为:——你相信昨天报纸上报道的东西吗?
——不。我认为他们混淆了事实。get the wrong end of the stick混淆事实,完全误解。
6.Jim went to answer the phone.________Peter started to prepare lunch.
A.But B.Meanwhile C.However D.That
答案 B
解析 句意为:吉姆去接电话,与此同时彼得开始做午饭。meanwhile与此同时。
7.They took along with an umbrella,just________.
A.for fun B.by mistake
C.in case D.with care
答案 C
解析 句意为:他们随身带着伞只是为了以防万一。in case以防万一。
8.The police may accuse you________a crime or wrong doings.
A.for B.with C.by D.of
答案 D
解析 accuse sb. of sth.因……指责或控告某人。
9.This book is rather difficult,because it is designed for________.
A colleagues B.professionals
C.amateurs D.editors
答案 B
解析 professional专业人员,专家。
10.Why not phone your parents?They must be________about you.
A.eager B.guilty
C.anxious D.missing
答案 C
解析 be anxious about担心,忧虑。
As a physician who travels quite a lot,I spend a lot of time on planes listening for that dreaded “Is there a doctor on board?”announcement.I’ve been __1__only once—for a woman who had merely fainted.But the __2__made me quite curious about how __3__this kind of thing happens.I wondered what I would do if __4__with a real mid-air medical emergency—without access__5__a hospital staff and the usual emergency equipment.So__6__the New England Journal of Medicine last week__7__a study about in-flight medical events,I__8__it with interest.
The study estimated that there are a(n)__9__of 30 in-flight medical emergencies on U.S.flights every day.Most of them are not __10__;fainting and dizziness are the most frequent complaints.__11__13% of them—roughly four a day—are serious enough to__12__a pilot to change course.The most common of the serious emergencies__13__heart trouble,strokes,and difficult breathing.
Let’s face it:plane rides are __14__.For starters,cabin pressures at high altitudes are set at roughly__15__they would be if you lived at 5,000 to 8,000 feet above sea level.Most people can tolerare these pressures pretty __16__,but passengers with heart disease__17__experience chest pains as a result of the reduced amount of oxygen flowing through their blood.__18__common in-flight problem is deep venous thrombosis(血栓)—the so-called economy class syndrome(综合症).__19__happens,don’t panic.Things are getting better on the in-flight emergency front.Thanks to more recent legislation(立法),flights with at__20__one attendant are starting to install emergency medical equipment to treat heart attacks.
1.A called B.informed
C.addressed D.surveyed
答案 A
解析 考查动词。call呼唤;召唤。句意为:我只有一次被请求提供援助——为一位晕过去的女士。
2.A. accident B.incident
C condition D.disaster
答案 A
解析 考查名词。accident [C]可以表示车、船、飞机失事等大型事故,也可表示其他非人为的意外受伤,或意外的产物。incident [C]多表示非同寻常的,重大的事件,或暴力事件。disaster [C&U]指暴雨,洪水等自然灾害或其他造成重大财产损失或人员伤亡的灾难性事故。女乘客晕机这件事,显然应为比较平常的accident。
3.A. soon B.many C.long D.often
答案 D
解析 考查副词。how soon多快;how long多长;how many多少;how often多大概率;多频繁。根据作者下文的描述不难发现,他是想了解这种事情发生的概率。
4.A .met B.identified
C.treated D.provided
答案 A
解析 考查动词。本题中if met with a real mid-air medical emergency...是if I were met with a real mid-air medical emergency的省略。be met with表示“遭遇;遇到”。treat sb. with sth.表示“用某物应付或用某药治疗某人”;identify sb. with sth.表示“认为某人与某事联系紧密”;provide sb. with sth.表示“为某人提供某物”。句意为:如果我在飞机上遇到真正需要医疗救助的紧急情况,我将怎么办。
5.A. for B.by C.to D.through
答案 C
解析 考查介词。access在这里表示“接近;使用;获得”为不可数名词,常与介词to搭配。without access to表示“无法接触到;无法使用”。
6.A. before B.when
C.since D.while
答案 B
解析 考查副词。when,while都表示“当……的时候”,但when既可表示一段时间,又可以表示一个时间点;而while则只用于表示一段时间。句意为:当上周《新英格兰医学杂志》发布一份关于空中医疗事件的研究报告时,……。显然,此处的时间是一个时间点,B项为正确答案。
7.A collected B.discovered
C conducted D.published
答案 D
解析 考查动词。a study about in-flight medical events是关于空中医疗事件的研究报告,应与publish vt.搭配,即“发布研究报告 ”。collect vt.搜集,采集;discover vt.发现;conduct vt. & vi.引导,带领;管理,指挥。
8.A consulted B.read
C consumed D.considered
答案 B
解析 考查动词。I read it with interest表示“我怀着兴趣读完了它。”consult vt.&vi.与某人商量,向某人请教,参考;consume vt. 消耗,花尽,消费;consider vt.考虑,把……看作,认为。
9.A. amount B.sum
C.average D.number
答案 C
解析 考查名词。an average of...……的平均数。本句意为:这份研究报告估计在美国飞机上平均每天有30起医疗事件。an (large,small) amount of (大,少)量的,用于修饰不可数名词;a (large,small) sum of(大,小)数目的,多用于修饰钱;a number of一些,修饰可数名词。比较以上选项的意义,不难看出C项为最佳答案。
10.A. significant B.common
C.heavy D.serious
答案 D
解析 考查形容词。根据下文的“13% of them—roughly four a day—are serious”知,大部分都是not serious。
11.A. For B.But C.And D.So
答案 B
解析 考查连词。根据上下文的逻辑关系不难看出,此处应为转折。
12.A. require B.engage
C.inspire D.command
答案 A
解析 考查动词。require vt.需要,(法律)要求;engage vt.从事;占用;订婚;inspire vt.激发,激励,使产生灵感;command vt.指挥,命令。本句中动作的逻辑主语是“严重的医疗事件”,因此不可能command a pilot to change course(命令飞行员改变航线),engage与inspire意思不符,故A项为正确选项。
13.A. include B.imply
C confine D.contain
答案 A
解析 考查动词。句意为:最严重的紧急情况包括心脏病,中风,呼吸困难。只有A项符合题意。imply vt.暗示;必然包含;confine vt.限制,使局限;contain vt.包含,容纳。本题中contain具有较强的干扰性,事实上contain通常表示某物中包含某种成分,通常是与其他成分融为一体,难以分割。include指包括相当独立的部分。本题中所指的几种疾病就是紧急情况的一部分,而且各疾病也是相对独立的,所以用include。
14.A .enjoyable B.favorable
C.peaceful D.stressful
答案 D
解析 考查形容词。根据文章可知,在飞机上可能会出现很多医疗事件,人们可能会感到头晕,甚至突发心脏病,所以飞机旅游应当是stressful(令人紧张的,有压力的)。enjoyable快乐的,有乐趣的;favorable讨人喜爱的,顺利的;peaceful平静的,和平的。
15.A.who B.which C.what D.that
答案 C
解析 考查疑问代词。what they would be为what引导的名词性从句,在句中作at的宾语,同时what在从句中作表语。本句意为:飞机起飞时,机舱设定的压力约相当于海拔5 000~8 000英尺的压力。
16.A. mentally B.easily
C.neatly D.naturally
答案 B
解析 考查副词。根据常识及文中but后的内容可知,一般人能够轻松地承受,故B项为正确答案。mentally精神上地,智力上地;neatly整洁地;干净地;naturally天生地,天然地。
17.A. ought to B.used to
C.may D.need
答案 C
解析 考查情态动词。may在本句中表示可能性。ought to应当;used to过去常常;need需要。
18.A. Any B.Other
C.One D.Another
答案 D
解析 考查代词。上文已提到了一个问题,即有心脏病的人可能会因为血液中的氧气减少而感到胸闷。此处又提到了另一个常见的问题,所以用another。
19.A. Whatever B.Whenever
C.Whichever D.Wherever
答案 A
解析 考查代词。whatever在此处相当于no matter what引导让步状语从句。本句意为:不管发生什么,都不要恐慌。此处happen需要一个主语,而几个选项中,只有A项whatever可以作其主语。
20.A. most B.least C.worst D.best
答案 B
解析 考查形容词。at least至少;at most至多;at worst最坏(的可能);at best充其量,最好。结合本句不难看出,此处应用least。本句意为:由于最近更多的立法,至少有一名护理人员的航班开始安装急救医疗设备来治疗心脏病。
 Unit 5 First aid
Period One Warming Up,Pre-reading and Reading
First_aid is a temporary form of help given to someone who suddenly falls ill or gets injured before a doctor can be found.急救就是在找到医生之前对突然生病或受伤的病人给予的临时救助。(回归课本)
They aided the poor country with money.
He aided me in business.
aid sb.帮助某人
aid sb. in sth.在某方面帮助某人
aid sb. with sth.以某物帮助某人
aid sb. to do sth.帮助某人做某事
in aid of支持;为……筹借
(1)We should be able to read English articles without_the_aid_of_a_dictionary(不借助词典的帮助).
(2)When he got hurt,we immediately gave_him_first_aid(对他实施急救).
Often the illness or injury is not serious,...通常这种病或受伤并不严重,……(回归课本)
He injured his knee playing hockey.
What you said was an injury to her fame.
injure v.受伤,损害
injured adj.受伤的
injurer n.伤害者,施害者
(1)Nine people died and fifty-four were injured in the accident.
(2)All the passengers in the vehicle escaped injury.
Doctors used to bleed people when they were ill.
If you cut your finger,it will bleed.
bleed for 为……流血;为……深感悲痛
bleed to death流血过多而死
blood n.血液
demand blood for blood要求以血还血
be of the same blood是同一家族的
(1)Our hearts bleed_for(为……悲伤)the homeless people during this cold winter.
(2)He lay on the floor bleeding_profusely(鲜血直流).
You have three layers of skin which act as a barrier against disease,poisons and the sun’s harmful rays.你有三层皮肤充当屏障,使你免遭疾病、毒药和有害光线的侵害。(回归课本)
This kind of mushroom contains a deadly poison.
He was suspected of poisoning his wife.
poison n.可作可数名词和不可数名词,意为“毒药;毒害”,其比喻意义为“毒害,弊害”。
poisonous adj.有毒的
(1)He tried to kill himself by_taking_poison(服毒).
(2)Envy of his friend’s success poisoned_his_mind(使他产生邪念).
Examples include burns caused by electric shocks,burning clothes,or severe petrol fires.例如由电击引起的烧伤,因衣服起火引起的烧伤,或因汽油起火引起的烧伤。(回归课本)
It’s so hot today,and the electric fan isn’t working.
The electricity was cut off for several days.
electricity n.电流,电荷;电
electrical adj.电力的,电动的,与电力有关的
electrician 电工;电气技师;电学家
electrify vt.使通电,使充电,使电气化
electronic adj.电子的
(1)There are some electrical_books(有关电的书)on the desk.
(2)His father works as an electrician(电工)in the factory.
Examples include mild sunburn and burns caused by touching a hot pan,stove or iron for a moment.例子包括轻微的晒伤,或者由于短暂的接触热锅、电炉或熨斗而导致的烫伤。(回归课本)
The patient has a mild fever.那个病人有些轻微的发烧。
He has a mild nature.他的性格温和。
mild adj.(烟、酒等)味淡的;温和的,温柔的,文雅的
a mild winter不太冷的冬天
a mild drug平和的药物
a mild man性情温和的男人
a mild cigar淡味的雪茄
mildly adv.柔和地,和善地;谨慎地
mildness n.温和,温暖
(1)The cheese is very mild.
(2)The sentence was mild.
You can get burned by a_variety_of things:...你可能被各种各样的东西烧伤:……(回归课本)
We all need variety in our diet.
An apple is a variety of fruit.
a variety of+复数名词作主语时,谓语动词要用复数
the variety of+复数名词作主语时,谓语动词要用单数
various adj.各种各样的,不同的,种种的
variously adv.各种各样地,不同地
vary v.改变;使多样化
varied adj.多变化的;各种各样的,不同的
Sam broke the blisters and poured icy water from the fridge onto the skin.萨姆把水疱弄破把从冰箱里弄出来的冰水倒在上面。(回归课本)
Tears were pouring down her face.
Sit down and I’ll pour you a drink.
pour sth. into...把……倒进……
pour cold water on sth.给(某事)泼冷水
pour down倾盆而下
pour out倒出;倾诉,倾吐
(1)Her parents poured_cold_water_on_her_plan(对她的这个计划泼冷水).
(2)She began pouring_out_her_fears_about_the_future(倾吐她对未来的恐惧).
For second degree burns,...,squeezing them out and placing them on the burned area over_and_over_again for about an hour until the pain is not so bad.对于二度烧伤,……,拧出水后再放在烧伤面上,这样要反反复复地做一个小时左右,直到不太痛时为止。(回归课本)
He read the poem over and over again till he could recite it.
I’ve point it out to you over and over again.
(all) over again再次;重新
over and over一再地,反复地
again and again反复地;再三
once again再次
time and again多次;一再地
time after time多次;不断地
(1)I’ve warned him over_and_over_again(一再,再三)not to do that.
(2)Read it once_again(再次).

Hold the bandage in_place with tape.用胶布把绷带固定好。(回归课本)
I like to have everything in place.
I hope you left all the books in the library in place.
a place in the sun好的境遇
from place to place从一处到另一处,处处
give place to...让位于……
in place of代替
out of place不适合,不恰当
places of interest名胜
(1)He has a good habit of keeping_all_the_things_in_place(使东西井井有条).
(2)He felt very out_of_place(格格不入)among them.

