Unit 2 King Lear
Warming Up 部分由两组问题组成,第一组问题以“子女对父母的尊敬和爱戴”这一话题为中心,要求学生联系自身实际谈一谈如果尊重和爱戴父母,引起学生对这一话题的重视和深层思考。第二组问题是关于我国古代君臣关系和皇室混一等话题,要求学生谈谈中国古代帝王如果对待自己的子女和臣仆。这两个问题都与阅读课文《李尔王》密切相关, “热身”部分的讨论可以帮组学生更好的理解居中任务之间的关系及剧情的发展。
Pre-reading 部分简要介绍了关于课文的一些基本情况(如作者---William Shakespeare; 剧名—King Lear; 特点—shortened, simplified, modernized 以及主要出场人物---main characters等)。由于莎翁戏剧往往情节生动而曲折,内容丰富有深刻的教育意义,因此教师可以鼓励学生在“热身”讨论的基础上,结合练习提示的单词,根据课文插图等线索大胆预测故事内容。允许学生编出与课文内容完全不同的内容,只要情节合理,有现实意义,都应当给予肯定。学生也在编故事和讲故事的过程中哦你更体会到学习的乐趣。
Reading 部分取自莎士比亚四大悲剧之一---《李尔王》。该剧首演于1606年。统治英国的李尔王想把国土分给三个女儿。他试探三个女儿的孝心,大女和次女极尽阿谀奉承之词骗得了李尔王的信任,各得到二分之一的领土。而又女阴直言不讳而惹怒父亲,一无所有,幸被法兰西国王娶为皇后。李尔退位后遭到两个女儿的冷眼和遗弃,她们甚至密谋要除掉他。幸亏忠臣相救,李尔才幸免于难。后来小女儿挂帅领兵为父复国。这时,另两个女儿之间已出现矛盾,她们尔虞我诈要除去对方,但面对法军,她们又联合起来。此战英军获胜,两个女儿囚禁了李尔与其小女儿,但却招来朝野上下一直不满。结果李尔的小女儿被害死,两个大女儿也没有得到好下场,最后李尔抱住小女儿的尸体痛哭,自己也伤心而死。“阅读”部分节取该剧的第一幕,其中李尔王与女儿的对白堪称莎翁作品中最为经典的篇章之一。
Comprehending 部分的三个练习都是帮助学生更好的理解课文的内容,对理解层次的要求也是逐步加深。练习1 要求学生根据课文回答问题,这些问题都是事实性问题,学生很容易从文中找到答案。练习2在难度上有所提高,要求学生分析剧中人物之间的关系以及各个人物的性格特点,这既要求学生找到课文中与此相关的文字,也要求学生从课文中人物的言行举止的描述判断出他们的性格特点。练习3的开饭度和难度最高,这个练习设计的是面对面的访谈形式,旨在帮助学生从居中跳到剧外,从而以更加理性的思维来体会剧中人物的内心活动。这类练习没有唯一答案,仁者见仁,智者见智,学生可以根据自己的理解给出不同的答案,而要想给出合情合理的回答,学生必须深入而细致地分析人物的每一句的字面含义和真实含义。
Learning about Language 部分突出了本单元的一些重点词汇和语法。词汇部分练习1考察学生在新的语境中运用短语的能力。练习2 和练习3着重练习的焦点是复合式形容词。这类词在本课中出现较多,在这里做了一个比较全面的归纳。练习4开篇就告诉学生活用同义词以避免重复,使学生明白:学习同义词的目的不单纯是为了扩大词汇量,如果能善用同义词,则可使上下文在形式上避免过于单调,而同时在意义上得以相互辉映。语法部分的练习1是语篇题,联系要求学生辨认短文中的状语。短语简要介绍了莎士比亚的生平,对课文的内容害死一个有益的补充。这个练习考察的是学生对状语形式的辨认,属于低层次的要求。练习2要求学生用非限定性动词词组作状语,改写所给出的若干例句。非限定性动词词组作状语在教学中是个难点,作者专门设计这一题以帮助学生掌握这一语法点。这个练习在难度上高于前一题,学生需要运用所学知识在鱼片层次自由运用状语,难度比前两个练习都大得多。学习语法的目的不光是为了做语法题,而是为了使自己所产出的语言更加符合语言规范,能够被别人所理解,所以练习3的练习形式很好的体现了语法学习的根本目的和要旨。
Using Language部分的练习其实是阅读课文的延续。阅读部分留下了一个悬念:法兰西国王和勃垠公爵是否荏苒源于娶一无所有的科迪莉亚为妻。在听力部分中,学生将得知科迪莉亚的命运。练习1要求学生在听之前对对话内容进行预测。练习2要求学生根据录音材料回答问题,这个练习完成后,悬念的答案自然揭晓。练习3 要求学生讨论这两个求婚者的决定,并预测故事讲如何进一步发展。这就为下一步的阅读打下基础。读写部分的阅读继续这个故事的演绎,讲述了李尔王在大女儿哪里所受的冷遇。练习除了考查学生对故事情节的把握以外,还重点突出了表达感情的语言技巧,即如何通过语音和语调的变化来表现人物的悲伤、失望、愤怒、友好、敌意等。写作部分首先要学生阅读“The three daughters of the king”的故事梗概,并指出莎士比亚的《李尔王》就是取材于这个故事,再决定其中一个进行剧本创作。如果学生不但能够理解剧本的剧情,分析剧中人物的性格特点,体会剧本所传达的教育意义,而且能够将所学的戏剧知识运用到自己的创作中,那么就很好的达到了本单元的教学目的。
Summing Up 部分归纳了本单元的主要学习内容并让学生自我检测学习效果。
1. 教学重点
第一课时:Warming Up, Reading I
第二课时:Learning about language
第三课时:Listening and Speaking
第四课时:Reading and writing
