Unit4 natural disasters period 2 reading and thinking 课件+教案


名称 Unit4 natural disasters period 2 reading and thinking 课件+教案
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2019-11-25 13:59:23


课件50张PPT。Unit 4 Natural disasters Period 2 reading and thinkingDiscuss what can happen to a city during a big earthquake?A huge crack appeared on the wall Discuss what can happen to a city during a big earthquake?Many houses and the street were damagedLead inLet’s review1.The church service is in memory of the victims in the _______(灾难)。
2. He dived from the bridge and __________(营救)the drowning child.
3.The boy was deeply ________(影响)by the news of his mother’s death.
4. His wife’s ___________(死亡)was a great blow to him.
5. The crops failed because of the __________(干旱)。
6. The _________(洪水)came about as a result of the heavy spring rains.disasterrescuedaffecteddeathdroughtfloodWords in last periodrefuse v
refuse to do
Before an earthquake
There were deep cracks that appear in the well walls.
Chickens and even pigs too nervous to eat , and dogs refused to go inside buildings.New words拒绝做某事She refused to accept that there was a
problem.[r?'fju?z]During the earthquake
Everything began to shake.
It seemed as if the world were coming to an end.
In less than one minute , a city lay in ruins.
As if / though
Less than
好像It looked as if we had seen somewhere before少于Less than
More than
Other than
Rather than
Less thanOther thanMore thanRather thanHe is ____ our teacher.
A. other than B. rather than C. more than D. less than少于多于,不仅仅除了而不是
After the earthquake
Workers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed.
['?elt?][d??str??]The umbrella is a poor shelter from heavy rain.This is a shelter for homeless women.
The wall sheltered us from the wind.They sheltered from the sun under a tree.雨伞不太遮挡得住大雨。这是个收留无家可归的妇女的收容所。墙壁遮挡着,使我们免遭风吹。他们在树底下乘凉。猜一猜!看谁反应快!Competition Let’s playLet’s playThe patient has the right to________
the treatment. This meat tastes __________it has gone bad.You’re welcome to take _______from the storm.Use the following words to fill in the blanks
refuse less than shelter as if refuse shelter as ifLet’s learn01Pre-readingLet’s learnThe night the earth didn’t sleep1.Look at the title and picture below and guess what the text is about. titleThe passage is about an earthquakeLet’s learnReading skills
Use context to understand new words.
When you see a word you don’t know, don’t stop and look it up in a dictonary. If you continue reading, the context will probably help you understand what it means.
2.Scan the text and find the words below .Guess what they mean from the text.
ruin brick trap bury
Everywhere survivors looked, there was nothing but ruinsBricks covered the ground like red autumn leaves,but no wind could blow them away. 废墟砖Scan the text and find the words below .Guess what they mean from the text.
ruin brick trap bury
Soon after the quakes,the army sent 150000 soldiers to Tangshan to dig out who were trapped and to bury the dead.使陷入圈套埋葬02While-reading3.Read the text carefully and then write down the main idea of each paragraph.
Paragrah4:________________________________________Pay attention to the topic sentence of each paragraph to find the main idea quicklyHelp from all over the country.Destruction of the earthquakeSuffering of the people and the city after the earthquake.Warning signs before the earthquake.4. Read the sentences describing what happened after a huge earthquake. (Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the new words and phrases from the text.)Let’s do1.The huge earthquake left nearly the whole city_______________.
2. Everyone was________,think the word must surely be coming to an end.
3. Millions of people were left without water, food, or___________.
4.Soldiers and volunteers worked as hard as
they could to pull away__________and rocks,
and rescue thosewho were _________under
the ruins.in ruinsbricksshelterin shocktrapped5.Some were found alive, though they were suffering from terrible
injuries, but others had already stopped ___________when they were
6.A few buildings were still standing,
but people were afraid to use them
as shelters, worrying they would be
________ if the buildings fell.buriedbreathing5.Read the text again and answer the questions .For several days, the water in the village wells rose and fell, rose and fell. There were deep cracks that appeared in the well walls.At least one well had some smelly gas coming out of it. Chickens and even pigs were too nervous to eat, and dogs refused to go inside buildings. Mice ran out of the fields looking for places to hide, and fish jumped out of the water.1).What were some of the strange things happening before the earthquake? Do you think they were warning signs ? Why or why not?
