(四下PEP) Unit6 Shopping
A Let’s talk
一、学习内容(Teaching contents)
A: Can?I?help?you??B: Yes. These?shoes?are?nice. Can?I?try?them?on? Size 6, please.A: Of?course.?Here?you?are.C: John, are?they?OK?B: No. They’re?too?small.C: Hmm. OK. Let's?try?Size?7.B: They?are?just?right!
C: Good!
二、教学目标(Teaching aims)
1. 学生能理解对话大意;能用正确语音语调朗读对话;
2.能在语境中理解try on, size, too,just right,of course的意思,并能正确发音;
3.能在情境中运用句型Can I help you?These…are ... Can I try…on? Size …,please. They’re too…描述某物品,区分单复数。
三、重点难点 (Difficult and important points)
(一)教学重点(Important points)
1. try on,size,just的含义及发音;
2. 句型Can I help you?These…are ... Can I try…on? Size … They’re too…
(二)教学难点(Difficult points)
四、教学准备(Teaching aids)
PPT、 板书词卡、实物(眼镜,裤子,T恤,帽子等);对话任务单。
五、教学过程(Teaching procedure)
Step 1: Warm- up (热身)
Today we'll learn about shopping. First,Let’s sing a song.
播放视频歌曲,This Old Hat. (P54)
Greeting: Good afternoon, boys and girls!
Do you like beautiful clothes? Do you like shopping?
Today I want you to go shopping with me. Look! I have a Happy Shop!
Step 2: Revision(复习)
What’s in my shop? ---(PPT呈现图片,复习服装单词)
hat ,skirt,dress ,coat,shirt,T-shirt,shorts,pants,sunglasses,shoes
Step 3: Presentation.(新课呈现)
(一) 回归课本
1. Today, John and his mother come to my shop . Watch the video and answer:
What does John want to buy?---(看视频回答)
2.→引导说出These shoes are nice. ---(领读;排火车)
→PPT呈现多双鞋,练习句型These shoes are ...
These shorts are cool. These ...are ...(齐说,小组说)
→PPT呈现衬衣等单数服装This shirt is nice. This ...is...(领读,小老师说)
→Pair work与同桌描述橱窗中商品,(PPT图片单复数分类,注意区分)
复数:These ______are ______.
呈现John的鞋These shoes are nice. Which size of shoes is OK for John? ---(领读size)
看视频回答--- B. Size 7. √
→It's size 7 in the USA,but it’s size 40 in China...---(拓展不同国家鞋码不同。)
T:My shoes’ size is 38. What's your size ?
S:Size... ---(问答)
→The sizes of the clothes are also different.You can check it after class!
Yes,John’s size is 7. Because ...
→They’re just right. ---(引导学生自己说出;领读;小火车)
→What about size 6? --- They’re too small. (让学生自己说出;领读;火车)
→Let’s say: ---(呈现图片,学生输出:)
They’re too...
They’re just right.
Look! These sunglasses are lovely. They’re too small. ---(老师戴上)
Who wants to try them on?
Can I try them on? ---(引导说出;教授;学生说出可试戴)
→同样方式呈现练习hat:Can I try it on?
Can I try it on? Can I try them on?
These glasses are nice. Can I try them on?
Oh! They’re too small. ---(走下去,试戴学生眼镜)
→ Now do the group work with your clothes. ---(拿出服装实物,小组对话、表演)
单数: 复数:A: This _____is _____. A:These ____are____
Can I try it on? Can I try them on?B:Of course. Here you are. B:Of course. Here you are.A:It’s too…/ It’s just right. A:They’re too…/ They’re just right.
Repeat the text.
Fill in the blanks
Role play.
Group work. ---(表演对话)11. Let's chant.
Look at the coat.
It is good. So good!
Try it on. It's too big. Too big.
Look at the shoes.
They are nice. So nice!
Try them on. They’re too small. Too small.
What can we do?
Let's go shopping! Go shopping!
Step 4: Extension(拓展)
由歌谣引出问题:Where can we go shopping in Jinan?
商城shopping mall
商店/店铺 shop,store
跳蚤市场/小交易市场flea market
→Welcome To The Flea Market! I have my clothes shop on the market!
Who wants to be my customer? ---(找学生扮演顾客到我商店,进行对话示范)
T: Welcome to my Happy Shop! Can I help you?
S: Yes. This/These ________is/are _______. Can I try it/them on?
Size ____,please.
T: Of course. Here you are.
Are they OK?
S: Oh! It’s/ They’re too ______./ It’s/ They’re just right!
T: Sorry. Welcome next time. / Great!/Good!
Group work小组合作:创建你们自己的小商店吧!It’s may be :
Stationery Shop 、Clothes Shop、 Book Shop、 Toys Shop,
→ Group work: ---(小组自选下列对话中的一组,进行练习、表演。)
(1)Clothes Shop服装店
A: Welcome to my ____Shop! Can I help you?
B: Yes. This _____is ____.Can I try it on?/ These ____are____.Can I try them on?
Size ____,please.
C: Of course. Here you are. Are they OK?
D: Oh! It’s/ They’re too ____./ It’s/ They’re just right!
C: Sorry. Welcome next time. / Great!/Good!
(2)Stationery Shop/ Toy Shop/ Book Shop
A:Welcome to my ______Shop! Can I help you?
B: This ____is ____. / These _____are _____.
Can I have a look?.
C: Of course. Here you are.
B: Oh!It’s ______.I like it. / They’re_____. I like them.
D: OK! Thank you.
Step5: 德育升华
We gain(收获)from the Flea Market:
Happiness快乐 Fun趣味 Integrity诚信 Fairness公平 Recycling旧物利用
→When we're shopping:
Just buy what we need.
Form the reasonable shopping habits!
Step6: Homework:
Go shopping in your friend's shop after class.
Try to buy or exchange your goods.
六、板书设计(Board planning)
Unit6 Shopping
These ... are ...
Can I try them on?
They’re too .../ just right.