Module 2 Unit 6 Music 课件(32张PPT)


名称 Module 2 Unit 6 Music 课件(32张PPT)
格式 zip
文件大小 5.9MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 牛津沪教版
科目 英语
更新时间 2019-09-17 16:13:21



课件32张PPT。 四年级英语下册(上海教育出版社)Unit 6 MusicWhat is the video about? ...wonderful.What’s he playing?He’s playing the .drum郎朗What can he play?He can play the .pianoWhat can they play?They can play the…Can she play the piano?No, she can’t.
She can play the harp.Read or clapRead or clapWhat can she play?She can play the xylophone.Ask and answerWhat can he play?He can play the guitar.Ask and answerWhat’s he playing?He’s playing the violin.Ask and answer吕思清What can the cat play?He can play the flute.Ask and answertrumpetWhat can he play?He can play the trumpet.Ask and answerzitherWhat can she play?She can play the zither.Ask and answer play ____ piano
2. play ____ ping-pong
play ____ basketball
4. play ____ violin
play ____ guitar
6. play ____ footballthethethe///(Fill with “the” or “/”)Fill in the blanksWhat can you play?Ask and answerI can play the…pipasaxophoneukuleleS1: What can you play?
S2: I can play the _______.In our group, ________ can play the _______.
… … Do a surveyIt’s Joe’s guitar.It’s Kitty’s violin.Joe’s guitara guitarKitty’s violina violinLook and sayWhose guitar is it ?Whose violin is it ?Whose guitar, whose guitar,
Whose guitar is it?
It isn’t , it isn’t,
It isn’t Jill’s.
Whose guitar, whose guitar,
Whose guitar is it?
It’s Joe’s. It’s Joe’s.
It’s Joe’s guitar.let’s sayRead and sayMiss FangKittyJoeAsk and answer6Oxford English1. What can Kitty play?2. What can Jill play?3. Whose guitar is it?She can play the violin.She can play the guitar.It’s Joe’s guitar.Answer the questionsKitty and Jill like music. Music is wonderful.
Kitty can play the ________. But Jill ______ play the violin. She can play the _______. They see a _______.
It isn’t Jill’s. It’s ________ guitar.
violincan’tguitarguitarJoe’sRead and completeJoe’s guitar violin can’tKitty: I like music. It’s wonderful. Do you like music, Jill?
Jill: Yes, I do.
Kitty: I can play the violin. Can you play the violin?
Jill: No, I can’t.
Kitty: What can you play?
Jill: I can play the guitar.
Kitty: Is that your guitar?
Jill: No, it isn’t. My guitar is at home.
Whose guitar is it?
Kitty: It’s Joe’s guitar. Look at the name.let’s readRead and sayIf you are unhappy,
music will make you happy;
And if you are happy,
music will make you happier.如果你不开心,听音乐会让你开心;
_____, _____, _____ and ______ are in our band.
I can play the _______. _______ can__________.
________can ____________________________.
We would like to play wonderful music for the class.
Make a band (乐队)