I think they were warning signs.Senses of some of the animals are very sharp,which can feel the coming of the natural disaster.What’s more, the movement inside the earth may cause some changes of the objects on its surface.1).What were some of the strange things happening before the earthquake? Do you think they were warning signs ? Why or why not?2).What does the writer mean by “Slowly , the city began to breathe again”?By using the sentence “Slowly, the city began to breathe again,”the author intends to tell us that the city begins to come to life gradually.3).What kind of help do you think people who have suffered an earthquake need?People who have suffered an earthquake need much help.First of all, they need people to help dig out those who are trapped under the ruins and bury the dead. What’s more, medical workers are needed to treat the victims in the earthquake.Water, food and shelter are what they really need after the earthquake.03Post-readingThe reestablishment of Tangshan steel worksThe new harbour of Tangshan 6.Work in groups . Discuss the questions.1.What factors do you think helped in the revival of Tangshan city?
It was the strong support from the government and tireless effort of the city’s. people that helped the revival of Tangshan cityShow time2.What other cities or town have gone though similar changes? What lessons can we learn from these events?
In China, Wenchuan county was also struck by a big earthquake.people there work hard and make an effort to make Wenchan a happy place to live .After ten years of development ,people there lead a happy and peaceful life.
Whatever happens in life, there is always hope so long as we have dreams.Language points1. ruin&vt
Ruin oneself
Ruin the reputation
Ruin one’s hope /heath
In ruins 毁了自己破坏声誉毁掉某人的希望、健康成为废墟破坏;毁坏1.(2018全国)Who would want _________their good workout by eating junk food?
2.Many village communities feel their countryside________________
by the power-producing machines of wind farms.
3.Sadly, the building was almost____________ :fires
burned everywhere.to ruin is being ruinedin ruins2.shock n.震惊;令人震惊的事;休克
adj 令人震惊的;
Shocked adj震惊的
Electric shock ,
In shock
With a great shockShocking 触电震惊地大为震惊V短语
Be shocked by/at sth
Be shocked to do sth
Be shocked that
It shocks sb to do sth
It shocks sb that ……It shocked me that he had been in prison.对于他做过牢的这件事感到震惊It was shocked to learn that he had been in prison.It shocked me to learn that he had been in prison.对……感到震惊震惊地做某事对…..感到震惊做某事让某人震惊让某人感到震惊Her husband was with her, but there was blood everywhere and the woman was embarrassed and clearly______ ______________.她的丈夫和她在一起,但到处都是血,这个女人很尴尬,显然很震惊。
We __________ ____________ the remains of the ancient Rome.我们对古罗马遗迹感到震惊。
____________ ____________ to see how they treated the miners.
看到他们如此对待矿工,我感到震惊in shock.were shocked atIt shocked me3.trap v 使落入陷阱;使落入圈套
set a trap
trap sb /sth in sth
trap sb into (doing)sth
They were trapped in the burning hotel.
Be trapped in 被困在
陷入,被困在 设圈套使….困于诱骗某人做某事他们被困在发生火灾的旅馆 Be caught in (2015湖北) The pony had actually _______________(trap)between two rocks.
Thirty miners____________________________ the mine following yesterday’s explosion.
Think carefully before you answer his questions. You may ________________________giving away important information.
回答他的问题之前要仔细考虑 。你可能会中他的圈套,把重
要信息泄露出去。been trappedare still trapped inbe trapped into4.bury v埋葬;安葬;掩埋
bury’s face/head in one’s hands

bury one’s feelings
bury oneself in
=be buried in
bury yourself in your work/ studies
双手掩面、双手抱头隐藏感情,感情不外露埋头于,专心于埋头于工作,学习专心于:Concentrate onFocus onBe absorbed in Devoted oneself to = be devoted toBe lost in Bury the old world and build a new one
He buried his face in his hands and burst into tears.
Ever since he moved there, he
________________(bury)in his research work.
(2015湖南)This of course created a new problem :dirty practically_________________(bury )the first floors of every building in Chicago.埋葬旧世界,建设新世界 他双手掩面,突然大哭起来。buriedburied5.effort n.努力
effortless adj不费力气的,应付自如地
make an effort /efforts to do sth努力做某事
put effort into 对某事付出很大努力
spare no effort to do sth不遗余力 做某事
with effort 努力地
without effort 毫不费力地
1.(2018全国)because of our____________(effort),our daughter Gerogia did decide to donate a large bag of toys to a little girl…..
2.They are___________________________ to decrease the population costs.他们正尽力减少生产成本。
3.You just walk along that path, and it will get you there _________________effort. effortsmaking an effortwithout6. suffer v遭受;受苦
Sufferer n.
Suffer pain
因…..而遭受损失、痛苦Suffering 受难者;患者遭受疼痛遭受损失遭受饥饿蒙羞遭受打击遭受不幸Suffer from 1.He is __________________________several mental disorder.他患有严重的精神疾病。
2.I suffer from pain when my teeth are exposed to heat.