...,squeezing them out and placing them on...拧出水后再放在……(回归课本)
You should squeeze out some time to visit your old friend.
The boss squeezed out the last drop of blood of the worker.
squeeze...out of压出,挤出;榨取
squeeze sth. out of sb.强迫(某人)说出
(1)The child tried his best to squeeze_the_juice_out_of_an_apple(榨出苹果汁).
(2)We tried our best to squeeze_the_truth_out_of_him(强迫他说出真相).

First aid is a temporary form of help given to someone who suddenly falls_ill or gets injured before a doctor can be found.急救就是在找到医生之前对突然生病或受伤的人给予的临时救助。(回归课本)
The moment he returned to the city,he fell ill.
Shortly before Christmas she fell ill.
fall asleep入睡
fall silent沉默
1So as you can imagine,if your skin gets burned it can be very serious.因此,你可以想像到,如果你的皮肤烧伤了,就可能非常严重。
can be very serious意为“有时候会很严重”。在can be+adj.结构中can意为“有时候会……,可能会……”。
Going on a trip to a faraway destination can be expensive and difficult.
The climate of East China can be pretty hot in winter.
(1)Experienced travellers may prefer to make their own arrangements,but the advice of a travel agent can be helpful.
(2)Even minor head injury can be serious.
2It is best to place burns under gently running water for about 10 minutes.最好是把烧伤的部位放在慢速流动的自来水下冲洗大约10分钟。
It’s hard to get along with him.和他相处很难。
It’s a pleasure to chat with you.
It is/seems/feels+adj.+to do sth.
It’s+n.+to do sth.
It+动词短语+to do sth.
(1)It seems impossible to cure the disease at present.
(2)It’s an honor to be invited to speak here.
(3)It makes great sense to plant trees on the hill.
1.The driver of the car received serious injuries(伤害,受伤)to the legs and arms.
2.My finger is bleeding(流血,出血).
3.I think good beginning is essential(必要的)to our plans.
4.Are all the children being poisoned(中毒)by lead in the atmosphere?
5.The heart and the brain are the most important organs.
6.The child has only a mild fever and doesn’t need to see a doctor.
7.After squeezing the water out of the shirt,she hung it in the sun.
8.Cough is an obvious symptom of cold.
in place,over and over again,fall ill,squeeze out,give first aid,stick to,take off,depend on
1.You’d better put things back in_place.Otherwise,it will be difficult to find out.
2.Every one of us should learn some basic knowledge of give_first_aid,in case of emergencies.
3.He didn’t come to school yesterday,because he fell_ill.
4.The mother was squeezing the juice out of a lemon(柠檬) to feed her baby.
5.After the doctor rubbed his leg over_and_over_again,he felt it less painful.
6.He got burnt so badly that his clothes stuck_to his skin.
7.Take_off your clothes if the burns don’t stick to your skin.
8.Whether we can go out depends_on the weather.
1.He sang the song again and again.
He sang the song over and over again.
2.Please put the books in the right place where they should be.
Please put the books in place.
3.I’ll come to see you if it is possible.
I’ll come to see you if possible.
4.My mother doesn’t allow me to go out.
My mother prevents me from going out.
5.Putting this sentence into English is not easy.
It’s not easy to put this sentence into English.
1.Our teacher told us to say the word in English over_and_over_again(反复).
2.Unless_he_makes_an_apology(除非他道歉),I’ll refuse to come.
3.We must protect our children from(保护……免于)diseases.
4.Though he was easy to_be_infected_by_SARS(感染上非典病毒)at the hospital,he went on working.
5.Thanks_to_your_aid(多亏了你的帮助),I managed to run the company.
6.You know that visitors are_not_allowed_to_touch_the_exhibits(不能触摸展品).
1.The girl is badly injured.You’d better________first aid to her before taking her to hospital.
A.make B.do C.take D.afford
答案 B
解析 句意为:这个女孩受伤很重,你最好送她去医院前对她实施急救。do/give/offer first aid to sb.对……实施急救。
2.I tried to________her down but she was still very angry when she left.
A.heat B.hot C cool D.cold
答案 C
解析 句意为:我试图让她冷静下来,但是她离开时仍然非常生气。cool/sb. down使某人冷静下来,其它词没有这层意思,故选C项。
3.You didn’t have to take the medicine,but your head may________less if you do so.
A.hurt B.be hurt C.injure D.be injured
答案 A
解析 句意为:你不必吃药,但是如果你吃的话,你的头痛可能减轻。hurt感到疼痛,而injure是“受伤”的意思。
4.Be careful when you cross the very busy street.If not,you may________run over by a car.
A.have B.get C.become D.turn
答案 B
解析 句意为:你过马路时当心,否则的话可能会被车辗过。get+过去分词可以表示“遭遇,遭受(意想不到的事情)”,故选B项。
5.John was so sleepy that he could hardly keep his Eyes
A.open B.to be opened C.to open D.opening
答案 A
解析 句意为:约翰太困了,几乎都睁不开眼了。keep one’s eyes open睁着眼,故选A项。
6.________in the traffic accident________taken to hospital.
A.An injuries;was B.The injured;was
C.The injuring;were D.The injured;have been
答案 D
解析 句意为:交通事故中的伤者已经被送往医院了。the+adj.构成一类人,谓语动词用复数,故选D项。
7.He smelt something________when he went into the kitchen.
A.burning B.burnt C.to burn D.burn
答案 A
解析 句意为;当他走进厨房时闻到有东西烧焦了。smell something burning闻到……烧焦了。
8.She________last week and I________her ever since.
A.fell ill;looked after
B.fell ill;have been looking after
C.fell ill;looked after
D.have fallen ill;have been looking after
答案 B
解析 本题考查时态,第一个空由于有last week,故用fell ill;第二个空ever since自那以来,经常和完成时态连用,故选B项。
9.As we all know,the________blanket is a great help in cold weather.
A.electric B.electrical C.electronic D.electricity
答案 A
解析 electric用电的,电动的;electric blanket电热毯;electrical表示与电力的生产与使用有关的,如an electrical fault电力故障,an electrical engineer电力工程师;electronic电子的,电子器件的,故选A项。
10.We’d better go and get some firewood________it gets dark.
A.after B.when C.until D.before
答案 D
解析 句意为:天黑之前,我们最好去弄些柴火。before在……之前。
Lang Lang is a world-class young pianist who grew up in Shenyang.He went to a piano school in Beijing when he was just eight.“You need__1__,”his father said.“But if you don’t work hard,no fortune will come.”
What made him sad was__2__his piano teacher in Beijing didn’t like him.“You have no talent(天赋).You will never be a pianist.”__3__a nine-year-old boy,Lang Lang was badly__4__.He decided that he didn’t want to be a __5__any more.For the next two weeks,he didn’t touch the piano.__6__,his father didn’t push,but waited.
Luckily,the day came when his teacher asked him to__7__some holiday songs.He didn’t want to,but as he placed his fingers on the piano keys,he__8__that he could show others that he had talent__9__.That day he told his father __10__he had been waiting to hear—that he wanted to study with a new teacher.__11__that point on,everything turned around.
He started__12__competitions(比赛).In the 1994 International Young Pianists Competition,when it was__13__that Lang Lang had won,he was too__14__to hold back his tears.Soon__15__was clear that he couldn’t stay in China forever—he had to play on the world’s big__16__ .In 1997 Lang Lang __17__again,this time to Philadelphia,U.S..There he spent two years practising,and by 1999 he had worked hard enough for fortune to take over.After his__18__performance at Chicago’s Ravinia Festival,gigs(特邀演出)in Lincoln Center and Carnegie Hall started__19__ in.Lang Lang finally worked to reach the place where fortune spots (发现) him,and lets him__20__.
1.A. exercise B.fortune
C.knowledge D.wealth
答案 B
解析 由下句:“如果你不努力,运气就不会到来。”可知父亲说的是Lang Lang需要“运气”。
2.A. whether B.why
C.when D.that
答案 D
解析 that引导表语从句,从句中不缺少成分,又是指确定的内容。
3.A. Like B.With
C.To D.As
答案 D
解析 as在此用作介词,意为“作为”。
4.A. hurt B.weakened
C.ruined D.frightened
答案 A
解析 老师的话让Lang Lang受到了极大的伤害。hurt指“感情上的伤害”。
5.A. singer B.pianist
C conductor D.player
答案 B
解析 句意为“他决定再也不想成为一名钢琴家了。”
6.A. Hopefully B.Patiently
C.Wisely D.Painfully
答案 C
解析 由“父亲没有催迫他,而是等待”,可知这位父亲的做法是明智的。wisely明智地,英明地。
7.A. play B.sing
C.write D.study
答案 A
解析 由后文的“but as he placed his fingers on the piano keys,”可知8空所在的句子的意思是:“幸运的是,老师让Lang Lang弹奏一些假日歌曲的一天来了。”
8.A. seemed B.admitted C.noticed D.realized
答案 D
解析 当他把手指放在琴键上时才意识到(realized)他能向别人展示他有这种天赋。
9.A .in all B.above all C.after all D.at all
答案 C
解析 in all总共;above all首要的是;after all毕竟;终归;at all全然;根本。由句意知选C。
10.A. that B.what C.which D.when
答案 B
解析 what引导宾语从句,在句中作hear的宾语,指“听到的内容”。
11.A .From B.At C.Since D.After
答案 A
解析 from...on从……起,为固定表达。
12.A. receiving B.accepting C.winning D.beating
答案 C
解析 上文提到“一切发生了转折”,这里自然是指“开始赢得比赛”。
13.A. told B.mentioned C.announced D.recognized
答案 C
解析 此空所在的句子意为“……,当宣布Lang Lang获胜时,……”。It was announced that..据宣布……。
14.A. excited B.encouraged C.shocked D.satisfied
答案 A
解析 在国际比赛上获奖,那自然是excited激动的,兴奋的。
15.A. this B.it C.that D.what
答案 B
解析 it在句中充当形式主语。
16.A concerts B.tours C competitions D.stages
答案 D
解析 on the world’s big stages在世界大舞台上。competition应与介词in连用。
17.A. started B.left C.moved D.performed
答案 C
解析 move to...搬到,移到,此处指去美国费城演出。
18.A. successful B.cheerful C.respectful D.meaningful
答案 A
解析 只有演出“成功(successful)”才有后面的特邀演出。
19.A. pulling B.breaking C.falling D.pouring
答案 D
解析 特邀在Lincoln Center和Carnegie Hall的演出开始不断涌来。pour涌进。
20.A. brighten B.shine
C.admire D.develop
答案 B
解析 是Lang Lang的努力使得运气找上门来,让他发出耀眼的光芒。shine意为“表现突出,耀眼”。

              Unit 1 Art
Period One Warming Up,Pre-reading and Reading
Art is influenced by the customs and faith of a people.艺术受一个民族的风俗和信仰的影响.(回归课本)
Her friend’s kindness has restored her faith in human nature.
Do you have any faith in what he says?
have faith in...相信……,信赖……
lose faith in...对……失去信心
faithful adj. 忠诚的,忠心的
faithfully adv.忠诚地,忠实地
I’m delighted to know you have_such_faith_in me.
I have_lost_faith_in that fellow.
Consequently,this text will describe only the most important ones,starting from the sixth century AD.因此,本文只谈从公元6世纪以来少数最重要的艺术风格。(回归课本)
I have never been to China.Consequently,I know very little about it.
They’ve increased the number of staff and consequently the service is better.
consequence n.结果,后果
as a consequence of...=as a result of...因为……
consequent adj.随之发生的;由此引起的
During the Middle Ages,the_main_aim_of painters was to represent religious themes.在中世纪,画家的主要目的是体现宗教主题。(回归课本)
The main aim of the course is to improve students’writng skill.
The hunter took aim at the lion.猎人瞄准了狮子。
(2)v. 瞄准,对准;打算,企图
He aimed his gun at the enemy.
The project aims to provide an outlet for children’s creativity.
achieve one’s aim达到目的
take aim at...向……瞄准
without aim漫无目的地
with the aim of...以……为目标,意在……
aim to do sth.打算做……
be aimed at (doing)sth.(计划或想法)旨在……;目的在于……
The shooter aimed_at_the_red_aim and fired and hit it.
The book is_aimed_at very young children.
You should have_a_clear_aim before doing a thing.
A typical picture at this time was full of religious symbols,which created a feeling of respect and love for God.这一时期具有代表性的画充满着宗教色彩,体现了对上帝敬重和爱戴的情感。(回归课本)
The view is fairly typical of people of his generation.
He’s followed a fairly typical career in teaching.
fairly typical相当典型的;相当有代表性的
be typical of sb./sth.在……中有代表性
typically adv.通常,一般;典型地,有代表性地;不出所料地
typify v.是……的典型
This picture is fairly_typical_of his early works.
Typically,Elaine was half an hour late.
They have a typically English lifestyle.
But it was evident that ideas were changing in the 13th century when painters like Giotto di Bondone began to paint religious scenes in a more realistic way.很显然,在13世纪时一些观点在发生变化,像乔托·迪·邦多纳这样的画家们开始以一种比较现实的风格来画宗教场景。(回归课本)
Her lack of interest in the job was becoming increasingly evident.
It is evident that there will be some job losses.
evidently adv.
evidence n. [U]证据;迹象
It is (quite)evident that...(很)显然……
People began to concentrate less on religious themes and adopt a more humanistic attitude to life.人们开始淡化宗教主题,并且采纳更人性化的人生态度。(回归课本)
He decided to adopt a more radical approach to the problem.
When questioned,he adopted a very aggressive attitude.
Having no children of their own,they decided to adopt an orphan.
He was 18 when he found out he had been adopted.
adoption [C/U]收养,领养;[U]采用,采纳
adoptive adj.收养的,有收养关系的
adopted adj.被收养的
We will encourage a wider adoption of this strategy for pollution control.
She has adopted Japan as her home.
The adopted boy shows great respect for his adoptive parents.
Rich people wanted to possess their own paintings,so they could decorate their superb palaces and great houses.富人们想拥有他们自己的画,以便能装饰他们华丽的宫殿和豪宅。(回归课本)
They were all found guilty of illegally possessing firearms.
All these drugs possess sedative properties.
What on earth possessed you to do such a thing?
possession (n. [C]常用复数)所有物,财产;[U]拥有,占有
be in possession of...拥有某物,掌握某物
in one’s possession 为某人所拥有
take possession of...接手;开始拥有……
have possession of...拥有(指买来或从别处拿出来)
Kate is a woman who possesses a rare intelligence.
I am_in_possession_of some information that I think will interest you.
On the one hand,some modern art is abstract;that is,the painter does not attempt_to paint objects as we see them with our eyes,...一方面,一些现代艺术作品是抽象的;也就是说,画家并不想把物体画得像我们亲眼所见的那样,……(回归课本)
I attempted to speak,but was told to be quiet.
The prisoner attempted an escape,but failed.
(2)n. [C,U]企图,试图,尝试
I passed the driving test at the first attempt.
His father made a successful attempt to swim across the English Channel.
attempt 试图做某事
make an attempt to do sth.试图做某事
give up an attempt放弃尝试
attempted adj.未遂的
attempted murder谋杀未遂
The book attempts_to_explain the origins of the war.
The government has_made_no_attempt to avert the crisis.
Who can predict what painting styles there will be in the future?谁又能预言将来会有什么样的绘画艺术风格呢?(回归课本)
They are predicting heavy rain for tomorrow.
Industry leaders predict that another 8,000 jobs could be lost by the end of the year.
工业领袖们预测,到年底还会有8 000人失业。
predict 预报……;预测……
prediction n.预言,预计
predictor n.预报性的事物;预言者
predictable adj.可预料的;可预测的

