人教版(2019)Unit 3 Sports and fitness 导学课件+练习(共11份)


名称 人教版(2019)Unit 3 Sports and fitness 导学课件+练习(共11份)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2019-09-03 15:17:05


课件25张PPT。Unit 3 Sports and Fitness
Discovering Useful Structures 反意疑问句(Tag questions)
【情境探究】观察上面的对话, 并完成句子:
1. The pen is yours, ______? ?
这支钢笔是你的, 不是吗?
2. Lucy likes English, __________? ?
露西喜欢英语, 不是吗?
3. That was a wonderful night, ________? ?
那是个奇妙的夜晚, 不是吗? isn’t itdoesn’t shewasn’t it【要义详析】
反意疑问句是附加在陈述句之后, 对陈述句所表示的事实或观点提出疑问的句子。附加疑问句实际上是一种简略的一般疑问句。1. 反意疑问句的结构: 陈述句(主语+谓语……), +助动词/情态动词/be动词+主语(代词形式)?
陈述句部分如果是肯定句, 其反意疑问句的疑问句部分用否定式提问(助动词/情态动词/be动词+not); 如果陈述句部分是否定句, 其反意疑问句的疑问句部分用肯定式提问。*He is your teacher, isn’t he?
他是你的老师, 是不是?
*People shouldn’t drop litter on the pavements, should they?
人们不应该在人行道上扔垃圾, 对不对?
*You found the key in the bedroom, didn’t you?
你在卧室里找到的钥匙, 对不对? *They have a house in town, haven’t they/don’t they?
他们在镇上有一套房子, 是不是? 2. 某些特殊句型的反意疑问句:
①表示肯定意义的祈使句, 即表示“请求, 提示”, 其反意疑问句用will you 表达, 有时也可以用won’t you 表示。
*Go home now, will you?
现在回家, 好吗? *Close the window, please, will you?
请关上窗户, 好吗? ②否定祈使句: 以Don’t开始的祈使句: 表示“不要……”, 用will you 提问。
*Don’t be late again, will you?
不要再迟到了, 好吗?
*Don’t forget to pay your income tax, will you?
不要忘了交个人所得税, 好吗? ③Let’s引导的祈使句表示“建议”, 反意疑问句部分是shall we?
*Let’s go for a walk, shall we?
我们去散步, 好吗?
*Let’s have a rest now, shall we?
我们休息一下, 好吗? ④Let me或 Let us引导的祈使句表示“请求”, 反意疑问句部分为will you?
*Let me have a try, will you?
让我试一下, 好不好?
*Let us help, will you?
让我们帮忙, 行吗? (2)感叹句的反意疑问句: 一律用否定式提问:
*What a clever boy, isn’t he?
多么聪明的男孩, 是不是?
*What a lovely day, isn’t it?
天气真好, 对不对? (3)陈述句含有情态动词must有两种情况:
①must表示“必须”, 反意疑问句部分为mustn’t / needn’t. . . ?
*He must study hard at English, mustn’t he / needn’t he?
他必须努力学英语, 是不是? *You must go home now, needn’t you / mustn’t you?
你必须现在回家, 对不对?
*We mustn’t be late, must we?
我们不能迟到, 对不对? ②must表示推测, “一定, 肯定”, 反意疑问句部分与must后面的动词呼应。
*You must be joking, aren’t you?
你一定是在开玩笑, 是不是?
*He must be ill, isn’t he?
他一定生病了, 对吗? 【名师点津】表推测的must的反意疑问句
用must对过去的动作推测时, 反意疑问句部分的助动词用did或have, 而对过去的状态推测时, 反意疑问句部分的be动词用was。
*She must have finished her work, hasn’t she / didn’t she?
她一定完成工作了, 是不是? *Jack must have arrived here yesterday, didn’t he?
杰克一定是昨天到的, 对吗?
*He must have been a policeman, wasn’t he?
他曾经一定是个警察, 对吗? (4)陈述句中有否定副词: hardly; never; seldom; little; few; nowhere; nothing等词, 反意疑问句部分用肯定式提问:
*Frank hardly goes to parties, does he?
弗兰克很少参加聚会, 对吗?
*He has few friends, has he?
他朋友很少, 对吗? (5)复合句的反意疑问句: 大多数复合句的反意疑问句都对主句提问:
*He was punished because he violated the regulation, wasn’t he?
因为他违反了规定他受到惩罚, 是不是?
*You never told me that you had been ill, did you?
你从来没告诉我你生病了, 对吧? 【名师点津】I don’t think 的反意疑问句
I don’t think/suppose/believe/imagine 后接宾语从句, 这种宾语从句的反意疑问句应与从句的主语、谓语部分一致, 而且用肯定式提问。
*I don’t believe she has done it, has she?
我认为她没有做完, 是不是?
*I think he will come, won’t he?
我认为他要来, 是不是? 【即学活用】
1. It’s a fine day. Let’s go fishing, _______? ?
2. Frank is working late again. This is the first time
this week he’s had to study late, ______? ?shall weisn’t it3. —Daddy’s forgot to post the letter again,
________? ?
—I’m afraid he has. 世纪金榜导学号
4. —Sorry, I’m not feeling well and I don’t think
I can finish.
—Don’t worry. Let us do it for you, _______? ?hasn’t hewill you5. I don’t think he could have done such a stupid
thing last night, ______? ?
6. —The ground is wet.
—It must have rained last night, _______? ?
7. —Jenny doesn’t think that Robert is honest,
________? ?
—I’m afraid not. did hedidn’t itdoes she8. —The new windows need washing.
—Well, let’s wash them together, _______? ?
9. There is little we can do about it, _______? ?
10. —The problem wasn’t difficult for him, _____? ?
—No, it wasn’t. He should have been given a more
difficult one. shall weis therewas it课时检测·素养达标
Ⅰ. 用所给的单词组成句子
1. a, has, lot, books, of, He, hasn’t, he
He has a lot of books, hasn’t he? ?
2. have, The, students, a, once, meeting, a, week, they, don’t
The students have a meeting once a week, don’t they? ?
3. at, the, Look, blackboard, you, will
Look at the blackboard, will you? ?
4. home, Let’s, go, we, shall
Let’s go home, shall we? ?
5. isn’t, What, weather, fine, it
What fine weather, isn’t it? ?
6. I’m, aren’t, working, now, I
I’m working now, aren’t I? ?
7. No, about, one, they, knows, it, do
No one knows about it, do they? ?
8. You, got, you, from, nothing, him, did
You got nothing from him, did you? ?
Ⅱ. 完成句子
1. I’m as tall as your sister, aren’t I?
Yes, you are. (是的, 你和她一样高。)?
2. Tom made no answer, did he?
No, he didn’t. (是的, 他没回答。)?
3. He ought to know what to do, oughtn’t he?
Yes, he ought to. (是的, 他应该知道。)?
4. Everything is ready, isn’t it?
No, it isn’t. (不, 还没准备好。)?
5. The 29th Olympic Games were held in Beijing, weren’t they?
Yes, they were. (是的, 是在北京。)?
6. Michael Jordan started to play basketball in college, didn’t he?
No, he didn’t. (不, 他不是。) He first played in a team in senior high school. ?
7. David has been to a boxing match, hasn’t he?
No, he hasn’t. (不, 他没去过。)He always watches boxing on TV. ?
8. You can’t cook, can you?
Yes, I can. (不, 我会。) I’ m good at cooking. ?
  简要介绍一个健身俱乐部, 其中至少包含一个反意疑问句。
  1. 通常来说我在周末锻炼, 因为我觉得保持健康有助于学习。
  2. 上周末, 外面下雨了, 所以我决定去健身房锻炼。
3. 当我走进健身房的时候, 有些人正在锻炼。
  4. 一个人正在做力量训练, 尽力举重。
  5. 在另一个房间, 有个健身教练(a fitness instructor)在教一些年轻人做瑜伽(yoga)。
  6. 每个人都应该去健身房锻炼, 不是吗?
  Usually I would do some exercise on the weekend, because I thought keeping in good health can help me study well. Last weekend, it was raining outside so I decided to do some exercise in the gym.
  When I went into the gym, some people were doing exercise there. A man was doing weight training and trying his best to raise heavier weight. In the next room there was a fitness instructor who was teaching some young people to do yoga. Everyone should go to the gym to take exercise, shouldn’t they?
课时素养评价 十一
Unit 3 Discovering Useful Structures
Ⅰ. 选词填空
1. Everyone knows what they have to do, don’t (doesn’t/don’t) they?
2. Let’s go to the supermarket, shall (will/shall) we?
3. There’re few apples in the basket, are (aren’t/are)there?
4. He can hardly swim, can (can’t/can)he?
5. Something is wrong with your watch, isn’t it (something/it)?
6. He looks unhappy, doesn’t (does/doesn’t)he?
7. There will be less pollution, won’t (will/won’t) there?
8. I don’t believe that he can translate this book, can (can’t/can) he?
Ⅱ. 英译汉
1. —They smell nice, don’t they?
它们闻起来很香, 不是吗?
— Yes, they do.
对, 它们闻起来很香。
2. —They don’t work hard, do they?
他们不努力工作, 是吗?
—Yes, they do.
不, 他们工作努力。
3. —He wants to go, doesn’t he?
他想去, 不是吗?
—No, he doesn’t.
不, 他不想去。
4. —His sister didn’t attend the meeting, did she?
他妹妹没有参加会议, 是吗?
—Yes, she did. / No, she didn’t.
不, 她参加了。/ 是的, 她没参加。?
Ⅰ. 阅读理解
  Grandma, almost ninety years old, sat weakly on the park bench. She didn’t move. She just sat with her head down staring(凝视)at her hands. When I sat down beside her, she didn’t even notice me. I wondered if she was OK. So I asked her if she was OK. She raised her head, looked at me and said with a smile, “Yes, I’m fine. Thank you for asking me. ” “I didn’t mean to disturb you, Grandma, but you were just sitting here staring at your hands and I wanted to make sure you were OK, ” I explained to her.
“Have you ever looked at your hands? ” she asked. “I mean really looking at your hands. ” I slowly opened my hands and stared down at them. And then I turned them over. No, I guess I had never really looked at my hands as I tried to figure out the point my grandma was making. ?
