Let's review!
Let's review!b
Let's review!c
Let's review!d Phonics
Let's sing!a a a b b b c c c We all like Phonics Land.d d d wxqfdkWhich letter follows(跟着) letter Dd?
Phonics Garden情境提示:找出跟着字母Dd的那个字母!只有喊出它的正确发音,才能唤醒它哦!e情境提示:让我们和e打个招呼,来唤醒他吧!
Phonics Gardene情境提示:e有很多的家族成员,找出他的家庭成员吧!
Phonics Gardene e e
Phonics Farmf
Phonics Farmfg
Phonics Farmg
Phonics Farmgg
Phonics Farm情境提示:小母鸡是哪个字母的家庭成员呢?hh
Phonics Farm情境提示:农场里面还有哪个东西是字母h的家庭成员?h
Phonics FarmWhat kind of dog doesn't bite or bark?情境提示:来玩个小游戏吧!猜一猜:哪种狗不会咬人也不会叫?h
Phonics Farm h
Let's read!321efgh1. Review the sounds of e,f,g,h2. Sing the Phonics song with your friends