Lesson 22
习题 1
1. 小心地 ______________
2. 装饰 ______________
3. 每人 ______________
4. 最后 ______________
5. 说明 ______________
6. 细线 ______________
1. 照着这些说明,做一些圣诞装饰吧。
2. 小心地剪出小人。
3. 做得好,Tom
4. 最后,把天使挂在树上。
5. 你最喜欢的节日是什么?
Lesson 22
习题 2
1. 翅膀 A. wing
2. 羊毛 B. wool
3. 穿过 C. back
4. 最后 D. finally
5. 背面 E. through
1. man a draw half then .
2. clothes finally colour yellow the .
3. a thin of paper piece long take .
4. carefully man the cut out .
5. of paper piece the unfold .
Lesson 22
What do you usually do at Christmas? The family get together. We have a big dinner. We sing Christmas songs. We get presents from Santa.
1. 重点为学生通过各种操练活动掌握句型。
2. 难点为学生熟练使用句型。
Step 1 Preparation and pre-reading
1. Greetings.
2. Enjoy a song
We wish you a merry Christmas? Do you like this? This is a Christmas song.
Step 2 Presentation
1. Today we are going to learn unit6,lesson 1。教读Christmas。
学生自读课题What do you usually do at Christmas? We know, Christmas is a big festival in the western. I have a question: when is Christmas day? 生回答,师教December.
2. In-reading
PPT出示问题:What do you usually do at Christmas? 生共同读出。出示5个答案,词卡教读together. Here are 5 choices. What’s Jenny’ answer? Listen again, try to find out. 第二次听,做勾选题。生回答。
3. People do so many things. Can you remember them? I’ll check your memory. 学生齐读问题,一块回答四个句子,教师板书。
4. PPT: Look, Santa brings toys in his sack. Do you know sack? 教师提示:A big …? 教师板书下bag。 由sing 引申到bring,教读并板书。
5. 教师总结:He brings toys in his sack. It’s … children, we learned Christmas is on December 25. At Christmas, we … (引导生复述各种活动)
6. Post-reading
(1) T:It’s a big challenge. Can you retell the text? 1 minute to prepare, discuss in pairs.
(2) Good job, children. Now, let’s talk. PPT放映许多图片,People do many things at Christmas in Canada. Now I’m Jane. Who can ask me that question? 一生起来问师答,后师问生答做示范。Now children, it’s your turn. Work in pairs. Talk about the pictures. Which pair want to show?
(3) This is Christmas in Canada. What about other countries. Let’s see. 播放介绍Christmas的video.
(4) video 里出现了Christmas crackers. Look, children, I have a Christmas crackers. Do you want to play it? 和一个学生玩圣诞拉炮,拉出card, hat, Santa,和写有What do you do in Australia? 的卡纸。教师:You can find out more information in your envelope. PPT: here are 5 short passage and 5 countries. Let’s make a Christmas poster. 1st, read the passages. 2nd, stick the passage with the country to make a poster. 3rd, talk about the poster in your group. 学生紧张地进入了活动。教师:which group want to show?一组学生上前汇报,教师发给奖品。
7. Progress
(1) 教师PPT总结:各国风俗,中国风俗,国家不同风俗不同,要入乡随俗。
(2) Review the lesson: 复习7个词,时间不够,师说放到课下检查。
8. Homework
课件15张PPT。 Unit 6
Lesson 22 IT'S CHRISTMAS DAYChristmas tree Santa Claus Christmas card Christmas gift Think about it1. Do you like to give gifts? To whom do you like to give them?
2. Do you like Christmas? Why or why not?What would you like for Christmas?I would like a new bicycle.What would you like for Christmas?I would like a new schoolbag.What would you like for Christmas?I would like a new sweater.What would you like for Christmas?I would like a new computer.I got a car. I was lucky.What did you get on Christmas Day?What did you get on
Christmas Day?I got chocolates.What would you like for Christmas?I would like …violinfootballExercise 根据短文意思和所给首字母填空,每空一词。
Christmas is a w______ holiday. O____ this holiday,
people don’t work. Children don’t go to s_____.
Christmas is s_____. Why? B______ we have
Christmas trees, lights and Santa Claus. O______
Christmas, Santa Claus brings children toys and
other g______. We i_____ our family and friends to
our house. They bring gifts f____ us. We send gifts
to each other. We have f______ together. esternnchoolpecialecauseniftsnviteorunIt ’s time to relax !!!