Grandma smiled and told me the following story, “My hands put food in my mouth and clothes on my back. They tied my shoes and pulled on my boots. They held my husband and wiped my tears when he went off to war. They were uneasy when I tried to hold my newborn son. Decorated with my wedding band, they showed the world that I was married and loved someone special. They wrote my letters to him and shook when I buried my parents. They held my children and grandchildren and comforted my neighbors. They covered my face, combed(梳) my hair and washed the rest of my body. These hands are the mark of where I’ve been and the ruggedness (崎岖)of life. ”
I never look at my hands the same again. When my hands are hurt or when I touch the faces of my children and my husband, I think of my grandma. I know I can also create a bright future using my hands.
【文章大意】本文讲述了奶奶告诉我她的双手为她做了很多事情, 奶奶的话让我发现自己以前从未意识到双手这么重要, 现在我知道我也可以用自己的双手创造一个美好的未来。
1. The writer disturbed her grandma in order to know _________. ?
A. what she was doing
B. whether she understood the writer
C. why she was staring at her hands
D. if there was something wrong with her
【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据第一段中的“I wondered if she was OK. So I asked her if she was OK. ”可知, 我担心奶奶有什么不对才打断她, 故D项正确。
2. What does the underlined part in Paragraph 2 mean?
A. The writer had hardly seen such weak hands.
B. The writer had seldom stared at her hands before.
C. The writer had never realized the importance of hands before.
D. The writer couldn’t figure out the secret of her grandma’s weak hands.
【解析】选C。句意理解题。根据画线部分前的“I mean really looking at your hands. ”可知, 奶奶问我是否真正看过自己的手, 再结合后面奶奶说自己的手做过的事情可知, 此处是说我以前从未意识到手是这么重要, 可以做这么多事情, 故C项正确。
3. What do you think of the writer’s grandma according to the passage?
A. She is fond of telling stories.
B. She treats others in a caring and helpful way.
C. She loves telling stories in an interesting way.
D. She prefers to talk with others about her friend.
【解析】选B。推理判断题。根据第三段对奶奶用双手做过的事情的描述, 特别是根据“They held my children and grandchildren and comforted my neighbors. ”可知, 奶奶用双手来拥抱子孙、安慰邻居, 由此可知, 奶奶平时很体贴并且乐于助人, 故B项正确。
4. What can be inferred from the writer’s grandma’s story?
A. She couldn’t do anything as a result of her weak hands.
B. She lived a poor life without any help of technology.
C. She felt very tired when dealing with life with her weak hands.
D. She managed to go through many difficulties with her weak hands.
【解析】选D。推理判断题。根据第三段中的“These hands are the mark of where I’ve been and the ruggedness of life. ”可知, 奶奶说这双手是她坚强的标志, 由此可知, 奶奶用她的双手克服了很多困难, 故D项正确。
Ⅱ. 语法填空
Both colds and flu make you feel uncomfortable, and both of the breathing infections 1. _________(cause)by viruses. But what is the real difference between the cold 2. _________ flu? ?
Their symptoms(症状 )are similar, so it can be hard to tell which has hit you first. Finding out 3. _________ you have, though, can mean better treatment and getting better faster. Avoid the virus in the first place with these tricks that doctors use 4. _________(avoid)colds and flu. ?
While colds are unpleasant, they 5. _________(rare)last long and aren’t usually serious; the flu, however, is a different matter. In the 2015—2016 season, flu caused 11 million medical visits, 308, 000 hospital visits, and 12, 000 6. _________(dead). Most people get over both a cold and the flu in 7. _________(little) than two weeks without visiting the doctor. If you’re at high risk of 8. _________(develop)serious complications(并发症) from the flu—such as anyone with heart disease or asthma(气喘)—you should visit a doctor, 9. _________ can give you flu antiviral drugs. Anyone else can reduce symptoms with these natural 10. _________(cure)for colds and flus. ?
【文章大意】感冒和流感都会让你感到不舒服, 而这两种呼吸感染都是由病毒引起的。
1. 【解析】are caused。考查被动语态。句意: 这两种呼吸感染都是由病毒引起的。此处句子主语both of the breathing infections和cause之间是被动关系, 结合句意可知句子用一般现在时的被动语态, 再根据主语中的both可知答案为are caused。
2. 【解析】and。考查并列连词。句意: 但是感冒和流感的真正区别是什么呢? between. . . and. . . “在两者之间”, 故答案为and。
3. 【解析】which。考查宾语从句引导词。句意: 然而, 找出你所拥有的, 可能意味着更好的治疗和更快的康复。此处表示做出选择, 表示“哪一个”, 故答案为which。
4. 【解析】to avoid。考查动词不定式。句意: 首先要用这些医生用来预防感冒和流感的技巧来避免感染病毒。此处是动词不定式作目的状语。故答案为to avoid。
5. 【解析】rarely。考查副词。句意: 感冒虽然令人不愉快, 但很少持续很长时间, 而且通常不严重。此处是副词修饰动词, 故答案为rarely。
6. 【解析】deaths。考查名词复数。句意: 在2015—2016年期间, 流感导致1 100万人次就诊, 30. 8万人次就医, 1. 2万人死亡。此处用名词death“死亡的人数”, 是可数名词, 故答案为deaths。
7. 【解析】less。考查比较级。根据than可知此处用比较级, 故答案为less。
8. 【解析】developing。考查动名词。介词of后面用动名词作宾语, 故答案为developing。
9. 【解析】who。考查定语从句。句意: 你应该去看能给你流感的抗病毒药物的医生。此处a doctor是先行词, 指人, 在后面的非限制性定语从句中作主语, 故答案为who。
10. 【解析】cures。考查名词复数。句意: 任何其他人都可以通过这些自然疗法来减轻感冒和流感的症状。根据these可知名词用复数形式, 故答案为cures。
Ⅲ. 完形填空
  I received an e-mail from a good friend last week. Her letter opened with the usual greetings, but then turned sour as she began to  1 the pain in her heart. ?
My friend doesn’t have a good relationship with her parents.  2 she is an 18-year-old high school student, her parents,  3 her father, are still trying to control her life. ?
“I admit I haven’t 4 the level of excellence they expect. As long as I let them down, they always scold(责骂) me, ” she wrote, adding, “They’re never satisfied with what I do. Every time I see them, my confidence gets  5 . I feel bitter and annoyed. Sometimes I don’t even want to stay with them. ”?
I understand my friend’s 6 . I know what it’s like to have people refuse my  7  and insist I do what they  8 . I know I have to give her a  9 . Still, I have to be honest, and try to give her useful  10 . ?
I think she needs to find it in herself to  11  her parents. I don’t think many of us truly 12 the power of forgiveness.  13 forgiving, we get mad, and that 14  is often shown in our words and actions. We want those who have hurt us to be 15 in some way. ?
I still remember something that happened to me in high school. A friend said something  16  about me, and I didn’t say a word to her for months. Years later I  17 that although my actions seemed 18 at the time, my hurt feelings were not worth losing a good friend. I regret that I did not forgive her. ?
The power of forgiveness is truly  19 . Learn to forgive, and when you do so you’ll find yourself feeling better. And you can also set yourself  20 to experience peace and love. ?
【文章大意】本文讲述了一个朋友给作者写信抱怨自己的父母总是想控制她的生活, 作者结合自己的经历建议她要学会原谅, 因为原谅的力量是不可思议的, 当你原谅别人的时候, 你自己也会感觉更好。
1. A. face   B. keep   C. share   D. hide
【解析】选C。词义辨析题。face面对; keep保持; share分享, 分担; hide隐藏。根据本空前的 “Her letter opened with the usual greetings, but then turned sour as she began to” 可知, 她的信以惯常的问候语开头, 但当她说出内心的痛苦时, 信就变了味道, 故C项正确。
2. A. Since B. Unless
C. Once D. Although
【解析】选D。词义辨析题。since自从; unless除非; once一旦; although尽管。尽管她已经是一个18岁的高中生, 但是她的父母, 尤其是她的爸爸总是想控制她的生活, 故D项正确。
3. A. especially B. basically
C. naturally D. entirely
【解析】选A。词义辨析题。especially特别, 尤其; basically基本上; naturally自然地; entirely完全地。她的父母, 尤其是她的爸爸, 总是想控制她的生活, 故A项正确。
4. A. changed B. followed
C. reached D. determined
【解析】选C。词义辨析题。change改变; follow服从; reach达到; determine决定。我承认我没有达到他们所期望的水平, 故C项正确。
5. A. destroyed B. improved
C. protected D. raised
【解析】选A。词义辨析题。destroy毁坏; improve改进; protect保护; raise提高。根据本空前的 “They’re never satisfied with what I do. ” 可知, 我做什么他们都不满意, 每次看到他们, 我就有一种挫败感, 故A项正确。
6. A. stage B. situation
C. record D. argument
【解析】选B。词义辨析题。stage阶段; situation形势, 处境; record记录; argument争论。我理解我朋友的处境, 故B项正确。
7. A. views B. applications
C. calls D. invitations
【解析】选A。词义辨析题。view观点; application应用程序; call电话; invitation邀请。我知道别人拒绝我的观点, 坚持让我做他们想做的事情是什么感受, 故A项正确。
8. A. want B. own C. offer D. afford
【解析】选A。词义辨析题。want想要; own拥有; offer提供; afford买得起, 给予。坚持让我做他们想做的事情, 故A项正确。
9. A. promise B. reason
C. surprise D. response
【解析】选D。逻辑推理题。promise承诺; reason原因; surprise惊讶; response回应。我知道我得给她回信, 故D项正确。
10. A. decision B. advice
C. intention D. experience
【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。decision决定; advice建议; intention意图; experience经验。我得给她提供一些有用的建议, 故B项正确。
11. A. appreciate B. satisfy
C. forgive D. respect
【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。appreciate感激; satisfy使满意; forgive原谅; respect尊敬。根据本空后的 “forgiveness” 可知, 我认为她需要从内心深处原谅她的父母, 故C项正确。
12. A. show B. understand
C. research D. explore
【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。show展示; understand理解; research调查; explore探索。我认为我们中没有多少人真正理解原谅的力量, 故B项正确。
13. A. Instead of B. Because of
C. In addition to D. In return for
【解析】选A。词义辨析题。instead of代替, 反而; because of因为; in addition to除了; in return for回报。根据本空后的“forgiving, we get mad”可知, 我们非但不原谅, 反而会生气, 故A项正确。
14. A. trouble B. danger
C. concern D. anger
【解析】选D。词义辨析题。trouble麻烦; danger危险; concern关心; anger生气, 愤怒。那种愤怒经常会表现在我们的言行上, 故D项正确。
15. A. charged B. forgotten
C. judged D. punished
【解析】选D。词义辨析题。charge索要; forget忘记; judge裁决; punish惩罚。我们希望伤害过我们的人受到某种惩罚, 故D项正确。
16. A. interesting B. wonderful
C. bad D. crazy
【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。interesting有趣的; wonderful美好的; bad不好的; crazy疯狂的。一个朋友说了我的坏话, 我好几个月都没和她说话, 故C项正确。
17. A. pretended B. imagined
C. realized D. proved
【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。pretend假装; imagine想象; realize意识到; prove证明。数年后, 我意识到虽然我的行为在当时看来是合理的, 但因此而失去一个好朋友是不值得的, 故C项正确。
18. A. reliable B. reasonable
C. equal D. valuable
【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。reliable可靠的; reasonable合理的; equal平等的; valuable有价值的。虽然我的行为在当时看来是合理的, 但因此而失去一个好朋友是不值得的, 故B项正确。
19. A. challenging B. amazing
C. shocking D. frightening
【解析】选B。词义辨析题。challenging有挑战性的; amazing令人惊叹的; shocking骇人听闻的; frightening令人害怕的。原谅的力量是不可思议的, 当你原谅别人的时候, 你自己也会感觉更好, 故B项正确。
20. A. comfortable B. wonderful
C. fair D. free
【解析】选D。逻辑推理题。comfortable舒适的; wonderful美好的; fair公平的; free自由的。你也可以尽情地体验和睦和爱, set oneself free to do表示 “放手去做” , 故D项正确。
课件39张PPT。Unit 3 Sports and Fitness
Listening and Speaking 【导语】Move Your Body是一首Sia的第七张专辑This is acting中的第四首歌曲, 由Alan Walker配合制作电音, 2018年火遍全球。?Move Your Body
Poetry in your body
You got it ①____________
And can’t you see it’s you I’m watching?
