课件30张PPT。U5 Dinner’s readyRead and write P53PEP 四年级年级上breadmilksoupchickennoodlesjuicevegetablesbeefricefishMagic eyes Anything else?AnythingLet’s talk B: I’d like some________. A: Anything else? A: What would you like?B: Some__________,please.Pair workStory timeHello, what would you like?I’d like some rice and fish, please.Your rice and fish.Your rice and fish.Your rice and fish. Now I’d like
some noodles
and beef, please.Your noodles and beef.Thank you.Your rice and fish.Now I’d like
some noodles
and beef, please.Your noodles and beef.Thank you.Role playAnything else?Story timeAnything else?Anything else?Your soup and vegetables. Here’s your bill. You !!!Bill Grains
(谷物)Dessert and drinks
(甜品和饮料类) Meat
(肉类)ricenoodlesbreadvegetablesfishsoupbeefchickenapplesmilkcakejuice1.005.004.0015.0015.0020. Total(总计): Watch and tick¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥√√√√√¥54.00 egg ¥5.00meat ¥15.00pork ¥15.00tofu ¥5.00tomato ¥5.00coffee ¥5.00coke ¥3.00√ The right order is ______________.
CABDFEAFDECBread and numberAct out Discuss the new ending.
小组讨论故事的新结局。 You… !!!A: Hello.What would you like?
B: I’d like some , please.
A: Your .
B: Thank you.
A: Anything else?
B: Some ,please.
A : Your .
Here’s your bill.
(((The dog/The bird is coming.
He takes away the bill.)))
A: You…!!
B: Oh,I’m sorry. Here’s .Bill beef chicken fish rice noodles soup vegetables juice milk 5.00 12.00 15.00 8.00 6.00 6.00 12.00 15.00 6.00 ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥rice and beefrice and beefsoupsoup¥28.00Let’s talkA: Hello . What would you like?
B: I’d like some , please.
A: Your .
B: Thank you.
A: Anything else?
B: Some ,please.
A : Your .
Here’s your bill.
(((The dog/The bird is coming.
He takes away the bill.)))
A: You…!!
B: Oh,I’m sorry. Here’s .Bill beef chicken fish rice noodles soup vegetables juice milk 5.00 12.00 15.00 8.00 6.00 6.00 12.00 15.00 6.00 ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥A Missing BillEat well(适量)Eat most(最多)均衡饮食Eat least(最少)Balanced dietCherish the food.
Eat healthily .珍惜食物健康饮食 Repeat after the radio.
Act out the story to your friends.
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