IV. 教学步骤:
Period 1
Warming-up, Reading I
Teaching Goals:
(1)Enable the students to-analyze the characters in one of William Shakespeare's play “king Lear” with the target language.
(2) Enable the students to master some knowledge about Shakespeare and his plays
Teaching Procedures:
? Warming-up
Step 1. Leading- in
Purpose: to let the students think about their relationships with parents
1. A love test: ask the students to do a love test
? 1. Do you love your parents?
Yes.____ No.____
? 2. How much do you love them?
A. very much B. So-so
C. Very little D. Not at all
? 3. Which of the following best describe your feelings towards your father?
A. I love him more than my life
B. I love him as much as I love my eyes
C. I love him as much as I should, no more and no less
D. I don’t know how much I love him, I have never thought about the question
E. I don’t love him, but I don’t hate him either
F. I hate him
G.__________________ (your own sentences)
? 4. If you were married, whom would you love more, your wife/ husband or your parents?
My wife/ husband__________
My parents_______________
? 5. If your father gave you 1,000yuan on condition that you tell him you love him very much, would you say so?
Yes.____ No.____
? 6. If you could choose a father, which would you choose?
A. A father who was very rich but didn’t love you.
B. A father who had no money but loved you very much
Step 2: Discussion: ask the students to discuss:
? How do we show love and respect to our parents?
? If we have problems in getting along with our parents? How to communicate with them?
Purpose: lead the students to think about how to get along with parents
? Requirements:
? Four students a group
? 3 minutes for discussion
? 2 minutes for presentation
Step3. Background knowledge
Purpose: To provide the students with information about Shakespeare and his plays, let the students prepared for the reading part
William Shakespeare
? A dramatist, an actor, a poet
? The greatest and most famous English writer
? A master of language and a prolific writer
? 38 plays, 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems, and several other poems.
Shakespeare’s Quotes
? A light heart lives long .
? The time of life is short ; to spend that shortness basely, it would be too long .
? The course of true love never did run smooth.
