Unit2 Travelling around Period 2 Reading and thinking 课件+教案+素材


名称 Unit2 Travelling around Period 2 Reading and thinking 课件+教案+素材
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2019-09-11 11:22:58


人教版2019年英语Unit 2 travelling around
Period 2 Reading and thinking教学设计
Period 2 Reading and thinking
Unit 2 travelling around
Enable students to acquire the basic usage of the new words and expressions related to traveling.
Enable students have a good understanding of traveling in other countries.
Develop students’ sense of cooperative learning and individual capability.
Strengthen students’ great interest in English studying.
The reading skill and some important words and phrases used in traveling.
The structure of difficult sentences
Step1 lead in
1.Watch the video welcome to Peru and answer the questions.
1)What did you see in the video?
2)What other sources of information can you find about Peru?
Answers: 1)I can see many beautiful landscapesand happy people in the video.
2)I can find the information about Peru from the internet, TV and brochures.
If you have the chance to travel,what do
you need to prepare?
Get a passport,Apply for a visa,Buy a guidebook
Book a ticket,Pack some clothes,Book a hotel room,Research the local weather
3.New words
Lily spent one day travelling by plane to her accommodation in German。 Before she went there,she checked her visa,passport and package.
After reaching her destination,she was amazed by the fantasy castle. She admired the architecture ,enjoyed the excellent local food.
1.Hotel accommodation is included in the price of your holiday.
2.Allow plenty of time to get to the destination.
3.The architecture of DNA
通过观看视频引导学生,对于本单元主体traveling around 的兴趣。
Step2:skimming and thinking
Look through the passage quickly and find the order of the author’s travel.
Answers: the Andes---the Amazon rainforest--- Machu Picchu—Cusco---Lake Titicaca
Step3 careful reading
Read the passage carefully and fill in the blank.
Amazon Rainforest Tour
How to enter the Amazon Rainforest Tour:________________
How to get the destination in the middle of the forest :_______
What to do: __________________
a short flight ;by boat; enjoy the plants and animals unique to the rainforest.
Machu Picchu Tour
How long:____________
How to get Machu Picchu:_________
What to do:_____________________
Answers;4 days ; on foot ; Explore the ancient city
Cusco Tour
How long:______________
What to do: _________________
Answers:4 days; Stay in a local hotel,visit the
museum, admire the
architecture, enjoy the
excellent local food &go
shopping at the local markets.
Lake Titicaca Tour
How to get to Lake Titicaca:
With whom to stay:_________________________
Where to stay:______________________________
Answers: driving along the new highway; a local Uros family ; on an island
Step4:After reading
Read the passage again and answer the following questions.
1). What is the author’s intention of writing the passage?
A. To recommend four tourist attractions of Peru
B. To tell people to travel as often as possible
C. To encourage people to do outdoor activities
D. To help people learn more about Peru
2). The word “fit” in the second part probably means “_________”. ?
A. a short period of time when someone stops being conscious
B. the way that something is suitable for a particular person, space etc.
C. a very strong emotion that you cannot control
3). Where does this text probably come from?
A. An agricultural magazine
B. A medical journal
C. An engineering textbook
D. A tourist brochure
Difficult Sentences
1.Enjoy the beautiful countryside as you spend a day
主句 as引导的时间状语从句
driving aong the new high way connecting Cusco to Lake Titicaca.
译文: 你花一天的时间沿着连接库斯科和的的喀喀湖的新公路行驶时可以欣赏美丽的乡村。
So come and experience what Peru has to offer:
祈使句 宾语从句
everything from the ancient Inca culture and centuries –old Spanish villages to deep rainforests, high mountains, and a beautiful coastline.
译文: 所以, 来体验一下秘鲁所能提供的一切吧:从古老的印加文化、
1.fill in the blank.
2.Which tour(s) would you recommend for people who enjoy history and culture?
I would recommend Cusco,where you can enjoy the unique Spain and local culture.
Amazon rainforest
Machu Picchu
Lake Titicaca
Number of days
local home
Boating ,hi-king,
exploring nature
complete the passage with the correct forms of the new words from the two tets.
