人教版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 1 Teenage life学案+检测(10份)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 1 Teenage life学案+检测(10份)
格式 zip
文件大小 1.1MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2019-09-30 00:04:25


Period Five Writing—Write a letter of advice
1.I would like to suggest that...
2.I am writing to express my views concerning...
3.If I were you,I would...
4.I think it would be more beneficial if you could...
5.I hope you will find these proposals/suggestions/recommendations practical/useful/helpful.
Smart phones become more and more popular with people.
These smart phones are difficult for many old people to operate.
I wonder if your company could make some special smart phones.
These smart phones are easy to use for the old.
The aging of the population makes our country have more and more old people.
Those old people make up a big consumer group.
Smart phones become more and more popular with people but these smart phones are difficult for many old people to operate.So I wonder if your company could make some special smart phones that are easy to use for the old.
Firstly,the aging of the population makes our country have more and more old people,who make up a big consumer group.Secondly,most old people are eager to catch up with the development of science and technology.A smart phone will be of great help in some way.Thus,old people need their own smart phones.
Period Four Listening and Talking,Reading for Writing,Assessing Your Progress & Video Time
1.plate n.盘子;碟子
2.adventure n.冒险;奇遇
3.youth n.青年时期;青春
4.expert n.专家
5.generation n.一代(人)
6.focus v.集中;调节焦距
7.adult n.?成年人
8.freshman n.(大学)一年级新生;(中学)九年级学生
9.literature n.文学;文学作品
10.extra-curricular adj.课外的;课程以外的
11.editor n.编辑;编者;主编
→edit v.编辑
→edition n.版本
12.adventure n.冒险;奇遇
→adventurous adj.爱冒险的
→adventurer n.冒险家
13.behavio(u)r n.行为;举止
→behave v.举止;守规矩
14.attract vt.吸引;引起……的注意(或兴趣)
→attraction n.吸引
→attractive adj.有吸引力的
15.addicted adj.有瘾的;上瘾的;入迷的
→addict n.对……入迷的人
→addictive adj.上瘾的;成瘾的
16.movement n.动作;运动;活动
→move v.运动
17.challenge n.& v.挑战
→challenging adj.有挑战的
18.improve v.改进;改善
→improvement n.改善;改进
19.solution n.解决办法;答案
→solve v.解决
20.responsible adj.负责的;有责任的
→responsibility n.责任;义务
27.work out解决;锻炼
28.feel like想要;摸上去像
29.the same as和……一样
30.(be) similar to和……相似
31.I recommend that you?(should)?talk?to?your?friend about his behaviour.
32.It?is?not?unusual for teenagers of your generation to?be?attracted?to computer games and the online world.
33.But spending too much time online is unhealthy and makes?it?very?difficult?to?focus?on other things in life.
34.So the?next?time?you?feel?like?you?do?not?want?to?do?boring,difficult?homework?or?go?to?class,think about the children who don’t have the chance to get a good education.
35.You need the knowledge so?that?you?can?make?the?world?a?little?better for yourself and for others.
Ⅰ.Judge whether the following statements are true(T) or false(F) according to the passage in Page 18.
1.Chen Lei is one of Ms Luo’s friends.( F )
2.Ms Luo understands Worried Friend and is willing to help him.( T )
3.It is usual for teenagers to be attracted to computer games.( T )
4.Spending too much time online won’t affect family life.( F )
5.Encouraging Chen Lei to try new hobbies is one of Ms Luo’s suggestions.( T )
Ⅱ.Choose the best answer.
1.What is wrong with Chen Lei?
A.He is absent from school.
B.He is addicted to computer games.
C.He falls in love.
D.He can’t concentrate on his study.
答案 B
2.Ms Luo recommends Worried Friend to ????????.
A.talk to Chen Lei
B.talk to Chen Lei’s parents
C.leave him alone
D.set an example to him
答案 A
3.Spending too much time online can bring disadvantages.Which of the following is NOT true?
B.Difficult to focus on other things.
C.More fun.
D.Addicted to the Internet.
答案 C

Yesterday,I tried out for the team.昨天,我参加了啦啦队的选拔。
try out for角逐;参加……的选拔?或试演?
try for 设法得到;力争赢得
try on试穿?衣服?
try one’s best to do...尽力做……
ry doing...试着做……
try to do...努力做……
(1)Wilma and her college teammates also tried out for the relay race.
(2)He thought of trying for a position in a research institute.他想设法在一个研究机构找个工作。
(3)I tried?on two dresses,but neither fitted me.
(4)He tried his best to?make(make) her happy,but she still kept quiet.
We’ll learn how to live in the wild from some experts.
?expert n.专家 adj.熟练的;内行的;专家的
※an expert in/at/on ……方面的专家
※be expert in/at/on擅长……
(1)Everybody is an expert in giving advice on how you cannot do something.
(2)He is expert in/on/at teaching children to learn drawing.他很善于教小孩画画。

I think it’s going to be fun.我想会很有趣的。
?fun n.乐趣;有趣的经历;乐事;快乐 adj.有趣的;令人快乐的
have fun玩得开心/高兴
have fun ?in? doing sth.?做某事有乐趣
for fun开玩笑地;为了好玩
make fun of取笑,嘲弄
What fun it is!真有趣!
(1)People love to get together to eat,drink and have fun with each other.
(2)I have no fun in spending(spend) the evening doing nothing.我晚上闲着无事很无聊。
(3)So don’t feel sorry for the disabled or make?fun?of them,and don’t ignore them either.
(4)What?fun we had in the park!

?behaviour n.行为,举止
※good/bad behaviour良好/恶劣行为
※behave v.(以某种方式)表现;(使)守规矩;(使)举止……
behave oneself举止规矩有礼;检点
behave well/badly举止良好/差
(1)Some change their behaviour in real life to improve their image on the web.(2018·江苏)
(2)Did the children behave themselves(they) at the party?晚会上孩子们守规矩吗?
(3)They behaved badly(bad) to the guests,which made us disappointed.
※behaviour 是不可数名词,前面不加a,也没有复数形式。
※behave 作“举止规矩有礼;检点”解时,后常接反身代词,此时不必再加well。也可以用其不及物动词表示相同的意思。例如:Mum’s always telling me to behave when we go out.我们外出时妈妈总是告诉我要守规矩。
It’s not unusual for teenagers of your generation to be attracted to computer games and the online world.对于你们这一代的青少年来说,被电脑游戏和网络世界所吸引并不罕见。
?attract vt.吸引;引起
※attract one’s attention吸引某人的注意
attract sb.?to sth.?吸引某人关注某事
be attracted to喜爱
※attraction n.吸引;吸引力;名胜;有吸引力的事/人
have no/much attraction for sb.?对某人不具有/很有吸引力
※attractive adj.有吸引力的;有魅力的
(1)What do you think attracts people to big cities?
(2)It is obvious that babies are?attracted(attract) to bright colours.
(3)The Palace Museum is a major tourist attraction(attract) of China.
(4)In school,I had no attraction for the debate club.在学校里我对辩论俱乐部不感兴趣。
※attract后通常不接不定式的复合结构,即一般不说attract sb.?to do sth.?。
※要表示把某人吸引到某处,通常用attract sb.?to...,to为介词。
But spending too much time online is unhealthy and makes it very difficult to focus on other things in life.
?focus v.集中(注意力、精力等于);对准焦距 n.中心;重点;焦点
※focus (...) on/upon集中(……)于;聚焦(……)于
※bring sth.?into focus使某物明朗化;使某物突出
(1)She was the focus of everyone’s attention at the party.她是那次聚会时人人注意的焦点。
(2)Focus your attention on/upon your work and you will make progress.
(3)All eyes were?focused(focus) on him when he came in.他进来时大家都注视着他。
pay attention to sth.?,put one’s heart into sth.?,fix one’s attention on sth.?,be devoted to等。
Some students even become addicted to the Internet and cannot concentrate on school and family life.有些学生甚至沉迷于网络,无法专注于学校和家庭生活。
?addicted adj.有瘾的;上瘾的;入迷的
※be/get/become addicted to (doing) sth.?对(做)某事入迷/上瘾
※addict n.吸毒成瘾的人;对……入迷的人 vt.使沉溺;使上瘾
addict oneself to对……上瘾
※addiction n.上瘾
(1)Jack became addicted to drugs at quite an early age.杰克很小年纪时就吸毒成瘾了。
(2)I went through about four years of being addicted to playing(play) video games.
(3)He is now fighting his addiction(addict) to alcohol.他现在正在努力戒酒。

Why not discuss the problem together?为什么不一起讨论这个问题?
Why not+动词原形,表示“为什么不……?”,是表达建议的一种形式。
Would you like/love ?to do? ...?
Shall I/we do ...?
Let’s do...
...had better do...
What/How about ?doing?...?
(1)You have nothing to do tomorrow.Why not stay out and drink with us?
(2)We should have a good habit.Let’s?take?action immediately!
(3)You’d better have?a?good?rest and do?some?exercise because it is good for you.

I am sure he will listen to you,since you are his good friend.我相信他会听你的,因为你是他的好朋友。
(1)Susan must have come back home,since her coat is not in the wardrobe.
(2)So much has?changed(change) in the sport since I was a teenager.
(3)Ever?since?his?accident,he hasn’t been able to leave the house.
So the next time you feel like you do not want to do boring,difficult homework or go to class,think about the children who don’t have the chance to get a good education.所以下次当你觉得自己不想做无聊的、困难的家庭作业或者去上课的时候,想想那些没有机会接受良好教育的孩子。
本句中的the next time用作连词,引导时间状语从句,意为“下一次……时”。 下列time短语都可用作连词,引导时间状语从句:
next time,the first time,each time,every time,?the? last time,any time等。
(1)Next time you go to Guangzhou,you can see this statue at first.
(2)The?first?time I came here,I was struck by the beauty of the lake.
(3)Every?time I try to talk to him,he shuts me down.
the first time可用作连词,引导时间状语从句;for the first time是介词短语,不引导从句。
1.You will have fun reading(read) about the world we live in.
2.Among customers there are different preferences in terms of what is attractive(attract).
3.Public attention at the moment is focused on/upon the strategies of environment protection.
4.If this is the case,people addicted(addict) to shopping should go to a support group to help them break this habit.
5.Then I taught her how to concentrate and work out another ten problems.
6.When Adam Sandler turned 17 years old,at the advice of his brother he tried out for a comedy club.
7.The professor is one of the world’s leading experts(expert) on African art.
8.It is/has?been(be) such a long time since I designed the building.
9.I simply believe that killing animals for fun is wrong.
10.His behaviour towards her was becoming more and more aggressive.
11.What?fun?it?is to jump into a pool or go swimming in a river in summer!
12.You need a break.Why?not?take?a?rest from work?
13.He will come to my assistance every?time?I?meet?with?difficulties.
14.It’s?necessary?for?the?young?to?master two foreign languages.年轻人掌握两门外语是必要的。
15.You should help her since?you?have?promised?to?do?so.既然你答应了她,你就应该帮助她。
1.苏珊建议 Worried Friend 和陈磊谈一下他的行为。
3.苏珊要求Worried Friend鼓励他的朋友尝试新的爱好,并一块讨论这个问题。
Worried Friend thinks that his friend,Chen Lei,plays computer games too often and spends too much time online.Susan recommends that Worried Friend 16.talk?to?Chen?Lei?about?his?behaviour. She thinks spending too much time online is unhealthy and 17.makes?him?difficult?to?focus?on?other?
things?in?life.Finally,Susan asked Worried Friend 18.to?encourage?his?friend?to?try?new?hobbies?and they discuss the problem together.
1.The frightened guy pushed his plate(盘子) away;actually he had eaten nothing.
2.Like most of my generation(一代),I am very proud of our nation’s prosperity and strength.
3.I set off for a new adventure(冒险) to explore the cave in Alaska on the first day of the new year.
4.Some children find it easy to talk to the outgoing adults(成年人).
5.He’s a world expert(专家) on female mental health.
6.Many of these people had awkward situations in their youth(青年时期).
7.He’s addicted(上瘾的) to computer games when he was in America as an exchange student.
8.The discussion of last week focused(集中) on three main topics.
9.What first attracted(吸引) me to her was her fluent English.
10.I have found the solution(答案) to the question.