? Virtue is bold, and goodness never fearful.
? Reading
Step 1. Pre-reading
Purpose: to provide some background knowledge of drama and King Lear
? What is a drama?
Drama is the specific mode of fiction represented in performance.
Six Elements of drama
– Plot – what happens in a play; the order of events, the story as opposed to the theme; what happens rather than what it means.
– Theme – what the play means as opposed to what happens (plot); the main idea within the play.
– Character– the personality or the part an actor represents in a play; a role played by an actor in a play.
– Diction/Language/Dialogue – the word choices made by the playwright and the enunciation of the actors delivering the lines.
– Music/Rhythm – by music meant the sound, rhythm and melody of the speeches.
– Spectacle – the visual elements of the production of a play; the scenery, costumes, and special effects in a production.
King Lear
? Considered as William Shakespeare’s greatest tragedy
Key words: Flattery, honesty, loyalty, Respect, love
Step 2. Fast reading
Purpose: To get the gist of the passage.
To correctly understand some information given in the text.
1. Ask the student to listen to the tape and read the text quickly and try to answer the while-reading questions
? List the characters who appear in this part of the play
? Which of the characters do you think are shown in the picture on the right?
? Use the pictures that illustrate Part 1 of the play to predict what is going to happen?
Suggested answer:
? King Lear, Goneril, Regan, Cordelia, the Duke of Albany, the Duke of Cornwell, Kent
? King Lear and his three daughters
Step 3. Intensive reading
Purpose: to get the students to learn the details of the text.
1. The teacher Read King Lear’s first speech and asked a student to summarize what Lear has decided to do.
2. Ask four students role play Lear, Regan, Goneril, and Cordelia’s part
Ask why do the daughters answer in different way?
3 Ask two students role-play Lear and Kent
Ask why does Lear became angry with Kent?
4. Fill the diagram
? Two students a group
? Fill the diagram in 5 minutes
Setting ?
Conflict ?
Rising action ?
climax ?
Suggested answer:
? King Lear has three daughters. He is old and wants to divide him kingdom among his daughters, he is going to do a “love test”.
? Flattery VS honesty; words VS actions
? His first two daughters flatter him with nice words, but the youngest daughter insists on telling the truth
? Hearing the truth, the king gets very angry. He gives his land to his first two daughters and leaves nothing to the youngest one
5. Answer the questions for comprehending
1. Why does King Lear want to give away his kingdom?
2. How is he going to decide to give the best part of his kingdom to?
3. At beginning of the play, of which daughter is King Lear most fond?
4. Who tries to defend Cordelia? What happens to him when he speaks out?
Suggested answer:
1. Lear is old and tried and wants to retire
2. He is going to ask his three daughters to tell him how much they love him and divide up the kingdom according to their answers
3. Cordelia
4. Kent tries to defend Cordelia but Lear banishes him
6. Study the characters
Learn the adjectives that describe people’s character.
? Honest, loyal, hot-headed, truthful, deceitful, hard-hearted, respectful, corrupt, greedy, innocent, foolish, cunning, bad-tempered.
Try to use those adjectives to fill the form
Characters Relationships to King Lear Words to describe personality
King Lear ? ?
Goneril daughter ?
Regan ? ?
Cordelia ? ?
Duke of Albony Son-in-law ?
Duke of Cornwell ? ?
Duke of Kent ? ?
Suggested answer:
? Hot-hearted, hard-hearted, foolish, bad-tempered
? Deceitful, corrupt, greedy, cunning
? Daughter, Deceitful, corrupt, greedy, cunning
? Daughter, Honest, truthful, loving. innocent
? Not know yet
? Son-in-law, Not know yet
? Friend, Loyal, respectful, honest, truthful
7. Role-playing
? Fours students a group
? One plays the king, one plays Regan, and another one plays Cordelia, one plays the Duke of Kent
? The one who plays the Duke interview the three characters to find out what they really think
? 5 minutes for role-playing, 3 minutes for presentation.
