Module 3Module 3
Interpersonal Relationships
- FriendshipCultural cornerLearning objectivesTo learn something about a website called Friends Reunited
To learn some words and expressionsPre-readingWill you miss a friend if you haven’t seem
him or her for a long time? In our real life,
we may lose touch with friends after we stay
away from each other for a long time. How
can you find a friend with whom you have
lost touch? Tell the class as many as
possible.Fast readingRead the passage and find the main idea for each paragraph.Para. 1: The website called Friends
Reunited brings together old
friends who haven’t seen each
other for a long time.
Para. 2: How the website was set up and
developed.Para. 3: How people find old friends, using
the website.
Para. 4: A few examples to show how
helpful the website is.It is a website where you can find old friends. You write in their name or look at their school, college, sports team or neighbourhood and try to find them.What is Friends reunited?
How do you use it?Answer the question.Read the text carefully and fill in the blanks.brings together couple??????? information??????? 8 millionmemory?????? daughter??????? 1. that is 也就是说
2. unite=bring together
unite vi. 联合; 团结; 一致; 协力
e.g. Working men of all countries,
全世界无产者, 联合起来!Oil and water will not unite.
England and Scotland united in 1706.
英格兰和苏格兰在1706年合并。3. Did they all have families of their
of their own
of (one’s) own=belonging
completely to oneself
拥有, 完完全全属于某人自己
e.g. He has a room of his own.
他有自己的一个房间。on (one’s) own=by one’s own efforts
e.g. She got the job on her own.
她自己找到了这份工作。[即学即练] 翻译下列句子。
1) 我正在计划一趟属于我自己的旅行。I am planning a trip of my own. 2) 她还是个小孩子,从来没有一个人生
活过。She is still a child and has never lived on her own. 4. marry sb.
be married to sb.
e.g. Are you married or single?
你结婚了还是单身?5. …, the sports team they belonged
to, …
【语境展示】 阅读下列句子,并试着总结belong to的含义及用法。
1) These books belong to me.??
2) What group does he belong to?
3) Lions and tigers belong to the cat
family.【自我归纳】 belong to意为“________,是……的一员”。该短语不可用于被动语态,也无进行时态。属于【即学即练】 翻译下列句子。
1) 我弟弟不喜欢他在的那所学校。
__________________________________My brother doesn’t like the school to which he belongs. 2) 我想邀请约翰参加乒乓球队,但是他说他是足球俱乐部的成员。
3) 你认为这些书是谁的?
_____________________________________I wanted to invite John to join the table tennis team, but he said he belonged to the football club. Whom do you think these books belong to? / To whom do you think these books belong? 6. contact him through the website
contact him at the number
contact vt. 联络; 联系(某人)
e.g. She contacted me as soon as she
她一到就和我联系了。n. 联系; 关联
e.g. She comes into contact with
many people.
她和许多人有联系。7. as a result
as a result of 结果,效果
8. with their help 在他们的帮助下
9. thanks to 多亏,由于
10. from the bottom of one’s heart
真心诚意地,发自内心地Describe a problem you had with a friend to your partner and give advice on how to keep friends.Homework