11.He won a state championship in baseball and tried?out?for his college team.
12.If I can do the?same?as they do,then I am not far away from success.
13.Her elder brother is?expert?at taking notes in class.
14.Helen drinks ten cups of coffee every day;I think she is?addicted?to it.
15.He is?attracted?to her smile of great sweetness.
16.I must be confident and keep my mind focused?on what I have to do.
17.He doesn’t just write for fun;writing is his bread and butter.
18.He didn’t feel like going(go) to work.
19.He was addicted to skating(skate),which impressed us most.
20.It is important to?remember(remember) that the achievement of a goal is a sum of small efforts made each day.
21.The tourism resources in this area have been well exploited(开发) in the last few years,attracting(attract) tens of thousands of tourists every year.
22.In the childhood,Tom was often reminded to mind his behavio(u)r(behave) and he was always behaving himself(him).In addition,he behaved well(good) towards all the people he knew.
23.Why not prove(prove) it right by doing experiments?
24.Smoking(smoke) on campus is not allowed.
25.He has?been?looking(look) forward to seeing her ever since she left.
26.Obviously,my view on this point is similar to yours.
27.He was attracted by the proud sight and decided to stay there for 3 days.
→Attracted by the proud sight,he decided to stay there for 3 days.
28.He addicted himself to drinking.
→He was addicted to drinking.
29.You are kind to help me with the work.
→It’s kind of you to help me with the work.
30.Why don’t you go swimming together?
→Why not go swimming together?
31.She felt very uneasy as all eyes were focused on her.
→She felt very uneasy with all eyes focused on her.
Lily and Lisa were best friends.They were always together.But things changed one day.That day Lisa was sent to sit beside another girl called Alice.They soon laughed happily together.
The next day,when Lily went to Lisa’s house,she saw Lisa and Alice laughing and playing happily together.Lisa was playing so happily then that she didn’t even notice Lily when she arrived.Lily felt very depressed and went home.She thought Lisa had changed and was afraid she’d leave her.She didn’t want to lose her best friend.Thinking she might lose her one day,she couldn’t help crying.
Just then,Lily’s mother came back.Seeing she was crying,her mother asked her why.Lily told her everything.After hearing what she said,her mother couldn’t help laughing.She said,“Don’t be sad.You should be happy.” Lily was confused.She didn’t understand why she should be happy.Her mother explained,“Now,Lisa has a new friend.And you’re friends with Lisa.It means that you have a new friend,too.Just make friends with Alice,too.”
Hearing that,Lily stopped feeling sad.She liked the idea of having one more friend.So the next day,when Lily saw Lisa and Alice playing in the classroom,she happily went to them and joined them.The three quickly became good friends.
Never feel sad if your friend has a new friend.Instead,be happy.If your friend has a new friend,it means that you have a new friend,too.
语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。莉莉的好朋友丽莎交了新朋友爱丽丝后对莉莉有一些忽视,这让莉莉很伤心也很担心,但是经过妈妈的开导,莉莉不仅没有失去好朋友丽莎,还多了一个好朋友。
32.After Lisa sat beside Alice,the two ????????.
A.disliked each other
B.ignored Lily at once
C.invited Lily to play together
D.got along well with each other
答案 D
解析 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“They soon laughed happily together.”可知,当丽莎和爱丽丝坐到一起后,她们相处得很好。
33.Which word can best take the place of the underlined word “depressed”?
A.Upset. B.Lonely.
C.Surprised. D.Tired.
答案 A
解析 词义猜测题。根据第二段中的“Thinking she might lose her one day,she couldn’t help crying.”可知,当看到丽莎和爱丽丝在一起开心地玩耍,而且都没有注意到自己时,莉莉感到很不安,她担心自己会失去好朋友丽莎。
34.According to Lily’s mother,Lily should be happy because ????????.
A.Alice is a very nice girl
B.she will have a new friend
C.she has made a new friend
D.Lisa is still her best friend
答案 B
解析 细节理解题。根据第三段中莉莉的妈妈所说的“And you’re friends with Lisa.It means that you have a new friend,too.Just make friends with Alice,too.”可知,莉莉的妈妈开导她,说她不应该伤心,反而应该高兴,因为这意味着她也将多一个朋友。
35.What does the author want to tell us?
A.A friend in need is a friend indeed.
B.Not everyone likes making friends.
C.Without confidence there is no friendship.
D.Our friends can help us make new friends.
答案 D
解析 写作意图题。根据文章最后一句“If your friend has a new friend,it means that you have a new friend,too.”可知,作者通过这个故事想要告诉我们:朋友可以帮我们结交更多的朋友。
The science teacher,Mr Black,had asked his students to study a particular animal.They were asked to ??36?? a short report and then make a ??37?? in class.Some talked about dogs,others about horses,and some chose fish.But the most ??38?? discovery of all was made by little Sophie.
“I found that ??39?? are terribly bad-tempered(坏脾气的),” she said for certain.
Everyone smiled,waiting for her to ??40??.Then Sophie explained,“I spent hours ??41?? flies.When they flew normally,everything was okay,??42?? when they found a window they would make a noisy sound.I had always thought they make that noise ??43?? their wings,but they don’t.With my daddy’s binoculars(望远镜),I watched the flies really ??44??,and saw that ??45?? they were doing was shouting.They were angry because they ??46?? fly out of the window.Later,a butterfly passing by the window tried to ??47?? them the top of the window was open,but it had no effect at all.The flies just ??48?? shouting.”
Mr Black laughed and explained to the class that the flies’ behaviour had nothing to do with ??49??.Instead,it was an example of animals having different levels of intelligence(智力).At the ??50?? of the class,Mr Black asked the students to bring a list of animals in their order of intelligence.
What surprised Mr Black was that many parents came to the school to ??51?? the next day,??52?? their children had listed their parents among the least ??53?? animals! This,said the children,was because their parents did ??54?? but complain.
Mr Black had to do a lot of explaining to calm the parents down.However,it also helped some of the parents ??55?? that although they weren’t stupid,they didn’t often behave very intelligently.
语篇解读 科学老师布莱克先生让他的学生研究一种特殊的动物。索菲娅的研究最有趣,因为她发现苍蝇的脾气很坏,老师告诉她那是因为动物的智力水平不同并要求他们交一份按智力高低排列的动物名单。后来很多学生家长来到学校抱怨,因为他们的名字也被列在清单上。这让家长意识到有时他们的做法并不明智。
36.A.write B.listen
C.review D.give
答案 A
解析 老师让学生写(write)一份简短的报告之后在班上做演讲(speech)。
37.A.word B.speech
C.performance D.wish
答案 B
解析 make a speech做演讲。句意参考上题解析。
38.A.challenging B.terrible
C.interesting D.important
答案 C
解析 根据下文“I found that ???????? are terribly bad-tempered(坏脾气的)”可知,索菲娅的发现最有趣(interesting)。
39.A.dogs B.horses
C.fish D.flies
答案 D
解析 根据后文“I spent hours ???????? flies.”可知,索菲娅研究的是苍蝇(fly)。
40.A.look B.stay
C.leave D.continue
答案 D
解析 索菲娅说完之后,每个人都笑了,等待她继续(continue)说。
41.A.enjoying B.watching
C.talking D.thinking
答案 B
解析 索菲娅解释说:“我花了好几个小时观察(watch)苍蝇……。”此处为固定用法,spent time (in) doing sth.?“花时间做某事”。
42.A.and B.but
C.besides D.since
答案 B
解析 当苍蝇正常飞行的时候,一切正常,但是(but)当它们发现窗户时,它们就会发出嘈杂的声音。
43.A.on B.for
C.with D.about
答案 C
解析 索菲娅原以为苍蝇是用(with)翅膀制造噪音的。
44.A.closely B.quietly
C.quickly D.safely
答案 A
解析 用父亲的望远镜,可以非常近地(closely)观察苍蝇并且知道它们正在做的事情是叫喊。
45.A.how B.when
C.why D.what
答案 D
解析 what引导宾语从句,并在从句中作宾语。
46.A.couldn’t B.shouldn’t
C.needn’t D.mustn’t
答案 A
解析 苍蝇生气的是它们不能(couldn’t)飞出窗外。
47.A.ask B.tell
C.answer D.call
答案 B
解析 飞过窗户的蝴蝶试图告诉(tell)苍蝇窗户的顶部是开着的。但是没有起到任何作用,苍蝇仍然继续(keep on)叫喊。
48.A.took on B.relied on
C.kept on D.lived on
答案 C
解析 参考上题解析。take on从事;rely on依靠;keep on继续;live on靠……生活。
49.A.happiness B.anger
C.beauty D.shape
答案 B
解析 布莱克先生向他的学生解释说苍蝇的这种行为与生气(anger)没有任何关系。
50.A.beginning B.middle
C.half D.end
答案 D
解析 在这堂课的结尾(end),老师要求学生根据他们对动物智力水平的认知,列一个名单。
51.A.praise B.complain
C.doubt D.play
答案 B
解析 让布莱克老师吃惊的是第二天许多家长跑到学校来抱怨(complain)。
52.A.so B.until
C.because D.and
答案 C
解析 因为(because)他们的孩子把他们列到了最不聪明(clever)的动物当中。
53.A.brave B.humorous
C.clever D.kind
答案 C
解析 参考上题解析。
54.A.everything B.something
C.anything D.nothing
答案 D
解析 因为他们的父母只会抱怨(do nothing but complain)。
55.A.realize B.think
C.wake D.believe
答案 A
解析 这件事帮助家长意识到(realize)虽然他们不笨,但是有时候他们的行为并不是很理智。
Dear Amy,
It is very exciting that you are coming to our school so soon.Before you arrive,let me introduce our school to you.
Our school is quite famous for 56.????????(it) long history.It was begun in the early 1920s.It is a good place for us 57.????????(prepare) ourselves for the future.We have many wonderful teachers 58.????????are always ready to offer help.They encourage us to try out new ideas and ask questions.59.???????? their help we have developed all kinds of interests in both arts and science.Students can choose to join any school clubs they are 60.????????(interest) in.We can also choose the subjects 61.????????we want to study.Last term I selected American Literature 62.????????I wanted to learn about famous American writers.This term I 63.????????(choose)to attend music classes because my father bought me a piano as a birthday present.
I love my school and hope 64.????????you will have a pleasant experience here too.I am looking forward to 65.????????(meet) you soon!

56.答案 its
解析 考查代词。我们学校因为它的悠久历史而很出名,修饰后面的名词history,故用形容词性物主代词,所以填its。
57.答案 to prepare
解析 考查非谓语动词。此处为不定式短语作后置定语,故填to prepare。
58.答案 who/that
解析 考查定语从句的关系词。此处为定语从句,修饰先行词teachers,关系词在从句中作主语,指人,所以填who/that。
59.答案 With
解析 考查介词。在他们的帮助下,我们对艺术和科学产生了各种各样的兴趣。with one’s help在某人的帮助下。
60.答案 interested
解析 考查固定短语。be interested in对……感兴趣。
61.答案 that/which
解析 考查定语从句的关系词。此处为定语从句,修饰先行词the subjects,关系词在定语从句中作study的宾语,指物,所以填that/which。
62.答案 because
解析 考查连词。上学期我选择了美国文学,因为我想了解美国的著名作家。填because。
63.答案 chose
解析 考查动词的时态。这学期我选择了音乐。表示发生在过去的事情,用一般过去时,所以填chose。
64.答案 that
解析 考查宾语从句。此处为宾语从句,引导词在从句中不作任何成分,也没有实际意义,只起连接作用,所以填that。
65.答案 meeting
解析 考查动词短语的用法。look forward to doing sth.?期待做某事,其中的to是介词,后跟名词、代词、动名词,所以填meeting。

Philip was a 9-year-old boy in a Sunday school class of 8-year-old girls and boys.Sometimes the third graders didn’t welcome Philip into their group and usually made fun of him.This was not because he was older but because he was different.Philip suffered from a condition(病) called Down’s Syndrome(唐氏综合征).This made him different,with his facial characteristics,slow responses and mental problems.
One Sunday,the Sunday school teacher collected some plastic bags.The teacher gave one to each child.On that beautiful spring day,the children were to go out and discover for themselves some symbols of new life and put them inside the plastic bags.
After the children returned to the classroom,the teacher opened their bags one by one,asking each child to explain that symbol of new life.The first opened bag contained a flower.Everyone cheered.In another was a butterfly ...When the teacher opened the last bag,it was empty.“That’s stupid,” said someone.The teacher felt a pull at his shirt.It was Philip.Looking up,Philip said.“It’s mine.I did it.It’s empty.I have a new life,because the tomb(坟墓) is empty.” Not a sound was heard in class at all.From that day on,Philip became a real part of the group.They welcomed him,and whatever made him different was never mentioned again.Philip’s family knew he wouldn’t live a long life,for there were too many things wrong with him.
1.The teacher gave each child one bag to let them put some symbols of new life into it.( T )
2.After Philip explained his idea about new life,the class burst into laughter.( F )
Period One Listening and Speaking & Reading and Thinking—Pre-reading
1.teenage     A.较喜欢
2.volunteer B.辩论;争论
3.debate C.志愿者
4.prefer D.话题;标题
5.topic E.青少年的;十几岁的
答案 1.E 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.D
6.content A.名称;标题;职称
7.suitable B.挑战;怀疑
8.actually C.合适的;适用的
9.challenge D.事实上;的确
10.title E.内容;[pl.]目录
答案 6.E 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.A
11.confusing A.负责的;有责任的
12.fluent B.停止;戒掉
13.advanced C.流利的;熟练的
14.quit D.高级的;先进的
15.responsible E.难以理解的;不清楚的
答案 11.E 12.C 13.D 14.B 15.A

1.What’s the main idea of the passage?
A.It’s about the author’s new school at senior high.
B.It’s about the challenges the author faced with after he entered senior high school.
C.It’s about the author’s extra-curricular activities at senior high school.
D.It’s about the new subjects the author will learn at senior high school.
答案 B
2.Match each paragraph with its topic sentence.
Para.1    A.I had to choose extra-curricular activities,too.
Para.2 B.I know I’ll have to study harder as a senior high school
student and get used to being responsible for a lot more.
Para.3 C.Going from junior high school to senior high school is a
really big challenge.
Para.4 D.First,I had to think very carefully about which courses I
wanted to take.
答案 Para.1 C Para.2 D Para.3 A Para.4 B

Ⅰ.Judge whether the following statements are true(T) or false(F).
1.Adam is a sophomore at senior high school.( F )
2.A student can choose his courses only by himself.( F )
3.His adviser recommended him to sign up for advanced literature because it was very important.( F )
4.After Adam was refused to join the football team,he felt unpleasant.( T )
5.From the passage we can see studying at senior high school is quite different from that at junior high school.( T )
Ⅱ.Choose the best answer.
1.According to the text,what are the author’s challenges?
A.Choose suitable courses.
B.Choose extra-curricular activities.
C.Study harder than before.
D.All above.
答案 D
2.Which one was not included in his courses?
A.Physics. B.English.
C.World history. D.Chinese.
答案 A
3.Why was the author refused to join the football team?
A.Because he was short.
B.Because he had too many things to do.
C.Because he didn’t play well enough.
D.Because he didn’t play hard.
答案 C
4.What does the phrase “advanced course” refer to in the last paragraph?
A.Advanced maths.
B.Advanced literature.
C.Advanced physics.
D.Advanced chemistry.
答案 B
5.Which words can be used to describe the author?
A.Hard-working and responsible.
B.Clever and careful.
C.Kind and warm-hearted.
D.Cool and helpful.
答案 A

After reading the passage,please fill in the following blanks.
Adam is a freshman at senior high school.He is faced with many 1.challenges(challenge) at this time.At first,he didn’t know which courses 2.to?choose(choose),but his adviser helped him solve this problem.Though he chose Chinese,he thought 3.it was very difficult and hoped to be 4.fluent(fluency) when he graduated.His adviser also recommended that he 5.(should)?sign(sign) up for 6.advanced(advance) literature.In addition,he wanted to join the school football team but 7.was?refused(refuse),8.which made him unhappy.He didn’t give up and decided to find a way to improve on his own and make the team next year.Now he is a volunteer,9.handing(hand) out food to homeless people.Studying hard isn’t always fun,but he will try his best to keep up 10.with others.

1.Going from junior high school to senior high school is a really big challenge.
[句式分析] 此句的主语是动名词短语Going from...to...,动名词短语作主语,谓语动词一般用单数形式。
[自主翻译] 从初中过渡到高中真是一项巨大的挑战。
2.I know that Chinese is a very difficult language,but I hope to be fluent when I graduate.
[句式分析] 本句是由but连接的并列句,在前一分句中含有一个由that引导的宾语从句,在后一分句中包含一个when引导的时间状语从句。
[自主翻译] 我知道汉语是一门很难的语言,但我希望毕业时能达到很流利的程度。
3.My adviser recommended that I should sign up for advanced literature because I like English and I’m good at it.
[句式分析] 动词recommend后跟的是that引导的宾语从句,从句谓语动词应用should+动词原形,should可省略,because引导原因状语从句。
[自主翻译] 因为我喜欢英语而且成绩不错,我的指导老师建议我选修高级文学。
4.I’ll find a way to improve on my own so that I can make the team next year.
[句式分析] 句中to improve on my own作后置定语,修饰a way;so that引导目的状语从句。
[自主翻译] 我会找到一个方法来提高自己,这样明年我就能进入球队。
If you are a teenager without a job,you probably do not have much extra money.Sometimes parents will give their children a weekly pocket money for doing small housework,but it is often not enough once the children grow into teenagers and want to do things with their friends all of the time.How to make money is an important thing for teens to learn.If you’re wondering how a teenager can make good money,some ideas might be:
Getting a part-time job at a local restaurant or store is always a sure way to make money as a teen.But getting a job somewhere like this might be hard,considering many jobs in local stores are being taken by adults more and more often.Babysitting is always a good way to make money as a teenager,and finding jobs as a babysitter is often easier than finding a job at a store.
Doing landscaping(绿化) is something that most adults do not like to do,and teens can usually find jobs around their neighborhood doing the landscaping of friends and family.
Some teens are good at something such as writing or photography.These teens can make money by doing things such as writing articles for newspapers or magazines or selling their photos online.
Teens who live in a country area can earn money by helping out on farms,or they can try raising their own animals such as chickens,and selling them or their products.
Looking for jobs can seem hard at first,but if you have a try,it should not be too hard to find a job or way to make money.