8. Further discussion:
Discuss these questions in your group
? Do you think these questions are true to life?
? If you were King Lear, what would you do to divide up your kingdom among your children?
Step4: Language points
Purpose: help the students have a better understanding of the reading and help them to master the new and difficult words.
? I love you more than all the riches in the world, more than my freedom, more even than my own eyesight. In fact, I love you more than life itself.
? More than… 排比修辞 加强语气
? Riches: N. 财富,金钱,财宝 只有复数形式
Riches have wings
She gave away all her riches
近义词:Possessions, fortune, gold, money, property, treasure, wealth
I have decided to retire and hand over the heavy load of responsibility to you three.
? hand over交出,移交
复习有关hand 的短语
hand in交上;递上,交进
hand in hand手拉手;联合
hand on传下来,依次传递
hand out分派;把…拿出来
hand over交出,移交;让与
? See, here is a map of my boundaries drown on it.
? Boundary 分界线,边界
They marked the boundaries of the football fields.
I have decided the kingdom into three parts, and allocated one part to each of you
? allocate 分派,分配,分配额
The restaurant have six parking space allocate in the public car park next door.
For whichever of you has for me the most devotion I will give to her the best part of everything I own
whichever 作连接代词,意为 “无论哪个;无论哪些”,连接宾语从句、主语从句。
In expressing her love for you, my sister has also expressed mine
? in: during the act or process of 相当于while
In racing for the bus, she fell and hurt her knees.
In helping you with the competition, I have also learned a lot
I adore you more than anything else in the whole world.
? adore:崇拜,爱慕,喜爱
The boys adore their mothers.
This part is equal in value to what I give to Goneril
? Be equal in 在(某方面)相等
Are men and women equal in physical strength?
区别 be equal to 与…相等
They receive an income that is equal to the valves of the goods they produce
You are no longer my daughter but a stranger to my heart.
? Be a stranger to 对…陌生,对…没有经验,对…不习惯
He is a stranger to our country
He is no stranger to hardship
? We’ll see if either wants to be a bridegroom when she has no riches to bring to the marriage
? If相当于whether,表示“是否 ”
? When 相当于if, since, now that 表示“如果;既然”
I shall distribute my kingdom between the two of you. I shall keep nothing for myself except a troop of one hundred of my most loyal to…
? distribute:分配,散布
The mother distributed candy among children.
? Troop:群,组,多数
We trooped into the meeting.
But Sir, please hear me out. I speak on the behalf of Cordelia
? hear out:听说
“I can‘t hear out of my left ear,” the man told the judge.
? On the behalf of 代表
And we'll say we're sorry, even on the behalf of the ones who aren't.
But Sir, please hear me out. I speak on the behalf of Cordelia
? hear out:听说
“I can‘t hear out of my left ear,” the man told the judge.
? On the behalf of 代表
And we'll say we're sorry, even on the behalf of the ones who aren't.
I forecast that such actions will cause great conflict throughout your kingdom
? forecast 预测,预报
According to the weather forecast it will rain tomorrow.
If you have not passed beyond my frontiers within five days, I will have you killed.
? frontier边界,边境
Sweden has frontiers with Norway and Finland.
? have sth done/ get sth done 叫别人做某事 have sth done 更正式
We’ll just had the house decorated.
? Preview the exercises in learning about language
Period 2 Learning about Language
Teaching Goals:
1. To get the students to know how to use new words and phrases.
2. To help the students to master some new words and expressions.
3. To get the students to master the use of adverbials
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1. Grammar
? Purpose: To review the use of adverbials and make sure the students understand the usage of adverbials
? 状语通常由副词,副词词组,介词词组,非限定性动词词组或者从句构成
? 修饰动词,表示时间、地点、方式或频度等;修饰形容词和副词表示程度,修饰介词等表示程度、时间或地点。
Unemployment has fallen below two million
for the first time since 1980.
