课件27张PPT。pieWould you like a?Unit 7(Story time)Who is he?picnic 野餐a piea sweeta cakea hot dogpicnic 野餐If you see a word, please read it.
(如果你看到一个单词,请大声读出来)If you see a picture of food, please eat it!
(如果你看到图片,请吃了它)checking timeRead or Eat!Task 1What would Sam's father like?
Sam的爸爸想要什么呢?仔细听哦!……Would you like a cake ?a pie ?a sweet ?a hot dog ?…What would Sam's father like?
Sam的爸爸想要什么呢?Having a picnic (野餐) Watch and choose(看一看,选一选)1. What food do they offer Helen?(她们请Helen吃了什么?)2. What would Helen like?(Helen想要什么?) Watch and choose (看一看,选一选) 1. What food do they offer Helen?(她们请Helen吃了什么?)2. What would Helen like?(Helen想要什么?) Read and find(读一读,找一找)(她们是怎样请Helen吃馅饼和蛋糕的?)(她们是怎样请Helen吃馅饼和蛋糕的?) Read and find(读一读,找一找)(她们是怎样请Helen吃馅饼和蛋糕的?) Read and find(读一读,找一找)What about…?
(表示建议或请求) Let’s readRead after the cartoon.(跟读)注意模仿故事中人物的语音语调哦 Let’s act !(表演) ★ Good! 语音语调正确,
感情丰富到位。 ★★ Great! 语音语调正确,
表演自然大方。 Summaryto offer people food?(怎样向别人提供食物?)to answer?(怎样回答?)HowHappy“换”乐无穷HappySharing brings happiness!分享能带来快乐!Happiness is to be with friends.
Happiness is to share with friends.