I am hot for you in every way
And ②___________, let me see you?in every way?turn aroundWanna free you with my rhythm
I know you can’t get enough
When I turn up with my rhythmYour body’s poetry, ③___________?
Won’t you let me be your rhythm tonight?
(Move your body, move your body)
I wanna be your muse, use my music
And let me be your rhythm tonight
(Move your body, move your body)speak to meYour body’s poetry, speak to me
Won’t you let me be your rhythm tonight?
(Move your body, move your body)
I wanna be your muse, use my music
And let me be your rhythm tonight
(Move your body, move your body)Move your, move your body
Move your, move your body
Move your body, dy, dy
Move your body
Move your body, dy, dy
Move your bodyPoetry in your body
Got me started
May it never end
Feel my rhythm in your system
This is living, I’m your only friend
Feel the beat in your chestBeat your chest like an animal
④____ the beast _____ its cage
Free the rage like an animalFreefromYour body’s poetry, speak to me
Won’t you let me be your rhythm tonight?
(Move your body, move your body)
I wanna be your muse, use my music
And let me be your rhythm tonight
(Move your body, move your body)Your body’s poetry, speak to me
Won’t you let me be
your rhythm tonight?
(Move your body, move your body)
I wanna be your muse, use my music
And let me be your rhythm tonight
(Move your body, move your body)Move your, move your body
Move your, move your body
Move your body, dy, dy
Move your body
Move your body, dy, dy
Move your bodyOh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh, oh
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh, oh
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh, oh
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh, oh
Move your body【词海拾贝】【话题点拨】
体育和健康是高中学生比较感兴趣的话题, 也是他们校园生活很重要的一部分。各种体育比赛信息和体育明星新闻, 都是高中生关注的焦点。【话题词汇】
1. run an exciting marathon 跑一场刺激的马拉松
2. an e-sports event 一场电子竞技赛事
3. come along 同意; 一道来
4. in the new stadium 在新体育场
5. fill with 使充满6. on the final lap 最后一圈
7. do your best to win 尽你所能赢
8. make no sense 没意思; 说不通
9. compete for one’s country 为国竞争
10. make it 做到; 达到目的【话题句式】
1. Would you like to go to the soccer game?
2. Why not run an exciting marathon?
为什么不去跑一场刺激的马拉松呢? 3. How about watching the badminton match this afternoon?
4. Do you hear that there’s an e-sports event this weekend?
本周末有一场电子竞技赛事, 你听说了吗? 5. Why don’t you join us this Saturday afternoon?
6. It’s more important to help each other than to win.
互相帮助比赢得比赛更重要。7. If you’ve practised hard for the race, you should do your best to win.
如果为比赛刻苦训练了, 你就应该尽力去赢。【发音技巧】
1. 降调通常可用来陈述一个事实, 比如He is going home. 。同时它还可用于特殊疑问句中, 以获得更多的有关信息, 如Who is going home? 然而, 在用降调的句子中, 第一个重读音节的调门尤为重要。Peter Roach认为, 如果句子的第一个重读音节以低调门开始, 那么该句表达的是一种“平和、无激动”的感情。反之, 以高调门开始的句子表达的是“反常、激动”的感情。例如:
Yes. (一般、无强调的yes) YES! (重强调的yes)2. 升调通常用于下列情况:
(1)用于陈述句形式的一般疑问句。例如: He is going home?
(2)用于倒装形式的一般疑问句。例如: Is he going home? (3)用于陈述句式可表示说话人的“不肯定、怀疑、安慰、道歉、不耐烦”等多种感情。例如: That’s not the book he wants. 这个句子的含义为“他无法肯定这是不是他想要的书”。它相当于一个否定疑问句。例如: Is that not the book he wants? (4) 以WH-开头的问句用升调常表示提问的人对所获的回答没听清楚而要求对方再重复。例如: What is your name? 这个问题用升调时其含义是“刚才你说你叫什么名字来着? ”
1. What does the man want?
A. A chicken hamburger.
B. A pork hamburger.
C. A beef hamburger. 2. Who is answering the phone?
A. Larry.    B. John.    C. Linda.
3. What are the two speakers mainly talking about?
A. Clocks. B. Time. C. Family. 答案: 1~3. ABA【情境交际】
Scene One
Tom: Hi, Adam! ________________(你听说了吗) the
IG club won the championship in the global finals of
2018 LOL? ?
Adam: No, I didn’t! What is the IG club?
Tom: Well, IG club is ______________(电子竞技俱乐
部) owned by Wang Sicong. ?Did you hear thatan e-sports clubAdam: It is like a soccer club, isn’t it?
Tom: Yes, it is. There are many players in this club.
__________________(我一直等待) their championship
for a long time. Would you like to watch the game
video with me? ?
Adam: Really? I’d love to! Where to go?
Tom: Go home with me. We can watch it in my room. I’ve been waiting forScene Two
Mike: Hey, George. 1.  B There is a running event on Saturday morning. ?
George: What is it? Is it a track-and-field event? Mike: No, it’s not a track-and-field event. It is a marathon that helps the disabled in the city. 2.  D That sounds like fun, doesn’t it? ?
George: Er. . . no, it sounds tiring! But Why do you have to pay for running a marathon? Mike: Here is the reason. Half of your money will be donated to the disabled in the city. 3.  C  Of course, you will get a medal if you can complete it. 4.  A ?
George: That sounds like a great idea! I will go with you. A. Would you like to go?
B. What are you doing this weekend?
C. And the rest covers the cost of the marathon.
D. You pay 100 yuan to run the marathon. 【听力原文】
Text 1
W: Can I help you?
M: Yes, I’d like a chicken hamburger and a bowl of beef noodles. Text 2
M: Hello, this is Linda. Is Larry there?
W: Hello, this is John speaking. Larry has gone to Beijing. Text 3
M: You certainly have a lot of clocks. There seems to be one in every room.
W: My family gave them to me because I have trouble keeping track of the time. 课件77张PPT。Unit 3 Sports and Fitness
Reading and Thinking Ⅰ. 单词拼写
1. living ______(传奇人物)
2. a famous ______(运动员)
3. sports ______(大师)
4. a great _______(荣幸)
5. win _____(荣誉)legendathletemasterhonourglory6. Olympic ______(奖牌)
7. world _________(冠军)
8. show _____________(决心)
9. serious ______(受伤)
10. the team _______(队长)medalchampiondeterminationinjurycaptain11. his _______(优雅的) moves
12. __________(印象深刻的) skills
13. mental ________(力量)
14. learn from his ______(失败)gracefulimpressivestrengthfailureⅡ. 从方框中选择短语, 并用其适当形式填空
set a good example, fall apart, because of,
lose heart, give up
1. Lang Ping did not _________. ?
2. They _________________ for others. ?lose heartset a good example3. The team that Lang Ping had built was
___________. ?
4. The captain had to leave _________heart problems. ?
5. The best way to get happiness is to _______
the pursuit(追赶) of happiness. ?falling apartbecause ofgive upⅠ. 文本整体理解: 理清文章架构Ⅱ. 文本细节理解: 探寻语篇细节信息
1. What does the “living legends” mean in the text?
A. Masters in their sport and examples for others.
B. Volleyball player Lang Ping.
C. Michael Jordan as a coach.
D. The world champions in sport. 2. Which of the following is true about Lang Ping according to the passage?
A. She is the best player of China women’s volleyball team now.
B. She led the team to champions in the 2015 World Cup in Brazil. C. She once had heart problems in the Olympics.
D. She brought honour and glory to our country as a player and coach. 3. What does the word “still” mean in Paragraph 2?
A. Right.   B. Not moving.
C. Quiet. D. Surprising. 4. Why is Michael Jordan known as “Air Jordan” according to the passage?
A. Because he changed basketball.
B. Because he learns from his failure.
C. Because his mental strength in the game.
D. Because his graceful moves and jumps. 5. The secret to Jordan’s success is _________. ?
A. accepting failures
B. practising harder
C. learning from failures
D. losing games答案: 1~5. ADBDCⅢ. 文本素养提升: 阅读技能综合运用
1. 根据课文语境与语句知识细致解构语句。译文: 她曾面对很多困难, 而且她知道,
______________________________________________如果她的年轻队员们一起努力, 他们就能赢得比赛。根据课文完成短文
  As a player and coach, Lang Ping 1. _______
(bring) honour and glory to our country. She is loved
by fans 2. __ home and abroad. When the Chinese
team 3. _____________(prepare) for the 2015 World
Cup, she led the team to champions 4. _______ the
team was falling apart. Then in 2016, she ledbroughtatwas preparingthough5. ___(she) volleyball team to Olympic gold in Brazil.
Michael Jordan, who became known as “Air Jordan”,
6. ________(change) basketball with his graceful moves
7. ____ jumps. His 8. _____(skill) were impressive, but
the mental strength that he showed made him unique.
