课件27张PPT。Unit 6 How many?Part B Let's learn & Let's chantLearning goals能听、说、认读单词:
sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty? 能够运用句型:
—How many ... do you have?
—I/We have ...? Let's chant点击,播放视频 Let's count two+eleven= fifteen thirteentwelvefourteenthree×four= two×seven=fifteen-four=eleven six+nine=Li Mei and Zhang Hua are talking about their toys.I have many toys.
Do you have any toys?Yes, I do.How many toy cars do you have?I have sixteen.sixteen/ti?n//s?ks/sixteenHow many toy boats do you have?I have seventeen.seventeen/ti?n//sevn/seventeenHow many toy dogs do you have?I have eighteen.eigh teen/ti?n//e?/eighteenHow many toy monkeys do you have?I have nineteen.nineteen/ti?n//na?n/nineteen Let's learnCan you find a common feature in these words?six+teenseven+teeneigh+teennine+teen Look for friendsA. eleven B. twelve
C. thirteen D. fourteen
E. fifteen F. sixteen
G. seventeen H. eighteen
I. nineteen Who's his friend? ______Who's his friend? ______Who's his friend? ______BEHFGIHow many toy bears do you have?I have twenty.twenty/ti//twen/twentytwenty 20 thirty 30 forty 40 fifty 50
sixty 60 seventy 70 eighty 80 ninety 90Let's learn一般都在其个位数(有的稍有变化)词尾加后缀-ty在十位数与个位数之间加连字符“-”twenty-one 21 twenty-six 26 thirty-three 33 Read and matchseventeen sixteen twenty eighteen nineteenWho are they?John and the salesman.What are they talking about?The cars.Now, listen to the tape and answer the question:—How many cars do you have?—We have ______. Listen and answertwenty Listen, read and imitate点击,播放视频 Let's talkWhere are they?They are in the park.What can you see in the park?Birds, caryons, fish, kites, balloons... Listen and answer1. My name is Zoom? I see _______ birds.2. My name is Wu Yifan. I have _____ crayons.3. I'm a saleman. I have ______ balloons.thirteensixteeneleven Listen, read and imitate点击,播放视频 Read and order___ → ___ → ___→ ___ → ___→ ___ → ___→ ___ → ___→ ___ A. nineteen B. sixteen C. eleven
D. thirteen E. twenty F. twelve
G. fourteen H. eighteen I. fifteen
J. seventeenABCDEFGHIJ Read and judge(T/F)( ) 1. —How many apples do you have? —We have eighteen.
( ) 2. —How many oranges do you have? —We have twenty.
( ) 3. —How many pears do you have? —We have nineteen. FFTten and eight makes eighteen10 and 8 makes 18 Let's counteight and eleven makes nineteeneleven and six makes seventeenfour times five makes twenty4 times 5 makes 20. Let's countthree times six makes eighteenfour times four makes sixteen Let's readHow many do you have? How many do you see?
10 and 8 makes 16. Can you count with me?
How many do you have? How many do you see?
4 times 5 makes 20. Can you count with me? Let's chant点击,播放视频numberssixteentwentyseventeeneighteennineteen—How many ... do you have? —I/We have ...1. Listen and read Part B ”Let's talk”.2. Show “Let's chant” to your friends and family.