1.What problem do teenagers have to face when finding a job in local stores?
A.Low pay.
B.Heavy work.
C.Long working hours.
D.Competition with grown-ups.
答案 D
解析 细节理解题。根据第二段第二句“But getting a job somewhere like this might be hard,considering many jobs in local stores are being taken by adults more and more often.”可知答案。
2.Which of the following is easier for teens who live in a country if they want to earn extra money?
A.Babysitting. B.Doing landscaping.
C.Selling photos online. D.Raising animals.
答案 D
解析 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段内容可知住在乡村的青少年可以通过饲养动物来赚钱。
3.What can we learn from the text?
A.Most grown-ups hate doing landscaping.
B.Getting a part-time job is hard for teens.
C.Pocket money from parents is often enough for teens.
D.Looking after babies is easier than serving customers in a restaurant.
答案 A
解析 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Doing landscaping(绿化) is something that most adults do not like to do”可知大部分成年人不喜欢做绿化工作,故选A。
4.What can be the best title for the text?
A.The Necessary Skills to Make Money
B.How Important Is Money to a Teenager?
C.How Can a Teenager Make Extra Money?
D.Teenagers Should Depend on Themselves
答案 C
解析 标题归纳题。本文在第一段的最后点出主题: If you’re wondering how a teenager can make good money,some ideas might be,下文进行了具体介绍。故选C。
When my daughter Sara was in the fifth grade,she came to me with a problem.“Marcy hates me!” she cried.“Because Kathy is my friend,too.She wants me to be her friend and nobody else’s.You talk to Marcy.You tell her that I want to be her friend,but I can have other friends,too!”
Oh! I looked at her for a few moments,wondering how I got into this mess,when suddenly an idea came to me.
Picking up two baskets from the living room,I explained,“When everyone is born,he or she has a little basket.This little one here is yours.The big one is mine.As you grow,so does the basket.You can see your little basket is inside mine because when you were born,there were too many things you couldn’t do for yourself.I did everything you couldn’t do on your own.”
She nodded.
“Well,as you grew older and began to do some things on your own,I began placing a few more things in your basket.When you learned to tie your shoes,that went in your basket.”
She said softly,“I can tie my own shoes.”
“Right.As you grow older,there will be more and more things you must do on your own.” As I spoke,I gradually took her basket out of mine and handed it to her.“You will finally carry your own basket with things only you can do.”
She looked up at me and said,“I understand.There are some things that I have to do for myself because they are in my basket.”
语篇解读 上五年级的女儿向作者求助与朋友相处的问题,作者用两个篮子的例子来教育女儿要学会自己解决一些问题。
5.What was Sara’s problem?
A.She didn’t have a basket.
B.She didn’t want her own basket.
C.Her mother was too hard on her.
D.She couldn’t deal with her friendship.
答案 D
解析 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“‘Marcy hates me!’ she cried.‘Because Kathy is my friend,too.She wants me to be her friend and nobody else’s.You talk to Marcy.You tell her that...’”可知,女儿遇到的麻烦是不会处理和别人的友谊。
6.What did the author feel when she heard her daughter’s problem?
A.Angry. B.Crazy.
C.Helpless. D.Proud.
答案 C
解析 推理判断题。根据第二段中的“Oh! I looked at her for a few moments,wondering how I got into this mess...”可知,作者在刚开始听到女儿的麻烦时,是束手无策的。故选C项。
7.We can infer that Sara ????????.
A.wouldn’t make friends with Kathy
B.would talk to Marcy herself
C.was too young to deal with anything
D.managed to persuade her mother to help her
答案 B
解析 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“There are some things that I have to do for myself because they are in my basket.”可知,萨拉在听了作者的教导之后,明白了应该自己解决自己的问题,所以她应该会自己去和玛西谈谈。
Girls can easily get sad.If your friend is feeling blue and calls you,what will you do?Here are some tips on how you can make her smile again.
Listen to her.When people feel sad,they often have the feeling of needing to be heard.So,listen carefully to what she is saying and do nothing else.Your friend will surely thank you for being the shoulder she can cry on.
Once you are done with listening,you can offer some advice or remain silent and let her feel everything and let it all out by crying.As a friend,you might think you should give her some advice.But if you have no idea about what to say,just remain silent and be there for her.
In order to be able to help your friend in need,don’t be sad for yourself.How can you help your friend when you are also feeling down?
A hug can make a difference in the world.It makes you feel warm and special.A hug makes you feel safe.So give your friend a hug when she needs it the most.
Spend more time with your friend who wants to be happy.Do things together like washing dishes,cleaning,or going out for fun.The more time you spend together,the stronger your friendship will become.
Sometimes,it is much better that you avoid a crying friend in your life.But by doing so,you are also keeping your friend at a distance and will make her wonder if you are her true friend.If you are there when she needs you,your friendship will be much stronger.
语篇解读 本文主要介绍了当我们面对一个伤心难过的女性朋友时,我们该怎么做来帮助她重拾快乐,进而巩固彼此间的友谊。
8.The writer wrote this passage mainly to tell us????????.
A.why girls can easily get sad
B.what to do when we are sad
C.how to make new friends with girls
D.how to make a sad female friend happy again
答案 D
解析 写作意图题。通读全文可知,作者主要告诉我们,当我们面对一个伤心难过的女性朋友时,我们该怎么做来帮助她重拾快乐。
9.According to Paragraph 2,when a female friend is sad,what should we do?
A.We should ask her why she feels sad.
B.We should say something nice to her.
C.We should spend time listening to her.
D.We should give her some good advice.
答案 C
解析 细节理解题。作者在第二段主要告诉我们要倾听,故选C项。
10.We can learn from the passage that????????.
A.hugging a sad friend can make you feel warm and special
B.your sad friend may feel much better if you are also sad
C.it’s not a good idea to be silent facing a sad friend
D.giving a hug to a sad friend is very helpful
答案 D
解析 推理判断题。根据第五段第一句“A hug can make a difference in the world.”可推断,给一个伤心的朋友一个拥抱对她的帮助很大。
11.In Paragraph 6,the writer mainly suggests that we ????????.
A.spend more time with our friends
B.help our friends with their housework
C.spend time with our friends every day
D.ask our friends to take part in activities
答案 A
解析 细节理解题。根据第六段内容可知,作者认为我们应多花时间陪朋友,故选A项。
How to Write an Email?
While many people are accessible by email,sometimes it is difficult to determine how exactly to write an email to them.Here are some tips for you to follow.
Write an appropriate subject line.The subject line should tell the recipient(接收者) immediately what the email is about.??12?? Remember that your wording(用词) also has to be brief.
??13?? It is best to be more formal rather than informal,so when writing to someone you have never met or written to before,a “Dear Jane Smith” is appropriate.When addressing someone whom you are a little familiar with,a “Dr.Smith” is okay until they tell you to address them by their first name,in which case a simple “Jane” will be okay.
??14?? Within the first two sentences of your email,your recipient should know exactly why you are writing to him.Sometimes an introduction may have to precede(先于) the sentence that states why you are writing,and sometimes it has to follow.
Use suitable language.You may be used to using informal language in certain social settings.
??15?? Even when dealing with colleagues or friends you are familiar with,do not immediately fall back on informal language.
Keep it simple.People may get dozens and even hundreds of emails a day.??16?? In that way,they can save much of their time when reading emails.
A.Use proper greetings.
B.Express your ideas clearly.
C.State your purpose at the beginning.
D.Be as specific as possible when writing the subject.
E.However,an email may not be the best place to use such language.
F.It is important to check the language to avoid spelling and grammar mistakes.
G.It is always easier for them to read if you keep your email as short and brief as possible.
语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文,在日常生活中电子邮件非常普及,但是很多人不知道如何写一封好的电子邮件,本文就这一问题给出了五条相关的建议。
12.答案 D
解析 根据空前一句“The subject line should tell the recipient(接收者) immediately what the email is about.”可知,电子邮件的主题行要让接收者很快就明白邮件内容,所以主题行内容要写得尽量清楚。故D项符合上下文语境。
13.答案 A
解析 空后两句分别介绍了对于不熟悉的人,应该如何称呼;对于熟悉的人,应该如何称呼。所以本段应该与如何称呼邮件的接收方有关。故A项“Use proper greetings.”符合本段中心思想。
14.答案 C
解析 根据空后一句可知,在邮件的前两句中,你要让接收者明确知道你写邮件的原因。也就是说在邮件开头部分说明你写邮件的目的。故C项符合本段主旨。
15.答案 E
解析 根据本段最后一句可知,即使在处理同事或朋友的邮件时,也不要立即使用非正式的语言。也就是说在邮件里尽量不要使用非正式的用语。故E项符合上下文语境。
16.答案 G
解析 根据空前一句“People may get dozens and even hundreds of emails a day.”可知,人们一天中可能会处理成百上千封邮件,你的邮件要尽可能地简洁明了。而且本段的建议是“Keep it simple.”故G项既与本段主旨相符,也符合上下文语境。
Period Three Discovering Useful Structures—Noun Phrases,Adjective Phrases and Adverb Phrases
1.I always feel so tired after working all day.
2.What about throwing all these old magazines away?
3.That dress you wore yesterday looked really nice.
4.Do you want to drive so slowly all the time?
5.At the sports meeting,he ran very fast.
6.Surely you and Mary must be tired.
以名词为中心词的短语是名词短语。这种短语可能只有一个中心词,也可能带有限定词和其他修饰语,从而形成比较复杂的结构。如:apples,a boy,the new student,the author’s new book等。
A man dies the way a lamp goes out.人死如灯灭。
Tremendous changes happen in this world of ours.
A number of books are(be) on the desk.
The number of books is(be) not large.
China is a vast country with a large population and abundant resources.中国地大物博,人口众多。
It is a pity that we shall be a little late.
Would you like a drink?想喝一杯吗?
She bought her mother some flowers.她给母亲买了一些花。
They thought this a great shame.他们认为这是奇耻大辱。
People considered him the better man for the work.
以形容词为中心词的短语叫形容词短语。形容词短语的结合方式是:修饰语+形容词,有时中心词之后还可带有后置修饰语或补足成分。如:very lovely,extremely serious,pleasant enough,too hot to be enjoyable,glad to help you等。
He is a man reasonable extremely.
This is a most serious problem.
Wounds made by words are hard to heal.
He is interested in watching TV.
We should respect the old.我们应该尊敬老年人。
You can tell the true from the false.你能辨别真假。
Who has let the window open so widely?
I intended to leave the house entirely alone.
以副词为中心词的短语是副词短语。副词短语的结合方式是:修饰语+副词,有时中心词之后还带有后置修饰语或补足成分。如:very carefully,pretty soon,far from the station等。
He is ill extremely seriously with a bad cancer.
He studies English most slowly of the three.
1.Running is cheap,easy and it’s always energetic(energy).(2018·全国Ⅰ)
2.A mere five to 10 minutes a day of running reduced the risk of heart disease and early deaths from all causes(cause).(2018·全国Ⅰ)
3.A taste for meat is actually(actual) behind the change.(2018·全国Ⅱ)
4.This switch has decreased pollution(pollute) in the country’s major lakes and reservoirs.
5.According to the World Bank,China accounts for about 30 percent of total global(globe)fertilizer consumption.(2018·全国Ⅱ)
6.He screams the loudest(loud) of all.The noise shakes the trees as the male beats his chest and charges toward me.(2018·全国Ⅲ)
7.I’m a scientist(science) who studies animals such as apes and monkeys.(2018·全国Ⅲ)
8.The obvious one is money;eating out once or twice a week may be affordable(afford) but doing this most days adds up.(2018·浙江)
9.However,be careful(care) not to go to extremes.(2017·全国Ⅰ)
10.Steam engines were used to pull the carriages and it must have been fairly(fair) unpleasant for the passengers.(2017·全国Ⅱ)
1.We were passing by a?boat?house when we met her.名词短语
2.Two?of?my?brother’s?friends came to see him off.名词短语
3.She will explain quite?clearly what she intends to do in future.副词短语
4.Quite?properly,she was punished.副词短语
5.He is inexperienced,but he is quite?clever.形容词短语
6.The fruit is good?to?eat.形容词短语
7.The servant was afraid?to?wake?up?his?master.形容词短语
8.I didn’t need to answer the questions,which saved me a?lot?of?trouble.名词短语
9.The?cute?boy?wearing?blue?jeans is my brother.名词短语
10.Always?nervous,the man opened the letters.形容词短语
so far,step by step,a mystery,the author’s new book,pleasant enough,very carefully,brave enough,the new student,obviously,older than
11.Her husband,who is older?than her,is a bank manager.
12.Obviously,you’d been in the water for quite some time.
13.He found the?new?student sitting in the corner of the classroom a very attentive boy.
14.Students brave?enough to attempt this course deserve to succeed.
15.We drove very?carefully.
16.The weather was pleasant?enough.
17.The?author’s?new?book is more than worth reading.
18.It’s a?mystery how the prisoner escaped.
19.The machine can’t be made perfect overnight;in fact,it should be improved step?by?step.
20.The old couple haven’t heard from their son so?far.
1.The experiment was extremely(extreme) hard to do under very difficult condition.
2.In the lecture,Jack explained how the extreme cold made the world seem dead(die).
3.I looked carefully(careful) at the text and realized that it was intended for females in the countryside.
4.She gave some simple rules to follow for keeping teenagers clean,healthy and free from sickness
5.I would appreciate it if you could take this topic into consideration(consider).
6.Many students know hundreds of grammar rules,but they can’t speak correctly or fluently
7.Here,no one judges me,so I don’t have to get embarrassed(embarrass).
8.I took part in the exploration after getting tired of weight loss classes which were mainly(main) filled with women.
9.One of the world’s greatest soccer coaches(coach),Tom,even believes that listening to music can teach players great lessons.
10.Without New Year paintings,our traditional Chinese folk culture would be much less colorful
11.The graduate will make a?good?teacher.
12.Don’t feel bad.Everything will be all?right.
13.The people present?at?the?meeting were shown around the city.
14.Jenny always takes things too?seriously,which makes us confused.
15.We were fortunate?enough to find a solution to the question.
A teenager needs to have a sense of independence in their life to feel secure.To some teenagers independence means a lot to them,and I think that some parents don’t allow their teenagers enough independence.
Independence has something to do with freedom.Some kids are not allowed to go anywhere alone,and the only thing their schedule includes is going to school,coming home,going to sleep,and repeating the process the next day.Parents tend to be afraid that their kids can get hurt if they go outside into the world.But if parents control their kids too much,they may never learn to live on their own.The best way for a teenager to learn lessons is through experience.I think it is beneficial for teenagers to have freedom.
Teenagers’ lack of freedom can also stop them from having good friendship at school.Some might say that this is a good thing,because it helps them focus more on their school work.I argue that this can only discourage them not to do their school work.Some parents do not allow their children to be around their friends outside the school,thinking that this will get them into trouble.But I don’t think so.Instead,isn’t this a good reason for parents to get their children a cellphone?Cellphones allow teenagers to stay in touch with their parents,and communicate better with their friends.
Privacy is another issue between parents and their teenagers.Teenagers tend to enjoy relaxation by themselves in their own room.This also gives them a sense of independence.It often annoys teenagers when their parents enter their room when they are not home.I know that my mom always goes in my room when I’m not home,and this has brought me to the point where I have asked many times to get a lock on my door.
语篇解读 本文介绍了青少年需要自由和独立这个话题。父母不应该对孩子管束太多,应该适当给孩子一些自己的空间,要发展孩子的独立能力。
16.What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
A.Kids know how to live independently.
B.Some parents allow their kids no freedom.
C.It benefits teenagers to have freedom.
D.Kids have a dull routine every day.
答案 C
解析 段落大意题。第二段的主题句是最后一句“I think it is beneficial for teenagers to have freedom.”根据第二段的内容也可知道,本段主要说的是自由对于青少年的发展很有好处。故选C。
17.In the opinion of the author,????????.
A.parents should make it easy for kids to communicate with their friends
B.good friendships between kids harm their school work
C.it is unnecessary for a kid to have a cellphone
D.kids should focus on the school work
答案 A
解析 推理判断题。根据第三段最后两句可知,作者认为家长应该给孩子手机,让孩子和朋友保持联系。
18.How do teenagers usually feel when their parents enter their rooms in their absence?
A.Disappointed. B.Lucky.
C.Angry. D.Calm.
答案 C
解析 细节理解题。根据最后一段第四句“It often annoys teenagers when their parents enter their room when they are not home.”可知,父母在孩子不在家时进入孩子房间会让孩子很生气。故选C项。
19.The author hopes to have her door locked in order to ????????.
A.keep her father from reading her dairy
B.prevent her mother from entering her room
C.protect herself from any harm
D.stop thieves from going in
答案 B
解析 推理判断题。根据第四段最后一句可知,作者要求锁门是因为不想让母亲进入自己的房间。
School kids have always complained about having tons of homework.A study offers ways to reduce the load(负荷) children are carrying to avoid hurting young shoulders and backs.
Children generally carry about 22 percent of their body weight in backpacks—for a teenager,that can reach more than 30 pounds of books,food,calculators,and other necessities of modern life.When that amount of pressure is placed on one or two narrow shoulder straps(带子),the weight can easily reduce blood flow to kids’ skin and muscles(肌肉).
“Even at 10 percent of body weight,the pressures were still high,and that hasn’t been measured before,” said Brandon Macias.According to the study,the pressures were measured when the packs were loaded with 10 percent of the students’ body weight,then 20 percent,and finally 30 percent.An unusual finding came?to?light—even when both straps were used,pressure on the students’ shoulders was not equal.It seems like the right shoulder becomes loaded more,which over a period of years may cause back pain.
The research team came up with the following advice based on its study.The backpack should be placed high on the back,reducing the stress on the shoulders and back.And backpack straps should be positioned over both shoulders,lowering the amount of weight carried by one shoulder.Wider straps also reduce the pressure on the shoulders.And finally,the weight in backpacks should be reduced.
语篇解读 本文通过研究不同重量的背包对孩子背部及肩膀的影响,旨在提供减轻孩子们肩膀和背部的疼痛的方法。
20.The study mentioned above was carried out for the purpose of ????????.
A.helping kids grow taller
B.improving students’ grades
C.reducing kids’ chances of having back pain
D.helping students with pressure in their studies
答案 C
解析 推理判断题。本文通过研究不同重量的背包对孩子背部及肩膀的影响,旨在提供减轻孩子们肩膀和背部的疼痛的方法。故选C。
21.Which of the following statements about the students’ backpacks is True?
A.The bag with one shoulder strap is more suitable for students.
B.The weight of the backpack should be 22% of their body weight.
C.The two straps of a bag don’t share the same weight from a bag.
D.Students usually carry a bag about 10 percent of their body weight.
答案 C
解析 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“...even when both straps were used,pressure on the students’ shoulders was not equal.(即使两个肩带都被使用,对学生的肩膀的压力也不均等)。”故选C。
22.The underlined phrase “came to light” in Paragraph 3 means “????????”.
A.was changed B.was tested
C.was impossible D.was known
答案 D
解析 词义猜测题。破折号后面说的是研究的结果,即一个不寻常的发现被人们知道了:即使两个肩带都被使用,对学生的肩膀的压力也不均等。come to light清楚起来;曝光。故选D。
23.The following are suggested by the research team EXCEPT ????????.
A.using wider straps
B.reducing the weight of the school bags
C.positioning the school bags high on the back
D.using more than one bag for kids
答案 D
解析 细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“The backpack should be placed high on the back...Wider straps also reduce the pressure on the shoulders.And finally,the weight in backpacks should be reduced.”可知A、B、C三项都是研究小组给出的建议,只有D项文章中未提及。故选D。
Memories have great power over us.Childhood memories are the first memories we make.They can be like pleasant dreams with a smile or nightmares(噩梦).As parents,we can influence our children’s memories.??24?? Or we can fill it with criticisms(批评) and quarrels.
We can never be sure of what kind of memories we will remember or which events will stand out.Think of our strongest memories.??25?? Or is it of the smallest incidents—a conversation or shared laughter?
School takes up a lot of the childhood years.In an effort to make sure our children do not fall behind their classmates,we ask them to do their homework,stop playing so much and maybe send them to all kinds of classes.??26?? We should let them know that we value them beyond their grades in school.
??27?? But what is more important?Our children could enjoy their childhood.They only have a few short years to enjoy their childhood.Our children’s childhood memories should be of more than just studying.They should remember the parties they had,childish fun they had with their friends and the loving family outings they enjoyed.
What kind of memories the children form depends on their attitudes.??28?? So they form happy childhood memories.
A.However,memories are important.
B.Yes,school and grades are important.
C.We can fill their memories with laughter.
D.We often spend little time listening to them.
E.We can help them develop positive attitude.
F.Can you recall some little things in your childhood?
G.Is it of major occasions like holidays and birthdays?
语篇解读 儿时的记忆会对我们的一生产生重要影响,因此,家长一定要帮助孩子构建美好的童年回忆。
24.答案 C
解析 根据上下文可知,父母能影响孩子的记忆,可以让孩子的记忆充满欢乐,也可能留给他们糟糕的回忆。此句与上下文是并列关系,故选C。
25.答案 G
解析 上一句提到想想我们最强烈的记忆,G项承接上文,提到了假期和生日这种特殊的场合,同时引出下句中的小事件。另外,由G选项的句式和后文句式一致,也可推出答案。
26.答案 D
解析 上文提到孩子们总是在做作业、上各种各样的培训班,所以父母很少有时间倾听孩子们的心声。
27.答案 B
解析 结合下两句可知,学校和分数固然重要,但是孩子们能拥有快乐的童年更加重要,故B项与下文构成递进关系。
28.答案 E
解析 态度决定了孩子们形成什么样的记忆,因此大人要帮助孩子形成积极的态度,使他们拥有快乐的童年记忆,故E项符合题意。
Period Two Listening and Speaking & Reading and Thinking—Language Points
1.debate n.& v.辩论;争论
2.content n.内容;主题;[pl.]目录
3.greenhouse n.温室;暖房
4.actually adv.事实上;的确
5.challenge n.& v.挑战
6.title n.名称;标题;职称;头衔
7.recommend vt.推荐;建议;介绍
8.quit v.停止;戒掉;离开
9.schedule n.工作计划;日程安排
10.editor n.主编;编辑;编者
11.teenage adj.十几岁的;青少年的
→teenager n.青少年
12.volunteer n.志愿者
→voluntary adj.志愿的
13.prefer vt.较喜欢
→preference n.偏爱
14.suitable adj.合适的
→suit v.适合
15.confuse v.使糊涂;使迷惑
→confusing adj.难以理解的
→confused adj.糊涂的;迷惑的
16.fluent adj.流利的;熟练的
→fluency n.流利
17.graduate v.毕业;获得学位
→graduation n.毕业
18.advance n.前进
→advanced adj.高级的;先进的
19.responsible adj.负责的;有责任的
→responsibility n.责任;义务
20.solution n.解决办法;答案
→solve v.解决
26.on one’s own靠自己;独自一人
27.hand out分发
28.get used to习惯于
29.keep up with跟上
30.be prepared for为……作好准备
31.First,I had to think very carefully about which?courses?I?wanted?to?take.
32.I know that Chinese?is?a?very?difficult?language,but I hope to be fluent when?I?graduate.
33.My adviser recommended that I?(should)?sign?up?for?advanced?literature because I like English and I’m?good?at?it.
34.I’ll find a way to improve on my own so?that?I?can?make?the?team?next?year.
35.Studying?hard isn’t always fun,but I’ll be?well?prepared?for university or whatever?else?