He says that the secret to his success is learning from
his 9. _______(fail). Losing games?taught him to practiseherchangedandskillsfailures10. ______(hard) and never give up. In life, he has learnt to share his success with others. harder2. 阅读主题活动。
(1)What can we learn from Lang Ping and Michael
___________________________________When facing difficulties, we never lose heart or giveup. /We should learn from our failures. ?(2)Do you know any other living legends of sports? Share your answer with your classmates.
_________________________________Yes. Yao Ming, Beckham and so on. ?【阅读微技巧】1. athlete n. 运动员; 运动健儿
*Daley Thompson was a great athlete.
戴利·汤普森是一位著名的运动员。*They have been given college scholarships purely on athletic ability.
*She’s academically able and athletically outstanding.
她学业优秀, 体育方面也很突出。【语块积累】
athletic   adj. 运动的
athetics n. 体育运动, 田径
athletically adv. 竞赛地, 运动地, 有运动员风范地【即学活用】用athlete的正确形式填空
(1)A good ______ should have skill, strength and speed.
(2)Most _______ activities are about individual effort.
(3)Though she was very __________ talented, it was
said that golf was her sport.
(4)I like watching the ________ on TV. athleteathleticathleticallyathletics2. master n. 高手; 主人vt. 精通; 掌握
*They must be athletes who are masters in their sports.
*If you master the basics, you will be able to advance
skills in studying any type of dance.
如果你精通基本步了, 你就能够在学习任何一种舞蹈
中提高技能。*He has a Master’s in Business Administration.
(1)The dog cocked its tail when it ______ ___ ________
(2)_______ ___ ______ ____ _______(掌握单词和短语)
that describe people’s experiences.
(3)You are the ______ __ ______(金钱的主人),
not the other way. heardthemaster’sfootstepsMasterthewordsandphrasesmasterofmoney3. honour n. 荣誉; 尊敬; 荣幸 vt. 尊敬; 以……为荣
*As a player, Lang Ping brought honour and glory to her country.
作为一名运动员, 郎平给她的国家带来了荣耀。
*Athletes should honour their country first.
运动员首先应该以国家为荣。词汇复现*I was honoured to have been mentioned in his speech.
他在讲话中提到了我, 真是荣幸。【语块积累】
sense of honour        正义感
be/feel honoured (to do sth. ) (做某事)感到荣幸【即学活用】 用honour的正确形式填空
(1)I’m _________ by your confidence in me.
(2)He is a man with a sense of _______. honouredhonour4. determination n. 决心; 决定
*When the Chinese team was preparing for the 2015 World Cup, her determination was tested.
当中国队备战2015年世界杯的时候, 她的决心受到了考验。*The size of the chicken pieces will determine the cooking time.
*He made determined efforts to overcome the scandal.
determine  vt. & vi. (使)下决心, (使)做出决定
determined adj. 确定的; 坚定的; 毅然的【即学活用】 用determine的正确形式填空
(1)He __________ to rescue his two countrymen.
(2)There was an expression of _____________ on her
(3)He is a very __________ and strong-willed person.
(4)He was __________ to win the race. determineddeterminationdetermineddetermined5. injury n. 伤害; 损伤
*Two players are out of the match because of injury.
*This could seriously injure the company’s reputation.
这会严重损害公司的声誉。*Ambulances took the injured to a nearby hospital.
*In any case, you shouldn’t do an injury to yourself.
任何情况下, 你都不应该让自己受到伤害。【语块积累】
injure       vt. 使受伤; 损害
injured adj. 受伤的; 有伤的
do sb. an injury= do an injury to sb.
使某人受伤害【即学活用】 用injure的正确形式填空
(1)He’s been out of action for 16 months with a serious
knee ______.
(2)Not only that, they ______ animals and workers.
(3)Many of them will have died because they were so
badly _______. injuryinjureinjured6. set an example 树立榜样
*They also set a good example for others.
*The champions set a great example for the young in our country.
冠军们为我国的年轻人树立了好榜样。*He set an example of whole-hearted service to the people.
give/take an example    举例
follow the example of sb. 学习某人的榜样
set/give a good/bad example to/for sb.
(1)Lei Feng ___ ___ ________ __ __ in serving the
people heart and soul.
(2)We should ______ _____ ________ and work hard.
我们应该以吉姆为榜样, 努力工作。setanexampletousfollowJim’sexample7. give up 放弃; 投降; 辞掉; 自首
*Losing games taught him to practise harder and never give up.
比赛失败让他学会了更加努力地训练, 永不放弃。
*Coastguards had given up all hope of finding the two divers alive.
海岸警卫队对两位潜水员生还已完全不抱希望。*She gave up her job to join her husband’s campaign.
她辞去工作, 加入丈夫的宣传活动。
*A 28-year-old man later gave himself up and will appear in court today.
后来一位28岁的男子向警方自首了, 他将于今天出庭。【语块积累】
give in    让步, 投降, 上交
give away 分发, 泄露, 出卖, 让步
give back 归还, 恢复, 后退, 反射(声、光等)
give out 分发, 发表, 用尽, 精疲力竭
give sb. a hand 给予帮助give way to 让路, 让步
give off 放出, 发出(气体、气味、烟雾、
光、水、热等)【即学活用】 用正确的介词或副词填空
(1)He refused to give __ to old age.
(2)Don’t give _____ the secret.
(3)Give ___ the examination papers.
(4)Chemical changes give ___ energy.
(5)All great players never give ___ in face of difficulties. inawayoutoffup8. One of the best players had been injured, and the team captain had to leave because of heart problems. 最好的队员之一受伤了, 队长因心脏问题离队了。?【句式解构】
  had been injured是过去完成时的被动语态。过去完成时指在过去某动作发生前完成的动作, 即“过去的过去”, 用“had+过去分词”表示。在这里, had been injured与后半句the team captain had to leave. . . 形成参照, 指这名优秀队员受伤在前, 队长因心脏问题离队在后。*By the time I rushed to the station, the train had already left.
当我赶到火车站时, 火车已经开走了。
*She had finished her homework before she started to read the novel.
她在开始看小说之前就已经完成了作业。*I had gone out when you called me.
*They had planted six hundred trees before last Wednesday.
=Six hundred trees had been planted before last Wednesday.
上周三之前, 他们就已经种植了六百棵树。【名师点津】过去完成时的被动语态的三种形式
(1)肯定结构: 主语+ had been done +其他成分
(2)否定结构: 主语+ had not been done +其他成分
(3)疑问句结构: had +主语+ been done +其他成分【即学活用】 语法填空
(1)The police found that the house _______________
(break) into and a lot of things stolen. ?
(2)He said 15 people had ___________(injure), two
of them admitted to hospital. 世纪金榜导学号?had been brokenbeen injured(3)He complained that this was the third time he had
been ________(inform) of the changes of the meeting.
(4)John had to have his car repaired in a garage
because it _________________(damage) seriously. ?informedhad been damaged【要点拾遗】
1. legend n. 传奇故事(或人物); 传说
*Legend has it that the lake was formed by the tears of a god.
*She was a legend in her own lifetime.
她在世的时候就是一个传奇人物。*The hill is supposed to be the resting place of the legendary King Lud.
legend has it that. . .  据传说……
legendary adj. 传奇的; 传说的;
极其著名的【即学活用】 用legend的适当形式填空
(1)I was studying at the _________ Shaolin Temple, known as the birthplace of Kungfu.
(2)He has become a ______ in military history. legendarylegend2. glory n. 荣誉; 光荣; 赞美; 壮观
*I do all the work and he gets all the glory.
活儿都是我干, 荣誉都是他得。
*She wanted to enjoy her moment of glory.
她希望享受自己的光荣时刻。*This would be a glorious chapter in our country’s history. 这将是我国历史上光辉的一页。
*He denies that the movie glorifies violence.
他否认这部影片美化暴力。【导图理词】【即学活用】 用glory 的正确形式填空
(1)It is not right to ______ war and violence in modern films.
(2)Harrison had a _______ career of more than six decades.
(3)Su Bingtian had his moment of _____ when he won the race. glorifygloriousglory3. strength n. 力量; 体力
*The mental strength that he showed made him unique.
*He pushed against the rock with all his strength.
他用全力推那块石头。【易混辨析】【知识延伸】adj. +-th → n.
构词法: 形容词+-th→名词
strong 强的→strength 强度, 力量
long长的→ length长度
deep 深的→depth 深度, 深处
wide 宽的→width 宽度
young 年轻的→youth 青春, 青年
warm温暖的→warmth温暖; 暖和【即学活用】
用strength, force和power填空
(1)The ______ of trains is usually made of steam or electricity.
(2)Our national ________ has increased since 1982.
(3)The _____ of her fall was broken by the tree. powerstrengthforce4. fall apart 破裂; 破碎; 崩溃
*The rope bridge breaks in the middle and both halves fall apart. 索桥从中间断了, 两头塌了下去。
*I’ve got to rest before I fall apart.
我要休息了, 不然我就要崩溃了。【语块积累】
fall in love   坠入爱河; 爱上某人
fall into 落入; 分成
fall down 跌倒; 失败; 倒塌
fall back 退却, 后退; [计]回落
fall back on 求助于; 借助于【即学活用】 用正确的介词或副词填空
(1)Slowly but surely she started to fall __ love with him.
(2)There’s nothing to be afraid of. The sky won’t fall
(3)Doctors sometimes fall _____ on old cures.
(4)Because of the lack of planning, the factory
management system began to fall _____. indownbackapart【一语闻天下】
1. Despite having his books translated into 30 languages worldwide, China’s best-known master writer of spy novels Mai Jia has not published a new work in eight years. Yet his latest novel, Ren Sheng Hai Hai (Life is Like a Vast Ocean), which is due to be released in mid-April, has nothing to do with espionage. 尽管作品在全球范围内被翻译成30种语言, 中国最著名的间谍小说作家麦家已经八年没有新作了。 然而, 他将于四月中旬发行的最新小说《人生海海》与间谍活动毫无关系。2. Olympic champion Sun Yang collected his fourth gold medal on the last day of the Chinese Swimming National Championships here on Sunday.