By_coincidence,oil paints were also developed at this time,which made the colours used in paintings look richer and deeper.油画也很巧合地在这一时期得到了发展,使绘画中使用的色彩看上去更丰富、更深沉。(回归课本)
By coincidence,I met the person we’d been discussing the next day.
It was rather a coincidence that she appeared at that exact moment.
coincidence n. [C/U](令人吃惊的)巧合;巧事
a strange/remarkable coincidence奇怪的/不寻常的巧合
no coincidence 并非巧合
coincidental adj.巧合的,碰巧的
By_coincidence,his teaching contract finished at about the same time his first book was published.
By_a_strange_coincidence,we happened to be travelling on the same train.

In the late 19th century,Europe changed a_great_deal,from a mostly agricultural society to a mostly industrial one.19世纪晚期,欧洲变化很大,从一个以农业为主的社会转变为一个以工业为主的社会。(回归课本)
a great deal 副词短语,修饰动词,形容词或副词
My experience as an exchange student in Japan taught me a great deal.
The sun is a great deal nearer to us than other stars.
a great deal of...许多,大量,修饰不可数名词。
A great deal of their work is unpaid.
(1)many a/an...;a great/good many; quite a few;a (good/large)number of;scores of;many...其后接可数名词;
(2)a good/great deal of;a large amount of;amounts of;a little;much...其后接不可数名词;
(3)a lot of;lots of;plenty of;a large quantity of...其后既可接可数名词,又可接不可数名词。

Among the painters who broke_away_from the traditional style of painting were the Impressionists,who lived and worked in Paris.在那些突破传统画法的画家中有生活和工作在巴黎的印象派画家。(回归课本)
The criminal broke away from the two policemen who were holding him.
Lincoln said that it was not right for the South to break away from the Union.
break down分解;垮掉;打破
break into闯入;打断(话题)
break out(战争等)爆发
break through突围,突破
break up分解;驱散(人群)
You must break_away_form such bad habits.
A province has_broken_away to form a new state.

Naturally,these changes also led_to new painting styles. 自然地,这些变化也导致了绘画风格的变化。(回归课本)
He led us to his home.他把我们带到他家。
The path leads to the village.这条小路通往那个村庄。
All roads lead to Rome.条条大路通罗马。
What led you to that conclusion?
Laziness led to his failure.懒惰导致了他的失败。
lead sb. to sth. 引导某人……
lead a/an...life 过……的生活
lead sb. to sp. 领某人到某地
lead sb. to do sth. 引导某人去做某事
This street will lead you to the garden.
What led you to__believe I was not interested?
would rather 意为“宁愿”,表选择,后接不带 to 的动词不定式。
Would you rather work on a farm?
—Wouldn’t you rather stay here?
—No,I would not.I’d rather go there.
由于 would rather 表选择,因而后可接 than,还可以表示主观的愿望。
would rather do...than... 宁愿做……而不愿做……
I would rather work on a farm than in a factory.
I’d rather you didn’t talk about this matter to anyone.
I would rather you had_not_done_it.
I would rather lose a dozen cherry trees than that you should_tell me a lie.
2 Among the painters who broke away from the traditional style of painting were the Impressionists who lived and worked in Paris.在这些脱离传统绘画风格的画家中就有生活和工作在巴黎的印象派艺术家们
(1)此句是一个倒装句,正常语序应为“The impressionists who lived and worked in Paris were among the painters who broke away from the traditional style of painting.”此句为表语部分提前而引起的倒装,下面就表语提前的倒装讲解如下:
Sitting at the back of the room was a shy girl with two big eyes.一个腼腆的长着两只大眼睛的女孩坐在屋子的后面。
Gone are the days when women were looked down upon.
Such would be our life in the future.
(2)who broke away from the traditional style of painting 作 painters 的定语,为定语从句;who lived and worked in Paris 作 impressionists 的定语,也为定语从句。
(3)among prep. 在……中间,在……(三者以上)之间;……之一
I didn’t find her among the crowd.
Among them,he studies the hardest.
(2)between 有时也可用于三者,主要用于:两个以上的人或物用 and 连接时;涉及事物之间的区别或各国之间的关系时;表示“由于……合作的结果”时;在 divide,share 等表示“分享”之类的动词之后。
(3)指多者当中的每两者之间时,也用 between。
Don’t eat anything between meals.
We have breakfast between seven and half past seven.
The Yalu River flows between China and Korea.
Switzerland lies between France,Italy,Austria and Germany.
注意 between ourselves=between you and me 意为“仅仅你我知道的秘密”。among ourselves 意为“在我们之间,私下”;among themselves 意为“在他们之间;互相”。                                                     
3 There are scores of modern art styles,but without the Impressionists,many of these paining styles might not exist有许多现代艺术风格,但要是没有印象派画家,其中的许多绘画风格就不会存在了。
(1)用介词短语代替条件句来表示隐含条件,这些介词常用without,but for等。
Without air,there would be no living things.
But for your help,I couldn’t have done it.
I would have finished the work,but I have been ill.
I would have come to your birthday party last night,but I was too busy.
Without air to hold some of the sun’s heat,the earth at night would_be_freezing_cold.
The teacher must have thought John was worth teaching or she wouldn’t_have_wasted time on him,I suppose.
1.To be honest,I prefer his sculptures(雕塑)to his paintings.
2.We may often talk of beautiful things,but beauty itself is abstract(抽象的).
3.We talked until the early hours,and consequently(结果)I overslept .
4.The teacher has lost faith in the naughty boy.
5.He thought what the child painted was ridiculous.
6.He made an attempt(企图)to escape from being punished.
7.The topic of argument is controversial.
8.Sometimes earthquakes can’t be predicted(预测).
9.Modern education should adopt advanced teaching techniques.
10.Their aim is to buy a villa of their own in 2 years.
lead to;break away from;look like;scores of;in one’s possession;concentrate on;a great deal;aim at
1.My remarks were not aimed_at you.
2.He is a_great_deal better now.Don’t worry about him.
3.Their research has concentrated_on a drug which can prevent the bird flu.
4.When she wore that dress,Jane looked_like a princess.
5.The pickpocket broke_away_from the policeman who had been holding him.
6.Your explanation has led me to a clear understanding.
7.Dangerous drugs were found in_her_possession;therefore,she was arrested.
8.I’ve seen the film scores_of_ times.
1.The girl likes chocolate a great deal of.去掉of
2.He studied hard,aim at passing the exam.将aim改aiming
3.The old man prefers more to live alone.去掉more
4.I wish professor Smith has told me about that.将has改为had
5.Not only are you interested in the book,but also do I like it very much.去掉do
6.She went to the bookstore and bought score of books.将score改为scores
It was so dark in the room that I couldn’t see anything.
He made_an_attempt to escape from prison.
He talks a_great_deal but does little.
I tried to convince_them_of my innocence.
He has_been_accepted_as a member of this club.
Without_electricity ,some work can’t be done.
1.Only by ________ your attention ________ what you are learning,can you learn it well.
A.concentrate;on B.pay;on
C.concentrating; on D.paying;on
答案 C
解析 句意为:只有集中精力于你所学的东西,你才能把它学好。concentrate sth.on...为固定词组,意为“集中精力于……;专心致志于……”; by为介词,其后只能用动名词,而不能用动词原形,排除A项;pay one’s attention to...,故排除B、D两项。
2.At the very beginning,Einstein’s Theory of Relativity was so ________ that few scientists could understand it.
A.absorbed B.abstract
C.absolute D.interesting
答案 B
解析 考查形容词词义辨析。abstract抽象的;absolute绝对的;absorbed精神集中的。根据题意,只有B项符合。
3.On the one hand,they’d love to have kids,but ________ they don’t want to give up freedom.
A.when B.to other hand
C.on another hand D.on the other hand
答案 D
解析 on (the)one hand...,on the other hand...一方面……,另一方面……。
4.________work has been done to improve the people’s living standard.
A.Many B.A great many
C.A great deal of D.A large number of
答案 C
解析 由句中主语work为不可数名词这一特性可以排除A、B、D三个选项,因为many,a great many,a large number of只可以修饰可数名词,只有a great deal of可以修饰不可数名词。
5.—Does the young man standing there ________ the company?
—No.The company is ________ his father.
A.have possession of;in the possession of
B.in possession of;in the possession of
C.take possession of;in possession of
D.have possession of;in possession of
答案 A
解析 have/take possession of...拥有……;in possession of介词短语,以人作主语;in the possession of...介词短语,以物作主语,故选A项。
6.We can’t accurately ________ what will happen next.
A.debate B.speak
C.analyse D.predict
答案 D
解析 考查动词词义辨析。debate争论,辩论;analyse分析;predict预言。
7.Du Li faced heavy pressure in the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.________,she missed the first champion.
A.Consequently B.Unfortunately
C.Especially D.Absolutely
答案 A
解析 句意为:杜丽在2008年北京奥运会上压力太大;结果,她没拿到第一场比赛的冠军。
8.________ to meet you here!
A.What a coincidence B.What a chance
C.What coincidental D.What an accident
答案 A
解析 What a coincidence...真巧……;巧极了……。
9.AIDS is spreading all over the world at shocking speed.Where its dark ________ appears,we see pain,tears and death.
A.shape B.shadow
C.ambition D.feeling
答案 B
解析 shadow阴影;shape形状;ambition雄心;feeling感情。根据句意“在艾滋病阴影出现的地方,我们看到的是痛苦、眼泪和死亡”可知B项正确。
10.Yang Liwei,China’s first spaceman,prepared carefully for going to space so that he could be sure of success at his first ________.
A.experiment B.fight
C.attempt D.try
答案 C
解析 at one’s first attempt某人第一次尝试。
There were two warring tribes in the Andes,one that lived in the lowlands and the other high in the mountains.The mountain people invaded(侵略)the lowlanders one day,and __1__ part of their robbing,they took away a __2__ of one of the lowlander families and took the baby __3__ up into the mountains.
The lowlanders didn’t know how to climb the mountain.They didn’t know the __4__ that the mountain people used,and they didn’t know where to find the mountain people or how to __5__ them in the steep surroundings.__6__,they sent out their best party of fighting men to climb the mountain and __7__ the baby home.
The men __8__one method of climbing and then another.After several days of __9__,however,they had __10__ only several hundred feet.Feeling __11__and helpless,the lowlander men decided that the __12__ could not be achieved.With no means left,they __13__ to return to their village below.
On their way home,they saw the baby’s mother __14__ toward them.They realized that she was __15__ the mountain that they hadn’t __16__ how to climb.And then they saw that she had the baby strapped(捆)to her __17__ .How could that be?
One man __18__ her and said,“We couldn’t climb this mountain. How did you do this when we,the __19__ and most able men in the village,couldn’t do __20__ ?”
She shrugged her shoulders and said,“It wasn’t your baby.”
1.A.to B.for C.on D.as
答案 D
解析 一天,山上的人侵略了住在低处的人,作为抢劫的一部分,他们……
2.A.goat B.man C.baby D.woman
答案 C
解析 结合后面的took the baby可以看出,山上的人劫走了一个孩子。
3.A.back B.in C.away D.under
答案 A
解析 动词短语take sb./sth. back表示“把人或物带回到……”。此处指山上的人把孩子带回到山上。
4.A.sense B.way C.wonder D.manner
答案 B
解析 由前句内容可知,住在低处的人们不知道山上的人是如何爬上山的。
5.A.grab B.contact C.kill D.track
答案 D
解析 根据后面的“in the steep surroundings”可知,在这陡峭的环境中,他们不知道怎么追踪山上的人。
6.A.Even so B.In case
C.On the contrary D.Therefore
答案 A
解析 低处的人不知道如何找到山上的人,即使这样,他们还是派出了最好的一队人员。
7.A.take B.force C.move D.bring
答案 D
解析 上山把孩子带回来。bring sb. home把某人带回家。
8.A.learned B.accessed C.tried D.provided
答案 C
解析 由句中的“one method...and then another”可知,他们尝试了各种方法。
9.A.protection B.effort C.difficulty D.energy
答案 B
解析 由“only several hundred feet”可知,这是几天来努力的结果。
10A.examined B.compared
C.proved D.climbed
答案 D
解析 由句中的“several hundred feet”可知,他们爬了几百英尺高。
11.A.senseless B.worthless
C.hopeless D.fearless
答案 C
解析 用了几天的时间才爬了几百英尺,因此他们都失去希望了。
12.A.goal B.achievement
C.idea D.exploration
答案 A
解析 由前文中的helpless可以看出,他们认为目标不能实现了。
13.A.managed B.adventured
C.wanted D.prepared
答案 D
解析 由于没有办法爬上山,他们准备返回山下的村子。
14.A.smiling B.walking
C.viewing D.crying
答案 B
解析 在回家的路上,他们看到孩子的妈妈朝他们走了过来。
15.A.heading toward B.coming down
C.looking up D.passing by
答案 B
解析 由下文中“How did you do this”可知,孩子的母亲是从山上下来的。
16.A.figured out B.looked out
C.turned out D.brought out
答案 A
解析 人们搞不懂孩子的妈妈是如何爬上山的。figure out表示“弄清楚,弄明白”。
17.A.arm B.back C.hand D.head
答案 B
解析 根据常识可以判断,她把孩子捆在背上背着走。
18.A.welcomed B.greeted
C.followed D.received
答案 B
解析 由后面的内容可以看出,人群中有人向她打招呼。
19.A.tallest B.oldest C.shortest D.strongest
答案 D
解析 由句中的“and most able men”可知,这些人应该是最强壮的。
20.A.it B.them C.her D.that
答案 A
解析 此处用do it代替climb the mountain。根据前面的“How did you do this”可以判断,此处不用that。
Unit 2 Poems
Period One Warming Up,Pre-reading and Reading
Others try to convey certain emotions.其他的试图来表达某种感情。(回归课本)
Words can’t convey my sorrow.
The song conveys how deeply he loved his country.
Your luggage will be conveyed by helicopter from the airport to your hotel.
The survivors from Sichuan Earthquake have been conveyed to safe places.
convey one’s feelings表达感情
convey news/information to sb.把消息/信息传达给某人
convey meanings传达意思
convey sth.to sb.向某人表达/传达……
convey sth./sb.from...to...把……从……送到……
If you convey this suggestion back to your manager, we shall obtain a solution to our problem.(×)
If you convey this suggestion to your manager, we shall obtain a solution to our problem.(√)
Please convey my best wishes to her.
Pipes convey hot water from the boiler to the radiators.
List poems have a flexible line length and repeated phrases which give both a pattern and a rhythm to the poem.清单诗的诗句长短灵活且短语可重复,这就形成了这种诗的模式和节奏。(回归课本)
These sentences all have the same grammatical pattern.
She wore a dress with a pattern of roses on it.
Over the next months their work pattern changed.
changing patterns of behaviour/work/weather行为/工作/天气的变化模式
an irregular sleeping pattern不规律的睡眠模式
follow a (similar) pattern同出一辙
set the pattern for...为……树立榜样
You must not tease your little sister.
Don’t tease that cock. It may turn on you.
The teacher helped them tease out the meaning of the poem.
tease sth. out探讨,梳理清楚
tease sb. for sth.缠着某人强求……
tease sb. to do sth.强求某人做……
She is always teasing her mother
Week in, week out Endless周而复始,永无止境(回归课本)
A video game will provide endless hours of fun.
I’m tired of his endless chatting.
endlessly adv.无休止地,无穷地
ending n.结局,结尾
end vi.结束,中止;vt.使终止,使结束;n.末尾;结束
end up最终……
end with...以……作为结束
A fallen blossom一只落花
Is coming back to the branch.要回到枝头。
Look,a butterfly!看,却是只蝴蝶!(回归课本)
Look at the naughty boy, he is hanging from the branch.
The Min River is a branch of the Changjiang River.
The bank has branches in all parts of the country.
branch v.分叉;分道;拓展新领域
I decided to branch out on my own.我决定自己开业。
The company has now branched out into selling insurance.
Never looking back,不回头
Transformed into stone.化为石。(回归课本)
She used to be terribly shy, but a year abroad has completely transformed her.
A complete change of climate transformed the area from a desert into farmland.
transformation n.
transform sth./sb. into...把……变成……
In only 20 years the country has_been_transformed_into an advanced industrial power.
(2)这家公司已从家庭企业变成一家拥有5 000名工人的大企业。
The company has_been_transformed_from a family business into one with 5,000 workers.
A lot of Tang poetry has_been_translated into English.许多唐诗已被翻译成英文。(回归课本)
Can you help me to translate the poem into English?
Translating an article is no easier at all than creating a new one.
Can you translate your meaning into gestures?
translation n.[C,U]翻译,译文
translator n.[C]翻译,译者
其被动式为be translated/put/turned/changed into...
Can you translate/put/turn/change this passage into English?你能把这篇文章译成英语吗?
This novel has been translated/put/turned/changed into English.这篇小说已被译成英文了。
It’s time to translate our ideas into action.
I hope all the hard work will_translate_into profits.
With so many different forms of poetry to choose from, students may eventually want to write poems of their own.有如此多诗的形式可选择,学生可能最终想写他们自己的诗了。(回归课本)
He worked very hard and eventually made himself ill.
Eventually he was tired of trying so hard.
eventually,at last
at last通常表示“在久久等待以后终于发生”。                                                     
If the population goes on increasing at the present rate, there will eventually not be enough resources left on earth to sustain human life.
At_last the spring came after a long severe winter.
We would have won if we hadn’t_taken_it_easy,_if we hadn’t run out of energy.如果我们没有放松、如果我们没有耗尽精力,我们就会赢了。(回归课本)
Just take it easy and tell us exactly what happened.
If we hadn’t taken it easy, we would have passed the exam.
take things/it easy,take one’s time
(1)take things/it easy意为“放松,不要紧张”。指心理上“别紧张”,相当于“Don’t be nervous.”。
(2)take one’s time意为“不慌不忙,从容不迫”或“拖拉,慢吞吞”。指时间上不用慌张,因为“There’s enough time left.”。                                                     
The doctor told me to take_things/it_easy and stop working so hard.
There’s no need to rush back—just take_your_time.

