课题:Unit 6 Music ( Period 1 )
1. Using nouns to identify common animals
e.g., elephant, zebra, giraffe, snake
2. Using pronoun “they” to refer to some animals
3. Asking Wh- questions to find out information
4. Using adjectives to describe animals
elephant, zebra, giraffe, snake
Sentence structures:
What are they?
They’re elephants.
I. Warming up
1. Greetings.
2. Listen and sing a song, Old McDonald had a farm.
II. Revision
1. Describe the animal from the song and have students guess what the animal is.
2. Describe the animals from the song and have the students guess what the animals are.
III. Presentation and Practice
1. Show the PPT of the zoo and tell the students, “Let’s go to the zoo with Alice and her mother and see the animals.”
2. Learn the four animals.
(1) Read Alice’s words with students and have them guess what animal she sees. Teach the word “zebra” and its plural form “zebras” and then chant about zebra.
(2) Read Alice’s words with students and have them guess what animal she sees. Teach the word “giraffe” and its plural form “giraffes” and then chant about giraffe.
(3) Play the sound of the snake and let students guess what animal it is. Teach the word “snake” and its plural form “snakes” and then chant about snake.
(4) Play the sound of the elephant and let students guess what animal it is. Teach the word “elephant” and its plural form “elephants” and then chant about elephant.
3. Play a game of counting the animals.
4. Students work in groups to label the animals in different types and check answers around the class.
IIII. Extension
1. Show some riddles about the animals and students guess.
2. Students write their own riddles about the animals they like. Then invite some volunteers to read their riddles for the others to guess.
VI. Sum up
1. Students read a picture book about the animals in the zoo together.
2. Students answer the questions about the book.
6. Animals I like
What are they?
They’re zebras/giraffes/elephants/snakes.