?volunteer n.志愿者 vt.& vi.自愿(做、提供、参加等)
※volunteer to do...自愿做……
※voluntary adj.自愿的;志愿的,自发的
(1)She now helps in a local campus as a volunteer three days a week.
(2)Aunt Mary volunteered to?clean(clean) up the kitchen.玛丽阿姨主动要求清扫厨房。
(3)The prisoner made a voluntary(volunteer) statement.那个犯人做了主动的供述。

?debate vt.& vi.辩论,争论 n.争论,辩论
※debate with sb.?about/on/over sth.?就某事与某人辩论
※have a debate on/about/over sth.?进行一场关于某事的辩论
under debate正在辩论中
beyond debate无可争辩的
(1)I debated with Mary about this question.
(2)One of the questions under debate is whether education is a lifetime study.
(3)It was beyond?debate that the climate has changed markedly over the last century.
(4)The committee will debate whether to follow the new limit.

?prefer vt.宁愿(要);较喜欢
※prefer to do/doing sth.?更喜欢做某事
prefer sb.?to do...宁愿(某人)做……
prefer (doing) A to (doing) B 宁愿(做)A而不愿(做)B
prefer to do A rather than do B 宁愿做A而不愿做B
※preference n.偏爱;偏好的事物
have a preference for偏爱……
(1)I would prefer him to be with us next season.
(2)Most people prefer buying(buy) to sewing(sew).
(3)Do you have a preference(prefer) for a particular food?你有没有偏爱的食物?
(4)She preferred to go with us rather than stay behind.
→She preferred going with us to staying behind.

?content n.内容;(pl.)目录 adj.满足的;满意的 vt.使……满足
[一词多义] 写出下列句子中黑体词的词性及汉语意思
(1)Teaching content should be clear.n.内容
(2)It is advisable to look at the contents page of a book before buying it.n.目录
(3)The little boy contented himself with a new toy.vt.使满足
※be content with对……感到满足/满意
be content to do乐于做某事
※content oneself with使自己满足于……
(4)I like the style of his writing but I don’t like the content.
(5)I am very content with the result of the experiment.我对这次试验结果很满意。
(6)She is quite content to?live(live) at home with her parents.她很乐意和她父母住在家里。

Which club do you think is suitable for Adam?你认为哪个俱乐部适合亚当?
?suitable adj.合适的;适用的
※be suitable for...对……适合的
be suitable to do sth.?适合做某事
※suit n.套装;西装 vt.(服装、颜色等)与某人相称或适合;中……的意;合乎……的要求
suit sb.?(fine)合某人的意;对某人很合适
(1)This arrangement suits these exchange students perfectly.
(2)These films are?suitable?for adults only.
(3)The kind of shoes are suitable to?travel(travel).这种鞋适合旅行。

?challenge n.挑战;艰巨任务;质疑 vt.向……挑战;怀疑
※challenge sb.?to (do) sth.?向某人挑战(做)某事;(尤指在对方不情愿时)强烈建议(某人做某事)
※mount/accept a challenge发起/接受挑战
※challenging adj.具有挑战性的
(1)The crossing of this dangerous river is a challenge to most of us.
(2)Mike challenged me to a game of chess.迈克硬逼着要和我下盘棋。
(3)The new play poses some challenging(challenge) questions.

The first week was a little confusing.第一周让人有点困惑。
?confusing adj.难以理解的;不清楚的;令人困惑的
※confuse vt.使困惑;使糊涂;混淆
confuse sb.?/sth.? with sb.?/sth.?将……与……混淆
※confused adj.迷惑的;混乱的;糊涂的
be confused about对……迷惑不解
※confusion n.混淆,混乱;困惑
in confusion困惑地
(1)I was getting confused by such a confusing problem.
(2)She always confuses John with his twin brother.她总是把约翰和他的孪生兄弟搞混。
(3)He looked at me in confusion(confuse) and did not answer the question.
[易混辨析] confusing,confused
(4)The confused(confuse) expression on his face suggested that he was not able to work out the problem.
My adviser recommended that I should sign up for advanced literature because I like English and I’m good at it.因为我喜欢英语而且成绩不错,我的指导老师建议我选修高级文学。
?recommend vt.推荐;介绍;劝告;建议
※recommend sb.?sth.?=recommend sth.?to sb.?向某人推荐某物
recommend doing sth.?建议做某事
recommend sb.?to do sth.?建议某人做某事
recommend sb.?/sth.?as...推荐某人/某物当……
recommend that...(should) do...建议……做……
※recommendation n.推荐;介绍;推荐信;介绍信;劝告
(1)Our hosts shared many of their experiences and recommended wonderful places to eat,shop,and visit.
(2)We strongly recommend reporting(report) the incident to the police.我们强烈建议将此事报警。
(3)I should recommend it as a useful reference book.我愿意推荐它作为一本有用的参考书。
(4)I recommend you to?buy(buy) this dictionary.
(5)I recommend that you (should)?inquire(inquire) about the job.我建议你打听一下这项工作。
recommend后可接双宾语,即recommend sb.?sth.?也可改为recommend sth.?to sb.?;若后接从句,从句要用虚拟语气,即从句谓语动词用should do,should也可省略。
?advanced adj.高级的;先进的
※advanced education 高等教育
※advance v.前进;取得进展;推进 n.前进;进步;上升
in advance预先;事先;预付
in advance of超前于……;比……先进
make advances取得进步
(6)There were only three of us on the advanced course.只有我们三人学高级课程。
(7)Only those who had booked in?advance were allowed in.只有那些预先订票的人才可以进去。
(8)Science has made great advances(advance) in the last fifty years.

Obviously,I was unhappy,but I won’t quit.显然,我很不高兴,但我不会放弃。
?quit vt.& vi.退出;离开;停止;放弃
quit doing...停止做……
quit office/one’s job离职
(1)Susan had quit her well-paid job and was working as a volunteer in the neighborhood when I visited her last year.(2018·北京)
(2)I was trying to quit smoking(smoke) at the time.当时我正在努力戒烟。
I know I’ll have to study harder as a senior high school student and get used to being responsible for a lot more.我知道作为一名高中生,我必须更加努力地学习,并习惯于承担更多的责任。
?responsible adj.有责任的;负责的
※be responsible for对……负责
※responsibility n.责任;负责;职责
take/assume responsibility for (doing) sth.?承担……的责任
a sense of responsibility责任感
It is sb.?’s responsibility to do sth.?做某事是某人的职责
(1)Do you want to be responsible for your own life decisions?
(2)Bill refused to take responsibility for the accident.
(3)It?was?her?responsibility to notify all the members.她的职责是通知所有的会员。