CUSCO is a popular d_________for tourists,because of its u__________place in the history of South America.Cusco was the capital of the city of the Inca E________, the most powerful empire in South American until 1500s. There are two especially interesting things to a___________about the Inca Empire.The first is the roads and p____________they built to connect their important cities. These Inca roads were made up of two north-south highways and many small roads crossing the mountains east to west. The roads were for Inca soldiers and their o____________.Second, the Inca built wonderful cities full of amazing architecture—but there were no markets in these cities. One of the interesting questions of history is how the Incas lived without shopping!
答案:destination;unique;empire; admire;
Paths; officials.
Step 5 language points
Read the the text and fill the table. Then discuss the question below with a partner.
1.Narrow adj 狭窄的,(心胸,视野)狭隘的;勉强地 好不容易地
Narrowly adv 勉强地
a narrow escape 九死一生
a narrow victory 险胜
in a narrow sense 狭义上
narrow the gap between ….and…
Narrow down 减少,缩小,限制
Narrowly escape 勉强地逃脱
Narrow-minded adj 心胸狭窄的;
They planned to narrow the gap between import and export.
There are easy ways to narrow down your choice. 有简单的方法来缩小你的选择范围。
The car narrowly missed a cyclist.汽车差点儿撞上一位骑自行车的人。
He had to narrow his eyes in the strong light of the sun. 在强烈的阳光下,他只得眯眼睛。
2.recoginise /recognize vt 辨别出;承认,意识到
recognition n.认出,认识 (U)
recognize …..by/ from通过….认出
recognize …as把…看做
--be recognize as 被….看做,被认为
类似:consider …as
treat ….as
regard …as think of …as
look on ….as
It is recognized that ……人们意识到….
Eg:Since 1958,they have been recognized as the national theatre of Isreal.自1958年以来,它们被公认是以色列的国家剧院。
_______________in public has brought her much trouble, so she is always wearing dark glasses to avoid it.在公共场所被认出来给她带来很多麻烦,所以她总是戴着墨镜以免被认出。
Being recognized
It is widely recognized that extensive deforestation contributed to heavy summer flooding.
3.destination n .目的地;终点
a tourist destination 旅游目的地
popular holiday destinations 受欢迎的度假目的地
arrive at/ reach the destination 到达目的地
They seemed bent on their destinations .他们一心要到达目的地。
And the town is fast becoming_______________________for people in Asia.
这个城镇正迅速变成欧洲人欢迎的周末度假目的地。A popular weekend destination.
4.admire vt 钦佩,赞赏,赞美,羡慕-----
Admiration n.钦佩;受人钦佩的人、物
Admire sb for( doing) sth 欣赏某人做某事
Admire the view 欣赏风景
Admire the moon 赏月
Admire his gift 欣赏他的才华
Eg:Everybody admires him for his fine sense of humor.
Damaged but not defeated,he was still ahead of me . I was right to have admire him.虽然受伤,但并未被打败,他仍然领先于我 。我敬佩他是正确的。
5.transport n.交通运输系统,运送;运输
Vt 运输,运送
Air /rail/road transport 空中、铁路、公路运输
A means of transport一种交通工具
Public transport 公共交通,公共交通工具
Transport …from ….to ….把….(从…)运往….
Transport oil to the port 把石油运往港口
Transport goods from Beijing to Hongkong.
Transport 与 traffic
Transport 指运输这种行为或运输工具
Traffic 指街上的行人车辆,侧重数量的多少。
The city’s public transport system is excellent
My car broke down in the middle of the main street and blocked the traffic.
6.spend v 花(钱);度过
spend some time/money on sth/in doing sth
H e spend too much time on his study.
We would spend 1500 yuan purchasing some books for the needy students in a poverty- stricken area.
我们打算花1500 元给贫困地区需要帮助的学生买一些书。
Important phrases
1.Other than 除了;除了….以外(常用于否定结构中)
Eg:There is nobody here other than me.除了我这里没有别人。
You can’t get there other than by swimming.
He never speaks to me other than to ask for something.
Important sentences.
Especially amazing is the Incas’dry stone method of building.特别令人惊奇的是印加人的干石建法。
Eg:On her left sat her husband.
Present at the meeting are some great scientists.
At the meeting place of the Yangtze River and Jialing river ___________(lie)Chongqing,one of the ten largest cities in China. lies
2. It isfo it is for this reason that Spanish
Is the main official language of Peru.
