Unit 5 C Story time教案
1. 设计思路
(1) 指导思想:《义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)》把激发学生学习英语的兴趣放在重要位置,强调要培养学生学习英语的积极态度,使他们初步建立学习英语的自信心,使他们初步具备用英语进行简单日常交流的能力,作为教师要给学生创设条件,让学生自己在观察、体验和运用语言的过程中,既学习语言知识,有培养语言技能。
(2) 设计理念:结合本课的故事教学,我以学生为主体,以语言训练为主线,以能力培养为宗旨,在设计上力图打破传统的“单词、句子、课文”的教学流程,体现“整体呈现,分步训练”的故事教学要求,以学生为主体,设计了一系列层层递进的活动,通过重点词句听说问答、部分故事分段表演、整体故事分组展示等活动,让学生在学习中乐于参与、积极合作、主动请教,初步形成对英语的感知能力和良好的学习习惯。
1. 知识与能力
(1) 能够通过上下文理解over, busy, naughty, poor, catch, kick等单词的意思。
(2) 能够在图片的帮助下理解故事的内容,复习本单元重点语言。
(3) 能够在教师的帮助下朗读并表演故事。
(4) 能根据信息提示简单复述故事。
2. 方法与途径
(1) 实施分层教学的目标,鼓励和引导全体学生都能积极参与到英语学习活动中。(2) 通过合作学习、玩演展示等培养学生的合作意识和相互交流的能力。
3. 情感与评价
(1) 通过本课教学让学生学会垃圾分类,增强环保意识。
(2) 通过师生评价、生生互评、小组评价等形式激发学生兴趣,引导学生积极主动的学习。
4. 现代教学手段的运用:多媒体课件设置了较多的与课堂教学内容关系密切的视频、动画、图片,给学生以乐趣,更给学生以启迪,为学生创设了自主学习情境,提高了教学效率,激发学生的创新能力。
五年级的孩子刚步入高年级,通过两年的英语学习积累了一定语言知识,但在语言的综合运用上还略显不足。教师应采用灵活多样的教法,设计丰富的语言活动,增加结对和小组合作训练,有效利用教材中设计的Pair work / Group work / Role-play充分调动学生的积极性,给学生创造综合运用语言的机会,激发学生的兴趣,让他们从中体验成功的喜悦。
1. 教学重点:本课的教学重点是在教师的帮助下让学生能理解、朗读并表演故事。结合前几节课的介词词组的学习和运用,在本节的故事拓展中,让学生新旧结合、不断积累,将所学的语言用于生活。
2. 教学难点:本课的生单词较多,其中通过上下文理解over, busy, naughty, poor, catch, kick等单词的意思是教学的难点,同时根据分层教学的目标,让学生能简单复述故事,也是本课的难点。基于这些难点,在教学中教师通过肢体语言、师生表演等形式让学生感知新单词,通过趣味教学活动让学生一步一步感知故事,习得语言。
Step 1 Pre-reading
1. Greetings.
2. Lead in.
(1) T: I know there is a super football team in your school. Do you like playing football?
Ss: Yes, I do.
T: Let’s find out the football. (PPT shows the pictures) Review the words: in front of, beside, between, behind
(2) T: Let’s see. The boy can play football very well. Do you want to make friends with him? (Watch the video)
Step 2 While-reading
1. Picture 1 learning
T: Please look at the picture. (Q1: What do you see? Q2: Where is the can?)
Ss: I see a can. It’s on the grass / in front of the forest.
2. Watch the whole story and answer the questions
T: Q1: What animals do you see?
Q2: Who help the can go home?
Q3: Where is the can’s home?
Ss: I see a bird, bear, rabbit, monkey, two fish and Zoom. Zoom helps the can go home. Trash bin.
3. Picture 1-3 learning
(1) Ask and answer. (Watch the video)
T: A naughty bear kicks the can. Where is the can now?
Ss: He flies over Rabbit and Monkey.(板书:naughty, over)
(2) Listen to the story.
(3) Read in groups. Then do the role-play.
4. Picture 4 learning
(1) (Watch the video and read)
T: Where is the can now?
Ss: It’s between the two fish. (Words study: comes; give it to zoom)
(2) Read by students themselves.
5. Picture 5 learning
(1) T: Where is the can now?
Ss: It’s in Zoom’s hand / in the trash bin / at home. (Word study: catches sweet home)
(2) Read in groups. Then do the role-play of 4-5.
(3) Proverb learning: East or west, home is best.
6. To know the recyclable sign.
7. Read the whole story and do the role-play
Step 3 Post-reading
1. Fill in the blanks and try to retell the story.
2. Watch the pictures and talk about them.
3. Know more about the word: can
4. Watch the video again.
Step 4 Homework
1. Tell the story to your friends or parents.
2. Make a recyclable sign.
Board writing: