Lesson 22 Gifts for Everyone
1. 学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇:bought
2. 学生能认读、理解并运用下列基本句型结构:
This is for you. I hope you like it.
It is great. I really like it a lot.
3. 学生能辨识动词变过去式的规则变化(词尾加ed)。
4. 学生能辨识be动词变过去式的规则。
Tape recorder, Multimedia
Step 1. Presentation
1. Gifts from China
(1) write the word buy on the blackboard. The meaning of the word "fresh" in Chinese. Give several examples of buy.
I am at the shop. I want to buy a new cap.
I buy a birthday gift for my mum.
Let the brave man read the sentences. It shows that buy is a general present form here.
(2) now, with Professor bought word card. Show the cards, read the words, let the students follow.
So far, students should have a good grasp of the general present and the general past. They should be able to be very comfortable
It is easy to understand these concepts.
Buy - like present time
Bought - like past tense
2. demo
(1) let the two encourage the brave to come to the front of the classroom and practice the following dialogue:
Teacher: I want to go to the shop now. I want to find
Students: You want to buy a gift for your friend.
Teacher: This is correct. I want to buy a gift now.
Teacher: I went to the shop. I bought a gift for my friend.
Students: Yes, I understand. You bought the gift yesterday.
Teacher: This is correct. I was there in the past and I bought
Before discussing the story, introduce the words and phrases that will be used when giving gifts and accepting gifts:
This is for you. Do you like it?
It is great. I like it very much.
I bought this hat for you. Try it on.
Thank you very much.
Thanks. It is too big. But thanks for thinking of me.
(2) let the students look at the first part of the 62 page. Start talking about pictures. Look at what information the students can get and what they can say in each picture. When talking about pictures, we must emphasize those verbs and let the students identify them in general or in the past.
Bought general past tense
Is general present time
Do general present time
(3) play the tape and let the students listen to it. Pause when needed.
Listen again, please listen.
3. practice
Divide the students into five groups. Let the students read and study the passage, and then practice the role reading. Each student plays a role. Give the students enough time to finish the activity.
Step 2.Practice
1. Look. Draw lines. Retell the story.
Explain to the students how to complete this exercise. Let a student read the contents of the box. Then let the students use the information in the first part of the textbook to do the exercises. They are retelling the story. Connect the task and the gift and the object of the song gift. Let the students see an example of Jenny's buying a picture of Mr. Wood. When the students finish the line, let them retell the story.
2. Find the rules. Write more sentences.
Students have been in contact with many of the rules of the verbs that have changed in the past. They should understand the following rules: rule by verb plus suffix ed into the past, with the letter E at the end of the verbs only need to add d into the past.
They should also be able to understand the rules of the be verb in the past. Review the rules again.
3. rules
Many of the verbs into the past type directly in the ending ed, for example: walk walked
If the verb is in the end of the letter E, only in the D, for example: live lived
Some irregular verbs, such as be, need attention and special memory. For example: is was; are wre
Step 3. Summary
Key vocabulary:
Key sentences:
This is for you. I hope you like it.
It is great. I really like it a lot.
Step 4. Homework
Sum up the verbs that have been learned before and their corresponding past.