Almost heaven, west virginia, blue ridge mountains, shenandoah river. life is old there, older than the trees, younger than the mountains, blowing like a breeze. country road, take me home to the place I belong, west virginia, mountain momma, take me home, country road. all my mem'ries gather 'round her, miner's lady, stranger to blue water. dark and dusty, painted on the sky, misty taste of moonshine, tear-drop in my eye. country road, take me home to the place i belong, west virginia, mountain momma,
take me home, country road. i hear her voice, in the morning hours she calls me, the radio reminds me of my home far away. and driving down the road i get the feeling that i should have been home yesterday, yesterday. country road, take me home to the place i belong, west virginia, mountain momma, take me home, country road. country road, take me home to the place i belong, west virginia, mountain momma, take me home, country road. take me home, country road……………..
Do you know the
Name of this song
Unit 1 Lifestyles
Lesson 4
City and Country
合肥一中 叶显鑫
London City
the country in London
Reading strategy: prediction
Before you read a text, look at the title, photographs and drawings.
Read the first two or three lines of the text.
Try to guess what the text is going to be about
Find the contexts in the texts and fill in the blanks with proper words
1. Debbie is an __________ who works in a large company. She checks numbers every day.
Find the contexts in the texts and fill in the blanks with proper words
2. She goes to work on ________, or what people call the underground.
the tube
Find the contexts in the texts and fill in the blanks with proper words
3. The underground in London is so ________ that Debbie can’t find anywhere to sit.
Find the contexts in the texts and fill in the blanks with proper words
4. Debbie goes to the gym after work, _________ she can’t get enough exercise.
Find the contexts in the texts and fill in the blanks with proper words
5. Debbie loves driving to the countryside with her friends, for the fresh air there is good for her ______.
Find the contexts in the texts and fill in the blanks with proper words
6. Paul is interested in China and it’s his dream to see the Great Wall, so he is studying Chinese by ________________.
distance learning
Find the contexts in the texts and fill in the blanks with proper words
7. Paul likes to buy some _______ when he goes to London, although his wife doesn’t like them.
Fast reading (the topic sentence is helpful)
Match the main idea with each Para.
Working hours
Evening activities
Weekend special activities
Morning activities
Para 1
Para 2
Para 3
Para 4
Family hobbies
Evening activities
Farm work
Morning activities
Para 1
Para 2
Para 3
Para 4
Careful reading
to find some specific information
Debbie Paul
Lives in
Wake-up time
How to go to work
Evening activities
Weekend activities
Read carefully to find details
Debbie Paul
Lives in
in the center of London
in a small village in the north of England
Read carefully to find details
Debbie Paul
Wake-up time
at seven
at four
Read carefully to find the details
Debbie Paul
How to go to work
on the tube
walk to work
Read carefully to find details
Debbie Paul
check numbers
raise farm animals
grow wheat and vegetables
Read carefully to find details
Debbie Paul
Evening activities
have classes, go to the gym
play with children
study Chinese
Read carefully to find details
Debbie Paul
Weekend activities
go to the cinema
drive to the country
go to London with his family
Debbie Paul
Lives in
Wake-up time
How to go to work
Evening activities
Weekend activities
at seven
at four
on the tube
walk to work
check numbers
raise farm animals
grow wheat and vegetables
have classes
go to the gym
play with children
study Chinese
go to the cinema
drive to the countryside
go to London with his family
in the center of London
in a small village in the north of England
Role play
suppose you are Debbie and your partner is Paul.
You two meet on the tube. Try to make a dialogue about your own life and make comments on your life( such as you like or dislike your life and the reasons)
Which kind of lifestyle
do you like Why
Write a composition about your
life in your hometown---
a city or a country.
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哇,应该快有书信回来了呢!”大家都说:“是啊,这都要满一年了,应该快有书信回来了!”门外摇火团儿的欢呼声儿停息了以后,二壮拉着董妞儿和耿兰回来了。他见裴氏和耿憨都还在,就对他们说:“憨叔,婶儿,青山和青海见你们家的门儿开着呢,已经都回去了。”耿憨笑着说:“看这俩家巴子,倒是忘不了回家哦!”裴氏轻轻地说:“回去了好,省得他们姐姐一个人在家里闷着。”很快,大壮也回来,但他只是和大家伙儿打个招呼以后,就自个儿闷着头进屋里去了。郭氏看在眼里,知道这憨厚的男娃儿今儿晚上心情不佳的原因。再看看耿憨夫妻,他们尽管是在尽量地遮掩着,但也都免不了流露出一些心事重重的样子,于是就对董家成和刘氏说:“天儿不早了,明儿个还要收秋哩。俺们这就各回各家哇,你们也好歇息了!”董家成看到他们三人几乎同时站了起来,就真挚地挽留说:“再坐会儿哇,这天儿还早着呢!”刘氏却笑着瞥了丈夫一眼,说:“你当谁都和你这头牛一样吗!自己倒是干惯了地里的活计了不觉得有多么累,憨子他可不是每天都下地的人哇。这大收秋的,能不累嘛!还有哇,弟妹明儿个还要带兰兰去水田里掰苞米呢,是该回去歇息了呢!”说完这话,她又抬头冲着屋里大声说:“壮子,把桌子上放的那一篮子鲜果子提上,给你婶儿和兰兰送过去!”127第十五回 端午节日乐消遣|(事事皆顺心情好,好事随之入梦来;端午节日收铺后,父子四人乐消遣。)托张老乡带回去书信以后,耿家父子四人干得更欢了,“耿记粮油零售店”的收益也越来越好。端午节那天一早起来,耿老爹特别高兴。因为就在昨儿晚上,他梦见张老乡把书信送回家啦!梦见妻子郭氏拿着书信给左邻右舍看,还梦见了小女儿耿兰高兴地蹦着跳着。直到天亮了醒来,耳朵里还满是耿兰“咯咯咯”的笑声。这个梦可真好啊!转身看看,耿正和耿直兄弟俩也都醒了。耿直瞪着眼问:“爹,你做什么好梦来?都笑出声了!”耿老爹高兴地说“是做了个好梦啊,梦见你们张伯伯把书信送回家啦,你妹妹在‘咯咯咯’地笑呢!怎么,我笑出声了?”耿正笑着说“可不是笑出声了,声音还很大哩,都把我们俩给吵醒了!”“哈哈哈,爹笑醒了高兴,你们被笑声吵醒了也不赖。起床!”爷儿三个高高兴兴地起床。耿正收拾床铺,耿直跑姐姐屋里去了。耿老爹打开窗户,无比清香的新鲜空气扑面而来。抬头看看,晴空万里,天儿瓦蓝瓦蓝的。不远处,几只白鸽飞过,留下一串清脆的哨铃声。放眼望去,整洁的青石板街道两旁,铺面林立,无数座平房和小楼沐浴在晨风中;这些房屋虽然高低不一,但错落有致,一点儿也不显得凌乱。在一些人家的屋顶上,已经飘起来袅袅炊烟。耿老爹第一次发现