I need to make a workable schedule.我需要制定一个可行的计划表。
?schedule n.日程安排;工作计划;时刻表 vt.安排;预定
※ahead of schedule提前
behind schedule迟于预定时间
on schedule准时;按时间表
※be scheduled for预定;安排
be scheduled to do...预定做……
(1)Please go and get me a schedule of the new term.请去给我拿份新学期的课程表。
(2)We finished the project ahead?of schedule.
(3)I have accomplished the task on?schedule.
(4)The game is scheduled(schedule) for Saturday.
(5)The new novel is scheduled to?appear(appear) in May.这本新小说预定将于五月份上市。
Going from junior high school to senior high school is a really big challenge.从初中过渡到高中真是一项巨大的挑战。
此句中作主语的是动名词短语Going from junior high school to senior high school。动名词?短语?作主语往往表示经常性、习惯性的动作,在口语中也可以表示具体的动作。动名词?短语?作主语时,谓语动词用单数。
(1)Helping her is my duty and I am ready to do it.帮助她是我的责任,我也乐意做。
(2)Working with you is(be) a pleasure.和你一起工作很快乐。
It’s no use/no good/fun/a waste of time doing...
(3)It is no good telling lies to your teacher.
I’ll find a way to improve on my own so that I can make the team next year.我会找到一个方法来提高自己,这样明年我就能进入球队。
本句中连词so that引导目的状语从句,意为“为了……”,相当于“in order that”。此从句中常含有情态动词can,could,may,might等,目的状语从句之前不用逗号将其与主句隔开。
(1)He worked hard at his lessons so that he could gain high grades in the exams.
(2)Cathy had quit her job when her son was born so?that/in?order?that she could stay home and raise her family.当儿子出生后凯西辞去了工作,以便她能够待在家里照顾家人。
(1)如果主从句主语一致,那么so that从句可以改为so as to do形式。
I shall write down your name so that I can keep in touch with you later on.
→I shall write down your name so as to keep in touch with you later on.
(2)so that还可引导结果状语从句,此时从句中往往不带情态动词,可用逗号把主从句隔开。
He didn’t obey the contract,so that he was fined.他没有遵守条约,因此被罚了款。
1.People develop a preference for a particular strategy of learning at an early age.
2.Helen volunteered to?have(have) Thanksgiving at her house this year.
3.The committee will debate whether to?lower(lower) the age of club membership to 16.
4.Dr.Yuan’s kind of rice is the most suitable(suit) for China’s farmland.
5.Looking at her annoyed expression,we were confused(confuse).
6.I recommend you to?buy(buy) this dress,whose colour is suitable for you.
7.He’s been given six months to live if he doesn’t quit drinking(drink).
8.He came well in advance of the rest of the group in order to clean up the meeting room.
9.I thought I played tennis better than him so I challenged him to a game of tennis.
10.It is my responsibility to?lock(lock) the doors.
11.Her first album is scheduled for release in September.
12.She sat quietly, content to?watch(watch) him working.
13.The students prefer?their?English?classes?to?be?taught in English only.
14.It?is?a?waste?of?time?reading that book.读那本书是浪费时间。
15.Study hard so/in?order?that?you?can?pass the entrance examination.
16.It?is?your?responsibility to master the skills and use them well.
17.Doctors recommend that all the patients (should)?try?the?new?medicine.
1.A lecturer should not show preference(偏爱) for any one of his pupils.
2.The guy is not a student.He is a doctor,actually(实际上).
3.The female designer can speak English fluently(流利地).
4.Obviously(明显地),they’ve had sponsorship(赞助) from some big companies.
5.There are no simple solutions(解决办法) to the problem of anxiety.
6.As a teenager(青少年) he attended Tulse Hill Senior High School.
7.When the boys graduated(毕业) from high school,Ann moved to a small town in Vermont.
8.The environment protection is a popular topic(话题) these days.
9.Schools need some volunteers(志愿者) to help children to read.
10.Her partner was the former editor(编辑) of the Saturday Review.
prefer...to...,clean up,be suitable for,sign up for,be responsible for,in advance,on schedule,be confused about
11.The advantage of booking tickets in?advance is that you can get better seats.
12.Nobody is?responsible?for your happiness,except yourself.
13.They have signed?up?for the battle against AIDS.
14.There is some doubt whether he is?suitable?for the job in the organisation.
15.After the meeting,the students cleaned?up the place.
16.I became a teacher because I preferred books and people to politics.
17.As students spend most of their time on study,most of them are?confused?about finding jobs.
18.I was happy to finish the forest exploration on?schedule.
19.Are there any volunteers for the job referred to at the meeting?
20.Rather than stay(stay) at home,she preferred to?go(go) with us.
21.At first he tried to hide,but he couldn’t find a suitable(suit) place.
22.Don’t confuse Austria with Australia.
23.I waited for him with a letter of recommendation(recommend).
24.Advanced(advance) technology was brought into the local factory last year.As a result,the daily output has doubled by now.
25.Doctors are doing experiments to find out what happens physically when people quit smoking (smoke).
26.He has no responsibility(responsible) for that accident on campus.
27.Collecting stamps is(be) one of his hobbies.
28.This examination is so difficult that it is a real challenge for us.
29.Whether he deserves what has happened to him is still being debated.
→Whether he deserves what has happened to him is still under debate.
30.I prefer that you should not stay there too long.
→I prefer you not to stay there too long.
31.I recommend that you should go by subway.
→I recommend your going by subway.
→I recommend you to go by subway.
32.Playing computer games is a waste of time.
→It is a waste of time playing computer games.
33.I got up early so that I could catch the early bus.
→I got up early so as to catch the early bus.
Most children are now working longer hours than their parents with some slaving for over 46 hours a week,according to a new survey.
The research shows that parents are creating crazy schedules for their children with after school activities in addition to school tasks.This means children are actually working harder than the average parents who only work for 37.5 hours a week.
The average child already completes 30 hours and 50 minutes a week at school from Monday to Friday,as well as 7 hours and 51 minutes of clubs and homework.Actively reading with parents daily takes a further 5 hours and 49 minutes a week.The Center Parcs study of 2,000 parents also found the average child also helps with housework for up to an hour and 37 minutes each week.
Colin Whaley,marketing director from Center Parcs,said,“We made this report to further understand family life and what challenges parents and children are facing and overcoming,so we can always make sure we’re offering what they need.What has undoubtedly come out of this is the need for families—parents and children alike—to take time out to relax.”
In response to the findings,Center Parcs let child psychologist(心理学家) Dr Sam Wass develop a Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for free time which needs 3 hours and 51 minutes every day.The RDA provides a variety of free-time activities,which will allow children to use their imagination and develop creative thinking.The RDA really creates the best environment to relax and the best short break possible for children.
语篇解读 一项新的调查发现,孩子们每周上课、参加课余活动、做作业和帮忙做家务花费了他们大量的时间,甚至比父母的工作时间还长。
34.According to the survey,what problem are most children faced with?
A.They spend little time in doing homework.
B.They spend too much time enjoying after-school activities.
C.They have no time to help their parents around the house.
D.They are working more hours than their parents each week.
答案 D
解析 细节理解题。根据第一段的内容可知,孩子们每周的工作时间比父母长,故选D。
35.It takes children the most time in a week ????????.
A.to study at school
B.to do housework
C.to read with parents
D.to finish their homework
答案 A
解析 细节理解题。文章第三段介绍了孩子们每周的工作时间分配,根据该段内容可知,孩子们在学校学习的时间是最长的。故选A。
36.In the opinion of Colin Whaley,????????.
A.schools should increase the time of activities
B.both parents and children need spare time to relax
C.parents do right things for their children all the time
D.parents should spend more time keeping children company
答案 B
解析 细节理解题。根据第四段科林·惠尔的话“What has undoubtedly come out of this is the need for families—parents and children alike—to take time out to relax.”可知,父母和孩子都需要时间放松。故选B。
37.Who can gain the greatest benefit from the RDA?
A.Teachers. B.Psychologists.
C.Parents. D.Children.
答案 D
解析 细节理解题。根据最后一段最后一句“The RDA really creates the best environment to relax and the best short break possible for children.”可知,RDA是为孩子服务的,所以受益者也是孩子。故选D。
When two ninth-grade students found smoke coming out of the back of their school bus early Tuesday morning,their bus driver knew just what to do.Thanks to her ??38?? thinking,more than 50 students’ lives were ??39??.
While ??40?? a group of 56 students to their middle school in Duncan,South Carolina,on Tuesday,Teresa Stroble noticed the heavy ??41?? rising from the back of her bus.She ??42?? pulled the bus over,evacuated(疏散) the students,and radioed the transportation office to ask ??43?? to call 911. Firefighters arrived at the scene shortly after the fire began and quickly ??44?? the fire,which CBS News reported was so ??45?? that people driving by were able to feel its heat inside their cars.Parents of the children on the bus were ??46?? the fire,but thanks to Stroble,the news they received was all ??47??:not a single child had been hurt.
Since then,Stroble,who has been a bus driver for seven years ??48?? also works as a teacher’s assistant(助教),has been ??49?? for her brave actions.“We are so ??50?? of our bus driver,” headmaster Scott Turner told local CBS News.“She was ??51??.She also kept the students calm.She made sure they were safe.She didn’t leave the bus ??52?? they all left.She is our ??53?? today.”
The local fire department is still unsure what ??54?? the fire,but some say that this 1995 ??55?? has been known to have wiring and electrical problems.??56??,we’re so happy that Stroble was able to ??57?? on her feet and keep everyone safe and sound.
语篇解读 本文属于故事类记叙文。讲述了校车司机Teresa Stroble在知道校车尾部起火后,反应迅速,及时疏散学生,挽救了56个学生的生命。
38.A.careful B.deep
C.kind D.quick
答案  D
解析 校车后面冒出了烟,由于司机的快速反应,50多名学生的生命得以挽救。根据句意可知,车后冒烟,要快速地处理,故选D。
39.A.saved B.shown
C.gotten D.checked
答案  A
解析 save拯救,挽救; show表明,演示;get得到,取得;check检查。句意参考上题解析,故选A。
40.A.bringing B.driving
C.inviting D.walking
答案  B
解析 开车载着56名学生去他们的中学时,Teresa注意到从她车后冒出的浓烟。根据第一段两名九年级学生发现车后部冒烟,可知是开车接送孩子上学。bring带来,引来; drive开车运送; invite邀请;walk走路,散步。故选B。
41.A.gas B.water
C.smoke D.heat
答案  C
解析 gas气,气体;water水;smoke烟;heat热。句意参考上题解析。故选C。
42.A.gradually B.suddenly
C.finally D.immediately
答案  D
解析 gradually渐渐地;suddenly突然地;finally最后;immediately立刻。此处指她立即停车,疏散学生。故选D。
43.A.anyone B.someone
C.everyone D.another
答案  B
解析 anyone任何人;someone某人,有人; everyone每人,人人;another另一个。此处指她让人打911。分析句意可知是让别人,不定代词,某人,故选B。
44.A.found out B.turned down
C.put out D.cut down
答案  C
解析 find out查明; turn down拒绝,声音调低;put out出版,扑灭;cut down砍倒。消防队员在火灾发生后不久就赶到现场,迅速扑灭了大火。
45.A.large B.wide
C.fast D.bright
答案  A
解析 large巨大的; wide 宽的;fast快速的;bright明亮的。火是如此之大,以至于开车经过的人们坐在汽车内部都能感受到它的热度。故选A。
46.A.tired of B.angry about
C.surprised at D.worried about
答案  D
解析 be tired of厌烦;be angry about对……生气;be surprised at对……惊讶;be worried about对……担心。车上孩子们的父母都担心这次火灾。故选D。
47.A.new B.simple
C.good D.active
答案  C
解析 new新的;simple简单的;good好的;active积极的,活跃的。但多亏了校车司机,他们得到的消息都是好的。分析上文可知,是司机的快速处理才挽救了学生们的性命。故选C。
48.A.or B.and
C.but D.so
答案  B
解析 or 或者; and和,也(表并列);but然而(表转折);so因此。她已经做了七年的巴士司机,而且她也是一名助教。分析句意可知选and,表并列。
49.A.praised B.encouraged
C.helped D.supported
答案  A
解析 praise赞扬,赞美; encourage鼓励;help帮助; support支持。Stroble因为她的英勇行为而受到赞扬。故选A。
50.A.sure B.fond
C.certain D.proud
答案  D
解析 sure 确信,有把握的;fond喜爱的;certain当然的; proud自豪的。我们为我们的校车司机感到自豪。故选D。
51.A.serious B.mad
C.calm D.positive
答案  C
解析 serious严肃的,认真的;mad疯狂的,猛烈的;calm冷静的,镇静的;positive积极的,正面的。她很镇静。她让学生们也保持镇静。故选C。
52.A.after B.until
C.if D.because
答案  B
解析 after在……以后;not...until...直到……才……;if 如果,是否;because因为。直到学生们全部离开,她才离开校车。分析句意可知是“直到……才……”,故选B。
53.A.hero B.friend
C.teacher D.leader
答案  A
解析 hero英雄;friend朋友;teacher老师;leader领导。今天她是我们的英雄。分析上文可知,她救了学生们的性命,所以称她为英雄。故选A。
54.A.controlled B.fixed
C.ordered D.caused
答案  D
解析 control控制;fix固定;order命令,点菜;cause引起,造成。当地消防部门仍不确定到底是什么引起了火灾。故选D。
55.A.topic B.bus
C.source D.detail
答案  B
解析 topic话题;bus巴士,公共汽车; source来源;detail细节。但也有人说这辆1995巴士有电线和电路问题。故选B。
56.A.Also B.Besides
C.However D.Later
答案  C
解析 also也,和;besides 此外,而且;however然而,虽然;later后来。然而,我们很高兴Stroble能够反应迅速,让每个人都安然无恙。故选C。
57.A.think B.focus
C.stand D.look
答案  A
解析 句意参考上题解析。think on one’s feet头脑反应很快,才思敏捷。故选A。