奥运冠军孙杨在周日在这里举行的全国游泳锦标赛的最后一天收获了他的第四枚金牌。3. Brazil was held to a 1-1 draw by Panama on March 23 and last Tuesday unconvincingly beat the Czech Republic 3-1 in Prague. Both matches were played without Paris Saint-Germain superstar Neymar, who has a foot injury. 巴西队在3月23日被巴拿马队以1-1战平, 上周二在布拉格无可争议地以3-1击败捷克队。 巴黎圣日耳曼巨星内马尔因为脚伤缺席了这两场比赛。课时检测·素养达标
Ⅰ. 根据语境及汉语提示写出正确的单词
1. I consider it a great honour(荣幸) to be here with you today.
2. The news that she won the gold medal(奖牌) was told to her mother.
3. To be a world champion(冠军)is his dream as a athlete.
4. She rejected him with an unchangeable determination(决心).
5. The driver of the car received a serious injury(受伤)to the left leg.
6. He has been the captain(队长) of national teams for many years.
7. Tom had no strength(力量) left to move his feet and he had to stop for a rest.
8. Failure(失败) has always been a fundamental part of a market economy.
Ⅱ. 完成句子
1. China is willing to set an example of responsibility for other countries. ?
2. Cheap clothes tend to fall apart when you wash them. ?
3. It was because of her poor health that we did not permit her to go to the countryside. ?
4. Disney did not lose heart. He continued to draw lots of pictures. ?
迪斯尼并不灰心丧气, 他继续画了许多画。
5. Despite all my efforts to persuade him to give up smoking, he never made up his mind. ?
尽管我尽力劝他别抽烟了, 但他还是下不了决心。
Ⅲ. 结合课文主题, 使用本单元词汇与句型写一篇50词左右的短文
  1. 你可能知道许多NBA的篮球明星, 但是说起中国的NBA传奇人物(legend), 姚明是最佳的。
  2. 他曾经给我们国家带来荣耀(honour and glory)。尽管几次受到伤病(injury)困扰, 他还是向我们展示了他的力量和决心(strength and determination)。
  You may know many basketball stars in NBA, but speaking of the living legends of Chinese NBA players, Yao Ming is the best. He once brought honour and glory to our country. Though injury bothered him several times, he showed us his strength and determination. ?
The topic: To set up a fitness club
  It is good for students and teachers.
  Improve the health condition.
  Do good to our study.
  . . .
  Most students might not like it.
  Lack of equipment for it.
  Need lots of money.
  Affect our study.
  . . .
What do you think of this thing? Why?
Your opinion: I am in favor of this idea. ?
The reason: Most of us students are in stress because of the burden of study. If we have a fitness club, we can do exercise and improve our health condition. Therefore, it is good for our study. With a good body, we can work harder and get a better mind to study. ?
课时素养评价 十
Unit 3 Reading and Thinking
Ⅰ. 根据提示写出单词的正确形式
1. Guangzhou is getting ready to welcome athletes(运动员) and friends from all over Asia!
2. It’s not easy to pursue a master’s (硕士的)degree.
3. Victory is important, and an honorable(值得尊重的) one is more important.
4. Most medals(奖牌) are made of gold, silver and bronze.
5. He is going to win his fifth championship(冠军头衔) in two seasons.
6. “A present, young man, for your great determination(决心), ” he said.
7. One of his eyes was injured(受伤) in an accident, but after a delicate operation, he quickly recovered his sight.
8. Would you please wait a moment? Let me ask our captain(队长, 领班).
9. The strength(实力) of a country does not rest upon economic development alone; it rests upon education, at least to the same extent.
10. If it scares you to death that you will inevitably might fail(失败), you know it’s real love.
Ⅱ. 完成句子
1. As CEO, I try to set an example(树立榜样) to everyone else in the company. ?
2. If you don’t have it for a day, it feels as if the whole world could fall apart(崩溃). ?
3. The cellphone industry has gone down a great deal because of(由于) the recent recession. ?
4. I failed again this time, but I won’t lose heart(灰心丧气). I’ll just chalk it up to experience. ?
5. However, he did not give up(放弃), and is still out to sea fishing. ?
1. When will you be able to(能够) take me to get my car? ?
2. I did manage to(设法) get a high mark in the final test. ?
3. Allow me to(允许我) give you a piece of advice. ?
4. Maybe a bad piece of information did lead to(导致) the deaths of millions. ?
5. Warm up some chicken soup for him and make sure(确保) he drinks plenty of water. ?
Ⅰ. 阅读理解
  Recently some American scientists have given a useful sincere piece of advice to people in industrialized nations that they would be much healthier if they ate more of the same kind of food eaten by humans living more than 10, 000 years ago.
  The scientists say that the human body has changed very little since humans first appeared on the earth, but the way we live has changed greatly. Our body has not been able to deal with (处理, 对付)these changes in lifestyle and this has led to new kinds of sicknesses. These new sicknesses were not known in ancient times, so they are called “ diseases of civilization”. Many cancers and diseases of the blood system, including heart attacks and strokes (中风) are examples of such diseases.
Scientists noted that people in both the Old Stone Age and the New Stone Age enjoyed very little alcohol (酒精) or tobacco (烟草), probably none. Ancient people also got a great deal of physical exercise, but a change in food is one of the main differences between life in ancient times and that of today.
Stone-age people hunted wild animals for their meat, which had much less fat than domestic or tame ones (家畜). They also ate a lot of fresh wild vegetables and fruits. They didn’t have milk or any other dairy products, and they made very little use of grains. But today, we eat a large amount of these. We eat six times more salt than our remote ancestors (祖先). We eat more sugar. We eat twice as much fat but only one third as much protein (蛋白质) and much less vitamin C.
People today probably do not want to live the way people thousands of years ago did, but scientists say that we would be much healthier if we ate much the same way as remote ancestors did, cutting the amount of fatty, salty and sweet food.
【文章大意】最近, 一些美国科学家向工业化国家的人们提出了一条有用而真诚的建议: 如果他们多吃一万多年前人类所吃的同类食物, 他们会更健康。石器时代的人比今天的人健康得多, 因为他们吃了很多野生动物、新鲜的野生蔬菜和水果。
1. According to the passage, people in industrialized nations would be much healthier if they ate_________. ?
A. more food than humans living 10, 000 years ago did
B. as much food as humans living 10, 000 years ago did
C. more kinds of food eaten by people living over 10, 000 years ago.
D. more of the same kind of food eaten by people living over 10, 000 years ago.
【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据第一段Recently some American scientists have given a useful sincere piece of advice to people in industrialized nations that they would be much healthier if they ate more of the same kind of food eaten by humans living more than 10, 000 years ago. 可知, 如果工业化国家的人们吃更多的生活在一万多年以前的人吃的食物的话, 他们的身体会更健康。故选D。
2. New kinds of sicknesses have been found because _________. ?
A. the human body has changed compared with humans who first appeared on the earth
B. the way we live has changed a little
C. our body can’t deal with the changes in life- style
D. the way we live today is proper for the human body
【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第二段中Our body has not been able to deal with these changes in lifestyle and this has led to new kinds of sicknesses. 可知, 由于我们的身体无法应对生活方式的变化, 新的疾病已经被发现。故选C。
3. What is the main cause that people suffer from a lot of new sicknesses?
A. Ancient people did a great deal of physical exercise.
B. People today have a lot of alcohol.
C. People today have more tobacco.
D. Food today is quite different from that of ancient times.
【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据第三段中Ancient people also got a great deal of physical exercise, but a change in food is one of the main differences between life in ancient times and that of today. 可知, 人们遭受许多新疾病的主要原因是今天的食物和古代的很不一样。故选D。
4. According to some scientists, Stone-age people were much healthier than people today because they ate a lot of _________. ?
A. milk and other dairy products
B. wild animals, fresh wild vegetables and fruits
C. salt and sugar
D. grain foods
【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据第四段第一、二句Stone-age people hunted wild animals for their meat, which had much less fat than domestic or tame ones. They also ate a lot of fresh wild vegetables and fruits. 可知, 根据一些科学家的说法, 石器时代的人比今天的人健康得多, 因为他们吃了很多野生动物、新鲜的野生蔬菜和水果。故选B。
  Twenty-five years ago, most young Britons wanted a career in law, to be a doctor, or, if they were creative enough, to take up singing. But today, things stand differently.
  According to a survey by Tesco Mobile, a UK company, the “dream job” of young people aged between 16 and 25 in the UK is a video blogger, or “vlogger”. The survey, carried out among 1, 002 people, found that as much as 40 percent of them put vlogger as their number one choice on a list of ideal careers.
  This change is undoubtedly as a result of the Internet and social media. They have made it so much easier to reach audience of the world, without having to enter a career in show business in the traditional way.
  In the past, the biggest stars were trained by the Hollywood studios; now, anyone with a computer camera can become a star. Vloggers are the big stars of today because they are normal people interacting with their fans about everyday life.
  However, what people see is only the bright side of being a vlogger and they fail to notice the fact that only those who are successful earn fame(名声) and fortune. For every success there are hundreds of others who never get off the starting line. There are the dreams that come true and the dreams that remain dreams forever.
  Although being vloggers is popular, some young people choose to follow careers that don’t necessarily earn them fame, but allow them to make good use of the Internet to share their hobbies. Young Israeli David Leshaw, for example, runs a business called the Finishers Club. It’s an online platform for runners to keep a record of their races. His job allows him to express his enthusiasm, and is always a learning experience. And that’s enough for him.
5. What is the passage mainly about?
A. Most young Britons choose to be vloggers as their job.
B. The Internet is influencing young Britons’ career choice.
C. The Internet is taking the place of traditional studios.
D. Young Britons cannot find jobs without the Internet.
【解析】选B。主旨大意题。根据第二段最后一句The survey, carried out among 1, 002 people, found that as much as 40 percent of them put vlogger as their number one choice on a list of ideal careers. 和第三段第一句This change is undoubtedly as a result of the Internet and social media. 可知, 互联网正影响着年轻英国人的事业选择。故选B。
6. Why do more and more young Britons choose to be vloggers?
A. Vloggers can earn greater fame and more money on the Internet.
B. There is too much competition in the traditional show business.
C. The Internet makes it convenient to enter show business.
D. Anyone with a computer will surely become a star.
【解析】选C。推理判断题。根据第三段This change is undoubtedly as a result of the Internet and social media. They have made it so much easier to reach audience of the world, without having to enter a career in show business in the traditional way. 可知, 互联网使进入演艺圈更方便。故选C。
7. What can we infer from the fifth paragraph?
A. Only a few vloggers can be successful.
B. A vlogger cannot earn fame and fortune.
C. People often see the bright side of being a vlogger.
D. Dreams will always remain to be dreams.
【解析】选A。推理判断题。根据第五段第一句However, what people see is only the bright side of being a vlogger and they fail to notice the fact that only those who are successful earn fame and fortune. 可知, 只有几个视频博主可以成功。故选A。
8. What do young people like David do on the Internet?
A. Learn from others.
B. Become an online hit.
C. Hold running races.
D. Mix jobs with hobbies.
【解析】选D。推理判断题。根据最后一段中Young Israeli David Leshaw, for example, runs a business called the Finishers Club. It’s an online platform for runners to keep a record of their races. His job allows him to express his enthusiasm, and is always a learning experience. And that’s enough for him. 可知, 像David这样的年轻人把工作和业余爱好结合在一起。故选D。
Ⅱ. 阅读填句
  There’s nothing worse than sitting next to someone whose breath smells bad. In ancient China, people used to eat a special plant to make their breath smell better.  1 ?