? 修饰整个句子,表示讲话者的态度。
Hopefully, the two sides may come to an agreement on this point.
? 修饰整个句子,表示该句与上句的连接关系。
He takes on interest in studies, instead, he plays tennis all day.
? 方式状语(Adverbial of manners)
? 地点状语(Adverbial of place)
? 时间状语(Adverbial of time)
? 频率状语(Adverbial of frequency)
? 可能性状语(Adverbial of possibility)
? 持续性状语(Adverbial of duration )
? 程度状语(Adverbial of degree)等
? Adverbial of manners: quietly, quickly, beautifully, truly, fully, fast, well, suddenly, in the right way, like a baby
? Adverbial of place: in the car, at the meeting, in the kitchen, near the door, on the table, out of the room
? Adverbial of time: today, nest week, at the day after tomorrow, last night, the other day, at the weekend, in summer
? Adverbial of frequency: always, ever, never, usually, seldom, occasionally, sometimes, often, rarely
? Adverbial of probability: perhaps, probably, possibly, definitely, certainly, absolutely
? Adverbial of duration: already, still, yet, no longer, any longer, no more, any more
? Adverbial of degree: nearly, totally, greatly, badly, strongly, completely, seriously, entirely, largely, mainly, partly
He did not play enough to win
I did learn to play a few tunes very badly
She sat there quietly
? 如果想强调状语,可放在句首
? Slowly, he opened his eyes.
? All of a sudden, she burst into tears
? 如果同时相互先多个状语,则一般按照方式状语、地点状语、时间状语的顺序排列
? They were sitting quite happily on the floor
? She spoke very well at the conference last night
? 如果是频率状语、可能性状语、持续性状语,则一般放在动词前面
? She often goes downtown
? You have probably heard the news by now
? 用来修饰谓语动词、其它动词、定语、状语或整个句子的从句叫做状语从句。状语从句可分为时间、条件、目的、结果、让步、方式、原因状语从句等
? 注意:在时间状语从句和条件状语从句中,要注意时态一致。一般情况下主句是将来时的时候,从句要用一般现在时。
I will write to you as soon as I get home.
He will not leave if it isn’t fine tomorrow.
? 表示让步的状语从句由连词 though, although引导.
? although, though 辨析
? although 不能though 那样用作副词, 放在句首表示强调时要用even though.
He is looking fit, though.
Even though I didn’t under a word, I kept smiling.
1. I haven't heard from him __since___ he went to America .
2.He won't be here __unless___ he is invited .
3. He will not go to the cinema ___because____he is very busy .
4. We found the key ___where__ she lad left it .
5. We found the books two days __after__ he had gone away .
6. We had no sooner got to the station __than___ the train left .
7. He speaks English __as if____ he were an Englishman .
8.He is explaining clearly __so that_____ they could understand .
9. Do not leave the room _before____ you have finished the test .
10. She sang __as____ she went along .
Choose the right answer:
1. We?are watching TV ______ we caught sight of a friend of ours .
A. as soon as B. while C. when D. once
2.??The price of diamond rings has risen sharply _______ the price of gold rings has gone down.
A. when B. as C. while D. otherwise
3.???It is a long time since I last saw you . This sentence means _______
A. I had seen you for a long time B. I have seen you for a long time
C. I haven’t seen you for a long time D. I saw you again before long
4. No matter how hard he worked, ___ ____
A.????? he could not do any better
B.????? and he could not do any better
C.????? so he could not do any better
D.???? but he could not do any better
5._______, I am sure that he is honest
A.????? No matter people say
B.????? What people say
C.????? Whatever people say
D.???? It doesn’t matter people say
Suggested answer:
Step 2 Consolidation
Purpose: To consolidate the words and phrases in the text.
