The night before Christmas
It was the night before Christmas, oval: round
And all through the house,
Nothing was moving,
Not even a mouse.
The stockings had been hung
With attention and care
In the hope that Santa
Soon would be there.
The children were sleeping
Safe in their beds,
While vague dreams of presents vague: not clear
Danced in their heads. jerk: sudden
My wife, wearing a scarf,
And I, wearing a cap,
Had just settled ourselves
For a long winter nap.
And then, in an instant,
I heard on the roof
The stepping and scratching scratch: rub
Of each little hoof. hoof: foot of a deer thistle: flower
As I pulled in my head,
And was turning around,
Down came stout Santa stout: fat and short
In a single bound. bound: jump
1. Let’s find the rhyming words! Work in pairs.
Sky: ____________________________________________________________ etc.
Roses: ____________________________________________________________ etc.
Kindness: __________________________________________________________ etc.
Moon: ____________________________________________________________ etc.
Star: ____________________________________________________________ etc.
Love: ____________________________________________________________ etc.
Cherry: ____________________________________________________________ etc.
Can you rhyme the sentence?
She is like goddess in the sky, __________________________________
2. Can you use a simile?
Describe the following person/things using simile (…is like…/as…as).
My mother is like ____________
Her eyes _______________________
Her face_______________________
Her heart ___________________________
Her smile__________________________
(example: angel, gardener, bee, star in the sky, sun in the morning…)
Let’s be a poet!
Now imitate the 7-8 stanza and write a poem for someone you like
( it could be your head teacher, your mother, etc. )
To _____________________
Stanza 1
1.She_________________________ 2. and she________________________
3. her _________is like __________ 4. her ____________is like __________
Stanza 2
1. ___________________________ 2.______________________________
3.___________________________ 4.______________________________
You can change the sentence pattern and refer to the following facts to help you:
Her cheeks are like roses; Her lips are like cherry; Her eyes are like stars in the sky;
Her eyes are like diamonds in the darkness; Her face is like the moon;
Her heart is like the sun; She is full of kindness;
Her love won’t vary; Her heart is warm; She is like a goddess.
Self-evaluation form: Please tick the item if you meet the requirement (4 in total)
Does your poem have a theme?
Does your poem use simile?
Have you used rhyming words?