3.(2017 浙江)A young English teacher saved the lives of 30 students when he took control of a bus after its driver __________________ (suffer)a serious heart attack.suffering fromsuffered. Drills1.(2018 浙江)I ______________(shock )when I learnt she hadn’t
cooked once in all that time.
2.(2018北京)They were shocked_____________(find)two policemen standing next to the car.
3.(2019天津)A tough man can tolerate _____________. (suffer)suffering.to findwas shocked高考链接Exercise1.She is suffering_________________the loss of her son and doesn’t
know what she will go through without him.
2.Buried____________his work. he didn't notice it was already dark
outside the factory.
3. Wherever we went, we found everything was in_________________
(ruin) and it seemed as if the world was at an endfrominruins4. Then came the________________( shock )news that her little brother was killed in a car accident
5.It is important to remember that success is a sum of small____________(effort)made each day and often takes years to achieveshockingeffortsSummary1.Study some important words and phases about natural disasters.
2. Know some useful information about earthquake
3. Know some difficult structures Homework1.Recite the words and
2.Do the exercises on your
exercise book.谢谢21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com) 中小学教育资源网站 有大把高质量资料?一线教师?一线教研员?
人教版2019年英语Unit4 Natural disasters
Period2 Reading and thinking教学设计
Period2 reading and thinking
Unit 4 Natural
This teaching period mainly deal with reading and thinking .Students are
expected to the knowledge about how to find the main ideas through the topic sentences. The teachers are expected to enable students to master some reading skills.
Knowledge objectives: Enable students to acquire the basic usage of some words and phrases.
skill objectives: Enable students have a good understanding of reading skills.
Emotional objectives: Develop students’ sense of cooperative learning and individual capability.
Thinking quality objectives: Inspire the students’ spirit of protecting the environment.
How to find the main ideas of each paragraph.
Grasp some reading skills.
Step1 lead in
1.Discuss what can happen to a city during a big earthquake?
A huge crack appeared on the wall
Many houses and the street were damaged
(answers may vary)
1.The church service is in memory of the victims in the _______(灾难)。
2. He dived from the bridge and __________(营救)the drowning child.
3.The boy was deeply ________(影响)by the news of his mother’s death.
4. His wife’s ___________(死亡)was a great blow to him.
5. The crops failed because of the __________(干旱)。
6. The _________(洪水)came about as a result of the heavy spring rains.
Answers:disaster ;rescued ;affected; death ;drought; flood
Read some sentences and tell the meaning about some words.
1.Before an earthquake
There were deep cracks that appear in the well walls.Chickens and even pigs too nervous to eat , and dogs refused to go inside buildings.
refuse v[r?'fju?z]
refuse to do拒绝做某事
She refused to accept that there was a
2.During the earthquake
Everything began to shake.
It seemed as if the world were coming to an end.
In less than one minute , a city lay in ruins.
As if / though好像
It looked as if we had seen somewhere before
Less than少于
Less than
More than
Other than
Rather than
He is ____ our teacher.
A. other than B. rather than C. more than D. less than
3.After the earthquake
Workers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed.
1.The umbrella is a poor shelter from heavy rain.
2.This is a shelter for homeless women.
3.The wall sheltered us from the wind.
4.They sheltered from the sun under a tree.
Use the following words to fill in the blanks
refuse less than shelter as if
The patient has the right to________
the treatment.
This meat tastes __________it has gone bad.
You’re welcome to take _______from the storm.
Refuse; as if ;shelter
1.Look at the title and picture below and guess what the text is about.
The night the earth didn’t sleep :title
The passage is about an earthquake
******Reading skills********
Use context to understand new words.
When you see a word you don’t know, don’t stop and look it up in a dictionary. If you continue reading, the context will probably help you understand what it means.
2.Scan the text and find the words below .Guess what they mean from the text.
ruin brick trap bury
Everywhere survivors looked, there was nothing but ruins
Bricks covered the ground like red autumn leaves,but no wind could blow them away.
Soon after the quakes,the army sent 150000 soldiers to Tangshan to dig out who were trapped and to bury the dead.
3.Read the text carefully and then write down the main idea of each paragraph.
Paragrah1:_Warning signs before the earthquake.
***********Reading skills*************
Pay attention to the topic sentence of each paragraph to find the main idea quickly
2.Destruction of the earthquake
3.Suffering of the people and the city after the earthquake
4.Help from all over the country.
4.Read the sentences describing what happened after a huge earth-quake. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the new.