本句是强调句式,强调了原因状语for this reason.
It is +被强调部分+that /who +剩余部分。
2)强调句式的一般疑问句:Is/was +it+被强调部分+that/who+剩余部分
3)强调句式的特殊疑问句:疑问词+is/was it that….?
4)强调until 的强调句 :It is /was not until ….that ….
When did you meet Mr. Smith?
I am against this plan.
My father didn’t come home until 12o’clock last night.
Answers:1)When was it that you meet Mr.Smith?
2)It is I that /who am against this plan.
3)It was not until 12 o’clock last night that my father came home.
注:在强调句中,无论被强调部分是人还是物,是单数还是复数,be 动词一律用is/was的形式。如果原句是过去时,就用was,如果是现在时,就用is.
1.China’s image is improving steadily,with more countries ________(recognise)its role in international affairs.(2019江苏)
2.They spent four years in Beijing _________(study)medicine.
3. The car is quite small,_________(especial)if you have children.
4.Next to our house ____________________(是两个花园).
5. Especially beautiful in the village_________________________
6.We spent 3 hours waiting in the rain because______ you.
Answers: recognizing; studying; especially; are/lie two garden; are the paintings on the wall. ;of
Step7 Summary
What we have learned:
1.Study some important words and phases about travelling.
2. Know some useful information about Peru.
3. Know some difficult structures
Step 8homework
Write a passage about traveling.
1.New words
Lily spent one day travelling by plane to her accommodation in German。 Before she went there,she checked her visa,passport and package.
After reaching her destination,she was amazed by the fantasy castle. She admired the architecture ,enjoyed the excellent local food.
课件47张PPT。Unit2 Travelling aroundPeriod 2 Reading and ThinkingTravel aroundLead in 2)What other sources of information can you find about Peru?I can see many beautiful landscapes and happy people in the video.I can find the information about Peru from the internet, TV and brochures.Let’s reviewIf you have the chance to travel,what do
you need to prepare?Get a passport
Apply for a visaBuy a guidebookBook a ticketPack some clothesBook a hotel roomResearch the local weatherNew wordsLily spent one day travelling by plane to her accommodation in German 住处,停留处,膳宿New wordsBefore she went there,she checked her visa,passport and package. 包裹New wordsAfter reaching her destination,she was amazed by the fantasy castle.目的地New wordsShe admired the architecture ,enjoyed the excellent local food.建筑Let’s play1.Hotel accommodation is included in the price of your holiday.
2.Allow plenty of time to get to the destination.
3.The architecture of DNA
要留出充裕的时间前往目的地。DNA的结构你度假的价款包括旅馆住宿的费用。Can you guess where it isLet’s learnskimming and thinking 1.Look through the passage quickly and find the order of the author’s travel. The Andes Lake TiticacaMachu PicchuCusco The Amazon rainforestThe Andes Lake TiticacaMachu PicchuCuscoThe Amazon rainforestCareful ReadingRead the passage carefully and fill in the blank.Amazon Rainforest TourHow to enter the Amazon Rainforest Tour:________________
How to get the destination in the middle of the forest :_______
What to do: ___________________________________________________
a short flightby boatenjoy the plants and animals unique to the rainforest.Machu Picchu TourHow long:____________
How to get Machu Picchu:_________
What to do:_____________________4 days
Explore the ancient city on footCusco Tour
How long:______________
What to do :____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
4 daysStay in a local hotel,visit the
museum, admire the
architecture, enjoy the
excellent local food &go
shopping at the local markets. Lake Titicaca Tour
How to get to Lake Titicaca:
With whom to stay:_________________________
Where to stay:______________________________a local Uros familydriving along the new highwayon an island1). What is the author’s intention of writing the passage?
A. To recommend four tourist attractions of Peru
B. To tell people to travel as often as possible
C. To encourage people to do outdoor activities
D. To help people learn more about PeruAfter ReadingRead the passage again and answer the following questions.Let’s do2). The word “fit” in the second part probably means “_________”. ?
