Unit 5 Animals in danger Part 5 课件(40张PPT)


名称 Unit 5 Animals in danger Part 5 课件(40张PPT)
格式 zip
文件大小 5.4MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 外研版(刘兆义主编)
科目 英语
更新时间 2019-10-16 11:27:14



课件40张PPT。 Animals in danger
Part 5

in danger What colour
is it?Where does
it live? Are they
in great danger?What does
it eat?What has
it got? Task 1:Listen and think
1) Where does the panda live?
2) What has it got?North AmericaSouth AmericaEuropeAsiaAfricaAustralia Antarctic Map of the world They are in great danger!lives inIt eatsIt hasIt is The panda lives in _______. It eats _______.It has beautiful _____. It is ___ and ____. People _________ love pandas. But they are _________. Let’s join in to help them.
Task 2
Read and fill in the blanks.
Chinawhiteblackfurbambooaround the worldin great dangerthe South China Tiger 华南虎Map of ChinaSouth ?
Task 3
Read the text and do True or False in groups( 阅读并小组合作,完成True or False练习)
True or false
1)The South China Tiger lives in many parts
of China.
2) We can see the South China Tigers in the forests
and the zoo.
3)The South China Tigers are in great danger.
True or false
The South China Tiger lives in many parts of China.

F BeforeThey lived in many parts of China. BeforeThey lived in many parts of China. True or false
2)We can see the South China Tigers in
the forests and the zoo.
F NowBut people can only see them in the zoo today. True or false
3) The South China Tigers are in great danger.
T The south China Tiger lives in China.
It eats deer and antelope.(鹿&藏羚羊)
It has beautiful fur.
It is white, yellow, black and orange.
It lived in many parts of China in the past..
But people can only see them in the zoo today.
Let's help to save China's tigers!Why are they in danger? Let's join in to help them!lives inBut today peopleIn the past, it lived in It isIt hasIt eats Task 4
Design a poster in groups(小组设计一张濒危动物海报) Animals
in danger Design a poster for them. The black rhinoLOREM IPSUM DOLORLOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT AMETLOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT AMETLOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT AMETLOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT AMETLOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT AMETleaves and fruit killEast Africahornsgrey furleaves and fruittreegoldenbeautiful furcaged The golden monkey Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur fishdirty swimseakillThe white-flag dolphinLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecteLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecteLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecteLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecteleaves and fruit red furtree killOrangutanLOREM IPSUM DOLORLOREM IPSUM DOLORLOREM IPSUM DOLORLOREM IPSUM DOLORdeer and goat cave beautiful fur killThe snow leopard Task 5
Watch a video and discuss in groups how to save the animals in danger
(小组讨论如何保护濒危动物) How to save?
Do Don’tPlant trees/Protect our forest
Make the air/water clear
Make friends with animals
Love animals
……Cut trees, Hurt animals
Buy the products of animals
Make the air/water dirty

Kill animals

Thank you!