...if we hadn’t run_out_of energy.……如果我们没有耗尽精力。(回归课本)
We have run out of coal and have to burn wood.
When they ran out of their oxygen, they had no chance of surviving.
run out,give out
run out表示“用完;用光;耗尽”时,是不及物动词短语。
Our gas is running out = We are running out of gas.
give out可以表示人的力气“用完”或人“精疲力尽”,还可以表示“发出;分发;宣布”等。
Her legs gave out and she collapsed.她腿一软就倒了下去。                                                     
run across偶然碰见
run after追赶,追求
run around到处跑
run away逃跑;跑开
run into使……撞在……上;(非正式)偶然遇见
run off逃跑;离弃
run over(开车)压过,碾过;反复练习
Our supplies soon ran_out/gave_out.
My car’s running_out_of petrol. I must find a gas station before it runs_out.

Another simple form of poem that students can easily write is the cinquain, a poem made_up_of five lines.另外一种学生容易写的简体诗是五行诗,由五行组成。(回归课本)
Five men and two women made up the medical team to be sent to Iraq.
60% of the student number is made up of girls.
(1)make up
The teacher asked us to make up a poem about Christmas.
Most women make up every day now.
John must make up the lessons he missed.
We still need 5 dollars to make up the money.
I told the children a story, making it up as I went along.
(2)be made by...由(某人)制造
be made in...由(某地方)制造
be made of...由……制成(能看出原料)
be made into...制成……
be made from...由……制成(看不出原料)
Our class is_made_up_of 65 students, including 35 boys and 30 girls.
Small as a watch is, it is_made_up_of tens of smaller parts.