1.The huge earthquake left nearly the whole city________.
2.Everyone was ________,thinking the world must surely be coming to an end.
3.Millions of people were left without water, food or______.
4.Soldiers and volunteers worked as hard as they could to pull away _______and rocks ,and rescue those who were ______under the ruins.
5.Some were found alive, though they were suffering from terrible injuries, but others had already stopped _______when they were discovered.
6.A few buildings were still standing, but people were afraid to use them as shelters, worrying they would be ________ if the buildings fell.
1. in ruins
2. in shock
3. shelter
4. bricks ; trapped
5. breathing
6. buried
5.Read the text again and answer the questions .
1.What were some of the strange things happening before the earthquake? Do you think they were warning signs ? Why or why not?
For several days, the water in the village wells rose and fell, rose and fell. There were deep cracks that appeared in the well walls.At least one well had some smelly gas coming out of it. Chickens and even pigs were too nervous to eat, and dogs refused to go inside buildings. Mice ran out of the fields looking for places to hide, and fish jumped out of the water.
I think they were warning signs.Senses of some of the animals are very sharp,which can feel the coming of the natural disaster.What’s more, the movement inside the earth may cause some changes of the objects on its surface.
2.What does the writer mean by “Slowly , the city began to breathe again”?
By using the sentence “Slowly, the city began to breathe again,”the author intends to tell us that the city begins to come to life gradually.
3.What kind of help do you think people who have suffered an earthquake need?
After reading
6.Work in groups . Discuss the questions.
1.What factors do you think helped in the revival of Tangshan city?
It was the strong support from the government and tireless effort of the city’s. people that helped the revival of Tangshan city
2.What other cities or town have gone though similar changes? What lessons can we learn from these events?
In China, Wenchuan county was also struck by a big earthquake.people there work hard and make an effort to make Wenchan a happy place to live .After ten years of development ,people there lead a happy and peaceful life.
Whatever happens in life, there is always hope so long as we have dreams.
Step4 Language points
1. ruin&vt破坏;毁坏
Ruin oneself 毁了自己
Ruin the reputation 破坏声誉
Ruin one’s hope /heath 毁掉某人的希望、健康
In ruins 成为废墟
(2018全国)Who would want to ruin their good workout by eating junk food?
Many village communities feel their countryside__________ ____________
by the power-producing machines of wind farms.
Is being ruined
Sadly, the building was almost____________ ____________:fires burned everywhere.
In ruins
2.shock n.震惊;令人震惊的事;休克
Shocking adj 令人震惊的;
Shocked adj震惊的
Electric shock 触电,
In shock 震惊地
With a great shock 大为震惊
Be shocked by/at sth对……感到震惊
Be shocked to do sth震惊地做某事
Be shocked that 对…..感到震惊
It shocks sb to do sth做某事让某人震惊
It shocks sb that ……让某人感到震惊
It was shocked to learn that he had been in prison.
It shocked me to learn that he had been in prison.
It shocked me that he had been in prison.
(2018 浙江)I ___________(shock )when I learnt she hadn’t cooked once in all that time.
Was shocked
(2018北京)They were shocked_____________(find)two policemen standing next to the car.
(to find)
Her husband was with her, but there was blood everywhere and the woman was embarrassed and clearly______ ______________.她的丈夫和她在一起,但到处都是血,这个女人很尴尬,显然很震惊。
In shock.
We ______________ _________________ _________________ the remains of the ancient Rome.我们对古罗马遗迹感到震惊。
were shocked at
____________ ________________ ________________ to see how they treated the miners.
It shocked me
3.trap v 使落入陷阱;使落入圈套
set a trap 设圈套
trap sb /sth in sth 使….困于
trap sb into (doing)sth诱骗某人做某事
they were trapped in the burning hotel.
Be trapped in 被困在
Be caught in 陷入,被困在
(2015湖北) The pony had actually _______________(trap)between two rocks.
Been trapped
Thirty miners___________ _________________ _________________ _____________the mine following yesterday’s explosion.
Are still trapped in
Think carefully before you answer his questions. You may ___________ _____________ ____________giving away important information.回答他的问题之前要仔细考虑 。你可能会中他的圈套,把重要信息泄露出去。Be trapped into
4.bury v埋葬;安葬;掩埋
Bury one’s face/head in one’s hands
Bury one’s feelings
Bury oneself in =be buried in 埋头于,专心于
Bury yourself in your work/ studies 埋头于工作,学习
Be lost in
Devoted oneself to = be devoted to
Concentrate on
Be absorbed in
Focus on
Bury the old world and build a new one
He buried his face in his hands and burst into tears.
