课件39张PPT。 Unit3 B Let’s learn1What would you like?..Guess ..The apple is sweet ...It issweet ...
They are ______ .sweetAn Apple a Day keeps the doctor away一天一个苹果,医生远离我..I love apples.
They are sweet and healthy .健康的I love milk. It is healthy.I love tomatoes. They’re healthy.They’re healthy.healthy foodHealthy :Not healthy :It is hot.chilliesThey are hot, too.coldhotThe fish is hot.
It is hot . hot.
I love chillies. They’re hot .chilliespeppershotThey’re hotIs it healthy ?..fresh
It is fresh ...The fish is fresh ...AB√..生产日期 2016.3.09生产日期 2016.3.13 AB√ freshThey’re fresh.
I love cabbages. They're fresh.
delicious = yummy 美味的It is delicious. deliciousThey're delicious. ..I love fish . It’s hot and delicious .
I love apples . They are sweet and delicious .Play a game Sharp eyes 火眼金睛..freshhothealthydelicioussweetI like salad. I like beef better.I like fish best.My favourite food is fish.最喜爱的[fe?v?r?t]Let's learn!What’s your favourite fruit ?I love _________ . They are _____________ .strawberriessweet and healthyWhat’s your favourite ___________ ?
I love _________ . They are ___________ .
It’s __________ . Survey 调查表Show timeWhat’s your favourite ___________ ?
I love _________ . They are ___________ .
It’s __________ .Let's enjoy!..Activity Make an ad for the food you like (为你喜欢的食物做一张广告)..Ice cream, ice cream
Cold and sweetJuice , juice
Fresh and healthy
Good for me.Thank you and