1. Ask the students to finish Ex1 on page 15 and check the answers in groups.
2. Ask the students to finish Ex 2 on page 15 and then let them check each other’s answers.
3. 复习复合形容词的用法。
? 名词+过去分词
baby-faced horse-faced
? 形容词+过去分词
good-mannered narrow-minded
absent-minded old-fashioned
? 数词+过去分词
one-legged three-headed
five-sided two-storied
three-year-old two-week one-way
? 名词+现在分词
body-building peace-loving
heart-warming law-abiding
? 形容词+现在分词
easy-going good-looking
? 副词+现在分词
hard-working fast-moving
? 名词+过去分词
heart-broken (伤心的) hand-made (手工的)
man-caused (人为的)
? 形容词+过去分词
plain-spoken (坦白说话的) ready-made (现成的)
clean-cut (清秀的)
? 副词+过去分词
out-spoken (直言的) well-known (著名的)
well-behaved (守规矩的)
? 形容词+名词 low-cost,high-quality,fast-food
? 名词+名词 day-care name-brand
? 名词+形容词 fat-free, duty-free , world-famous
4. Ask the students to finish Ex 4 on page 15 and then let them check each other’s answers.
5. Ask the students to finish Ex 1 and Ex 2 on page 16 and then let them check each other’s answers.
? Finish the Ex 3 on page 16
? Preview Reading II
Period 3 Listening and Speaking
Teaching Goals:
1. To improve the students’ listening and speaking ability.
2. To ensure the students have really grasped the important words and phrases of the unit.
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1: Pre-listening
1.Ask the students to work in pairs and try to summarize the Part 1 of “King Lear”
2. Provide the students with background knowledge of this listening part
Part 2 of the play, King Lear asks the Duke of Burgundy and the King of France whether they still want to marry Cordelia.
Ask the students to predict “What do you think the two men will say”?
Step 2: Listening
1. Ask the students to listen to the tape carefully;
2. They should fill the form after the first listening.
Suggested answer:
? Nothing will be give to Cordelia when she gets married
? D B won’t marry Cordelia any more
? K F asks why King Lear treats her once favorite daughter so badly and he decides to marry Cordelia
? King of France
3. Listen to the tape again and work in pairs and try to find answers to the following questions.
? What does Lear tell the two men?
? How does the Duke of Burgundy respond when he hears the news?
? What does the King of France want to know when he first hears the news? What does Gordelia tell him?
? What does the King of France decide to do?
Suggested answer:
? Lear tells them that Cordelia is no longer going to have part of his kingdom. She will be a poor woman when she marries.
? Burgundy says he cannot marry her after all.
? France asks Lear what Cordelia has done to turn him against her. Cordelia explains she has done nothing bad, just hasn’t found the words to tell her father how much she loves him.
? France decides to marry Cordelia even without her part of the kingdom.
Step 3: Listening and discussing
1. Ask the students to listen to the tape for the third time, try to finish the task.
? Summarize the characters of Duke of Burgundy, King of France, Goneril and Regan and find proofs.
? Predict will happen next?
? Work in a group of four students
? 5 minutes for discussion
? 3 minutes for groups to present their results
Step 4: Acting Task
? Form in a group of 6, each one will get a script.
? Choose a character for yourself among the King Lear, Cordelia, Duke of Burgundy, King of France, Goneril and Regan
? Each group should try to act the scene of Part II
? 5 minutes for preparation, and five minutes for acting
? One group will give us a presentation (5minutes)
? The best actor/actress will be chosen in each group
? Preview the Reading and Speaking
Period 4 Reading & Writing
Teaching Goals:
1. To enable the students to understand the play and the characters in it.
2. To improve the students’ reading and speaking ability
Step 1. Pre-reading
Purpose: let students have a prediction of the reading material
1. Predict what’s going to happen to King Lear in the part 3.
Step 2. Reading
Purpose: to get the students to learn the details of the text.
1. Ask the students to read the narrator’s part quickly and find out what each character has been doing. Try to fill the information card.
Who To do
Lear ?
Goneril ?
Kent ?
