课件30张PPT。Book5 Module6
Review and Practice of Attributive Clauses
Help Super Mario to save the animalsHelpHow to help Mario?
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(领取任务) Review of Attributive Clauses
What is an Attributive Clause?Nothing is difficult to the man who will try.世上无难事,只怕有心人antecedent
(引导词)Attributive clause
(修饰)Noun(名词)He who laughs last laughs best. antecedent
Attributive clause
(修饰)pronoun(代词)An attributive clause is a sentence that modify a or a .定语从句就是用来修饰名词或代词的句子。Nothing is difficult to the man who will try.
He who laughs last laughs best.
nounpronounWhat are the introducers of Attributive Clauses?which/that
WhyRound 1: Defeat the Blank Fill in the blanks
Fill in the blanks with proper (合适的) relative pronoun and relative adverb.4. This is the place I was born.5. I remember the day I first met him.6. Can you tell me the reason you lied to me?1. The man came to our school is Mr. Wang. 2. I like the book you bought yesterday.3. A child parents are dead is called Tom. who/that which/that whose where whenwhy Congratulations! You mainly helped to save the first animal---Antelope
There’re only about 170,000 antelopes left in the world.
Round 2: Defeat CombinationCombination of SentencesChange the two sentences into a long sentence with relative pronoun or relative adverbExample:
.My daughter's favorite TV star is Wang zulan.
His famous programme is “Running man” .
My daughter's favorite TV star is Wang zulan whose famous programme is “Running man”.
1. The animal is a panda.
The panda is eating bamboo.
The animal is a panda which/that is eating bamboo.
2. Luhan is a singer in China.
Luhan is popular with many teenagers.
Luhan who/that is popular with many teenagers is a singer in China.
3. Liu panshui is a nice place to visit.
The International marathon was held in Liu panshui last summer. Liu panshui ,where the International marathon was held last summer ,is a nice place to visit.
Congratulations! You have helped to save the second animal ---Golden monkey
There’re only about 6,000 golden monkeys left in the world.
Round 3: Defeat Translation Translation of lyrics(歌词) with Attributive Clauses
Congratulations! You helped to save the third animal ---Panda
There’re only about 2,000 pandas left in the world.
Round 4: Defeat WritingWriting
According to the following information, write a short description about one of the animals. (At least one attributive clause)
The African Elephant is the world's biggest land animal, which can be found in forests, valleys and deserts in the south of Africa. / The African Elephant which/that is the world's biggest land animal can be found in forests, valleys and deserts in the south of Africa.Sample The African Elephant is the world's biggest land animal, which can be found in forests, valleys and deserts in the south of Africa. It feeds mainly on grass, leaves and fruit. However, there are only 400,000 African elephants left in the world today.Summary: What did you learn today?
In today's lesson, we helped to save some animals, using some knowledge of Attributive Clauses. Meanwhile, we learned about some animals are in danger, and we should take some (measure) to help them. In a word, this is an (interest) lesson.
measureswhich/thatinterestingSuper MarioHomeworkWrite a passage about another endangered animal with Attributive clauses.Thank you