A. a short period of time when someone stops being conscious
B. the way that something is suitable for a particular person, space etc.
C. a very strong emotion that you cannot control3). Where does this text probably come from?
A. An agricultural magazine
B. A medical journal
C. An engineering textbook
D. A tourist brochureDifficult Sentences 1.Enjoy the beautiful countryside as you spend a day driving aong the new high way connecting Cusco to Lake Titicaca. 主句as引导的时间状语从句现在分词短语做后置定语译文: 你花一天的时间沿着连接库斯科和的的喀喀湖的新公路行驶时可以欣赏美丽的乡村。2.So come and experience what Peru has to offer: everything from the ancient Inca culture and centuries –old Spanish villages to deep rainforests, high mountains, and a beautiful coastline.祈使句宾语从句译文: 所以, 来体验一下秘鲁所能提供的一切吧:从古老的印加文化、
Discussion 4 days4 days4 days3 daysIn the middle
of the forest By car and
By boatBy boatOn footThe local
hotelExplore the
Ancient cityVisit the museum,
admire the
buildingEnjoy the
countryside1.Fill in the blanksDiscussion 2.Which tour(s) would you recommend for people who enjoy history and culture?I would recommend Cusco,where you can enjoy the unique Spain and local culture.CUSCO is a popular d_________for tourists,because of its u__________place in the history of South America.Cusco was the capital of the city of the Inca E________, the most powerful empire in South American until 1500s. There are two especially interesting things to a___________about the Inca Empire.The first is the roads and p____________they built to connect their important cities.Complete the passage with the correct forms of the new words from the two texts. DrillsestinationniquempiredmireathsfficialsLanguage points1.Narrow adj adv 勉强地Narrowlya narrow escape险胜a narrow victory 狭义上in a narrow sense narrow the gap between ….and缩小…与….之间的差距Narrow down减少,缩小,限制Narrowly escape勉强地逃脱Narrow-minded adj 心胸狭窄的They planned to narrow the gap between import and export.他们计划缩小进出口之间的差距。There are easy ways to narrow down your choice.有简单的方法来缩小你的选择范围The car narrowly missed a cyclist.He had to narrow his eyes in the strong light of the sun. 在强烈的阳光下,他只得眯眼睛。2.recoginise /recognize vt 辨别出;承认,意识到recognize …..by/ fromtreat ….asregard …asthink of …asEg:Since 1958,they have been recognized as the national theatre of Isreal._______________in public has brought her much trouble, so she is always wearing dark glasses to avoid it.在公共场所被认出来给她带来很多麻烦,所以她总是戴着墨镜以免被认出。 Being recognized thata tourist destination popular holiday destinations arrive at/ reach the destination 旅游目的地受欢迎的度假目的地到达目的地They seemed bent on their destinations .a popular weekend destination.这个城镇正迅速变成欧洲人欢迎的周末度假目的地。4.admire forDamaged but not defeated,he was still ahead of me . I was right to have admire him虽然受伤,但并未被打败,他仍然领先于我 。我敬佩他是正确的5.transportn.交通运输系统,运送;运输空中、铁路、公路运输一种交通工具公共交通,公共交通工具把….(从…)运往….把石油运往港口transport traffic6.spend v 花(钱);度过
spend some time/money on sth/in doing sth
H e spend too much time____ his study.
We would spend 1500 yuan purchasing some books for the needy students in a poverty- stricken area.on我们打算花1500 元给贫困地区需要帮助的学生买一些书。除了我这里没有别人。你只有游泳才能到达那里。他除了向要东西,从不和我说话。 lies 2. (教材原句) It is for it is for this reason that Spanish
Is the main official language of Peru.1)When was it that you meet Mr.Smith? 2)It is I that /who am against this plan.3)It was not until 12 o’clock last night that my father came home.1.China’s image is improving steadily,with more countries ________(recognise)its role in international affairs.(2019江苏)
2.They spent four years in Beijing _________(study)medicine.
3. The car is quite small,_________(especial)if you have children.
4.Next to our house ____________________(是两个花园).
5. Especially beautiful in the village_________________________
6.We spent 3 hours waiting in the rain because______ you.Exerciserecognisingstudyingare /lie two gardensespeciallyare the paintings on the wall.ofSummary1.Study some important words and phases about travelling.
2. Know some useful information about Peru.
3. Know some difficult structures HomeworkWrite a passage about traveling.谢谢21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com) 中小学教育资源网站 有大把高质量资料?一线教师?一线教研员?