  How your breath smells says a lot about your health. Scientists can now tell whether or not somebody has a disease just from a simple breath test.
   2 Breath is made up of waste chemicals(化学物质) that the body makes, Scientists from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology found that these chemicals are different for each person. In fact, they’re just like fingerprints (指纹)—that’s why scientists sometimes call them “breathprints”. ?
  Compared to other kinds of tests, a breath test is much quicker.  3 ?
  Breath tests are also a lot easier to do than regular tests, as people only need to blow into a special machine.  4  It has been useful in finding early signs of problems such as stomach cancer. ?
   5 And hopefully someday, visits to the hospital will be quicker and easier for everyone. ?
A. How does it work?
B. Now we use gum instead.
C. This machine will help to test their breath.
D. Instead of taking hours, it only takes a few minutes.
E. It’s much cheaper to do a breath test than other tests.
F. There are many ways to make your breath smell better.
G. Now, scientists are trying to use breath tests as much as they can.
答案: 1~5. BADCG
课件113张PPT。Unit 3 Sports and Fitness
Reading for Writing【文本研读】
Ⅰ. 文本整体理解: 快速浏览文章
1. What does the wellness book do?
A. Going positive.    B. Asking questions.
C. Exchanging ideas. D. Looking for things.
答案: C2. Find out the main idea of each paragraph.
Paragraph 1: ___________________________?
Paragraph 2: ________________________________?
Paragraph 3: _____________________?What did Kayla do in the past?What made her change her thinking?What does she do now?Ⅱ. 文本细节理解: 关注特色表达
1. What is Kayla’s trouble in the past?
A. She was trying to keep impossibly slim.
B. She tried no-fat, low-fat.
C. She almost went bananas.
D. She stopped comparing herself with others. 2. How does she become happier and healthier?
A. Be positive about herself and her body.
B. Try every new diet she read about online.
C. Read an article about healthy diet.
D. Add healthy foods to her meals.
答案: 1. A 2. A3. 从文中找出至少三个表达健康生活的句子。
_________________________________Rather than cutting out the foods I enjoyed,I added healthy foods to my meals.I could still have a burger now and then, butI would add a salad or an apple. ?By being positive about myself and my body,I became both happier and healthier. ?Ⅲ. 文本梳理【文本剖析】
  写健康手册是学生们不大常见的一个形式, 但是健康这个话题是学生们熟悉的。作者从自己过去的健康问题出发, 思考自己产生变化的原因, 并陈述了现在的生活态度和状况, 可以给学生们的练习提供一个很好的思路。【话题词汇】
1. go positive   积极
2. low fat 低脂
3. make a difference 有影响, 不同
4. push-ups 俯卧撑
5. cut out 把……戒掉, 把……撇下6. healthy foods 健康食物
7. lose weight 减肥
8. fitness 健康
9. try new diet 尝试新的饮食
10. no fat 无脂【话题句式】
1. 陈述问题:
(1)Until last year, I was trying to look like the slim girls on TV even though I knew that it was impossible.
直到去年, 我一直试图看起来像电视上的苗条女孩, 即使我知道这是不可能的。(2)I worried about my weight and tried every new diet I read about online. 我担心自己的体重, 并尝试了我在网上阅读的每一种新饮食。2. 表达改变:
(1)I had no idea a letter could make such a difference.
(2)Once I started thinking about fitness rather than
weight, things began to change.
一旦我开始考虑健康而不是体重, 事情开始发生变化。3. 提出建议:
(1)I have some advice for you and I hope you will follow all of it. 我有一些建议给你, 我希望你能听取。
(2)As a young student, you need to get enough sleep.
作为一个年轻的学生, 你需要获得足够的睡眠。(3)Often smiling as often as possible can help you stay happy and forget your troubles.
经常微笑, 可以帮助你保持快乐, 忘记烦恼。【典题演练】
假设你是Linda的同学, Linda现在正感到生活不快乐, 不健康, 有压力, 可又不知道如何改变自己的生活方式, 于是在班级的健康手册上向同学们寻求建议。
下面是你为Linda提的几点建议, 请按照以下内容写一页健康手册(100词左右) 1. 你总是让自己像别人。
2. 你担心的东西太多但是不愿意尝试改变。
3. 你应该相信, 正确的思维方式能够改变你的生活。
4. 你要有足够的睡眠, 至少8小时, 这样才能精力充沛(energetic)、学习积极(active)。多锻炼是非常重要的。 5. 学习之余听听音乐可以减轻压力。尽可能地微笑, 它会帮助你快乐、忘记烦恼。【谋篇】
1. 像别人      ______________?
2. 不健康 ______?
3. 担心 ___________?
4. 试图改变 ____________?
5. 精力充沛的 ________ look like othersnot fitworry abouttry to changeenergetic6. 充足睡眠 _______________?
7. 积极的 _____
8. 减轻压力 ________________?get enough sleepactivereduce your stress【造句】
1. 完成句子
________________________________You were trying to look like others.You worried about too many things. ?(3)你不愿意尝试改变。
_________You didn’t try to change.A right way of thinking can make a difference toyour life. ?(5)你要有足够的睡眠, 至少8小时。
____________________________?You need to get enough sleep for at least 8 hoursevery day. ?You will be active and energetic.2. 句式升级
____________________________________________You worried about too many things but you didn’ttry to change. ?You need to get enough sleep for at least 8 hoursevery day so that you will be active and energetic. ?【成篇】
You were not feeling well in life because you were trying to look like others. You worried about too many things but you didn’t try to change. A right way of thinking can make a difference
to your life. You should form a healthy lifestyle. As a
young student, you need to get enough sleep for at
least 8 hours every day so that you will be active and
energetic at school. Doing more exercise is also very
important. It can reduce your stress to listen to music
sometimes after studying. Often smiling as often aspossible can help you stay happy and forget your troubles. 1. compete vi. 竞争; 对抗
*Kangaroos compete with sheep and cattle for food and water.
*We are in competition with four other companies for the contract.
我们在与其他四家公司竞争这项合同。*Graduates have to fight for jobs in a highly competitive market.
(1)compete with/against sb.  与……竞争/对抗
compete for sth. 为……而竞争/对抗
compete in sth. 参加比赛(或竞赛)
(2)competition n. 竞争; 比赛
competitive adj. 竞争的, 比赛的
competitor n. 竞争者, 对手【巧学助记】词根记忆compete
com共同 + pet 寻求; 力争 + e → 共同追求〔一个目标〕→ 竞争【即学活用】
(1)There is now intense ___________ between schools to attract students.
(2)You have to be highly __________ to do well in sport these days. competitioncompetitive(3)I had _________ in three World Cup tournaments. That was enough.
(4)That company is a strong __________ of us. competedcompetitor2. pretend vt. & vi. 装扮; 假装
*He pretended to his family that everything was fine.
*The man pretends to control the larger decisions.
这个人假装掌管大事的决策权。*(2019·天津高考)So I carried around a book, and each night, just to be like her, I would pretend to be reading. 因此我每天晚上随身带着一本书, 和她一样, 我假装正在看书。【语块积累】
pretend to do sth.      假装做某事
pretend to be doing sth. 假装正在做某事
pretend to have done sth. 假装做过某事
pretend to be sb. /sth. 假装是某人/物
pretend+ that clause 假装……【即学活用】
(1)She didn’t love him, though she ___________
(假装是). ?
(2)We pretended that ____________________(没什
么事情发生). ?
(3)Tom pretended ____________when Mum came in. ?
当妈妈进来时, 汤姆假装正在读书。pretended tonothing had happenedto be reading3. cheat vt. & vi. 欺骗; 作弊 n. 骗子; 欺骗手段
*She is accused of attempting to cheat the taxman.
*He was found to cheat in such an important competition. 词汇复现
他被发现在这么重要的一场比赛中作弊。*They cheated him out of his share of the profits.
他们施展伎俩, 不让他获得他的那份利润。【语块积累】
cheat sb. (out) of sth.     
cheat sb. into doing sth.
(1)I know it sounds unbelievable but I never wanted
to cheat.
译: ______________________________________
(2)They _______ the old woman __ her house and
他们骗取了老妇人的房屋和钱财。我知道听上去难以置信, 但我从不想作弊。cheatedof(3)He _______ her ____ ________ him a wealthy man.
他骗得她相信他是一个富翁。cheatedintobelieving4. stress n. 压力; 紧张; 重音vt. 重读; 强调; 使焦虑不安
*The spokesman stressed that the measures did not amount to an overall ban.
*Katy could think clearly when not under stress.
在没有精神压力的情况下凯蒂思路清晰。*Driving in cities really stresses me (out).
(1)be under stress    在受力时
place stress on 强调
stress out/stress sb. (out) (使)焦虑不安, 疲惫不堪
(2)stressful adj. 紧张的, 压力重的【名师点津】是pressure还是stress?
It is common to say that sb. is suffering from stress, while pressure may be the thing that causes stress.
承受精神压力常用suffer from stress, 而pressure可指造成压力(stress)的事物。【即学活用】 单句语法填空
(1)My parents place great stress ___ honesty.
(2)That means work nowadays is more ________
(stress)than that in the past.
(3)She was able to cope well with the _________
(pressure) of life. onstressfulpressures5. make sense 讲得通; 有意义
*There are some stylistic elements in the statue that just don’t make sense.
这座雕像上的一些风格元素让人完全捉摸不透。*This is to help her to come to terms with her early education and make sense of past experiences.
这旨在帮助她认可自己早先所受的教育, 并让她了解自己过去的经历。【语块积累】
make sense of     弄懂……的意思
make sense to 对……有意义
make no sense (to. . . ) (对……)无意义【即学活用】
(1)Saving water does really __________and it is even better to reuse it. ?
节约用水确实有意义, 重复使用甚至更好。
(2)In fact, what he said _______________me. ?
事实上, 他的话对我没意义。make sensemade no sense to6. even if/though 即使
*Even if you are right, that’s not the way to put it.
就算你对了, 也不该那么说呀!
*Even though we achieve great success in our work, we should not be conceited.