Did you know that English speakers also enjoy other forms of Asian poetry—Tang poems from China in_particular?你知道吗?说英语的人也酷爱其他的亚洲诗,尤其是中国的唐诗。(回归课本)
The whole meal was good but the wine was excellent in particular.
It was a good concert — I enjoyed the last song in particular.这场音乐会不错,我特别喜欢最后一首歌。
in particular = particularly
in particular常用在anyone/anything/anywhere/no one/ nothing/nowhere等不定代词的后面。
Was there anyone in particular that you wanted to talk to?
Have you found out the reason why he left school?
The reason why so many people rushed to California was that another gold mine was found there.
Many people rushed to California.That’s because another gold mine was found there.
Another gold mine was found.That’s why so many people rushed there.
(1)the reason why... 干……的理由,后接句子;the reason for... 和它同义,后接名词或动名词。
(2)句型 that’s why... 和 that’s because... 的区别在于前者引出“结果”,而后者接“原因”。
用 that’s why,that’s because 的适当形式填空
(1)Hitler hated Jews.That’s_why Einstein left Europe for America.
(2)I failed in the exam.That’s_because I suffered from a serious headache then.
though strange 是让步状语从句的省略,补充完整是 though they were strange,though 是从属连词,当从句的主语与主句的主语相一致,并且从句的谓语动词是 be 时,常常省略从句主语和 be。
Though tired,she still kept on running.
Though not large,the room was well lit.
在用作从属连词表示让步意义时,它们的语义是相同的,只是 although 语气更强一些,而 though 更普遍些。它们的区别在于:
(1)though 能用来构成特殊语序的让步状语从句,而 although 不能;
Rich though he is,he is not happy.
(2)though 可用作并列连词,表示 and,but,yet,however 等含义,而 although 不能;
He is looking fit,though.
(3)though 可用作副词,放在句末,而 although 没有这个用法;
(4)though 可以用 even 修饰,构成 even though (即使,尽管,虽然),而 although 不能用 even 修饰。
She wore a fur coat,even though it was a very hot day.
Though_cold and hungry,_none of us would give up.
The maths problem is very difficult. I worked it out, though.
1.He transformed the old kitchen into a beautiful sitting room.
2.We have turned this school into a nursery(托儿所).
3.Romantic novels tend to follow a set pattern(模式).
4.I think the English article which was translated into Chinese by him is second to none.
5.Don’t be upset about it any more; you see,endless chances are awaiting you ahead.
6.True friends should share happiness as well as sorrow.
7.He climbed up the tree and hid himself among the branches.
8.We didn’t know how they conveyed(运送)these stones over 380 miles without modern machines.
take it easy;run out of;make up of;in particular;translate into;make sense;make a list;on fire
1.No matter how you read it, this sentence doesn’t make_sense.
2.I am running_out_of money. I have to return home and fetch some.
3.It is known to us all that the United States is_made_up_of fifty states.
4.I like watching foreign films, Indian ones in_particular.
5.That famous novel is said to have been_translated_into many languages.
6.Take_it_easy,_and you will feel well after a week’s rest.
7.Look, the theatre is on_fire! Let’s go and help.
8.I’d better make_a_list,_or I will forget who I’ve invited.
1.Though he is young, he knows how to deal with such difficult situations.
Young as he is , he knows how to manage such difficult situations.
2.Probably he will come to attend the meeting tomorrow.
He is likely to come to attend the meeting tomorrow.
3.People in ancient times wrote poetry for a variety of reasons.
There are various reasons why people in ancient times wrote poetry.
4.Every day, the farmers work hard on their land, hoping to get a good harvest.
Day after day,_the farmers work hard on their land, hoping to get a good harvest.
5.There is nothing serious. Don’t be nervous.
There is nothing serious. Just take it easy.
6.You can’t trust the trains to run on time.
You can’t depend on the trains to run on time.
1.My sister is reading a_poem_written_by(由……写的一首诗)Shakespeare.
2.It’s difficult to find a rhymed_word(压韵的词)for this poem.
3.We expressed_our_sorrow(表示悲痛)at the death in Sichuan Earthquake.
4.Are you going anywhere in_particular(特别地)?
5.He looks_forward_to(盼望着)spending Christmas in England.
6.Society is_made_up_of(由……组成)people with widely different abilities.
1.________ into many languages,Harry Potter is popular with children and adults as well all over the world.
A.Being translated B.Having translated
C.To be translated D.Having been translated
答案 D
解析 Harry Potter与translate之间是被动关系,且“翻译”这件事发生在谓动动词be popular之前,故选D项。句意为:《哈里·波特》这部书现在很受全世界成人及小孩儿的欢迎,已被译成了很多的语言版本。
2.— Excuse me, will you change this one-hundred dollar note for me?
— Sorry, my changes ________.
A.are running of B.are lack of
C.are running out of D.ran out
答案 D
解析 由语境知,此处表示“我的零钱花光了”,主语是my changes,故排除A、C两项,选D项。
3.The committee ________ five famous scientists put forward a valuable plan at the end of the conference.
A.was made up of B.was made from
C.made from D.made up of
答案 D
解析 made up of five famous scientists作the committee的定语。
4.These behavior ________ are typical of this age group.
A.designs B.patterns C.models D.samples
答案 B
解析 pattern图案,花样;模式。design设计,构思,尤指整体构成;model模型;sample样品;标本。句意为:就这个年龄层而言,这些行为模式很典型。
5.To the ________ of the family, the house was completely destroyed by the earthquake.
A.sad B.sorrow C.regret D.pity
答案 B
解析 此处表示“令全家人伤心的是……”,B项符合题意,C、D两项意为“遗憾”,与题意不符。
6.As we all know, a good farmer can ________ a deserted place into a rich field.
A.translate B.build C.tease D.transform
答案 D
解析 transform...into...把……变成……。
7.Economics is a ________ of science while English is one of the ________ of languages.
A.branch, branch B.branches,branch
C.branches,branch D.branch,branches
答案 D
解析 a+单数名词,而one of+复数名词;branch的复数形式为branches。
8.Cotton can be made ________ cloth and many other things.
A.from B.out of C.of D.into
答案 D
解析 be made into...被制成……;be made of由……制成;be made out of...由……改制成。根据题意,应选D项。
9.— I’m going to Beijing next week. Do you have anything ________ there?
— No,but thank you all the same.
A.to be taken B.taken
C.taking D.to take
答案 A
解析 从上下文来看,应表示“你有什么东西要被带到那里去吗?”动作发生在将来,要用动词不定式,而且take与you之间是被动关系,故A项正确。
10.— I’m sorry to keep you waiting.
— ________. I’m not in a hurry.
A.Take it easy B.Take your time
C.That’s all right D.Do as you please
答案 B
解析 从下文答语“I’m not in a hurry”来看,B项符合语境。take it easy意为“放松点;别紧张”,与语境不符。
11.It is no ________ arguing with Bill because he will never change his mind.
A.use B.help C.time D.way
答案 A
解析 It’s no use/good doing sth是固定句式,表示“做……没用处/好处”。
12.—There’s coffee and tea; you can have ________.
A.either B.each C.one D.it
答案 A
解析 either指两者之中任一个;each指三者或三者以上中的每一个。由句意“有咖啡和茶,你可以喝其一”,可知A项正确。
13.Paul doesn’t have to be made ________. He always works hard.
A.learn B.to learn C.learned D.learning
答案 B
解析 make sb. do sth.在被动语态中,动词不定式中省略的to应该补出。
14.Unless ________ to speak, you should remain silent at the conference.
A.invited B.inviting
C.being invited D.having invited
答案 A
解析 有些表示时间、地点、条件、方式或让步的状语从句,如果谓语动词中含有动词be,主语又和主句中的主语一致,常把从句中的主语和谓语动词的一部分省掉,而用分词形式。主动关系用现在分词,被动关系用过去分词,此处主语you与invite之间是被动关系,故选A项。
15.The manager has got a good business ________ so the company is doing well.
A.idea B.sense C.thought D.thinking
答案 B
解析 sense辨别力;判断力,如:a sense of direction方向感。句意为:这位经理有很强的经商意识,因此公司经营良好。
I met him first on a summer day in 1989. I __1__ into his ugly small shop to have my shoes repaired. It wasn’t much of a job, so I __2__ while he did it. He greeted me with a __3__ smile, “You are __4__ in this place, aren’t you?”
I said I was. I had __5__ into this street only a week before.
“This is a fine place,” he said. I __6__ there with my shoes off, __7__ around as he got ready to make repairs. He looked __8__ at the leather. It was worn through because I had __9__ to have the repair job done. I grew __10__ impatient, for I was eager to meet a friend, and I had to get there without delay. “Please hurry.” I begged.
He looked at me __11__ his glasses, “We won’t be long. I must do a good job. You see, I have a tradition to live up to.”
A tradition? In this ugly small shop that wasn’t any _12__ from so many other shops on the streets of New York.
He must have felt my __13__ for he smiled as he __14__. “Yes, my father is a good shoemaker.” He always told me, “Son, do the best job on every shoe that __15__ the shop, and be proud of your own work. Do that always, and you’ll have both happiness and money enough to live on.”
As he __16__ me the finished shoes, he said,“These will last a long time.” I left __17__, my friend would be waiting for me __18__.
That evening I __19__ the shop. There he was.When he saw me, he waved and smiled. This was the beginning of our __20__ that came to mean more and more to me as time passed.
1.A.looked B.rushed C.slipped D.broke
答案 B
解析 rush into意为“冲进去”,B项符合题意。
2.A.left B.waited C.watched D.helped
答案 B
解析 wait意为“等待”,B项符合题意。
3.A.sweet B.light C.cold D.forced
答案 A
解析 从下文可以看出这是一位非常热情的鞋匠,所以他给我一个甜甜的微笑,A项符合题意。
4.A.fresh B.young C.familiar D.new
答案 D
解析 鞋匠问我是否是新来的,第二段有提示。
5.A.came B.lived C.moved D.entered
答案 C
解析 move表示“搬家”的意思。
6.A.stood B.lay C.sat D.talked
答案 C
解析 修鞋自然要坐着等候。
7.A.thinking B.moving C.turning D.looking
答案 D
解析 鞋匠修鞋时,我四处看看。look around意为“四处看”。
8.A.surprisingly B.sadly
C.painfully D.angrily
答案 B
解析 鞋匠出于职业习惯很爱护皮子,所以看我把鞋穿成那样,很伤心。
9.A.failed B.managed C.wanted D.intended
答案 A
解析 我之所以把鞋穿成那样,是因为我没有及时去修理,A项符合题意。
10.A.more B.less C.greatly D.a little
答案 D
解析 a little意为“一点儿”,符合题意。
11.A.under B.over C.in D.with
答案 B
解析 over his glasses是指从眼镜框上边看对方。
12.A.different B.special C.particular D.unusual
答案 A
解析 这家小鞋店并没有与别的鞋店不同之处。
13.A.doubt B.surprise
C.disappointment D.astonishment
答案 B
解析 他一定感觉到了我的惊讶。
14.A.said B.agreed C.continued D.answered
答案 C
解析 他一边继续接着上边的话说,一边微笑。
15.A.flies into B.brings to
C.comes into D.introduces to
答案 C
解析 come into意为“进来”,C项符合题意。
16.A.showed B.handed C.brought D.took
答案 B
解析 修好鞋之后递给我。
17.A.quietly B.slowly C.in time D.in a hurry
答案 D
解析 与上文呼应,我着急地离开了。
18.A.coldly B.happily
C.anxiously D.angrily
答案 C
解析 等的人不来应该是很着急的心情。
19.A.entered B.passed C.visited D.saw
答案 B
解析 那天晚上我又经过那家鞋店,下一句话说“he waved and smiled”。
20.A.experience B.love
C.friendship D.story
答案 C
解析 这是我们友谊的开始。
Unit 3 A healthy life
Period One Warming-Up,Pre-reading and Reading
Drug abuse滥用毒品(回归课本)
We must prevent the abuse of privileges.
Government officials shouldn’t abuse their power.
Stop abusing that dog!不要折磨那条狗了!
He is always abusing people.他总爱骂人。
abusive adj.施虐的
abuse of对……的虐待/伤害;滥用……
abuse of power/privilege滥用权力/特权
open to abuse可能被滥用的
Stress is often a factor in the development of long-term sickness.心理压力常常是形成慢性病的一个因素。
In the word “mother” the stress is on the first syllable.
He stressed the importance of a good education.
You stress the first syllable in “happiness”.
stressful adj.压力大的
stressed adj.有压力的
time of stress危难之际,非常时期
lay/place/put stress on...把重点放在……上
under the stress of...为……所迫
a stressful job/situation/lifestyle繁重的工作/艰难的处境/紧张的生活方式
Tom has been under_a_lot_of_stress since his mother’s illness.
Most schools lay/put/place_stress on foreign language education.
Do you think smoking should_be_banned?你认为抽烟该被禁止吗?(回归课本)
The government has banned the use of chemical weapons.
He was banned from (attending) the meeting.
Many smokers also support the ban on smoking in public places.许多吸烟者也支持在公共场合禁止吸烟。
ban sth.禁止某事
ban sb. from (doing) sth.禁止某人(做)某事
a ban on...关于……的禁令
Fishing in this lake is banned.此湖禁止捕鱼。
His father forbade the marriage.他的父亲不允许这门婚事。
The book was_banned from school libraries.
There will be a total ban_on smoking.
You see,during adolescence I also smoked and became_addicted_to cigarettes.你知道,年轻时,我也吸烟并且对香烟非常有瘾。(回归课本)
Many students are addicted to computer games.
It doesn’t take long to become addicted to these drugs.
addict n.沉湎于不良嗜好的人(尤指吸毒者,对……入迷的人)
addiction n.沉湎,成瘾
addictive adj.使人上瘾的
Coffee is addictive in a mild way.
They are rock music addicts.
He is now fighting his addiction to alcohol.
He admitted he was_addicted_to cocaine.
These sleeping pills are_not_addictive.
As you know,if you do the same thing over and over again, you begin to do it automatically.你知道,如果你反反复复地做同一件事情,你就会自动地开始做它。(回归课本)
Breathing is an automatic fun_ction of the body.
This is an automatic control system.
automatically adv.(尤指出于习惯)不假思索地、机械地;自然地;必然地;自动地
He made that movement automatically.
I was addicted in all three ways,so it was very difficult to quit.我之所以上瘾是有着这三个方面的原因的,因此,要戒(烟)就很难。(回归课本)
I’ve decided to quit smoking.我已决心戒烟。
He quitted Paris after a week.他一周后离开了巴黎。
quit office离职
quit school退学
quit doing sth.停止做……
Tell him to quit_laughing at me.
He is quitting as manager of the England team.
When I was young,I didn’t know much about the harmful effects of smoking.在我年轻的时候,关于吸烟的危害性我知道的并不多。(回归课本)
Scientists are studying the chemical’s effect on the environment.
Any change in lifestyle will have an effect on your health.
cause and effect因果
have an/some/little/no effect on对……有/有一些/几乎没有/没有影响
come/go into effect开始实施;开始生效
in effect事实上,实际上;有效的
take effect生效,奏效
of no effect无效的,无用的
In_effect,our wages will increase by 2%.
The NAFTA agreement has had_little_effect_on the daily life of most Americans.
If you weaken and have a cigarette,do not feel ashamed.如果你因意志薄弱而又抽烟了,也不要觉得难为情。(回归课本)
You should be ashamed of failing to finish the task.
I’m ashamed to have behaved so badly at your party.
be ashamed of sb./sth.对……感到羞耻(惭愧)
be ashamed to do sth.耻于做……,因难为情而不愿做……
be ashamed+that. . .对……感到惭愧
feel ashamed for sb.替某人感到羞愧
I think my long and active life must be due_to the healthy life I live.我想我之所以长寿而且精力充沛,要归功于我的健康生活。(回归课本)
What one thinks and feels is due to tradition,habit and education.
My success is due to your help.
He is due to speak at the meeting tomorrow.
because of由于
thanks to多亏,归功于
on account of由于……
because+从句 由于,因为
owing to由于……
Owing to the president’s ill health,the visit to Canada is to be put off.因健康原因,总统推迟访问加拿大。
Thanks to a good teacher,he passed the examination.
He was sent to a nursing home on account of age.
The accident is due_to your careless driving.
The team’s success was largely due_to her efforts.

This means that after a while your body becomes accustomed_to having nicotine in it.这就是说,过一段时间以后,你的身体习惯了香烟里的尼古丁。(回归课本)
You’ll soon get accustomed to the climate here.
Gradually she grew accustomed to looking after patients.
be/become/get/grow accustomed to (doing) sth.习惯于(做)某事,相当于be used to (doing) sth.
accustom vt.使习惯于……
accustom oneself to (doing) sth.使自己习惯于(做)某事
She found it difficult to accustom herself to doing this kind of work.她发现很难使自己习惯于做这种工作。
He quickly became/got_accustomed_to the new way of life.
She found it necessary to accustom her child to_getting up early.

Decide_on a day to quit.选择一个日子来戒烟。(回归课本)
Have you decided on going to America for further education?
Don’t decide on important matters too quickly.
decide (not) to do sth.决定(不)做……
decide+疑问词+to do sth.
decide for...作出对……有利的决定
be determined to do sth.下定决心做……
It has been decided that the meeting should be held today.