Mr Johnson lived in the woods with his wife and children.He owned 58.???????? farm,which looked almost abandoned.59.????????(lucky),he also had a cow which produced milk every day.He sold or exchanged some of the milk in the towns nearby 60.???????? other food and made cheese and butter for the family with what 61.????????(leave).The cow was their only means of support,in fact.One day,the cow 62.????????(eat) grass when it began to rain heavily.While making great efforts to run away,she 63.????????(fall) over the hill and died.Then the Johnsons had to make a living 64.???????? the cow.In order to support his family,Mr Johnson began to plant herbs and vegetables.Since the plants took a while to grow,he started cutting down trees 65.????????(sell) the wood.Thinking about his children’s clothes,he started growing cotton too.When harvest came around,he was already selling herbs,vegetables and cotton in the market 66.???????? people from the towns met regularly.Now it occurred to 67.?????? that his farm had much potential and that the death of the cow was a bit of luck.
语篇解读 本文为记叙文。主要讲述了主人公约翰逊先生的生活经历。虽然他意外地失去了以往用以谋生的奶牛,却在之后的生活中收获了更多,可谓“塞翁失马,焉知非福”。
58.答案 a
解析 考查冠词。本空后为可数名词单数farm,且第一次提到,故填a。
59.答案 Luckily
解析 考查副词。本空修饰整个句子,应用副词形式,故填Luckily。
60.答案 for
解析 考查介词。exchange...for...用……交换……。
61.答案 was left
解析 考查动词的时态和语态。谓语动词和主语之间为被动关系,应用被动语态,又因为动作发生在过去,应用一般过去时,故填was left。
62.答案 was eating
解析 考查连词。be doing...when...正在做……这时……。
63.答案 fell
解析 考查动词的时态。全篇都用了过去时态,再结合and后的died知,用一般过去时。故填fell。
64.答案 without
解析 考查介词。根据上文可知,约翰逊先生失去了他的奶牛,且此空后为the cow,故用介词without。
65.答案 to sell
解析 考查非谓语动词。根据“他开始砍伐树木以卖木材”可知,此处用不定式作目的状语,故应填to sell。
66.答案 where
解析 考查定语从句的关系词。先行词是表地点的名词market,关系词在定语从句中作状语,故填where。
67.答案 him
解析 考查人称代词。It occurred to sb.? that...某人想到……,由后文中的his可知,此处用him。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
1.At what time does the man suggest they leave?
A.11∶30 a.m.
B.2∶00 p.m.
C.1∶00 p.m.
2.How does the man find the weather in Shanghai?
A.It’s damp.
B.It’s dry.
C.It’s cold.
3.Where does the conversation take place?
A.At a bus stop.
B.In a taxi.
C.On a bus.
4.Which of the following countries is not mentioned?
A.Sweden.   B.Italy.   C.France.
5.What does the woman mean?
A.She thought the lecture not too long.
B.She agreed to the man’s opinion.
C.She quite enjoyed the lecture.
第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
6.What does the man plan to do this Saturday morning?
A.Get up late.
B.Cut some wood.
C.Take a walk.
7.What did people say about the wolf?
A.It killed a lot of small animals.
B.It was attracted by the food left by people.
C.It killed little children.
8.What do we know about the woman?
A.She may not catch what others said.
B.She is telling a lie to the man.
C.She often tells jokes to people.
9.Which subject is suitable to start a conversation according to the woman?
C.Public affairs.
10.Why does Mark look unhappy?
A.Because he is worried about his English.
B.Because he is not a member of the club yet.
C.Because he is worried about the coming exam.
11.What does the woman suggest the man do?
A.Go to hotels.
B.Join a club.
C.Find a partner.
12.Where didn’t the man go?
A.To Edinburgh.
B.To St.Andrews.
C.To Highlands.
13.How is the life in Scotland?
B.Not so hurry-up.
14.How many people went to Scotland with the man?
A.1. B.2. C.3.
15.What do we know about the man?
A.He hopes to become a painter some day.
B.He isn’t very familiar with painting.
C.He doesn’t like the course at all.
16.Who is Lucy Green?
A.The painter Desiree.
B.The professor of the course.
C.The woman’s friend.
17.Where was probably the woman last night?
A.At home.
B.At Professor Brown’s.
C.At an exhibition.
18.Why are many roads closed in the north?
A.Because of heavy rain.
B.Because of strong winds.
C.Because of fallen stones from mountains.
19.Where have fifty houses been flooded?
A.In the south.
B.In the north.
C.In the east.
20.What happened in the west?
A.Many boats were missing.
B.Four people died in a river.
C.Two villages were under water.
答案 1.B 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.C 7.B 8.A
9.B 10.A 11.B 12.C 13.B 14.B 15.B 16.A
17.C 18.B 19.A 20.C
Text 1
W:Could we start at 11:30 a.m.?
M:There’s no need to be so hurried.Let’s make it two o’clock and we can still leave one and a half hours’ margin(余地).
Text 2
W:Do you like the weather in Shanghai?
M:I must say I’m used to the milder winter in Hong Kong.
Text 3
M:I nearly missed it this morning.I got to the corner just in time.
W:You are lucky.These drivers always leave on time since it takes so long to cross the city.
Text 4
W:Where will you and your family go and spend your summer vacation?
M:We are arranging for a holiday to Europe.We will stay in Italy for three days,France for five weeks,Switzerland for two days.
Text 5
M:It was really a long and boring lecture.I could hardly keep myself from falling asleep.
W:I don’t think that.Actually it is quite long since I heard anyone better.
Text 6
M:We shouldn’t get up late on Saturday morning.I’m going to walk in the woods behind our house this week.
W:I know you enjoy walking,but I heard our house manager say to watch out for the wild wolf.
M:What did he say about the wolf?
W:Someone prepared food for small animals and that attracted the wolf.
M:Are you sure it isn’t a joke?
W:I don’t think it’s a joke,but I really don’t understand what he means.
Text 7
W:What’s the matter,Mark? You don’t look very happy.
M:I’m not.I’m worried about my English.
W:What’s the problem?
M:I’m not practicing enough.
W:Why not?
M:Well,it’s difficult to meet English people.
W:You should go out more.
M:Where should I go?
W:You should go to bars.You should join a club.
M:But...English people never speak to me.
W:Ah! You should speak first.
M:What can I talk about?
W:The weather! English people are always interested in the weather.
Text 8
W:Hi.Tom.Did you have a nice holiday?
M:Yes,couldn’t have been better.Thank you.
W:Where did you go during the holidays?
M:I went to Scotland.
W:Did you go there alone?
M:No.I went there with my parents.We traveled around in Scotland.We spent a week in Edinburgh,then went to St.Andrews.
W:It’s said that Highlands is a very good place to see.Did you go up there?
M:No.We stayed at a hotel for a few days and came back to London down the west coast.
W:How was the weather when you were there?
M:Quite good,and everybody was very kind.People aren’t in such a hurry-up there,you know.
W:You must have enjoyed your holidays.
Text 9
W:Oh,Mike! I didn’t know you had any interest in painting.
M:I don’t know much about it at all,so I thought it would be a good idea to take this course.
W:Did you go to the exhibition last night?
M:Unfortunately I couldn’t make it.They are open for one more day,so I’m going to see it tonight.What did you think of it?
W:I loved it.Desiree’s paintings catch your eye immediately,and then your eyes lock on them.
M:I can’t wait to see them myself.And did you say the painter’s name was Desiree?
W:She only uses that name when she paints.Her real name is Lucy Green.Desiree really sounds more exciting,don’t you think?
M:It sure does.Oh,it looks like Professor Brown is here.I’ll talk to you some more after class.
Text 10
Good evening! Tonight the main news is about the bad weather we are having.Storms are reported in all parts of the country.In the north,many roads are closed because of high winds.Two main roads near Glasgow are blocked by trees.In the south too,heavy rains and storms are reported.Near Dover,fifty houses have been flooded and last night a lorry was blown over by the wind.In the east,quite a few areas have been flooded.Many small boats have been lost and this morning one boat was found two miles on land.Things are better in the west.But two villages have been flooded by a river and four people nearly drowned in the flood.No storms are expected tomorrow.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分35分)
第一节 (共10小题;每小题2.5分,满分25分)
In the 1880s,Mark Twain managed his own publishing company.He also became interested in various investments(投资),especially a kind of typesetting machine.He lost almost $200,000 in investments in the machine between 1881 and 1894.Also,his publishing company declared bankruptcy(破产)in April 1894.Thus,in January 1895,Mark Twain found himself publicly shamed by his inability to pay his debts.
Mark Twain finally recovered from his financial difficulties,through his continued writing and a successful lecture tour in 1895 and 1896.During this much-publicized tour,Twain lectured in such places as India,South Africa and Australia.By the time he returned,he had become an international hero.Twain enjoyed this attention,and his habits of smoking cigars or a pipe and wearing unusual white suits contributed to his showy image.He also made use of his position as a public figure to criticize the US foreign policy.
Although he was recovering from his financial problems by 1898,Mark Twain had begun to experience tragedy(悲剧) in his personal life.Suzy,his oldest daughter,died of meningitis(脑膜炎) in 1896,while her parents and sister Clara were abroad.In 1903,Mark Twain sold the beloved house in Hartford,which had become too closely associated with Suzy’s death.His wife,Olivia,who had developed a heart condition,died on June 5,1904.His youngest daughter,Jean,died on Dec.24,1909.
语篇解读 这是一篇人物传记。本文讲述美国作家及演说家马克·吐温欠债和还债的经过以及他的个人生活所经历的悲剧。
21.Which of the following is NOT the reason why Mark Twain found himself in debt?
A.Because he devoted all his energy to his writings.
B.Because his publishing firm declared bankruptcy.
C.Because he lost almost $200,000 in investments in the machine between 1881 and 1894.
D.Because he lost a large quantity of money in various investments.
答案 A
解析 推理判断题。根据第一段内容可知B、C、D三项都是马克·吐温发现自己负债的原因,A项“因为他把所有的精力都投入到写作中”显然不是他发现自己负债的原因。故选A。
22.How did Mark Twain pay off his debts?
A.By borrowing money from the bank.
B.By investing in foreign countries.
C.By writing articles and a successful lecture tour.
D.By printing his own articles and selling them for money.
答案 C
解析 细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“Mark Twain finally recovered from his financial difficulties,through his continued writing and a successful lecture tour in 1895 and 1896.”可知,马克·吐温是通过写文章和一次成功的巡回演讲还清他的债务的。故选C。
23.It can be inferred that Mark Twain ????????.
A.hated giving lectures in the foreign countries
B.liked wearing black clothes
C.hated the US foreign policy at that time
D.hated smoking cigars
答案 C
解析 推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句“He also made use of his position as a public figure to criticize the US foreign policy.”可知,他利用自己公众人物的身份批判美国的外交政策,所以他讨厌那时美国的外交政策。故选C。
We don’t know how different our life will be in the future.We can only try to imagine it.
At first we think about human relationship.In the year 2050,we will use computers almost every day.We will make new friends through the Internet—even our husbands or wives will be met in this way.It will be much faster and easier for us.On the other hand,our relationships with people won’t be as important as they are today—we will feel a little lonely.
Computers will also help us in many other activities in 2050.For example,they will be used by the children at school to make their learning easier.In addition,there will be much more other machines which will play a similar role as computers,like robots which will do the housework for us.
Spending holidays will also be completely different.Traveling to other planets or to the moon will be available for everyone.Means of transport will,of course,change,too.We will use solar-powered cars,which will be much cleaner.
We could expect that the faster technological progress would lead to a more polluted environment.But it isn’t true.We will pay more attention to protecting the environment.And,scientists will probably find cures for many dangerous diseases,like cancer or AIDS.Therefore,our surroundings as well as health will be in better condition.
Although we can’t predict the exact changes which will be made in the world,we often think about them.We worry about our and our children’s future;we have expectations,hopes as well as fears.But I think we should be rather hope about our future.We should be happy and believe good things will happen.