即使我们在工作中取得了很大的成绩, 也不应该自满。*It looks as if they have succeeded in the experiment.
as if/though(to)     好像【即学活用】
(1) This time ___________we’re really going to reach our goals. ?
这一次, 我们似乎真的要达成目标了。
(2)_______ the weather is terrible, there are many things lots to do indoors. ?
即使天气很糟糕, 在室内也还有好多事情可做。it looks as ifEven if(3)I will have a try ______________________. ?
哪怕失败, 我也要试一下。 世纪金榜导学号even though I should fail7. make a difference有影响; 起(重要)作用
*I believe that I can make a difference in this world.
*Nothing I say is going to make a difference with you.
我说的话对你来说并不起作用。*Whether he is here or not will make no difference to our work.
make no difference (to) (对……)没有影响, 都一样【即学活用】
(1)Your support will certainly make a difference
in my cause.
译: _________________________________
(2)It __________________which road you take. ?
你走哪条路都无关紧要。你的支持肯定对我的事业很有影响。makes no difference8. cut out 切去; 省略; 停止(做某事)
*The designs are cut out of the nylon with a hot knife that seals the edges and then fastened directly onto the kite.
用一把烤热的刀在尼龙材料上切出图案, 用热刀封住边缘, 然后直接系在风筝上。*The helicopter crash landed when one of its two engines cut out.
直升机的两个发动机中有一个停止运转, 只好迫降了。【归纳拓展】
cut across    抄近路穿过, 横越
cut down 砍倒; 削减
cut in 插话
cut off 切断(……的供应); 切掉; 隔断
cut through 走近路, 克服
cut up 切碎【即学活用】 用cut的适当短语填空。
(1)_______ smoking. This is no-smoking area. ?
(2)The town was ______from the rest of the world
due to heavy snow. ?
(3)The butcher ______the meat on a block of wood. ?Cut outcut offcut up(4)All the trees were ________. They would have to answer for their foolish action. ?cut down9. compare with/to. . . 与……相比
*The flowers here do not compare with those at home.
*This food does not compare to dinner at a good restaurant.
这饭菜比不上在优质餐馆享用的晚餐。*In contrast with its surface fleet, Britain’s submarine force was relatively small.
同其水面舰队相比, 英国的潜艇部队规模相对较小。【语块积累】
in contrast with/to  和……形成对比, 比较起来
by contrast 对比起来, 相比之下【即学活用】
(1)__________(相比之下), Mary is more diligent
than Tom. ?
(2)I can only ________ the experience __(把……与
……相比) falling in love. By contrastcompareto10. Finally, I stopped comparing myself with actresses and models and looking for things that were wrong with my face or body. ?
最终, 我不再总是拿自己和女演员或者模特比较, 不再寻找那些对我的面部或者身体不好的东西。【句式解构】
  这个句子主要的结构是stop doing, comparing和looking是stop并列的宾语, that引导定语从句。
*I’ve been told to lose weight and stop smoking.
*She doesn’t stop to think about what she’s saying
她都没有停下来想一想自己在说些什么。【易错辨析】stop doing VS stop to do
stop doing    停下正在做的事情
stop to do 停下来去做另一件事情【即学活用】
(1)I _______________last year to have a baby. ?
(2)Let’s walk on a bit further before ____________. ?
咱们再往前走一点再停下来吃饭吧。stopped workingwe stop to eat【要点拾遗】
1. million num. 一百万
*Drought and famines have killed up to two million people here.
*There were millions of people there.
那里人山人海。*He’s a man in a million.
millions of     几百万的
one in a million 万里挑一, 不同寻常的人(或物)【名师点津】million怎么用?
million一词实指的时候不加s, 如: four million, 四百万; 虚指的时候需要加s, 如: millions of, 成百万的。类似的词还有hundred, thousand等。【即学活用】 完成句子
(1)She bought a lottery ticket and __________________. ?
她买了张彩票, 中了3百万美元。
(2)The program was viewed on television in
_______________. ?
无数家庭通过电视收看了这个节目。won 3 million dollarsmillions of homes2. audience n. 观众; 听众
*An audience of millions watched the wedding on TV.
*The entire audience broke into loud applause.
全场观众爆发出热烈的掌声。*She has created a style of music that has delighted audiences all over the world.
audible adj. 听得见的; 可听的
aud听 + ible 能……的 → 听得见的; 可听的
audience n. 听众; 观众
audi听 + ence 表名词 → 听的人 → 听众【即学活用】 英译汉
(1)His speech made a strong impression on the
(2)The concert drew a large audience.
_________________________他的演说给听众留下了深刻的印象。音乐会吸引了大量的观众。3. positive adj. 积极的; 正面的; 乐观的; 肯定的
*Be positive about your future and get on with living a normal life.
要对自己的未来充满信心, 继续过一种正常的生活。*There’s been a positive response to the UN Secretary-General’s recent peace efforts.
*The crisis had a negative effect on trade.
be positive about sth.   对某事乐观
negative adj. 否定的, 负面的(反义词)【即学活用】 汉译英
He ___________________towards life. ?His family have been a very positive influence/effecton him. ?has a positive attitude4. slim adj. 单薄的; 苗条的; 微弱的
*How do you manage to stay so slim?
*The young woman was tall and slim.
*There’s still a slim chance that he may become Prime Minister.
他仍然有一丝希望当上首相。【即学活用】 单句语法填空
(1)I hope you can get _______ (slim) in a healthy way.
(2)She is the ________ (slim) of the six girl students. slimmerslimmest5. diet n. 日常饮食; 规定饮食vt. & vi. 节食
*It’s never too late to improve your diet.
*Have you been on a diet? You’ve lost a lot of weight.
你最近在节食吗? 你瘦了好多。
*We should have a healthy, balanced diet.
be/go on a diet   节食
balanced diet 均衡饮食【即学活用】 完成句子
(1)It’s never too late to ________________. ?
(2)She is ________and is losing weight. ?
她节制饮食, 体重一直在下降。improve your dieton a diet6. error n. 错误, 差错
*NASA discovered a mathematical error in its calculations.
*The accident was caused by human error.
err迷路, 偏离, 引申为“错误”+ or 表性质→ 错误【即学活用】 完成句子
(1)Add more information or ______________with the edit button. ?
(2)There are ______________in your work. ?
你的工作失误太多。correct an errortoo many errors【导语】《忏悔录》是列夫·托尔斯泰的心灵自白, 也是通俗易懂, 写给普通人读的“认识生命”之书。它是继《战争与和平》、《安娜·卡列尼娜》、《复活》之后, 了解托尔斯泰思想的第四本书, 该书深度解答“生命是怎么回事, 怎样活得更好”。The Confession(excerpt)
  And I ceased to doubt, and became fully convinced that not all was true in the religion I had joined. Formerly I should have said that it was all false, but I could not say so now. The whole of the people possessed a knowledge of the truth, forotherwise they could not have lived. Moreover, that knowledge was accessible to me, for I had felt it and had lived by it. But I no longer doubted that there was also falsehood in it. And all that had previously repelled me now presented itself vividly before me. And though I saw that among the peasants there was a smaller admixture of the lies that repelled me than among the representatives of the Church, I still saw that in the people’s belief also falsehood was mixed with the truth. But where did the truth and where did the falsehood come from? Both the falsehood and the truth were contained in the so-called holy tradition and in the Scriptures. Both the falsehood and the truth had been handed down by what is called the Church. And whether I liked or not, I was brought to the study and investigation of these writings and traditions—which till now I had been so afraid to investigate. And I turned to the examination of that same
theology which I had once rejected with such
contempt as unnecessary. Formerly it seemed to me
a series of unnecessary absurdities, when on all sides
I was surrounded by manifestations of life which
seemed to me clear and full of sense; now I should
have been glad to throw away what would not entera healthy head, but I had nowhere to turn to. On this
teaching religious doctrine rests, or at least with it
the only knowledge of the meaning of life that I have
found is inseparably connected. However wild it may
seem to my firm old mind, it was the only hope of
salvation. It had to be carefully, attentively examined
in order to understand it, and not even to understandit as I understand the propositions of science: I do not
seek that, nor can I seek it, knowing the special
character of religious knowledge. I shall not seek the
explanation of everything. I know that the explanation
of everything, like the commencement of everything,
must be concealed in infinity. But I wish to
understand in a way which will bring me to what isinevitably inexplicable. I wish to recognize anything
that is inexplicable as being so not because the
demands of my reason are wrong (they are right,
and apart from them I can understand nothing), but
because I recognize the limits of my intellect. I wish
to understand in such a way that everything that is
inexplicable shall present itself to me as beingnecessarily inexplicable, and not as being something I am under an arbitrary obligation to believe. That there is truth in the teaching is to me
indubitable, but it is also certain that there is
falsehood in it, and I must find what is true and what
is false, and must disentangle the one from the other.
I am setting to work upon this task. What of falsehood
I have found in the teaching and what I have found of
truth, and to what conclusions I came, will formthe following parts of this work, which if it be worth it and if anyone wants it, will probably someday be printed somewhere. At first it seemed to me that these were aimless
and irrelevant questions. I thought that it was all well
known, and that if I should ever wish to deal with the
solution it would not cost me much effort; just at
present I had no time for it, but when I wanted to
I should be able to find the answer. The questions
however began to repeat themselves frequently, and to demand replies more and more insistently; and like drops of ink always falling on one place they ran together into one black blot. 课时检测·素养达标
Ⅰ. 根据语境及汉语提示写出正确的单词
1. Don’t try to compete(竞争) with him, he always cheats(作弊) in something.
2. We walk the other way or put our head down and pretend(假装) not to see them.
3. Disney World attracts about 45 million(百万) visitors a year.
4. The audience(观众) all give a really positive(积极的) response to his performance.
5. In order to keep slim(苗条), you should be on diet(节食).
6. Experts say that the company may face extreme stress(压力) in the market.
7. There was an unexpected error(错误) with your settings.
Ⅱ. 完成句子
1. It is often the little details that make a difference. ?
2. Even if you are not good at it in the beginning, you can become good at it through hard work at improving your skills. ?
即使最开始你不擅长也没关系, 你可以通过努力提高技能最终变得擅长。
3. If you compare with a treatment that is not proven to be effective, you don’t know if either drug is effective. ?
如果你与一个不能证明是有效的治疗比较, 那么你不知道是否每一个药物都是有效的。
Ⅲ. 结合课文主题, 使用本单元词汇与句型写一篇50词左右的短文
  1. 在过去, 我总是试图像(try to look like)电视上的苗条女生一样, 即使(even if/though)我知道那是不可能的。
  2. 我读到了一篇文章, 它让我的生活大有不同(make such a difference)。我不再拿自己和别人对比(stop comparing. . . with), 不再追寻那些对我的面容和身体不好的东西。
  3. 通过让自己积极地面对(being positive about)自己和身体, 我变得更加快乐健康。
  In the past, I was trying to look like slim girls on TV even though I knew that it was impossible. I read an article, which made such a difference to my life. I stopped comparing myself with others and looking for things that were wrong with my face or body. By being positive about myself and my body, I became both happier and healthier. ?
