人教版(PEP)小学英语五年级上册 Recycle1 课件+素材 35张PPT


名称 人教版(PEP)小学英语五年级上册 Recycle1 课件+素材 35张PPT
格式 zip
文件大小 203.3MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(PEP)
科目 英语
更新时间 2019-01-15 10:50:48


课件35张PPT。Let’s singRecycle 1Lesson 2人教版PEP五年级英语上册Willow Primary School DavidMini Show 任选一个话题创编对话,表演最有创意者获五颗 !
ChallengeMini Show 任选一个话题与同桌创编对话,表演最有创意者获五颗 !
ChallengeHappy days at Willow Primary SchoolIt is about __________.Discuss. 同桌讨论。Chen Jie的日记里会写什么?Read and match.
读P35日记,将每一段的主题词序号填入方框内。DCBUnderline the key sentences.划出关键句。Task 1. Read and finish the mind map.
读日记第二、三、四段,将正确的信息打钩,将思维导图补充完整。Retell.复述Retell to your partner.
复述给同桌听。Read along.合口读Let’s imitate 跟读模仿sunnyyellowflowersPay attention to the pronunciation.
注意这些单词的发音。Let’s imitate跟读模仿
Let’s imitate跟读模仿
beefeatLet’s imitate跟读模仿
Read to your partner.读给同伴听。Task 2. Read and fill in the blanks.
?often do homework on Saturdaysoften read books on Sundaysyou often watch TV on the weekendColourful lifeWhat about you?Colourful lifeWhat about you?Colourful lifeWhat about you?Colourful lifeWhat about you?Colourful lifeWhat about you?Colourful lifeWhat about you?Colourful lifeTask 3. Write a letter.根据思维导图,给Dona写一封介绍自己多彩生活的信。你可以选择基础版Level A或升级版Level B哦。右边的“单词银行”和书本P72、73的单词表可以帮助你!
big nice
great pretty happy colourful beautiful … Word Bank1. Write.
2. Share.
2.Read and imitate Chen Jie’s diary.Homework3.Send your letter to me.117673182@qq.com1.Finish “find friends” on P35.