课件14张PPT。新起点 英语五年级下册Unit 5 TV Shows
Lesson 2通过Andy和Binbin在电视台里的对话,呈现本单元的目标功能句。When do you usually watch…?
学生调查其他人喜欢的电视节目情况,并将信息填写在表格中。根据调查结果,回答问题,并画出自己喜欢的电视节目,并仿照例句写出功能句。A. Look, listen and answer.热身导入呈现新知功能句学习功能句操练What TV shows do you know?Look at the pictures.
Listen and answer.1.Read the dialogue.
2.Key sentences.
3.Listen and repeat.
4.Read in pairs.
5.New schedule.1.Ask and answer with the new schedule..
2. Dialogues showB. Do a survey.了解角色明确语言关注信息调查活动What are Andy and Lily doing together?What are your favourite TV show?
My favourite TV shows are nature shows?
When do you usually watch them?
I usually watch them on Tuesday evening.name, TV shows, Time在学生填写过程中,教师巡视,关注书写规范。C. Let’s write. 看一看说一说写一写核对答案看A部分的内容。师生口头说一说不同人物喜欢的节目。
学生之间说一说。学生自主填写短语,完成句子。师生核对答案,纠正错误。HomeworkWhen are your favourite shows on?
Why do you like them?
We will share it next time.TV
Shows sports
shows cartoonsmusic
shows news
shows nature
shows 具体时间老师可以自行设定,也可以自己选择合适自己学生的。