课时素养评价 十二
Unit 3 Reading for Writing
Ⅰ. 用所给单词的适当形式填空
1. He said, “The competition(compete) among regions should be a friendly atmosphere. ”
2. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were just pretending(pretend) to be dumb to get people’s sympathy.
3. He was soon selling millions(million) of books a year.
4. A few days ago, I saw one of my classmates cheating(cheat)on the accounting exam.
5. The speaker will certainly feel embarrassed when he sees that his audiences(audience) do not look at him.
6. The secret of a happy marriage might be nothing more complicated than the wife being slimmer(slim) than her husband.
7. She dieted(diet), worked out constantly but still she didn’t attain that perfect figure she was looking for.
8. The engineer’s most stressful(stress)months, he said, were in June and July.
Ⅱ. 选词填空
make sense, even if, make a difference, rather than, cut out, now and then, compare with
1. Try to cut out the expensive activities that you can do without. ?
2. Every now and then, I get a little helpless, and I’m longing like a child to be loved. ?
3. Does his absence make a difference to your work? ?
4. I said this out of a desire to speak two more sentences, rather than as an explanation. ?
5. People thought what I was doing did not make sense and was wrong. ?
6. Even if you can figure it out, it’s better to ask for a quick overview. ?
7. Then there is the question of how the new methods compare with existing approaches. ?
Ⅰ. 阅读理解
  Most people who own iPhones use them as their alarm clocks―making it very easy to check emails one last time before falling asleep and hard to ever feel away from work and social networks.
  Several years ago, my boss fainted due to exhaustion after staying up late to catch up on work. She banged her head and ended up with five stitches (缝针)―and became what she calls a “sleep evangelist (传教士). ” Now she leaves her phone charging in another room when she goes to bed and encourages her friends to do the same.
“I sent all my friends the same Christmas gift―a lovely alarm clock―so they could stop using the excuse that they needed their very attractive iPhones by their beds to wake them up in the morning. ” she said.
If your phone wakes you up in the morning, it may also be keeping you up at night. A 2008 study showed that people exposed to mobile radiation took longer to fall asleep and spent less time in deep sleep. “The study indicates that during laboratory exposure to 884 MHz wireless signals, components of sleep believed to be important for recovery from daily wear and tear are severely affected, ” the study concluded.
A quarter of young people feel like they must be available by phone around the clock, according to a Swedish study that linked heavy cellphone use to sleeping problems, stress and depression. Unreturned messages carry more guilt when the technology to deal with them lies at our fingertips. Some teens even return text messages at midnight.
Most of us choose not to set limits on our nighttime availability. Nearly three quarters of people from the age of 18 to 44 sleep with their phones within reach, according to a 2012 Time poll. That number falls off slightly in middle age, but only people aged 65 and older are leaving the phone in another room as common as sleeping right next to it.
【文章大意】本文属于科普文, 阐述越来越多的人在睡觉的时候把手机放在旁边, 这严重影响了其睡眠质量。
1. Why did the author’s boss start to enjoy sleeping?
A. Her friends encouraged her to sleep on time.
B. Mobile phones couldn’t wake her up on time.
C. Her friends sent her a lovely clock to wake her up.
D. She got hurt due to working too late.
【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据第二段第一、二句Several years ago, my boss fainted due to exhaustion after staying up late to catch up on work. She banged her head and ended up with five stitches ―and became what she calls a “sleep evangelist. ”可知, 由于熬夜用手机工作导致晕倒在地上, 并且头部缝了五针, 最终成为睡眠传教士, 鼓励大家多睡觉, 因此作者老板享受睡觉是由于自己受伤的经历, 故选D。
2. Why did the author’s boss give her friends alarm clocks as Christmas gifts?
A. Alarm clocks don’t give off any radiation.
B. Alarm clocks are better at waking her friends up.
C. She advised them to replace phones with alarm clocks.
D. She used alarm clocks to remind them not to work too late.
【解析】选C。推理判断题。根据第三段“I sent all my friends the same Christmas gift―a lovely alarm clock―so they could stop using the excuse that they needed their very attractive iPhones by their beds to wake them up in the morning. ” she said. 可知, 作者老板送朋友闹钟是为了不再让他们用手机当闹钟的借口而影响睡眠, 用闹钟来替代手机, 故选C。
3. What can we learn from the 2008 study?
A. Mobile radiation makes people unable to fall asleep.
B. Mobile phones can release 884 MHz wired signals.
C. Sleep can help people fight against radiation.
D. Components of sleep can be seriously affected by wireless signals.
【解析】选D。推理判断题。根据第四段“The study indicates that during laboratory exposure to 884 MHz wireless signals, components of sleep believed to be important for recovery from daily wear and tear are severely affected, ” the study concluded. 可知, 2008年的一份研究表明, 在实验中暴露于884赫兹的无线电波中, 修复白天身体损耗最重要的睡眠因子受到严重影响, 因此可知, 无线电信号会严重影响睡眠质量, 故选D。
4. What is the best title for the passage?
A. How Mobile Phones Affect Sleep
B. Why Alarm Clocks Are Better than Phones
C. How We Can Sleep Better at Night
D. How Mobile Phones Affect Health
【解析】选A。主旨大意题。根据文章可知, 本文阐述越来越多的人在睡觉的时候把手机放在旁边, 这严重影响了其睡眠质量, 阐述手机与睡眠的关系, 故选A。
I first began experiencing anxiety and depression at the age of 14, after being bullied (欺凌) at school for years. While at first anxiety and depression would come and go, it eventually became a constant part of my life.
I was so eager to find the solution to overcoming my anxiety and depression that I tried everything from when I was in college to graduate school: mood-changing medication, special teas, yoga, anything I read about in books, and advice given by doctors. Despite this, I still felt I hadn’t even come close to managing the problem.
But one afternoon, my eyes fell upon an article in a magazine I was reading that talked about how dogs were able to help people with anxiety and depression.
The very next day, I decided to get a dog—a corgi. When I brought my little corgi, Buddy, home. I didn’t realize how much he would change my life. It didn’t happen right away, however.
Once the “puppy excitement” went away, my anxiety and depression came back as usual. One morning, I woke up with those familiar feelings again. I didn’t want to get out of bed. I turned to pull the covers back over my head and gave up. That’s when I saw Buddy.
Buddy started jumping all over me, licking my face, letting me know that it was time to go outside. It was as if he were saying, “There’s no time to be sad, the world is amazing! ” And for the first time in my life, my life was changing. I really was a new person. This was my new beginning.
It’s been more than a year since that day, and I’ve never spent another morning unable to get out of bed. I’ve not cried myself to sleep or spent my days stuck with fear and regret. Sure, I still have days when I feel sad or anxious. But with Buddy, my best friend, by my side, I’ve finally learned how to manage these feelings and emotions.
【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文, 讲述了作者在学校被欺负后开始焦虑和抑郁, 偶然在一篇文章中作者了解到宠物狗可能是治疗抑郁的好办法。
5. According to the first two paragraphs, the author _________. ?
A. has been a school bully for years
B. suffered from depression since college
C. tried many ways to fight depression but nothing worked
D. felt less depressed after taking medication and doing yoga
【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第二段中的“I was so eager to find the solution to overcoming my anxiety and depression that I tried everything from when I was in college to graduate school”及“Despite this, I still felt I hadn’t even come close to managing the problem. ”可知, 作者尝试很多方法来处理抑郁, 但都不起作用, 故C项正确。
6. How did the author know having a dog might help with her depression?
A. A doctor put it forward to her.
B. She read it in an article by chance.
C. She heard it from some other depression sufferers.
D. She found out herself after spending some time with a corgi.
【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据第三段中的“But one afternoon, my eyes fell upon an article in a magazine I was reading that talked about how dogs were able to help people with anxiety and depression. ”可知, 作者是偶然在一篇文章中了解到宠物狗可能有助于缓解抑郁症的, 故B项正确。
7. How does the author feel in the last paragraph?
A. Hopeful.       B. Anxious.
C. Confused. D. Doubtful.
【解析】选A。推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“Sure, I still have days when I feel sad or anxious. But with Buddy, my best friend, by my side, I’ve finally learned how to manage these feelings and emotions. ”可知, 虽然作者有时还会感到悲伤或焦虑, 但有最好的朋友巴迪在身边, 作者终于学会了如何处理这些情绪, 由此可知作者对处理抑郁是感到有希望的, 故A项正确。
Ⅱ. 阅读填句
  根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
How to Rent Your House
  Before handing the keys to your house over to a complete stranger for care, there are decisions you need to make. In fact, the decisions you make now, before searching for a tenant (房客), will make the biggest impact on the success of your rental.  1 ?
What Condition Do You Want Your House in?
There is no end to the amount of improving you can do to your house before renting it out.  2  When is good enough, good enough? ?
A house should be clean, empty (unless you are offering it “furnished”, which is uncommon) and free from any major repairs at the time the tenant moves in.
Remember, the home does not need to be as fancy as you would want it to be.  3  Tenants will generally never take as good care of your house as you do―so don’t spend too much time or money making unnecessary upgrades that will only be ignored or broken. ?
Should You Use a Property Manager?
 4  If you have the time, abilities, and energy to manage yourself―you can save a good deal of money by doing so. However, if you try to manage without the ability―it could end up costing you much more than what a property manager might charge. ?
How Much Can You Rent Your House for?
Luckily, discovering what the monthly rent will bear for your house is not difficult.  5  In business, market research means to get out there and find out what others in your industry are charging; learning how much to charge for rent is no different. Your house will generally rent for about the same amount as other properties that are of similar location, size and condition. ?
A. The problem becomes learning when to stop.
B. No one wants to be a landlord with those problems.
C. The following are some questions to answer before you rent out your house.
D. Have a professional carpet cleaner clean the
carpets before showing the property.
E. Look around at other rentals in your area and try to see what the typical quality is.
F. The best way to determine how much your house will rent for is to simply do market research.
G. The decision about whether to manage yourself or hire a property manager cannot be made by anyone other than you.
答案: 1~5. CAEGF
课件2张PPT。Unit 3 
Sports and Fitness