Unit1 School Subjects Period3 课件(共28张PPT)


名称 Unit1 School Subjects Period3 课件(共28张PPT)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 广东版
科目 英语
更新时间 2018-11-21 14:31:23



课件28张PPT。Unit 1 School Subjects
Period 3
Sounds and words
Alphabet songfcrdececWhat’s the sound of letter ce ? 字母ce组合发什么音?eLance’s story.LanceWhat about you?Hi, I’m Lance.
I have a lovely face.I can dance.I like rice and ice cream.I like science.I don’t like mice.ce / /s字母ce发什么音?Hi, I’m Lance.
I have a lovely _____. bace
facefaceI can ______.dancedanceI like _____ and __________.riceice creamI like _______.scienceI don’t like _____.A.
B. nicemice What about you?Hi, I’m Lance.
I have a lovely face.I can dance.I like rice and ice cream.I like science.I don’t like mice.ce / /sce /s/ ce /s/ rice, I like rice.
ce /s/ ce /s/ science, I like science.
ce /s/ ce /s/ dance, I can dance.
ce /s/ ce /s/ mice, They’re mice.
ce /s/ ce /s/ face, lovely face.
ce /s/ ce /s/ ice cream, yummy ice cream
Let’s chant.Bubble game
Listen and choosericemicefacebacedancepanceice creamsciencemicenicedanceice creamricefacedancesciencemiceice creamDance, rice
Dance, rice,
Mice are dancing around the rice.Rice, face
Rice, face,
Oh, rice is all over the face.Can you read?ceirmnldpCan you read?cefabadamalaCan you read?cedanpanlanmanCan you read?cescienoffipolijuiDice game退后1格退后3格前进2格退后4格前进2格退后2格四人一组掷骰子玩游戏,经过每个格子都必须读出单词。 I am Lance.
I am nice.
I can dance.

I am Lance.
I am nice.
I can dance.
I like rice.ABC I am Lance.
I am nice.
I can dance.
I like rice, ice cream and science.根据你自己的能力,选择A,B,或C来朗读,看谁最棒。 I am ________ ( Lance, Alice, Bace, Dace人名).
I have a _____ ______. (nice好看的 face, nice lace.)
I can ______. (dance, cook rice)
I like _______ and _______.
I don’t like _________.
Make your own rhyme in four a group.四人一组创作一首韵律诗。选词填空,填完后小组读几遍。(rice, ice cream , science, juice, mice, dice, lace蕾丝 , lice虱子 , dace鲦鱼 .Homework1. Read the words and chant on P13.
2. Read the rhyme to your parents.