24.Why will people probably feel a little lonely in 2050?
A.Because the number of people will become much smaller.
B.Because there will be less face-to-face communication.
C.Because people won’t like making friends with each other.
D.Because people won’t communicate with each other much often.
答案 B
解析 推理判断题。根据第二段的内容可知,在2050年,人们主要通过电脑进行交流,而很少进行面对面的交流,人与人之间的关系也就淡薄了,因此那时的人们会感到有点孤独。故选B。
25.The third paragraph mainly tells us ????????.
A.computers will do all the things for human beings
B.how people will use computers to communicate with each other
C.machines like computers and robots will help people a lot
D.how people will use robots to do the housework
答案 C
解析 段落大意题。根据第三段的内容可知,计算机和机器人等会给人类很大的帮助。故选C。
26.What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.How people will communicate in the year 2050.
B.What our life will be like in the year 2050.
C.How people will travel and spend their holidays in the year 2050.
D.What high technology will appear in the year 2050.
答案 B
解析 主旨大意题。根据文章第一句“We don’t know how different our life will be in the future.We can only try to imagine it.”及全文内容可知,文章畅想了2050年的生活会是什么样的。故选B。
Most people follow others blindly mainly under the effect of peer(同龄人) pressure.Some people also feel it safe to follow a large number of people.In some rare cases it might be right to follow the crowd(群众),but in most cases this can be one big mistake.Actually there are reasons why we shouldn’t follow the crowd blindly.
According to a study,people tend to follow the crowd when they aren’t sure about the direction they should take.This means a large number of people could be following others without understanding what’s right and what’s wrong!This attracts more people to follow them and the result is that most people move in a certain direction even if it isn’t right.
A man who wants to be successful always hopes for others’ guidance and he usually follows the same path of most people,but the question this man never asks himself is:are all of those people successful?Of course not!If you want to follow a crowd,then follow a successful one.However,in real life you’ll only find one successful person among hundreds of people,and that’s why following the crowd makes no sense at all.
Most people act without thinking wisely.If you always follow others because they’re greater than you in number,then sooner or later you’ll discover that you’re making decisions you might regret later.
However,should we never follow the crowd?No.I’m not trying to say you should never follow the crowd,but instead I’m just asking you to think wisely before you make a decision.If you find others are right,there is no problem in following them,but if you have doubts about the direction they’re moving in,don’t follow them blindly.
语篇解读 本文论述了“盲从他人是错误的”这一观点。盲从他人是不明智的,但这并不是说我们不能从众。正确的做法是:在决定是否从众之前必须三思。
27.According to the text,most people follow others blindly mainly because ????????.
A.they are affected by their peers
B.they don’t believe in themselves
C.they feel it safe to stay with others
D.they are weaker than other people
答案 A
解析 细节理解题。根据第一段第一句可知,大多数人盲从他人是因为他们受到了同龄人的影响。
28.What can we learn from Paragraph 4?
A.It needs some time to think wisely.
B.We shouldn’t regret what we have done.
C.We should think wisely before deciding to follow others.
D.Making others follow us is better than following others.
答案 C
解析 推理判断题。根据第四段可知,行动前缺乏明智的思考是盲从他人的原因之一。由此可推知,在决定是否从众之前,我们应当先好好思考一下。
29.Which of the following will the author agree with?
A.It is wrong to follow other people.
B.Those who follow others won’t succeed.
C.Only those foolish people will follow others.
D.One should use his head before following others.
答案 D
解析 推理判断题。根据最后一段可推知,虽然作者在上文中论述了盲从他人是错误的,但作者并不是反对从众,而是主张在决定从众之前要三思。
30.What is the text mainly about?
A.Effects of following others.
B.Benefits of making wise decisions.
C.Reasons why most people follow others.
D.Reasons why people shouldn’t follow others blindly.
答案 D
解析 主旨大意题。本文主要阐明了我们不该盲从他人的原因。主题句是第一段最后一句。
第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
You will experience a lot of changes through your teenage years.The changes may seem difficult.They may seem to happen quickly.Don’t panic!??31?? You are a young adult now!
With more duty,you will find more freedom to make your own choices.This is a time to be well informed about making choices.In this way you can make healthy balanced decisions.??32??
You may already know your career path or you may have no idea at all what you want to do.Both situations are fine! Work hard and the right chance will present itself to you.
??33?? You will probably want to be independent.But try not to shut your family out of your life.You should learn to think of others even though you are old enough to look after yourself.It is also perfectly natural at this time for you to spend more time with your friends than your family. Choose your friends wisely.??34??.
This period is a part of the life cycle.There are some people who will be with you throughout life’s journey.There will be some people with whom you part and go separate ways.Leaving school can be hard.The reality is that you may not even see all of your classmates again.
You are a young adult.It is your life.No one can live it for you.The choices that you make from now on will be your choices.??35?? Life is for living.Enjoy your life wisely!
A.They will help shape the future.
B.You will deal with them successfully!
C.You may appreciate friendship in your own life.
D.So making the right choices will be important to you.
E.A true friend will stand by you no matter what happens.
F.Young adulthood means greater freedom and more choices.
G.Your family has been with you since you came into this world.
语篇解读 本文告诉我们年华易逝,要珍惜大好的青少年时光,做出正确的抉择,过好自己的生活。
31.答案 B
解析 由前文可知,在整个青少年时代你将面临诸多变化,这些改变似乎很困难,它们似乎发生得很快。不要恐慌。再接合后文“你已经是成年人了。”可知,选项B “你会成功地处理它们。”符合语境,此处them是指上文中的a lot of changes。
32.答案 A
解析 由前面的句子“In this way you can make healthy balanced decisions.”可知,它们将有助于塑造未来。这里的they是指上句中的healthy balanced decisions,所以选A。
33.答案 F
解析 根据本空后的“You will probably want to be independent.”可知,F项“成年早期意味着更大的自由和更多的选择。”符合语境。
34.答案 E
解析 根据本空前一句“Choose your friends wisely.”可知,E项“无论发生什么事,真正的朋友都会支持你。”承接上文,符合语境。
35.答案 D
解析 根据本空前的“The choices that you make from now on will be your choice.”可知,D项“所以做出正确的选择对你来说很重要。”承接上文,符合语境。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分45分)
第一节 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
Dear Seth,
You are only three years old,and at this point in your life you are not able to understand this letter.But some day when you ??36??,I hope you will find something ??37?? in what I am going to share with you.
Life can be ??38??.There will be people in your life who won’t be very nice.They’ll ??39?? you because you are different,??40?? for no good reason.You will also face heartbreak and might be ??41?? by those you love.I hope you don’t have to face these too much.But such things ??42??.
Be open to life anyway.You’ll find cruelty(残忍) and ??43?? in your journey through life,but don’t let that ??44?? you from finding new things.Don’t retreat(退却) from life,and don’t ??45?? or wall yourself off.Be open to new things,new experiences and new people.You will ??46?? many times,but if you allow that to stop you from trying,you will ??47?? many chances.Do remember failure is a stepping stone to ??48??.
You will meet many people who will try to do ??49?? than you,in school,in college,and at work.They’ll try to have nicer cars,bigger houses,nicer clothes,and so on... To ??50??,life is a competition.However,I believe life is a ??51??.If you always try your best to ??52?? others,you are wasting your life.Learn to enjoy your life ??53?? and you will make it a journey of ??54?? of learning and of love.
Finally,know that I love you and always will.You are ??55?? a really wonderful journey,and I will always be there for you.
语篇解读 本文是一位父亲写给女儿的信,在信中,父亲教诲女儿要学会面对生活中的坎坷,不要退却,不要躲避,要勇敢地面对,要学会享受生活,使自己的生命成为一次学习和爱的快乐之旅。
36.A.cheer up B.show up
C.bring up D.grow up
答案 D
解析 但是有一天你长大了,我希望你能在我将要与你分享的东西中找到一些有价值的东西。cheer up使高兴;show up出现;bring up提出;grow up长大。故选D。
37.A.valuable B.familiar
C.normal D.novel
答案 A
解析 句意参考上题解析。valuable有价值的;familiar熟悉的;normal正常的;novel新奇的。故选A。
38.A.peaceful B.gentle
C.equal D.unkind
答案 D
解析 由下一句“There will be people in your life who won’t be very nice.”可知,有时候,生活可能会很无情。peaceful和平的;gentle温和的;equal平等的;unkind无情的。故选D。
39.A.run after B.look at
C.look after D.laugh at
答案 D
解析 由上文中的“There will be people in your life who won’t be very nice.”可知,他们会嘲笑你,因为你与众不同,或者没有更好的理由。run after追赶;look at看;look after照顾;laugh at嘲笑。故选D。
40.A.or B.so
C.if D.but
答案 A
解析 句意参考上题解析。or或者;so所以;if如果;but但是。故选A。
41.A.impressed B.hurt
C.found D.accepted
答案 B
解析 你同样会面临心碎时刻,有可能被你所爱的人伤害。impress使留下深刻印象;hurt伤害;find找到;accept接受。故选B。
42.A.happen B.work
C.matter D.disappear
答案 A
解析 我希望你不要面对太多这样的事情,但是这样的事情总会发生。happen发生;work工作;matter重要;disappear消失。故选A。
43.A.pain B.difference
C.hope D.luck
答案 A
解析 你会在你的生活旅程中发现残忍和痛苦,但是不要让这些阻止你发现新的事物。pain痛苦;difference不同;hope希望;luck幸运。故选A。
44.A.prevent B.encourage
C.protect D.choose
答案 A
解析 句意参考上题解析。prevent阻止;encourage鼓励;protect保护;choose选择。故选A。
45.A.forgive B.compete
C.struggle D.hide
答案 D
解析 不要逃避生活,不要躲藏,或是封闭自己。forgive原谅;compete竞争;struggle努力;hide隐藏。故选D。
46.A.escape B.prepare
C.seek D.fail
答案 D
解析 你将会失败很多次。escape逃避;prepare准备;seek寻找;fail失败。故选D。
47.A.take B.enjoy
C.miss D.meet
答案 C
解析 如果你让它阻止了你继续尝试,你会错过许多机会。take拿;enjoy享受;miss错过;meet遇见。故选C。
48.A.sorrow B.action
C.success D.curiosity
答案 C
解析 记住失败是成功的敲门砖。sorrow悲伤;action行动;success成功;curiosity好奇。故选C。
49.A.faster B.earlier
C.less D.better
答案 D
解析 在学校、大学和工作中你将会遇到许多人,他们会尽力比你做得更好。faster更快;earlier更早;less更少;better更好。由后文中的“They’ll try to have nicer cars,bigger houses,nicer clothes,and so on...”可知选D。
50.A.him B.me
C.you D.them
答案 D
解析 对于他们来说,生活就是一场竞争。故选D。
51.A.dream B.bet
C.journey D.challenge
答案 C
解析 然而,我相信人生是一场旅行。dream梦想;bet打赌;journey旅行;challenge挑战。故选C。
52.A.change B.pardon
C.beat D.follow
答案 D
解析 如果你总是尽你最大的努力去追随别人,那么你就是在浪费生命。change改变;pardon原谅;beat打败;follow追随。故选D。
53.A.somewhere B.instead
C.though D.afterwards
答案 B
解析 相反,你要学会享受生活。somewhere在某处;instead相反;though尽管;afterwards后来。故选B。
54.A.patience B.cruelty
C.happiness D.quietness
答案 C
解析 你将会使它成为一次学习和爱的快乐之旅。patience耐心;cruelty残酷;happiness快乐;quietness平静。故选C。
55.A.spotting B.starting
C.permitting D.destroying
答案 B
解析 你即将开始一次真正的精彩之旅,我将一直支持你。spot认出;start开始;permit允许;destroy毁坏。故选B。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分45分)
第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
In the age of the smart phone,there seems no reason to ask questions about: the weather forecast,a business’s phone number or directions,which can all be 56.????????(easy) found on Google,but very often people 57.????????(actual) ask these things by 58.????????(make) a call.Your answer may be replied to with a thank-you e-mail.
This isn’t the first time that great changes 59.????????(take) place in our manners due to technology.In 60.???????? late 1870s,when the telephone 61.????????(invent),people didn’t know how 62.????????(greet) a caller.Often there is just 63.????????(silent).Alexander Graham Bell,the inventor,suggested that people 64.????????(say) “Ahoy”,but finally “Hello” went out,the greeting used in everyday face-to-face communications now.
Try to be respectful no matter 65.???????? you communicate with.Just keep in mind that politeness never goes out of fashion.
语篇解读 本文属于说明文。主要介绍了智能手机时代现代科技对人们的生活方式所产生的巨大影响。
56.答案 easily
解析 考查词性转换。found是find的过去分词,由副词修饰,故答案为easily。
57.答案 actually
解析 考查词性转换。在英语中通常使用副词作状语,修饰形容词、副词、动词及整个句子。此处用副词修饰动词ask,故答案为actually。
58.答案 making
解析 考查非谓语动词。介词后应该用动词-ing形式,故答案为making。
59.答案 have taken
解析 考查动词的时态和语态。It/This/That is+the first(second...)time that...,“某人第一(二……)次做某事”。根据从句中的主语great changes(复数形式),可知答案为have taken。
60.答案 the
解析 考查冠词。in the late 1870s在十九世纪七十年代晚期,用定冠词the,故答案为the。
61.答案 was invented
解析 考查动词的时态和语态。the telephone和invent之间是被动关系,且动作发生在过去,所以用一般过去时态的被动语态,故答案为was invented。
62.答案 to greet
解析 考查非谓语动词。此处是“疑问词+动词不定式”作宾语,故答案为to greet。
63.答案 silence
解析 考查词性转换。此处是there be句型,用名词作主语,故答案为silence。
64.答案 (should) say
解析 考查宾语从句中的虚拟语气。suggest后面的宾语从句用虚拟语气,即从句谓语动词用“should+动词原形”,should可以省略,故答案为(should) say。
65.答案 who/whom
解析 考查让步状语从句。此处是no matter who/whom引导的让步状语从句,故答案为who/whom。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
假如你是你校英语报社的编辑Miss Wang,现在小冬因不善于交流在交友过程中遇到了困难,请你用英语给他写一封80词左右的回信,给他提出一些建议和意见。
Dear Xiaodong,
I’m sorry you are having trouble in making friends.However,the situation is easy to change if you take my advice.Here are some tips to help you.
??????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
???????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Miss Wang
First,why not learn about your classmates’ likes and dislikes?Then you can find you have much in common with them,and it can help you get along well with them.Second,taking an active part in the discussions in your class helps to show you are friendly.Third,it would be a good idea to help others when they are in trouble and show them you are kind-hearted and helpful to people all around.
With time going on,people will know you better and will like to make friends with you if you follow the tips above.
第二节 概要写作(满分25分)
Punishing children is a controversial(争议的) topic.Everybody has different opinions about how to act to correct a child’s behavior.People have disagreements about whether it is good for a child’s education to punish him.
The word “punish” means different things to different people.Punishment can be physical or emotional.Physical punishment is when the parent hits the child.On the other hand,emotional punishment is when the parent,in order to educate the child,doesn’t let him watch TV,go to play with his friends,or do things like that.
Although many surveys and studies have showed what the correct way is to raise a child,nobody has the answer or the truth.There is no such thing as agreed standard about raising a child,so I think it will be very difficult to get everyone to agree.
I think parents should love their child and give him or her the best education,but at the same time,they should punish the child properly if he or she deserves it.The parent’s goal is to have a good man or woman in society in the future,so sometimes you should do what is necessary to get your child to behave well.
People have mixed opinions towards punishment to children.There are mainly physical and emotional punishment.As a matter of fact,it is difficult to find the agreed standard to raise a child.Proper punishment can be instructive and necessary to children while love and education are the most important for us to make our kids behave well.
1.I feel much more confident(自信的) about myself and my abilities these days.
2.Unfortunately, the illness can lead to changes in personality(个性).
3.If you want to speak fluently(流利地),it’s important to be self-confident.
4.Her shouting attracted some curious(好奇的) glances from other people in the restaurant.
5.What the old headmaster said at the graduation(毕业) ceremony impressed me greatly.
6.This topic(话题) is very difficult to write about.
7.Over the years we have had several debates(辩论) about campus safety.
8.The younger generation(一代) smoke less than their parents do.
9.I thought the best way to improve(提高) my French was to live in France.
10.For health reasons,I have to quit(停止) the job in the experiment.
on schedule,be responsible for,be expert at,make an impression on,concentrate on,look forward to,be addicted to,be confused about,under debate,be suitable for
11.Do you think the suit I wear for work is?suitable?for the party?
12.The problem about when to hold the sports meeting is under?debate.
13.The expert is explaining what we are?confused?about.
14.I’m 19 years old and I used to be?addicted?to drug.
15.She’s always trying to make?an?impression?on people with her new clothes.
16.Luke wants to concentrate?on his film career.
17.We look?forward?to the opportunity to work with you!
18.Whatever topic we talked about,it seemed that he was?expert?at it.
19.Not only you but also he is?responsible?for this unfortunate incident.
20.She said with confidence that she could complete the project on?schedule.
21.We have to focus our attention on our goals.
22.She performed the most challenging(challenge) task without a mistake.
23.You should be content with what you have.
24.If we want to master the advanced(advance) strategy,we should start from the basic ones.
25.It takes a lot of efforts to recover the system.
26.I used to get up late,but now I am used to getting(get) up early.
27.Learning(learn) to give first-aid is an important part of a flight attendant’s training.
28.Obviously(obvious) the school cannot fun_ction without teachers.
29.I wondered what Rupert was doing then,and a few seconds later I found out.
30.Which voluntary(volunteer) activity are you going to take part in?
31.Although her father is in the company,she got the job on her own.
32.I’ll stay here and get the registration office cleaned up.
33.What if?we move the sofa over here? Do you think that would look any better?
34.These exercises are?designed(design) to strengthen muscles.
35.He seemed most anxious to?speak(speak) to me alone.
36.When he got off the bus he found?the?shop?closed.
37.If?(it?is)?true this will cause us a lot of trouble.
38.Whatever?you?say/No?matter?what?you?say I won’t believe you.
39.It?is?no?use?buying?books?but?not?reading them.
40.The?first?time?I?met?him,he almost knocked me down.
41.Can you tell me a little about what?she?was?wearing at the wedding?
42.The doctor recommended that she?(should)?stay?in?bed?for?a?week.
43.Could you leave your phone number so?that?he?can?call?you?back?
44.They had?fun?(in)?playing various interesting games.
45.He preferred to?stay?at?home rather than see?a?film.
46.The?poor?old?man lived there all the time.
47.He was as much?interested?in?music as ever.
48.I’m sure you are far?too?clever to have done that.
49.In those days we worked day?and?night,but still couldn’t get enough to eat.
50.She read slowly?but?clearly.她读得慢而清楚。
素养解读 2017版《普通高中课程标准》首次提出“学科核心素养”。英语学科核心素养由语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力构成。随之而来,以后的英语考试将更加坚持能力立意,突出核心素养的考查。下面文段就是围绕“思维品质”这一学科素养展开,帮助学生养成积极的生活态度,勇敢面对生活中的挑战和压力,保持乐观的情绪,快乐健康地生活。