Every time you feel_like_smoking a cigarette,remind yourself that you are a non-smoker.每次当你想吸烟的时候,你就提醒你自己,你(已经)是个不吸烟的人了。(回归课本)
I feel like going to Europe for a visit next summer vacation.
If you feel like it,how about taking a walk with me after supper?
feel like还有“摸上去像……;感觉像是……”之意。
The table felt like plastic,not wood.
The clock said it was only eight o’clock but it felt like midnight.时钟显示的时间只有8点钟,但感觉像是午夜。
feel like,would like
would like与feel like意思很相近,但用法却不同。feel like后面常跟名词、代词或动名词作宾语,构成feel like(doing) sth.结构;而would like一般接名词、动词不定式,构成would like (to do) sth.或would like sb. to do sth.的句式。                                                     
I feel_(would)_like a cup of coffee.
When I came back to England,I felt_like a stranger.
1It seems amazing that at my age I am still fit enough to cycle 20 kilometres in an afternoon.在我这个年纪,依然很健康,能一下午骑车二十公里,这是令人吃惊的。
It is not easy to finish the work in two days.
It is surprising that she should say so.
It’s necessary that you should be present at the meeting.
It is+形容词+that 从句,真正的主语是 that 从句。常见的用 it 作形式主语的复合句结构还有:
It is a fact /a shame/a pity/no wonder...+that-clause...
It is said/reported/decided/suggested...+that-clause...
It seems/happened/doesn’t matter/has turned out...+that-clause...
2 Every time you feel like smoking a cigarette,remind yourself that you are a non?smoker.每当你想要吸烟的时候,告诫自己是个非吸烟者。
Every/Each time I was in trouble,he would come to help me out.
Every/Each time I called on him,he was busy with his work.每次我去看他,他总是在忙着工作。
The first time I climbed onto the wall,I felt a little nervous.
Next time you come,you’ll see him.
名词词组作连词引导时间状语从句。最常用的有几种情况:every/each/any time;the+序数词+time,(the) next time;the moment/instant/minute,etc.(一……就……);the+day/week/month/year,etc.。
Next_time_you_come,do remember to bring your son here.
(2)她最后一次看到 James时,他躺在床上。
The_last_time_she_saw James,he was lying in bed.
我把我从网上找到的一些忠告寄给你,也许对你戒烟和坚定决心会有所帮助。我的确希望你把烟戒掉,因为我希望你能像我这样活得健康长寿。 爱你的爷爷!
1.John changed from a friendly and cheerful young boy into a confused adolescent(青少年).
2.The door opened automatically(自动地) as we approached.
3.Mary spends all her spare time in reading and we all say that she is addicted to reading.
4.I’m a northerner,so I am not accustomed(适应) to the kind of food that southerners often eat.
5.She was ashamed of her obesity so she decided to go on a diet and do more exercise.
6.Because the final exam is coming,most students are under a lot of stress(压力).
7.I wish you’d all quit(停止) complaining.
8.The new law will come into effect from next month.
due to;addicted to;ashamed of;accustomed to;decide on;over and over again;feel like;reach for
1.Do you feel_like shopping with me?
2.I was ashamed_of having lied to my teacher.
3.The game was put off due_to the rain.
4.I read the report over_and_over_again,till I almost knew it by heart.
5.My parents have decided_on buying the red shoes for my birthday.
6.He has been accustomed_to the life in the mountains from his earliest boyhood.
7.He is seriously addicted_to these drugs.
8.He turned round and reached_for the phone.
1.What’s the problem with the method?
2.He has been accustomed to managing the store.
3.He eventually gave up his idea due to the bad weather.
4.I really feel like staying at home today.
5.In spite of her wounded leg,she succeeded in covering the distance.
6.With a lot of work to do,he had to work all day.
1.He has the habit of staying up late and getting up late.
He is accustomed/used_to staying up late and getting up late.
2.He is so strong that he can lift a heavy stone.
He is strong enough to lift such a heavy stone.
3.His son is so interested in playing computer games that he spends all his free time playing them.
His son is addicted to computer games.
4.What she said made him change his mind.
She managed to persuade him.
5.The heavy rain couldn’t stop them from going out.
In spite of the heavy rain,they still went out.
6.My younger sister failed in the entrance exam because of her carelessness.
My younger sister failed in the entrance exam due to her carelessness.
1.He was ________ of having asked such a silly question.
A.ashamed B.shame C.sorry D.regret
答案 A
解析 be ashamed of...因……而羞愧。
2.Dr. Smith quitted ________ to have dinner.
A.researching B.researched
C.to research D.to researched
答案 A
解析 quit后跟doing形式作宾语。
3.According to the recent research,heavy coffee drinking and heart attack is not necessary ________ and effect.
A.reason B.impact C.fact D.cause
答案 D
解析 cause and effect为固定短语,意为“因果关系”。句意为:根据最新研究,过量饮用咖啡与心脏病之间没有必然的因果关系。
4.The English teacher laid particular ________ the need of reading aloud.
A.stress on B.importance
C.stress to D.attention
答案 A
解析 句意为:老师特别强调了大声朗读的重要性。lay stress on强调。
5.The heating system here has an ________ temperature control.
A.automobile B.autumn C.automatic D.aural
答案 C
解析 考查词义辨析。automobile汽车;automatic自动的;aural听觉的。句意为:这里的加热系统可以自动调节温度。根据题意,知C项正确。
6.He fell ill and ________ died.
A.constantly B.eventually C.especially D.essentially
答案 B
解析 副词词义辨析。constantly经常地;eventually最终;especially尤其;essentially根本上。B项符合题意。
7.A ________ hospital has just been set up here.
A.mental B.metal C.mortal D.moral
答案 A
解析 句意为:这儿刚建了一家精神医院。
8.My sister was against my suggestion while my brother was ________ it.
A.in favour of B.in memory of
C.in honour of D.in search of
答案 A
解析 句意为:我姐姐反对我的建议而我哥哥赞同。in favour of支持,赞同;in memory of为纪念……;in honour of为纪念……,为了向……表示敬意;in search of寻找……。
9.I feel like ________ to the cinema tonight and I would like you ________ me company.
A.going;to keep B.going;keeping
C.to go;to keep D.to go;keeping
答案 A
解析 feel like (doing) sth.想要(干)……;would like sb. to do sth.想要让某人做……。
10.If your race car isn’t insured,you may ________ losing everything when it hits something solid.
A.delay B.deny C.avoid D.risk
答案 D
解析 句意为:如果你的赛车没有被投保,碰上硬东西时,你就可能冒失去一切的风险。delay耽搁;deny否定;avoid避免;risk冒风险。
Recent studies show that only one out of three people have strong and healthy self-confidence.That __1__ two out of every three people simply don’t know the __2__ they already have to be successful when it’s __3__ there in their hands!__4__ if you want others to believe in you,you have to believe in yourself first.Remember:“No one can make you feel inferior unless you __5__ them”.A successful businessman says,“You can’t push anyone up a ladder __6__ he knows he can climb himself.”
Many of us have an image __7__,the image we have of ourselves.__8__ one guy puts it:“You can’t win a horse race if you think you look __9__ on a horse.” To succeed,the first person you have to __10__ is yourself!So stop believing your own lies about yourself.Just __11__ your mind and you’ll change your life.
One of the most harmful weapons that can kill your success in life are the two little words:“__12__”You know that people used to __13__ that if human beings traveled faster than 30 miles an hour it would __14__ our circulation of blood and kill us.Thank goodness a few people didn’t believe that __15__ thinking,or we wouldn’t be riding in cars,buses,and flying in airplanes today.You’ll never know until you __16__.
Roger Bannister was the first human being to run a mile in less than 4 minutes.But __17__ he did it,most people in the world didn’t think it was even __18__.Yet only weeks after Bannister did it,suddenly __19__ all over the world began running a mile in less than 4 minutes!If we believe something can be done,we’ll __20__ do it.
1.A.means B.reflects C.reads D.explains
答案 A
解析 mean意味着,意思是;reflect反映;read读;explain解释。结合原文,第二句是对第一句的解释,A项最符合逻辑。
2.A.chance B.strength C.ability D.reason
答案 C
解析 ability能力。结合整句话来看,ability用在此处最适合。
3.A.immediately B.properly
C.accurately D.right
答案 D
解析 句意为:这就意味着有三分之二的人虽然已经拥有了获得成功的能力,但他们却不知道。right恰好;immediately立即;properly适当的;accurately确切地。
4.A.Because B.But C.What D.While
答案 B
解析 结合上下文,此处应表转折。
5.A.let B.challenge C.admit D.make
答案 A
解析 句意为:没有人能使你感到自卑。除非你给了别人这个权力。
6.A.if B.except C.until D.unless
答案 D
解析 句意为:你不能推任何人上梯子,除非他自己觉得能爬上去。
7.A.quiz B.question C.problem D.mystery
答案 C
解析 problem问题;quiz测验;question疑问;mystery秘密。句意为:我们很多人有形象问题,就是对自我形象的认识。
8.A.When B.As C.While D.Since
答案 B
解析 as正如。
9.A.curious B.good-looking
C.serious D.funny
答案 D
解析 funny滑稽可笑的;curious好奇的;good-looking相貌好看的;serious严肃的。句意为:正如有人说:“如果你觉得自己骑马的样子滑稽可笑,你就不可能赢得赛马。”
10.A.beat B.knock C.strike D.defend
答案 A
解析 beat战胜,打败;knock敲击;strike打击;defend保护。句意为:要想成功,你要战胜的第一个人就是你自己。
11.A.settle B.bend C.change D.fix
答案 C
解析 句意为:你不要再欺骗自己了,改变你的思维就会改变你的生活。
12.A.I failed. B.Not me.
C.Can I? D.I can’t.
答案 D
解析 文章的中心就是要相信自己能行(I can)。句意为:生活中断送成功最致命的武器之一就是几个字:“我不能。”
13.A.imagine B.think C.suspect D.doubt
答案 B
解析 人们过去曾以为……。
14.A.start B.help C.stop D.quit
答案 C
解析 句意为:人们曾经以为步行速度超过每小时30英里,人就会因血液循环停止而死亡。
15.A.silly B.empty C.reasonable D.terrible
答案 A
解析 句意为:幸好一些人不信这个愚蠢的说法,否则,今天我们就不可能坐汽车、公共汽车和飞机了。
16.A.judge B.realize C.understand D.try
答案 D
解析 try尝试,努力;judge判断。句意为:不试,你就永远不会知道。
17.A.after B.before C.since D.because
答案 B
解析 结合整句话,应是表示在他达到此速度“之前”。
18.A.likely B.unbelievable
C.possible D.impossible
答案 C
解析 句意为:但在他达到此速度之前,当时世界上的大多数人都认为这是不可能的。
19.A.workers B.runners
C.competitors D.players
答案 B
解析 句意为:可就在本尼斯特破了纪录之后的几个星期内,突然间,不用4分钟就跑完1英里的人世界上到处都是。
20.A.simply B.seldom C.always D.usually
答案 D
解析 usually通常;simply仅仅;seldom很少;always总是。句意为:如果我们相信自己能做到,往往我们就能做到。
 Unit 4 Global warming
Period One Warming-Up,Pre-reading and Reading
Make a list of the things that consume energy in your home,school,or any other places you can think of.列举一些在家里、学校里或者其他你能想到的地方消耗能量的东西。(回归课本)
The car consumes a lot of fuel.这辆汽车很费燃料。
She consumed the big cake.她把那块大蛋糕吃光了。
consumer n.消费者
consumption n.消费(量),消耗(量)
time-consuming adj.耗费时间的
consumer goods(家用)消费品
consuming adj.使人全神贯注的;强烈的
So how has this come about and does it matter?
 whether he is satisfied.
organic (inorganic) matter有机(无机)物
Any kind of matter has three states.
It makes no matter to us whether he will come.
a matter of ……的事情/问题
as a matter of fact=in fact事实上
no matter whether (if)不管是否
All scientists subscribe to the view that the increase in the earth’s temperature is due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal,natural gas and oil to produce energy.所有的科学家都支持地球温度升高是由于燃烧像煤、天然气和石油等化石燃料来制造能量而引起的这种观点。(回归课本)
Chris subscribes to an environmental action group.
We don’t subscribe to the view that we have failed.
What newspaper do you subscribe to?
subscribe to...订阅(报纸或杂志);同意,赞同……;向……捐款
subscribe for...认购(股票)
subscription n.
We subscribe_to all the main medical journals.
Do you subscribe_to the proposal?
This is when small amounts of gases in the atmosphere,like carbon dioxide...即当大气中微量气体像二氧化碳……(回归课本)
A million dollars is a large amount of money to me.
No amount of discussion will help.
the amount of+不可数名词+单数谓语动词
a large amount of+不可数名词,谓语动词用单数
large amounts of+不可数名词,谓语动词用复数
What is the_amount of the bill?
A_certain_amount of stress can be a good thing.
The problem begins when we add huge quantities of extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.当我们向空气中排放大量的多余的二氧化碳的时候,问题就开始了。(回归课本)
He prefers quantity to quality when food is concerned.
Quantities of food and tents were sent to Wenchuan from Shandong.
in quantity大量
quantities of++复数谓语动词 许多的,大量的
a quantity of+ 许多的,大量的
There are quantities_of rats in the room.
The printing office buys paper in_quantity.
It means that more heat energy tends_to be trapped in the atmosphere causing the global temperature to go up.它意味着更多的热能会被困在大气层中,从而引起全球气温上升。(回归课本)
She tends to get angry too easily.她很容易生气。
Mom was usually busy tending (to) my younger sisters.
tend to do sth.往往……;趋向于……
tend (to) sb./sth.照顾……;看护……
tend towards有……倾向
tendency n.
tendentious adj.
In fact,Hambley states,“More carbon dioxide is actually a positive thing...”实际上,汉姆布雷说:“更多的二氧化碳是一件好事……”(回归课本)
state v.陈述,说明,阐明,往往是“详细陈述”之意,是正式用词,其名词形式为statement(陈述)。
He didn’t state whether the information was true.
“Jemma is going back with me,”George stated firmly.
state a fact/opinion陈述事实/观点
state the obvious陈述显而易见的事
state n.状态,状况,情形;政府;州,邦
The child’s poor state of health makes his parents anxious.
If elected,they want to cut back the powers of the state.
Everything in the library is in a_state_of_order.
The candidates stated their case at a series of meetings.
8range n.种类,范围;一系列;变化的幅度;界限;射程
“...it will encourage a greater range of animals—all of which will make life for human beings better.”“……,还会促进动物种类的增多——所有这些都能改善人们的生活。”(回归课本)
This store sells a wide range/wide ranges of TV sets.
The price of the house is well beyond our range.
in/within range (of sth.)(……的)范围之内
out of range (of sth.)(……的)范围之外
Costs range from 50 to several hundred pounds.
They asked questions ranging over the whole subject of science.
Boxes of books were ranged against the wall.
The prices of the cars range_from 50,000 dollars to 120,000 dollars.
Please range the goods neatly in the shop window.
So how has this come_about and does it matter?那么这是如何发生的,是否要紧?(回归课本)
The driver wouldn’t tell me how the accident came about.
The situation should never have come about.
come across偶遇;穿越
come back回来;重新流行
come down降下;减低;传下来;崩塌
come in进来;到达
come out出来;开花;出版;结果是……
come up上来;被提出讨论;发芽(无被动式)
come up with追上,赶上,不落后
come to结果达到;总数达到;苏醒
come along进展,进行

