课件19张PPT。Module 2
Highlights of My Senior YearⅠ. 重点单词分类记
1. ____ v. (短期)租用
2. _________ adj. 巨大的; 庞大的
3. _____ adj. 渴望的; 热切的; 热心的
4. _____ n. 问题rentenormouskeenissue5. ________ v. 认为
6. ______ n. 能力; 本领; 技能
7. ________ adj. 提供食宿的
8. _____ v. 背诵, 朗诵
9. ____? v. 缝; 缝制; 缝补considerabilityboardingrecitesew10. ________ adj. 天真无邪的; 阅世不深的
11. _____ adj. (物品)陈旧的, 损坏的
12. _______ adj. 破旧的, 破烂的
13. ________ v. 乘, 使相乘
14. _______ n. 概念
15. ________ adj. 准时的, 守时的
16. _____ v. 使(某人)心烦意乱, 使心情不好innocentwornshabbymultiplyconceptpunctualupset17. ________ n. 两星期, 14天
18. __________ n. 奖学金
19. ______ n. 课程fortnightscholarshipcourse★联想拓展单词
1. _____v. 解决→ _________n. 解决; 处理; 定居
2. __________adj. 好强的; 好竞争的→ ___________n.
3. ____v. 选举; 推选→ _______n. 选择; 选举权?
4. ____v. 合适; 适合→ _______adj. 合适的; 相配的settlesettlementcompetitivecompetitionelectelectionsuitsuitable5. ______v. 吸引→ _________adj. 吸引人的; 有吸引力
的→ _________n. 吸引; 吸引力
6. _______v. 发展; 培养→ ___________n. 发展; 培育
7. _______n. 活动→ ___n. &v. 行为; 行动→ _____adj.
8. ________n. 传统→ __________adj. 传统的attractattractiveattractiondevelopdevelopmentactivityactactivetraditiontraditional9. __________n. 装饰物→ ________vt. 装饰
10. _________n. 规章, 规则, 条例→ _______v. 调整;
控制, 管理
11. _____v. 欢呼; 喝彩; 加油 n. 欢呼声, 喝彩声; 愉快→
_______adj. 令人愉快的; 高兴的
12. ________adj. 植物(学)的→ ______n. 植物学decorationdecorateregulationregulatecheercheerfulbotanicalbotany★识记阅读单词
1. highlight n. __________________________
2. chart n. ________
3. peer n. _______
4. forever adv. _____
5. slogan n. __________最重要的部分; 最精彩的部分图; 图表同龄人永远口号; 标语6. outdoor adj. __________________
7. nursery n. _______
8. alphabet n. _______
9. institution n. __________
10. woollen adj. ________________
11. suitcase n. ______________户外的; 用于户外的托儿所字母表机构, 团体羊毛制的, 毛料的(旅行用)手提箱12. luggage n. _____
13. irritate v. ______________
14. polish v. __________
15. certificate n. _______________________
16. sob v. _______________行李使(人长期)烦躁擦光, 擦亮(毕业)文凭, 成绩合格证书啜泣, 呜咽, 抽噎Ⅱ. 重点短语快速记
1. ______________ 回忆, 回顾?
2. ________ 玩得开心?
3. ____________________ 很可惜……?
4. ____________________ 就我而言?
5. __________ 我认为; 在我看来?
6. ______________ 被看作, 被认为是……?look back at/onhave funIt’s a great pity that. . .as far as I’m concernedin my viewbe considered as7. ____________ 有可能?
8. _____________ 换句话说?
9. ______________________ 在……起重要作用?be likely to doin other wordsplay an important part inⅢ. 经典句式应用记
1. ______________(似乎奇怪)to think that in a few
days’ time I’ll be walking out of the school gates
forever. (it作形式主语)?It seems strange2. Meanwhile, I ________________________(发现我自
己回顾)my senior year, and thinking about all the
wonderful things that have happened. (find sb. doing
sth. 发现某人处于某种状态或在做某事)?find myself looking back at3. _____________(遗憾的是) it’s probably the last time
this will happen. (It’s + n. +that. . . 从句, it在句中作形
4. But there were also so many silly rules to follow,
(which引导非限制性定语从句)?It’s a pity thatwhich irritated or even upset me5. _____________the 1920s ____(直到……才)
pompoms began to play an important part in
cheerleading. (It is/was not until. . . that. . . 直到……
才……)?It was not untilthat1. As teenagers, what matters mostly is to show respect for parents and teachers.
作为青少年, 重要的是要尊敬父母和老师。
2. Nowadays, after-class activities are becoming more and more popular in high schools.
现在, 在高中课外活动变得越来越受欢迎。3. Years of school life has taught me a lot of things, of which teamwork is the most important for me.
多年的学校生活教给我很多东西, 其中团队协作对我来说是最重要的。