Suggested answer:
? Living with Goneril
? Complains about 100 soldiers, encourages servants to be rude, refuses to see her father
? Disguises himself as a servant so he can stay with Lear
2. Ask the students to work in pairs of two students and read the rest part of King Lear
? They should make notes of the main events in this part of play
Suggested answer:
Main events
? Goneril treats her father badly
? Her servant, Oswald, is rude to King Lear
? Kent, disguised as a servant, try to protect Lear
? Lear leaves to visit Regan with Kent
3. Ask the students to finish the summary of part 3 on page 19
Suggested answer:
? leave the kingdom
? disguises himself as a servant named Caius
? kicks Oswald’s feet out from under him
? complain about his soldiers
? go and live with his other daughter, Regan
4. Ask the students to listen to the tape of part 3, they should especially pay attention to how the characters speak their lines and try to imitate them.
? How do the actors say their lines so they can communicate correct emotion? (anger, sadness, friendliness, unfriendliness)
5. Acting Task
? Form in a group of 6 student
? Each student chooses a character for yourself among the narrator, King Lear, solider, Kent, Goneril and Oswald
? Each group should try to act the scene of Part 3
? 5 minutes for preparation, and five minutes for acting
Step 3. Language points
Purpose: To study the important and difficult language points in this part.
? She encourages her staff to be disrespectful towards Lear.
? Staff 全体人员,同事, 员工,下属
I am on the editorial staff of the newspaper
? Ok, Caius, I’ll give you a trial. And if you prove to be good at your job, I’ll keep you on as my servant.
? Give sb a trial 试用某人
? I did well in the job interview and they decided to give me a trial.
? He is capable man. It would be a mistake not to give him a trial.
? Keep sb on = continue to employ someone 继续留用
How many people will be kept on by the company?
You’re not fit for the job. We can’t keep you on.
回顾有关Keep 的短语
? 1. keep at sth 坚持做某事。如:
He kept at the job until finished.
? 2. keep doing sth
They kept talking about it.
注:此用法可与 keep on doing sth 换用。
(2) 一直在做某事(无间隔)。如:
He kept standing during the meeting.
注:此用法通常不能与 keep on doing sth 换用。
? keep from (doing) sth
(1) 忍不住做某事。如:
I couldn’t keep from laughing.
(2) 避开或防止(做)某事。如:
He keeps from bad company.
? keep sb (sth) doing sth 使某人(某事)不停地做
He kept the fire burning.
? keep sb (sth) done 使某人(某事)被……。
Keep you mouth shut and your eyes open.
? I suspect the same, but I keep telling myself it was my imagination.
? Suspect 怀疑,猜想,后接名词或从句
He seems poor, but I suspect that he has quite a lot of money.
Don’t suspect my loyalty.
? Is it any wonder that I frown when your soldiers are continually drinking and fighting?
? Is it any wonder (that)…? = It is no/little wonder (that) … “不奇怪,不足为奇”。
With such talented players, is it any wonder they won?
Is it any wonder that he speaks good English after living in the US for many years.
? Continually 和continuously 的区别
? 两者均可表示“连续的,不间断地”,
? 前者表示“一段时间内多次发生”、“时断时续”或“中断时间很短而以接连发生”
? 后者指“连续不断地,不停歇地”
The telephone has be ringing continually in the office all morning.
The telephone rang continuously for five minutes.
? I suggest you teach them how to behave properly.
? Behave (vi) 举动,举止,行为表现。可以用副词修饰。
The boy behaved very well last night.
? Behave 还可作及物动词,但它只能接反身代词,behave oneself.
Please behave yourself.
The children behaved themselves at the party. I’m proud of them.
I won’t stay here to be insulted.
? 不定式在句末多作结果状语,表示预料之外的结果,且常与only连用。
He lifted a rock only to drop it on his own feet.
The news reporters hurried to the airport, only to be told that the film stars had left.
Read the summary of King Lear on page 19, and write a summary of your favorite story
King Lear tells them
DB’s response
Who will Cordelia
K L’s response