Can you tell me how the accident came_about?
I’ll never understand how_it_came_about that you made such a mistake.
They also agree that it is the burning of more and more fossil fuels that has resulted_in this increase in carbon dioxide.他们还认为是由于越来越多的燃烧化石燃料导致了二氧化碳的增加。(回归课本)
The fire resulted in eleven people being killed and the destruction of the factory.
The fresh policy results in economic development.
result from “由于……而造成的后果”,后接导致某事的原因
result in后接某事的结果
as a result为固定词组,意为“结果,因此”,在句中作状语,常置于句首,并用逗号和句子隔开
as a result of...作为……的结果
without result毫无结果地
Their dispute resulted_in war.
Success results_from hard work.
On the other hand,there are those,like George Hambley,who are_opposed_to this view,...另一方面,有一些人反对这种观点,像汉姆布雷,……(回归课本)
I am opposed to the new plan.我反对这项新计划。
They were firmly opposed to helping the bad boy.
be opposed to (doing) sth.反对(做)……
as opposed to与……不同;而不是
opposing adj.对立的;截然相反的
oppose vt.反对;抵制
Greenhouse gases continue to build_up in the atmosphere.温室气体继续在大气层中聚集。(回归课本)
Traffic is building up车辆在增多。
This built up my hope after the interview.
build up one’s health增进健康
build up a good reputation树立良好的声誉
build up the business扩大企业
build up a picture of...构思……;设想……
build bridges沟通
She built the business up from nothing.
Sports and games can build_up_our_bodies.
There is no doubt that you will succeed if you try your best.
There is no doubt that Americans are deep in love with the computer.毫无疑问,美国人已深深爱上了电脑。
I have no doubt that we shall be able to do something for you.
在 There is/I have no doubt 后常可跟 that 引导的从句;在肯定句中,doubt 后面有时可跟 whether 引导的从句。There is no/some room for doubt... 没有怀疑余地/有可疑处……
There is no knowing/telling...没法知道/说……
There is no need...没有必要……
There is no question...……是没有问题的
There is no reason...没有理由……
There is no possibility that没有可能……
It is no/small wonder that /No wonder that... 难怪……
It is a wonder that...真奇怪/真是令人惊奇……
(1)It is certain that he will come back at once.
There is no doubt that he will be back in no time.
I have no doubt that he will be back immediately.
I have no doubt of his coming back before long.
There is no room for doubt that he will be back soon.
(2)He doesn’t need to stay in Paris any more.
There is no need for him to remain in Paris any more.
2“We can’t predict the climate well enough to know what to expect,...”“我们预报气候不够准确以至于不能知道要发生的事……”?
She doesn’t sing well enough to be a singer.
I don’t know him well enough to tell what he wants.
not...enough to do sth.要译成“不够……以至于不能……”;enough表示它前面的形容词、副词的程度,不定式表示由此产生的结果或行动,enough后面不能接that从句。
so...as to...(表示结果)如此……以致……
such...as to...这样……以致……
so that(引起目的从句,常与may,can,will连用;从句在后,从句前无逗号)为了,以便;(也可引起结果从句,从句前可用逗号隔开)因此
(1)She is so young that she can’t go to school.
She is not old enough to go to school.
She is so young as not to go to school.
She is such a young girl that she can’t go to school.
(2)Are you so naive as to imagine this is not taking place elsewhere?
Are you naive enough_to imagine this is not taking place elsewhere?
Are you so naive that you will imagine this is not taking place elsewhere?
我们知道,在过去100~150年期间,二氧化碳的含量急剧增加了。有一位名叫查尔斯·基林的科学家曾经把1957~1997年期间大气层中二氧化碳的含量作了精确的统计。他发现,在这些年里,大气层中的二氧化碳含量从315/1 000 000上升到370/1 000 000。(见表二,略)

1.Our country is making efforts to switch from coal to a cleaner fuel.
2.This store sells a wide range(种类) of TV sets.
3.If you compare British football with American football,you’ll find many differences.
4.A child who can remember 3,000 English words at the age of 3 would be called an unusual phenomenon(现象).
5.The food was enough in quantity(数量),but not very good in quality.
6.Though he is less than one year old,he is strong enough to walk steadily.
7.In consequence of a terrible earthquake the whole city was destroyed.
8.Do you know when this word came into existence(存在)?
1.The flood has resulted_in many thousands of deaths in that area.
2.How did this terrible traffic accident come_about?
3.Every year our school subscribes_to many magazines and newspapers for teachers and students.
4.Please put up your hands if you are_opposed_to the final decision.
5.In the last few months the price of goods is going_up.
6.I can’t finish the work within three days even_if I work day and night.
7.If you keep_on studying English hard,you will get high marks in the exam.
8.They were building_up their military strength for a drive against the city.
1.We depend on energy to do many things in our daily lives.
It_is energy that we depend on to do many things in our daily lives.
2.A greenhouse is made of glass and is used for growing plants.
A greenhouse made of glass is used for growing plants.
3.It is certain that our teacher will get over his illness in a month.
There is no doubt that our teacher will get over his illness in a month.
4.The air inside the greenhouse is warm because the glass traps the heat from the sun.
The air inside the greenhouse is warm because of the glass trapping the heat from the sun.
5.It was so dark that he could hardly see the faces of his companions.
It was not light enough for him to see the faces of his companions.
6.Not only his friends but also Mr. White was invited to the party.
Mr. White as well as his friends was invited to the party.
1.What other things do we use energy for?
2.A greenhouse is made of glass and is used for growing plants,especially during cold weather.
3.Any damage resulting from carelessness must be paid for.
4.Can you explain to me how it came about?
5.Their pressure on the enemy is building up.
6.Don’t keep on asking silly questions.
1.How does it________that you didn’t report the theft until two days after it occurred?
A.come across B.come about
C.came into D.come along
答案 B
解析 come about“发生”,相当于happen。How does /did it come about that...?是一固定句式,意为“……怎么发生的?”。
2.—Wait until we get a satisfactory reply,will you?
— ________.The idea sounds great to me.
A.I don’t think so B.It’s up to you
C.It couldn’t be any worse D.I couldn’t agree more
答案 D
解析 考查交际用语。从上下文可知对上文的提议很是赞同,D项I couldn’t agree more“我再同意不过了”,是用比较级形式表达最高级的意思。A、B、C三选项均不符合题意。
3.The teacher glanced________that student who was busy drawing a picture.
A.about B.to C.at D.by
答案 C
解析 glance at为一固定搭配,意为“匆匆看一眼,瞥一眼”。
4.With no rain for three months and food supplies________out,the situation here is getting from bad to worse.
A.run B.running C.to run D.to be run
答案 B
解析 run out“用光,耗尽”,为一不及物动词短语,没有被动语态,故排除掉D项;由于题干为with的复合结构,排除A项;run out用进行时态表将来,所以选择B项running这一现在分词形式。
5.—Were all the three people in the car injured in the accident?
—No,________only the two passengers who got hurt.
A.it was B.there is C.it were D.there was
答案 A
解析 考查强调句型这一知识点。
6.________other good students,the teacher thinks,Hank is a more satisfying student.
A.Comparing with B.Comparing to
C.Compared with D.To compare with
答案 C
解析 考查动词短语compare with/to的非谓语动词形式的用法,常用其过去分词形式放在句首作状语。
7.—I’m not at all satisfied with the shoes I bought in your shop yesterday.
A.What’s the matter?
C.You can’t change another pair.
D.How can you say that?
答案 A
解析 考查交际用语。根据上下文可知,只能选择A项,意为“什么事?”“怎么了?”,其他选项不符合语境。
8.Du Li’s failure in her first shooting match________her nerves.
A.resulted in B.resulted from
C.is resulted in D.as a result
答案 B
解析 result in“导致”“致使”;result from“起因于”“由……导致”;as a result“结果”。根据句意“杜丽在第一次射击比赛中的失败是由于她的紧张”知应选B。
9.I have no doubt________we shall be able to do something for you.
A.that B.if C.whether D.why
答案 A
解析 have no doubt that...“……没有疑问”;在否定句中,引导词用that。
10.Exercise________our muscles,so does thinking to our minds.
A.builds B.build C.builds up D.build up
答案 C
解析 build up“增进健康”“锻炼体质”;build“建造”“建设”;exercise作“运动,体格锻炼”讲时为不可数名词。根据句意“运动锻炼我们的肌肉,同样地,思考锻炼我们的头脑”可知,选项C正确。
11.His interests________from sports to music.
A.range B.extend C.go D.change
答案 A
解析 range“(在……范围内)变化”。根据句意“从运动到音乐;他的兴趣广泛”可知,A项正确。
12.He’s got himself into a dangerous situation________he is likely to lose control over the plane.
A.where B.which C.while D.why
答案 A
解析 定语从句的先行词为situation,stage, activity,point等时,引导词常用where。
Perhaps the most interesting person I have ever met is an Italian professor of philosophy who teaches at the University of Pisa.__1__ I last met this man eight years ago,I have not forgotten his __2__ qualities.First of all,I respected his __3__ to teaching.Because his lectures were always well-prepared and clearly delivered,students crowded into his classroom.His followers liked the fact that he __4__ what he taught.Furthermore,he could be counted on to explain his ideas in an __5__ way,introducing such aids(辅助) to __6__ as oil paintings,music,and guest lectures.Once he __7__ sang a song in class in order to make a point clear.__8__,I admired the fact that he would talk to students outside the classroom or talk with them __9__ the telephone.Drinking coffee in the cafe,he would easily make friends with students.Sometimes he would __10__ a student to a game of chess(国际象棋).__11__,he would join student groups to discuss a variety of __12__:agriculture,diving and mathematics.Many young people visited him in his office for __13__ on their studies;others came to his home for social evening.Finally,I was __14__ by his lively sense of humor(幽默).He believed that no lesson is a success __15__,during it,the students and the professor __16__ at least one loud __17__.Through his sense of humor,he made learning more __18__ and more lasting.If it is __19__ that life makes a wise man smile and a foolish man cry,__20__ my friend is indeed a wise man.
1.A.Although B.When C.Even if D.Now that
答案 A
解析 因为是让步关系,故选A。
2.A.basic B.special C.common D.particular
答案 D
解析 时光已过8年仍然记忆犹新,则此教授必有“与众不同”之处。particular常表示“特定的”之意,所以选D。
3.A.attention B.introduction
C.relation D.devotion
答案 D
解析 固定短语devote (devotion) to。
4.A.insisted on B.talked about
C.believed in D.agreed with
答案 C
解析 他对自己的课深信不疑才能讲得头头是道。其他几个意义不合适。
5.A.imaginative B.ordinary
C.opposite D.open
答案 A
解析 有时用工具,甚至有时要在课堂上唱歌,这种讲课方式不能不说是有想象力的,所以用imaginative。
6.A.listening B.understanding
C.information D.discovery
答案 B
解析 用各种办法的目的当然是为了理解understanding。
7.A.also B.nearly C.even D.only
答案 C
解析 even甚至。
8.A.Later B.Secondly
C.However D.Therefore
答案 B
解析 与前面的first of all相对应,表示“其次”。
9.A.with B.by C.from D.on
答案 D
解析 on the phone/telephone“在通话中”,为固定词组。
10.A.invite B.lead C.prefer D.show
答案 A
解析 根据常识,一般情况下是请别人下棋,故用invite。
11.A.As a matter of fact B.Later on
C.Other times D.In general
答案 C
解析 与sometimes前后照应。
12.A.questions B.subjects C.matters D.contents
答案 B
解析 agriculture,diving and mathematics都是谈论的话题,故选B。
13.A.support B.explanation
C.experience D.advice
答案 D
解析 很多年轻人向他请教,所以用advice。
14.A.disturbed B.moved C.attracted D.defeated
答案 C
解析 根据上下文,幽默给作者留下了最深的印象,所以选C。
15.A.for B.until C.since D.unless
答案 D
解析 unless除非,符合句意。
16.A.hear B.suggest C.share D.demand
答案 C
解析 教授认为:双方都发出会心的笑才能说明课是成功的,所以选C。
17.A.laugh B.cry C.shout D.question
答案 A
解析 根据引题的解释可知。
18.A.helpful B.enjoyable C.practical D.useful
答案 B
解析 他的幽默风格能使他的课有意思,所以应是B。
19.A.natural B.normal C.hopeful D.true
答案 D
解析 这句话的意思是:如果“生活能使智者笑、愚者泣”这种说法是正确的,那么我的朋友就是一位智者。
20.A.so B.for C.then D.yet
答案 C 解析 参考上面的解释。
Unit 5 The power of nature
Period One Warming-Up,Pre-reading and Reading
It shows a volcano erupting.它显示的是火山喷发的情形。(回归课本)
An active volcano may erupt at any time.活火山会随时喷发。
Violence erupted on the street after the football match.
erupt into laughter/anger/tears,etc.突然大笑/大怒/大哭起来等
eruption n.
The room erupted_into_laughter as Sally acted out the incident.
It’s a game in which children try to burst balloons by sitting on them.
Sometimes working outdoors,sometimes in an office,sometimes using scientific equipment and sometimes meeting local people and tourists,I am never bored.有时在户外工作,有时在办公室,有时工作中要用科学设备,有时要会见当地百姓和游客,但我从未感到厌烦。(回归课本)
The equipment of the photographic studio was expensive.
We are in great need of medical equipment.
equip v.装备,配备
a piece of equipment一件设备
camping/lifting /safety equipment露营装备/起重设备/安全装置
equip sb./sth.with sth.给某人/某物配备或装备某物
equip sb./sth.for...为某人/某物装备……
well/fully equipped设施齐全的;装备好的
badly/poorly equipped装备差的
There is not enough money to equip them with the latest computer systems.
A computer is the most important piece_of_equipment you will buy.
I was appointed as a volcanologist working for the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory(HVO)twenty years ago.二十年前我被任命为一名火山学家,在夏威夷火山观测站(HVO)工作。(回归课本)
The company appointed him chief financial officer.
Lisa Lore was appointed as our headmaster.
We must appoint a day to meet again.
appoint sb.任命某人
appoint sb.as/to be任命某人担任……
appoint sb.to do sth.指定某人做某事
appointment n.任命;约会
keep/break one’s appointment守约/失约
make/fix an appointment with与……约会
We need to appoint a new school secretary.
He arrived at Ella’s office at the appointed time.
I’d like to make an appointment with the doctor.
Having collected and evaluated the information,I help other scientists to predict where lava from the volcano will flow next and how fast.收集和评估这些信息之后,我就帮助其他科学家一起预测下次火山熔岩将往何处流出,流速是多少。(回归课本)
The school has been open for only six months,so it’s hard to evaluate its success.
You should evaluate your chances of success before making a decision.作出决定前,你应该估计成功的机会。
evaluation n.评价;评估
evaluate water quality评价水质
evaluate one’s ability估计某人的能力
evaluation method/factor评价方法/因素
The police estimated the crowd at 30,000.
The property was valued at over 5 million dollars.
It was an absolutely fantastic sight.真是绝妙的奇景。(回归课本)
He’s an absolutely brilliant pianist.
You can trust her absolutely.
absolute adj.绝对的;完全的;没有比较级,不被表示程度的副词,如very修饰,但可用nearly等修饰。
absolute zero绝对零度
absolute majority绝对多数,超过半数
absolute trust完全信任
absolute proof确切证据
(1)——你同意我的意见吗?—Do you agree with me?
Beauty can’t be measured by any absolute_standard.
We had white protective suits that covered our whole body,helmets,big boots and special gloves.我们都穿着白色的防护服遮住全身,戴上了头盔和特别的手套,还穿了一双大靴子。(回归课本)
Mitchell wore a suit and tie to the Christmas party.
Does this skirt suit me?
He tried to suit his performance to the audience.
suitable adj.适宜的,适合的,恰当的
be suitable for/to sth./sb.适于某物/某人
be suitable to do sth.适合做……
The show is not suitable_for young children.
The People’s Great Hall and the Historical Museum match the Tian’anmen beautifully.
...,I am still amazed at their beauty as well as their potential to cause great damage.……,我仍然惊羡于它们的美丽以及它们潜在的破坏性。(回归课本)
The disease is a potential killer.
Our common goal is to maximize our potential for economic growth.
potentially adv.
realize/reach one’s (full) potential(充分)发挥/体现潜能
potential energy势能
As a composer,she still hasn’t_realized her potential.
The conflict is a potentially_serious situation.
What does the writer find impressive about volcanoes even after studying them for many years?在研究火山许多年以后,关于火山作者觉得给人印象深刻的是什么?(回归课本)
His collection of paintings is most impressive.
Their achievement is pretty impressive.
impress v.给人印象
impression n.印象
impress sb.with sth.以……给人深刻印象
impress sth.on/upon sb.使某人铭记某事物
be impressed by/at/with...对……印象深刻
What impressed sb.most was...给某人印象最深的是……
Unfortunately,we can not move their homes out_of_the_way,...遗憾的是,我们不可能把他们的家搬离岩浆流经之路,……(回归课本)
Would you move your car out of my way?
The citizens moved out of the way to let the soldiers pass.
by the way顺便说;附带说
by way of经由;以求某事
no way没门;别想
on one’s way to...在去……的路上/途中
in the way挡路;妨碍
in a/one way在一定程度上
Don’t bother picking me up.It’s really out__of_your_way.
They travelled through the mountains by_way_of an ancient walled city.
...,and many houses have been covered with lava or burned_to_the_ground.……,许多房屋被熔岩淹没,或者被焚烧殆尽。(回归课本)
Their houses were burnt to the ground during the war.
The tower,which was completed only a month ago,was burnt to the ground last night.
burn away(被)烧掉;(被)烧去
burn down烧毁;(火势)减弱
burn off烧除;烧掉;消耗(能量或脂肪)
burn out(火)熄灭;烧掉
get burnt烧伤
burning adj.燃烧的;着火的
The city of Tortona was_burnt_to_the_ground.
According to early reports,many people were_burnt_to_death in their beds.
Having experienced quite_a_few earthquakes in Hawaii already,I didn’t take much notice.因为我在夏威夷已经经历过多次地震,(所以)我就没太在意。(回归课本)
Quite a few books have been sent to the mountainous areas.
The letter arrived quite a few days ago.
a good few相当多的;好多
as few as少至,仅有
a few more另外的几个
every few...每隔几……
no fewer than...不少于,至少
...,but we slowly made_our_way to the edge of the crater and looked down into the red,boiling centre.……,但我们还是缓缓往火山口的边缘走去,并且向下看到了红红的沸腾的中央。(回归课本)
We managed to make our way through the excited crowd.
I am glad that he makes his way in his career.
make one’s way后常与介词to/through/towards等一起连用。
make way让路,让出地方
lose one’s way迷路
feel one’s way摸索着前行
push one’s way挤过
wind one’s way蜿蜒前进
We made our way down the hill towards the town.
The scientist began to make his way in his field.
1 I was about to go back to sleep when suddenly my bedroom became as bright as day.我刚要再睡,突然我的卧室亮如白昼。
be about to do...when...……正要发生,突然……
I was about to leave when the telephone rang.
I was about to go out when he phoned me this morning.
be about to do sth.“正要/即将做某事”,不与具体表示时间的状语连用,它可与when构成固定句式。when在此为连词,意为“这时”。
be about to do sth.,be to do sth.,be going to do sth.
be about to do sth.表示眼前要做的事,即刻要做的事。
be to do sth.表示按照安排或命令将要发生或即将做某事,一般来说,这些要发生的动作均受人们的意志控制或支配。
be going to do sth.表示将来,即表示现在的意图将来去实现或表示预见。
I’m going to go shopping tomorrow.
We are_about to leave.
2 ...,but this being my first experience,I stayed at the top and watched them.……,但我是第一次经历这样的事,所以留在山顶上观察它们。
此处this being...是独立主格结构。
The plan having been made,what is to be done now is how to carry it out.
The meeting was over,we all went home.
He suggested going for a picnic,Mary to provide the food.
There being no buses,we had to walk home.
1.Many potential(可能的)customers are waiting for a fall in price before buying.
2.These volcanoes(火山)haven’t erupted for centuries.
3.Please fill in the questionnaire(问卷,调查表).
4.It’s impossible to evaluate(估计)the results without knowing more about the research.
5.She’s been appointed(任命,委派)to work in the new library.
6.I do actually(实际上,事实上)think that things have improved.
7.Judging from what you did,you are an absolute(完全的)fool.
8.This year people in the south have experienced more hurricanes(飓风)than ever.