Ever since he moved there, he ________________(bury)in his research work.
(2015湖南)This of course created a new problem :dirty practically____________(bury )the first floors of every building in Chicago.
5.effort n.努力
Effortless adj不费力气的,应付自如地
Make an effort /efforts to do sth努力做某事
Put effort into 对某事付出很大努力
Spare no effort to do sth不遗余力 做某事
With effort 努力地
Without effort 毫不费力地
(2018全国)because of our____________(effort),our daughter Gerogia did decide to donate a large bag of toys to a little girl…..
They are_____________ ______________ ____________________to decrease the population costs.他们正尽力减少生产成本。
Making an effort
You just walk along that path, and it will get you there _________________effort.
6. suffer v遭受;受苦
Suffering n.痛苦;受害者
Sufferer n.受难者;患者
Suffer pain 遭受疼痛
Loss 遭受损失
Hunger 遭受饥饿
Shame 蒙羞
Shock 遭受打击
Suffer from 因…..而遭受损失、痛苦
He is ____________ __________________________several mental disorder.他患有严重的精神疾病。
Suffering from
I suffer pain_when my teeth are exposed to heat.
(2017 浙江)A young English teacher saved the lives of 30 students when he took control of a bus after its driver __________________ (suffer)a serious heart attack.
(2019天津)A tough man can tolerate _____________. (suffer)
Step4 exercises
1.(2018 浙江)I ______________(shock )when I learnt she hadn’t
cooked once in all that time.
2.(2018北京)They were shocked_________
(find)two policemen standing next to the car.
3.(2019天津)A tough man can tolerate _____________. (suffer)
1.was shocked 2. To find 3. suffering
1.She is suffering_________________the loss of her son and doesn’t know what she will go through without him. from
2.Buried____________his work. he didn't notice it was already dark outside the factory. in
3. Wherever we went, we found everything was in_________________(ruin) and it seemed as
if the world was at an end ruins
4. Then came the________________( shock )news that her little brother was killed in a car accident
5.It is important to remember that success is a sum of small____________(effort)made each day and often takes years to achieve. efforts
1.Study some important words and phases about natural disasters.
2. Know some useful information about earthquake
3. Know some difficult structures
1.Recite the words and
2.Do the exercises on your
exercise book.
1.refuse v[r?'fju?z]
refuse to do拒绝做某事
She refused to accept that there was a

2.As if / though好像
It looked as if we had seen somewhere before
Less than少于
Less than
More than
Other than
Rather than
1.The umbrella is a poor shelter from heavy rain.
2.This is a shelter for homeless women.
3.The wall sheltered us from the wind.
4.They sheltered from the sun under a tree.

Language points
1. ruin&vt破坏;毁坏
Ruin oneself 毁了自己
Ruin the reputation 破坏声誉
Ruin one’s hope /heath 毁掉某人的希望、健康
In ruins 成为废墟
2.shock n.震惊;令人震惊的事;休克
Shocking adj 令人震惊的;
Shocked adj震惊的
Electric shock 触电,
In shock 震惊地
With a great shock 大为震惊
Be shocked by/at sth对……感到震惊
Be shocked to do sth震惊地做某事
Be shocked that 对…..感到震惊
It shocks sb to do sth做某事让某人震惊
It shocks sb that ……让某人感到震惊
It was shocked to learn that he had been in prison.
It shocked me to learn that he had been in prison.
It shocked me that he had been in prison.
3.trap v 使落入陷阱;使落入圈套
set a trap 设圈套
trap sb /sth in sth 使….困于
trap sb into (doing)sth诱骗某人做某事
they were trapped in the burning hotel.
Be trapped in 被困在
Be caught in 陷入,被困在
4.bury v埋葬;安葬;掩埋
Bury one’s face/head in one’s hands
Bury one’s feelings
Bury oneself in =be buried in 埋头于,专心于
Bury yourself in your work/ studies 埋头于工作,学习
Be lost in
Devoted oneself to = be devoted to
Concentrate on
Be absorbed in
Focus on
5.effort n.努力
Effortless adj不费力气的,应付自如地
Make an effort /efforts to do sth努力做某事
Put effort into 对某事付出很大努力
Spare no effort to do sth不遗余力 做某事
With effort 努力地
Without effort 毫不费力地
6. suffer v遭受;受苦
Suffering n.痛苦;受害者
Sufferer n.受难者;患者
Suffer pain 遭受疼痛
Loss 遭受损失
Hunger 遭受饥饿
Shame 蒙羞
Shock 遭受打击
Suffer from 因…..而遭受损失、痛苦