I suffered from mental illness and depression when I was younger,and it totally affected my teenage years.But after a long struggle,I found a hobby that changed my life.
My depression really kicked in after my parents moved to the UK when I was about 11 years old.Having to get used to life in a foreign country was very difficult.The friends I knew were gone,and the changes in my environment led to my depression.I had problems in many parts of my life,which made it feel impossible for me to carry on.
At that time,I didn’t understand that depression was an illness.I remember a particular day when I couldn’t find enough strength to get myself home from playing in the park—it felt like I was carrying the world on my shoulders.
Other times,I even thought about killing myself—I just felt so trapped.I never really reached out for help either,as I felt that there wasn’t anyone who could have helped with my situation.
What turned my life around,however,was discovering street dancing.I was introduced to it by a friend,and I started taking classes at a studio in London.After a few weeks,I began to go out and meet a lot of other dancers to practice and train with them on a regular basis.It gave me a purpose,and eventually the happiness I gained from it helped me manage my depression.The dancing helped me get my life back,focus on my studies,and get through university.
My advice to anyone who might be going through something like I was is to reach out for help.The thing about life is that it changes,and you never know what might come your way.If someone had said to me during those dark moments that I would have gone on to achieve the things I have,I wouldn’t have ever believed it.
Just take each day as it comes,and remember that there’s always someone,or something,out there to help you.
语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文,作者随父母来到英国以后,生活上遇到了很多困难,患上了抑郁症,后来学习了街舞,街舞帮助他走出了抑郁。作者也建议有相似经历的人向他人求助。
1.How did the author deal with his depression at first?
A.He turned to his old friends for help.
B.He talked about it with his parents.
C.He put up with it by himself.
D.He read many articles about it.
答案 C
解析 推理判断题。根据文章第四段第二句“I never really reached out for help either,as I felt that there wasn’t anyone who could have helped with my situation.”可知,作者并没有向别人求助,而是独自一人把所有事情都扛在身上,忍受了所有的痛苦。故C项正确。
2.How did street dancing benefit the author?
A.It helped him find a good job.
B.It taught him how to control his emotions perfectly.
C.It let him find many true friends.
D.It cheered him up and made him feel positive.
答案 D
解析 推理判断题。根据文章第五段最后两句“It gave me a purpose,and eventually the happiness I gained from it helped me manage my depression.The dancing helped me get my life back,focus on my studies,and get through university.”可知街舞让作者从抑郁里走了出来,让他的生活有了目标,回归到正常的生活中来,并顺利完成了大学学业。故D项正确。
3.What does the author suggest people do when they feel down?
A.Always be confident in themselves.
B.Find someone or something to rescue them.
C.Wait for help to come patiently.
D.Accept everything that life sends their way.
答案 B
解析 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段第一句“My advice to anyone who might be going through something like I was is to reach out for help.”可知,作者对有相似经历的人提出的建议是:向他人求助。故B项正确。
4.How might the author feel about his future?
A.Hopeful. B.Fearful.
C.Satisfied. D.Uncertain.
答案 A
解析 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“Just take each day as it comes,and remember that there’s always someone,or something,out there to help you.”可知,作者建议我们积极面对即将到来的每一天,这个世界上总是有人会来帮助你。也就是说他对未来充满希望。故A项正确。
1.suffer from患(某种病);受(某种病痛)折磨
2.depression n.抑郁(症);消沉
3.shoulder n.肩膀
4.trap vt.诱骗;困住 n.圈套
5.studio n.工作室;画室
6.on a regular basis经常地;定期地
1.I never really reached out for help either,as I felt that there wasn’t anyone who could have helped with my situation.
[句式分析] 句中as引导原因状语从句,从句中的that引导宾语从句,宾语从句中含有who引导的定语从句,修饰先行词anyone。
[自主翻译] 我也从未真正寻求过帮助,因为我觉得没有人能帮助我解决我的问题。
2.If someone had said to me during those dark moments that I would have gone on to achieve the things I have,I wouldn’t have ever believed it.
[句式分析] 该句结构较复杂。首先if引导虚拟条件句,在从句中含有that引导的宾语从句,在该宾语从句中还含有一个省去关系代词的定语从句,修饰先行词things。
[自主翻译] 在那些黑暗的时刻如果有人对我说,我会得到我现在所拥有的东西,我是不会相信的。
Being a teenager can be challenging,but it can also be exciting.You’re becoming more independent and making decisions for yourself.You are also learning to take risks and solve problems better.And changes are happening throughout your body,even in your brain.
The changes in your brain are influencing how you develop into an adult.Imagine the structure(结构) of your brain is like a big road map.Lots of roads lead to different destinations(目的地).When you were a child,as you learnt new things,your brain created more and more roads to different destinations.By the time you become a teenager,many different roads lead to the most important places on the map.Now your brain’s job is to make that map more efficient.
As a result,your experiences as a teenager actually influence the way that your brain develops.If you spend hours playing video games,what skills do you use?You learn to see something with your eyes and respond to it with your hands.As you develop those skills,your brain is making sure that the roads leading to them are especially fast and efficient.So,your video-game playing could be preparing you for a career such as a pilot.
This is a great time for you to practice new skills and discover what you’re good at and try what you love doing.Go out and try different activities,and stick to them if you think they’re useful.Remember that with everything you do,you’re shaping your brain for the future.
语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了大脑的基本结构和青少年的身体和大脑都在发生着变化,十几岁时的经历会影响大脑的发育,无论做什么都是为未来做准备。
1.What happens as children learn new things?
A.Their brains make the maps more efficient.
B.The structures of their brains are like big road maps.
C.Their brains create more roads to different destinations.
D.Many different roads lead to the most important places.
答案 C
解析 细节理解题。由第二段中的“When you were a child,as you learnt new things,your brain created more and more roads to different destinations.”可知,当孩子们学习新东西的时候,大脑创造了越来越多的通向不同的目的地的道路。
2.What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refer to?
A.Your brain. B.Something you see.
C.Your skill. D.Something you learn.
答案 B
解析 词义猜测题。由第三段第三句“You learn to see something with your eyes and respond to it with your hands.”可知,你学会用眼睛看东西,用手回应眼睛看到的东西。it指代something you see。
3.What’s the writer’s advice for teenagers?
A.Teenagers should learn to be more independent.
B.Teenagers should work harder and more efficiently.
C.Teenagers should play more video games in order to be a pilot.
D.Teenagers should experience more and stick to the useful activities.
答案 D
解析 细节理解题。由最后一段第二句“Go out and try different activities,and stick to them if you think they’re useful.”可知,作者认为青少年应该参与并坚持更多有用的活动。
4.What is the best title for the passage?
A.Making Decisions for Yourself
B.Developing Your Brain for the Future
C.Ways of Changing Your Brain
D.Changes Happening in Your Brain
答案 B
解析 标题归纳题。通读全文可知,文章介绍了大脑的基本结构和青少年的身体和大脑都在发生着变化,说明十几岁时的经历会影响大脑的发育,无论做什么都是为未来做准备。
Let children learn to judge(判断) their own work.A child doesn’t learn to talk by being corrected all the time.If he is corrected too much,he will stop talking.He notices a thousand times a day the differences between the language he uses and the language others use.Little by little,he makes the necessary changes to make his language like other people’s.
In the same way,children learn to do all the other things without being taught—to walk,run,climb or ride a bicycle.They compare their performances with those of more skilled people,and slowly make the changes.But in school we never give a child a chance to find out his mistakes and correct them himself.We do it all for him.We thought that he would never notice a mistake unless it was pointed out to him,or correct it unless he was made to.Soon he becomes dependent on the teacher.Let him work out with the help of other children if he wants it.
If it is a matter in math or science,give him the answer book.Let him correct his own papers.Why?should?we?teachers?waste?time?on?such?daily?work?Our job should be to help the children when they tell us that he can’t find the way to get the right answer.Let the children learn what all educated persons must learn,how to measure(估量) their own understanding,how to know what they know or do not know.
Let them get on with this job in their ways.School teachers can offer help if they ask for it.Some parents and teachers are worried that the children might fail to learn something that they will need to get in the world.Don’t worry!If it is important,they will go out into the world and learn it.
语篇解读 让孩子学会判断他们自己的行为:孩子说的话与日常行为可能不正确,但通过与他人交往,会自主修正不足;在学习中,老师不要总是纠正学生的错误,要让他们自己学会改正错误。
5.According to the passage,the best way for children to learn things is by ????????.
A.being always corrected
B.following adults’ advice
C.doing as other people do
D.being helped by adults
答案 C
解析 推理判断题。通读全文及文章第一段最后一句“...he makes the necessary changes to make his language like other people’s.”可知,学习需要模仿。
6.The writer thinks teachers in school should ????????.
A.encourage students to learn from each other
B.teach students how to get answers directly
C.tell students what is wrong as often as possible
D.tell students answers
答案 A
解析 细节理解题。由题干关键词teachers in school should定位到第二段。由该段最后一句可知,“Let him work out with the help of other children...”与“encourage students to learn from each other”近义。
7.The underlined sentence in the third paragraph means ????????.
A.teachers can’t correct students’ papers
B.teachers don’t need to waste time teaching students in class
C.teachers should help students improve their learning ability
D.teachers shouldn’t help students improve their learning ability
答案 C
解析 句义猜测题。根据后文“Our job should be to help the children when...Let the children learn what...,how to measure...,and how to know...”可知,画线句的意思是老师应该帮助学生提高学习能力。
8.The best title of the passage may be ????????.
A.Let Us Teachers Stop Working
B.Let Children Learn by Themselves
C.Let Parents Understand Their Kids
D.Let Others Help the Students
答案 B
解析 标题归纳题。本文主要就老师不要总是纠正学生的错误,要让他们学会自己改正错误的话题展开议论,故最合适的标题为“让学生自己学”。
One rainy afternoon I was sitting at home feeling so bored.Instead of feeling sorry for myself,I wanted to meet people and have ??9?? experiences so I decided to start volunteering.I found a website where I could ??10?? on a farm in France.
Volunteering could provide so many opportunities to have ??11?? and share great stories.Working on a ??12?? was a new experience for me.It was basically a ??13?? holiday as food and accommodation were provided.??14??,it was not your typical holiday as I had to look after fifteen horses!I soon discovered that I was a ??15?? farmer but it did not ??16?? because I made some great friends and also improved my ??17??.
However,you do not need to go ??18?? to volunteer.I have had plenty of volunteer experiences at home.For example,I love ??19??,so I enjoyed myself waving my arms to ??20?? my local choir(合唱团).At university,I organized a concert for charity.It was really fun finding bands and ??21?? money for a cause.
It is true that volunteering can give me a lot of fun and great stories to share,and there are also other ??22??.I once volunteered as a steward(男服务员) at a charity sports event where the organizers ??23?? me many cupcakes from an expensive London bakery to thank me for my ??24??.I also volunteered in a clothes shop so I found loads of cheap but ??25?? clothes to update my wardrobe(衣橱).
Volunteering is fun,and my ??26?? aspect of volunteering is creating and ??27?? funny stories.My terrible attempt at farming has given me funny ??28?? to tell!
语篇解读 本文叙述了作者三次从事志愿活动的经历。作者认为志愿活动非常有趣,并喜欢与朋友分享期间有趣的故事。
9.A.interesting B.special
C.new D.lucky
答案 C
解析 联系第二段第二句中的“new experience”可知,作者在家闲得无聊,想结交新朋友,有“新的”体验。
10.A.appear B.live
C.help D.volunteer
答案 D
解析 根据上一句可知,作者决定投身于志愿工作,所以作者找到了一个可以在法国农场上当志愿者的网站,故D项正确。
11.A.duty B.fun
C.effect D.trouble
答案 B
解析 根据最后一段可知,作者认为参加志愿活动非常有趣。have fun玩得愉快。
12.A.farm B.plant
C.factory D.garden
答案 A
解析 根据第一段最后一句可知,作者的这次志愿活动所在地是法国的一个“农场”。
13.A.happy B.free
C.cheap D.moving
答案 B
解析 因为农场给作者提供食物和住宿,所以作者基本上可以说是有一个“免费的”假期。
14.A.Generally B.Meanwhile
C.However D.Luckily
答案 C
解析 上一句提到作者参加的这次志愿活动基本上是免费的,而这一句又叙述了作者要照顾十五匹马这个事实,前后构成了转折关系,故C项正确。
15.A.bright B.suitable
C.brave D.terrible
答案 D
解析 联系最后一段最后一句中的“terrible attempt at farming”可知,此处是说作者很快就发现自己是一个“糟糕的”农民。
16.A.matter B.fail
C.go D.continue
答案 A
解析 作者虽然不擅长喂养马匹,但是这不“要紧”,因为作者在这里交到了很多好朋友。
17.A.English B.French
C.Chinese D.Italian
答案 B
解析 根据第一段最后一句可知,作者是在法国的农场从事志愿活动,由此可推知,作者提高的是“法语”水平,故B项正确。
18.A.farther B.ahead
C.home D.abroad
答案 D
解析 此处是作者告诉读者不必非要到“国外”参加志愿活动。下一句中的at home与abroad相对。
19.A.dancing B.writing
C.singing D.performing
答案 C
解析 根据本句中的choir和下一句中的“organized a concert”可知,作者喜欢的是“唱歌”。
20.A.operate B.control
C.organize D.conduct
答案 D
解析 此处是说作者非常享受挥动胳膊“指挥”当地合唱团的这个过程。conduct指挥。
21.A.sending B.donating
C.raising D.using
答案 C
解析 根据上一句可知,作者组织的这场演唱会是慈善演唱会。由此可推知,举办这场演唱会的主要目的是“筹钱”。
22.A.hobbies B.advantages
C.factors D.members
答案 B
解析 此处是说,做志愿者不仅仅能给作者好的故事和许多乐趣,还能给作者带来很多其他的“好处”。
23.A.gave B.showed
C.told D.spared
答案 A
解析 这场赛事的组织者为了感谢作者的志愿行为而“赠送”了作者很多杯形蛋糕。give sb.?sth.?给某人某物。
24.A.service B.force
C.activity D.way
答案 A
解析 组织这场赛事的人送给作者昂贵的杯形蛋糕当然是为了感谢作者的“服务”。
25.A.useful B.advanced
C.heavy D.nice
答案 D
解析 作者在商店做志愿者时,能够在商店找到“漂亮”而又便宜的衣服来更新自己的衣橱。
26.A.confident B.favorite
C.healthy D.right
答案 B
解析 根据上一段可知,当志愿者有很多好处。此处是说作者“最喜欢的”一方面还是能够经历很多值得和他人诉说的故事。
27.A.sharing B.making
C.writing D.publishing
答案 A
解析 根据第二段第一句和第四段第一句可知,作者喜欢“分享”自己志愿过程中的故事。
28.A.lies B.jokes
C.stories D.affairs
答案 C
解析 此处是说,作者在法国农场上当志愿者的经历让作者有很多“故事”可以和朋友们分享。
One Sunday morning,George Thomas,a baker in a small New England town,was walking through the town when he saw a little boy coming toward him,swinging(挥舞) a bird cage in the air.On the bottom of the?cage,there were three little wild birds shaking with cold and fear.George Thomas stopped the?boy and asked him what he got there.
The boy was happy and told him that there were just some old birds in the cage.When the baker asked him what he would do with the old birds.The boy said casually(漫不经心地) that he wanted to?take?the?birds?home and play with them.He would pull out their feathers to make them fight.He would have a really good time because he would enjoy watching these.
George Thomas was shocked by what the boy said.How could a boy be so rude to wild animals?So he continued to ask the boy what he would do to the birds when he got tired of them,because he was such a naughty and cruel boy that he was sure to be tired of them sooner or later.The boy laughed and said that he had a cat,which liked birds,so he would give the birds to his cat.The baker got more worried and decided to help set?free the poor birds.So he asked,“How much do you want for the birds,son? ”
The boy looked at him in surprise,wondering if the baker really wanted to buy them.He laughed and reminded the man that they were just plain old field birds.They didn’t sing and they were not even pretty.However,the baker insisted and continued to ask him how much money he wanted for the birds.
The boy stared at the baker as if he were crazy and said,“$10?”
Paragraph 1:
The baker reached in his pocket ?????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
?????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????
Paragraph 2:
The baker picked up the cage.????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
??????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????
The baker reached in his pocket and took out a ten-dollar bill.He placed it in the boy’s hand.The?boy was puzzled.He thought the baker might be a fool.He grasped the money firmly as if he was afraid that the baker would change his mind.In a flash,the excited boy was gone.The baker watched the boy walking away and shook his head.
The baker picked up the cage.And he gently carried it to the end of the alley where there was a tree and a grassy spot.Setting the?cage down,he opened the door,and by softly tapping the bars he persuaded the birds?out,setting them free.The baker watched the birds flying in the sky freely,smiling.He took the empty bird cage home.
[Welcome Unit & Unit 1] 滚动默写练习
(2)leave for动身去……
(3)leave behind留下;忘记带走;使落后
(4)leave out省略;删去;冷落
3.look forward to盼望;期待
4.take notes记笔记
15.What?if someone says something negative about me? 如果有人说什么对我不利的事情呢?
16.No?matter?what?you?do,you must do it well.不管你做什么,你必须把它做好。
17.It is quite common to find?her?reading?books in her room.发现她在屋里读书是常事。
18.I suggested her that she should study hard so?that?we?can?go?to?the?same?university.
19.Give your father my regards the?next?time?you?see?him.下次你见到你父亲时,请代我问候他。
Tom was an exchange student 20.coming(come) from America.In America he was a Grade 11 student at senior high school.He came to China to major in Chinese painting and pattern design.Because 21.it was the first time that he had been abroad,he felt anxious and even 22.frightened(frighten),especially unadaptable to the life 23.on campus.However,Tom was outgoing and had a strong will,24.which helped him overcome many difficulties.He was curious to explore new things.In class,he concentrated on his studies,took notes 25.frequently(frequent) and 26.revised(revise) in time,using all kinds of learning strategies 27.to?improve(improve) his performance.In everyday life,he liked to make friends and helped organize many 28.activities (activity).After a school term,he made great progress in his studies and increased his confidence.His optimism and diligence made 29.a good impression on us.
When I was a teenager,I was addicted to 30.playing(play) computer games.This behaviour affected my study greatly and I couldn’t focus on the study.31.Fortunately(fortunate),with the help of some experts,I quit the bad habit and finally graduated from senior high school.In my college years,my adviser recommended me 32.to?major(major) in advanced maths and English literature,33.which I had been attracted to.During my freshman year,I signed up 34.for many extra-curricular activities and volunteer service,such as,cleaning up the street,advising people to quit smoking,and helping some unemployed adults to find 35.suitable(suit) jobs.Obviously,all this improved my ability,36.increased(increase) my sense of social 37.responsibility (responsible) and won me many honorary titles.After graduating from college,I became 38.an editor of a newspaper.I would behave 39.myself(me) and work hard and make greater contributions to our society.