1.Compared_with most women,she was indeed very fortunate.
2.You are taking_a_risk in trusting him.
3.Many buildings were burnt_to_the_ground in the big fire.
4.With these words,the speaker made_his_way towards the exit of the hall.
5.He made quite_a_few American friends when he was in New York.
6.Tom was_appointed_as their headmaster.
7.His new novel is not suitable_for young children.
8.The students moved out_of_the_way to let the old teacher pass.
1.Have you decided where to go for your summer vacation?
Have you made up your mind where to go for your summer vacation?
2.It’s getting dark.We should go back to the hotel soon.
It’s getting dark.We should make_our way to the hotel soon.
3.Many villages were completely destroyed by the fire during the war.
Many villages were burnt to the ground during the war.
4.He always wears sunglasses because sunshine is bad for his eyes.
He always wears sunglasses to protect his eyes from sunshine.
5.Because it is Sunday today,I stay at home.
It being Sunday today,I stay at home.
1.We saw mountains in_the_distance(远处).
2.However_weak(无论多么弱)we are,we are not completely powerless.
3.I was fast_asleep(熟睡)when suddenly my bed began shaking.
4.That day I was lucky enough to have a_much_closer_look_at(更加近距离地看)the volcano.
5.I was_about_to_go_out(正要出门)when it began to rain.
6.It was an absolutely_fantastic_sight(绝妙的景象).
1.The explorers were told to ________ themselves with everything they would need for the voyage.
A.associate B.equip C.treat D.feed
答案 B
解析 equip sb.with...“用……武装某人;给某人配备……”。
2.________by the________news that he had developed cancer,he didn’t know what to do.
A.Shocked;alarming B.Shocking;alarmed
C.Shocked;alarmed D.Shocking;alarming
答案 A
解析 be shocked by...“被……所震惊”;alarming“吓人的,令人忧心的”;an alarming increase in the number of burglaries“窃案惊人的增多”;而alarmed常作表语,表示“担心,害怕”,根据题意,应选A。
3.No dish________all tastes.
A.matches B.suits C.fits D.adapt to
答案 B
解析 句意为:众口难调。A项match指“大小、色调、形状、性质等相配或相称;B项suit指“合乎要求、口味、性格、情况”;C项fit指“大小合适”;D项adapt to指“适应……”,故B项正确。
4.—What happened to the houses that used to be here?
—They________two years ago.
A.had been caught fire
B.were on fire
C.were burned to the ground
D.had been burnt up
答案 C
解析 burn sth.to the ground“把……烧成平地”。由句中two years ago可以判断应用一般过去时,但be on fire“着火”,表状态,故选C。
5.—Who is to take the place of professor Smith?
—Our manager has decided to________a new professor named Johnson.
A.make B.appoint
C.use D.appear
答案 B
解析 由上下文可知应是“我们经理已经决定任命一个名叫Johnson的新教授”。B项符合题意。appoint sb.to be sth./as sth.“任命某人做某工作或任某职位”。
6.—Where are you going?
—I will________my way home now.
A.go B.make
C.be D.look
答案 B
解析 make one’s way to/towards“前往……”。
7.________of this new treatment can’t take place until all the data has been collected.
A.Evaluate B.To evaluate
C.To evaluating D.Evaluation
答案 D
解析 句意为:直到所有的数据都收集齐了,才能评价这一新的治疗方法。所填词语在句中作主语,只有D项形式正确。
8.This should________be seen as a defeat!In my opinion,it’s a success.
A.in a way B.in one way
C.in no way D.on the way
答案 C
解析 从下文“it’s a success”来看,应是“这不应被看作失败”。应选择具有否定意义的选项。C项in no way“决不,一点也不”,符合题意。A项in a way,B项in one way都是“在一定程度上”之意;D项on the way“在路上;即将到来”。
9.The speech by the mayor of Shanghai before the final voting for Expo 2010 is strongly impressed________my memory.
A.to B.over C.by D.on
答案 D
解析 impress sth.on/upon sb.“使某人铭记某事物”。
10.The________on his face told me that he was angry.
A.impression B.sight
C.appearance D.expression
答案 D
解析 A项impression“印象,感想”;C项appearance“外貌;出现”;D项expression“表情”。
When I was a little boy,my mother used to embroider(刺绣).I would sit at her knee and__1__from the floor and ask what she was doing.She told me that she was embroidering.
I told her that it looked like a mess from__2__I was.As from the underside I__3__her work within the round hoop(箍)that she held in her hand,I__4__that it sure looked messy from where I sat.
She would__5__at me,look down and gently say,“My son,you go about your__6__for a while,and when I__7__my embroidering,I will put you on my__8__and let you see it from my side.”
I would wonder why she was__9__some dark threads along with the bright ones and why they seemed so messy from my viewing position.A few minutes__10__and I heard Mother’s__11__,“Son,come and sit on my knee.”
This time I was very surprised and__12__to see a beautiful flower and a sunrise.I could hardly__13__it,because from underneath it looked so__14__.
Then Mother would say to me,“My son,from underneath it did look messy,__15__you did not realize that there was a plan on the__16__.It was the__17__I was following.Now look at it from my side and you will see what I was doing.”
__18__when I remembered what Mother said,I understood how__19__it was for one to have a life plan.__20__your life plan strictly,and you will have a bright future.
1.A.look for B.look up
C.look out D.look into
答案 B
解析 小时候我常常坐在妈妈的膝盖旁,抬头看,并问她在做什么。from the floor表明作者坐在地板上。
2.A.where B.what C.which D.when
答案 A
解析 我告诉她,从我所在的地方看,她绣的东西显得乱七八糟。
3.A.discovered B.caught C.found D.watched
答案 D
解析 我从下面看,她是在拿着的圆箍里刺绣。
4.A.cried B.mourned
C.complained D.concluded
答案 C
解析 我对她抱怨说,从我坐的地方看它的确显得乱七八糟。
5.A.smile B.laugh C.glare D.aim
答案 A
解析 她总是对我微笑,低下头,对我温和地说:“孩子,你去玩一会儿。”根据gently可知,妈妈对我态度很好。
6.A.lesson B.problem C.work D.play
答案 D
解析 参见上题解析。
7.A.stop B.start C.finish D.prepare
答案 C
解析 根据上下文可知,妈妈让我等她绣完后再看。
8.A.knee B.shoulder C.foot D.stomach
答案 A
解析 我将让你坐在我的膝盖上,从我这边看。根据下段中的“come and sit on my knee”可知答案。
9.A.producing B.using
C.making D.leaving
答案 B
解析 我想知道她为什么总是把一些黑线与色彩明亮的线配合着用。
10.A.passed B.lost C.ended D.ran
答案 A
解析 几分钟过去了,我听到了妈妈的声音。
11.A.sound B.voice C.noise D.word
答案 B
解析 参见上题解析。
12.A.worried B.frightened
C.excited D.disappointed
答案 C
解析 根据后面的“a beautiful flower”可知,我既惊讶又兴奋。
13.A.believe B.see C.imagine D.guess
答案 A
解析 根据后半句内容可知,我几乎不能相信这是真的。
14.A.beautiful B.messy C.small D.tidy
答案 B
解析 根据前文可知,从我的角度看,妈妈绣的花显得乱七八糟。
15.A.so B.but C.or D.although
答案 B
解析 从下面看,它的确显得乱七八糟,但是你没有意识到有一个事先画好的设计图在上面。前后为转折关系。
16.A.cover B.map C.top D.head
答案 C
解析 参见上题解析。
17.A.secret B.sign C.mark D.design
答案 D
解析 它就是我所遵循的设计图。
18.A.Once B.Until then
C.Later on D.In the future
答案 C
解析 根据下文可知,这是以后发生的事了,故用later on,表示“后来,随后”。
19.A.clever B.important
C.happy D.lucky
答案 B
解析 我明白一个人有一个人生计划是多么重要。
20.A.Remember B.Study
C.Grasp D.Follow
答案 D
解析 严格遵循你的人生计划,你就会有一个美好的未来。