课件47张PPT。How much?Unit 7Let’s talk!
Do you want to know more about me?
想了解我更多吗?用你所学的句型来问一问吧!你问我答全班分成六人一组,根据上课的表现奖励相应的爱心星港币,获得最多爱心币的小组获胜! 2元 20元How many…do you have?twelvetwentytwenty-one-twotwenty-threetwentyHow many?thirtytwelvethirteenfourteenfifteensixteenseventeeneighteennineteentwentythirtyfortyfiftysixtyseventyeightyninety找 规 律456799谁是估价王?1、2、选出最合理的价格:
, , , 48¥ ,24¥, ,37 ¥16 ¥58¥29¥1¥3、4、only仅仅Charity Sale:为了帮助白血病儿童涛涛,Miss Li 和她的学生正在进行爱心义卖活动,你们想要加入他们吗?Charity Sale:义卖Know the things for the charityKnow the prices of the things.知道义卖的物品。知道物品的价格。了解买卖的过程,并成为有礼貌的售货员。Act the whole process .能将整个义卖的过程表演出来。Tasks 过关任务如何成为一个合格的爱心义卖志愿者?Know how to buy or sell .
To be a polite seller.Super eyes
火眼金睛闯关秘诀:快速说出义卖的物品,回答正确者可以为小组筹集善款1元。Task 1Know the things for the charity知道义卖的物品。
他们准备了哪些东西出售?What do they prepare to sell?Story timean umbrellaThis umbrella is…umbrellaTask 1things they prepared:Learning tip:
2、长的单词可以先分段读。旧知:uncle under cinema brown
can fat sad she clock things they prepared:fansockshoe旧知:uncle under cinema brown
can fat sad she clock ssThe fan is very….The socks are very….The shoes are very….
他们准备了哪些东西出售?What do they prepare to sell?Story timea fanshoessocksan umbrella shoes,socks等都是成双成对出现的,是复数名词。Know the things for the charityKnow the price of the things..知道义卖的物品。知道物品的价格。了解买卖的过程,并成为有礼貌的售货员。Act the whole process .能将整个义卖的过程表演出来。Tasks 过关任务如何成为一个合格的爱心义卖志愿者?Know how to buy or sell things.
To be a polite sellerSuper mind
Task 2Know the price of the things.
了解物品的价格。Who are the buyers?谁是买家?Look and answer!Listen and try to find what do they buy?
How much?
听录音,选出顾客所买的物品,并写出相应的价格。socks , a fan, an umbrella, shoesshoessocksan umbrellashoessocksan umbrella¥ 5¥ 4¥ 19附加题:已经填好价格的同学请仔细听一听,想一想,哪个数字不是单个商品的价格?这个数字从何而来?¥28bKnow the things for the charityKnow the price of the things..知道义卖的物品。知道物品的价格。了解买卖的过程,并成为有礼貌的售货员。Act the whole process .能将整个义卖的过程表演出来。Tasks 过关任务如何成为一个合格的爱心义卖志愿者?Know how to buy or sell things.
To be a polite sellerSuper mouth
口若悬河闯关秘诀:划出买卖过程的句子,模仿并试着说说礼貌用语,语气很礼貌者可以为小组筹集善款5元 。了解买卖的过程并成为一个礼貌的售货员。Task 3Know how to buy or sell things.
To be a polite sellerHow to sell:How to buy:watch and find.
观看story,边跟读边用直线————划出如何销售的句子,用波浪线~ ~ ~ ~划出如何购物的句子
How to sell:How to buy:Hi.
Good morning.
Can I help you?
Here you are.I’d like these shoes.
These socks are very nice.
This umbrella is cool.
How much are they?
How much is it?watch and find.
观看story,边跟读边用直线————划出如何销售的句子,用波浪线~ ~ ~ ~划出如何购物的句子
Listen and imitate!学一学,试着做个有礼貌的售货员。Can I help you?Task 3Five yuan,please.They’re four yuan.OK. Here you are.How much are they?学一学,试着做个有礼貌的售货员。Listen and imitate!学一学,试着做个有礼貌的售货员。Listen and imitate!Think and say想一想,礼貌的售货员还能说什么呢?Seller售货员Task 3Know the things for the charityKnow the price of the things..知道义卖的物品。知道物品的价格。了解买卖的过程,并成为有礼貌的售货员。Act the whole process .能将整个义卖的过程表演出来。Tasks 过关任务如何成为一个合格的爱心义卖志愿者?Know how to buy or sell things.
To be a polite sellerSuper sounds
书声琅琅Task 4Act the whole process .能将整个义卖的过程表演出来。Read togetherTask 4Read togetherTask 4Read togetherTask 4Read togetherTask 4Super sounds
Task 4Act the whole process .能将整个义卖的过程表演出来。Show time1234 和你的小组成员一起来表演吧!Know the things for the charityKnow the price of the things..知道义卖的物品。知道物品的价格。了解买卖的过程,并成为有礼貌的售货员。Act the whole process .能将整个义卖的过程表演出来。Tasks 过关任务如何成为一个合格的爱心义卖志愿者?Know how to buy or sell things.
To be a polite seller 恭喜你们闯关成功!
Well done!kind 善良的 helpful 助人的 Mutual love, better world
互助互爱,世界更美好How much do they have?他们一共募得多少元?Is it enough for Tao Tao?
这些钱对涛涛来说够了吗?Show our love小小义卖会根据图片同桌两个设计并操练对话,最棒的可为所在小组赢得20元爱心币。