课件24张PPT。Lesson II Clap One 1+2=( )onetwo3three 1+1=( )oneone2two3+1=( )threeone4four3+2=( )threetwo5fiveonetwothreefourfive one two three four five 0 zero
0 1 2 3 4 5 NumbersGame :
What’s missing? ( 什么不见了?) 屏幕上原来有0—5六个数字,现在请认真观察,找出不见了的数字,并用英语大声读出来。Find which number is missing and read it aloud.234012345zerofiveonethreetwofouronefourtwothreefivezeroLet’s play a game.
1. Two students in one group.(两个同学一组)
2.Pronounce correctly.(音准)
3.Act naturally.(动作自然,身心愉悦)Listening practice:
1 .Listen and write down the number.(认真听并把每个题里听到的数字用笔记下来)
2 .According to the number,colour the pictures.(根据刚才听到的数字把图片涂上颜色或者画一画)114120122110Do you know these numbers?car accidentmedical accident call the policeHomework:
1.Practice the chant with your friends after class.(课后和你的朋友一起愉快的做拍手游戏)
2.Read the chant to your daddy and mummy.(回家把这个小诗读给爸爸妈妈听)Thank you!