工业革命的发生发展现代工厂制度——生产组织形式金融制度自由贸易政策 使英国成为世界贸易金融中心19世纪70年代后,银行业与工业
表现:背景:作用:促进了英国经济的高速发展提升了英国的国际竞争力发展趋势:②“工厂制与手工工场相比具有哪些优势?”① “为什么工厂能够取代手工工场?”
想一想Sir Richard Arkwright (1732-1792)? Arkwright is considered the father of the modern industrial factory system; his inventions were a catalyst for the Industrial Revolution. www.bbc.co.uk/historyTextile Mill in Lancashire, England
The textile industry was one of the first industries to be mechanized in 18th-century Britain. These women worked in a textile mill in Lancashire, in northwestern England.Encarta.msn.comA confectionery factory? www.bbc.co.uk/historyCotton machinery displayed at the Great Exhibition in 1851? www.bbc.co.uk/historyDivision of Labor in Industry
Division of labor is a basic tenet of industrialization. In division of labor, each worker is assigned to a different task, or step, in the manufacturing process, and as a result, total production increases. As this illustration shows, one person performing all five steps in the manufacture of a product can make one unit in a day. Five workers, each specializing in one of the five steps, can make 10 units in the same amount of time.Encarta.msn.comStephenson was a British pioneering railway engineer and inventor of the 'Rocket', the most famous early railway locomotive George Stephenson (1781-1848)
Stephenson's locomotive, the 'Rocket'? www.bbc.co.uk/historyLiverpool - Manchester railway, 1831? www.bbc.co.uk/history“在英国工业革命开始之初,工业发展获取资金的途径有哪些?” “19世纪以后,企业公司发展获取资本的途径有什么变化?为什么?”股份制的功能作用①极大的资本积聚功能为进行诸如修建铁路等耗资巨大的工程集资②股份公司资产所有权与经营权分离有利于按市场规律实行生产资源和资金的优化组合 The London Stock Exchange is one of the world’s oldest stock exchanges and can trace its history back more than 300 years. Starting life in the coffee houses of 17th century London, the Exchange quickly grew to become the City’s most important financial institution. Over the centuries following, the Exchange has consistently led the way in developing a strong, well-regulated stock market and today lies at the heart of the global financial community. http://www.londonstockexchange.com/en-gb/“有学者认为,股份制同蒸汽机一样是推动工业革命的两大革命因素,在某种意义上说,前者比后者的生命力更强。对此你有什么看法?” “探索与争鸣” Italian Banking in the 14th Century
Banks first emerged in the Middle Ages when people grew tired of carrying around all their gold and began leaving their money with the goldsmith. The Medici family, one of the most prominent banking families in Europe during this time, became quite wealthy from its banking and moneylending practices. This 14th-century painting depicts people depositing and withdrawing money in an Italian bank.www.bankofengland.co.uk/BANK OF ENGLANDThe Bank of England is the central bank of the United Kingdom. Sometimes known as the 'Old Lady' of Threadneedle Street, the Bank was founded in 1694, nationalised on 1 March 1946, and gained independence in 1997. Standing at the centre of the UK's financial system, the Bank is committed to promoting and maintaining monetary and financial stability as its contribution to a healthy economy. The Bank's roles and functions have evolved and changed over its three-hundred year history. Since its foundation, it has been the Government's banker and, since the late 18th century, it has been banker to the banking system more generally - the bankers' bank. As well as providing banking services to its customers, the Bank of England manages the UK's foreign exchange and gold reserves. www.bankofengland.co.uk/ BANK OF ENGLAND“为什么在工业革命前,英国奉行重商主义政策;而随着工业革命的进行,转而推行自由贸易政策?” 温故知新亚当.斯密(Adam Smith,1723~1790),是英国古典政治经济学的主要代表人物之一。他的代表作《国富论》(全称《国民财富的性质和原因的研究》)被翻译成十几种文字,全球发行。而他本人也因此被奉为现代西方经济学的鼻祖。????大卫·李嘉图(David Ricardo, 1772.04.18—1823.09.11)
英国著名经济学家, 其代表作为《政治经济学及赋税原理》伦敦——世界金融贸易中心
现在,全市现有银行500多家,银行数居世界大城市之首,其中外国银行470家,在伦敦拥有的资本总额达1000多亿英镑。伦敦每年外汇成交总额约3万亿英镑,是世界最大的国际外汇市场。伦敦是世界上最大的国际保险中心,共有保险公司800多家,其中外国公司170多家,在国际性保险收入总数中占1/5,居世界首位。此外.股票交易所和各种专业交易所(白银、有色金属、羊毛、橡胶、茶叶、咖啡、可可等)对世界经济均有很大影响。零售商业和旅游业也非常发达,每年接待外国游客达1000万人次,旅游外汇收入占全国60%。London from the AirThames River, LondonLloyd’s Building Lloyd’s of London, one of the largest insurance companies in the world, is headquartered in a unique, high-tech building located in the City. The structure was designed by British architect Richard Rogers and completed in 1986.www.lloyds.com/知识拓展伦敦的劳埃德保险社是世界最大的保险公司之一