课件32张PPT。Unit 7 How much ?Fun time & Cartoon timeGuessing gameLet's sweep these leaves together.
Are you ready?(让我们一起扫走树叶,猜猜树叶底下的东西吧!)Guessing game: shoes 鞋子They can help you to walk well.
它们可以帮助你好好走路。How much are they?They are five yuan.Guessing game: socks 袜子They keep your feet warm.
它们保持你的脚暖和。 How much are they?They are four yuan.Guessing game: umbrella 伞Used for protection
against rain.
(可以用来挡雨) How much is it?It’s only nineteen yuan. fan 扇子It can help you feel cold.
(感觉冷)Guessing game:How much is it?It’s twelve yuan.Revision timeLook and say:(看看说说)Rules:
If you see numbers, say the numbers out;
if you see objects(物品), say the objects out;
if you see say “Well done”;
if you see say “Bomb”.Quick respond28pencilhorseQuick respondLet's learnthirteenfourteenfifteensixteenseventeeneighteennineteen13141516171819找规律thirteenfourteenfifteensixteenseventeeneighteennineteen温馨提示:
20304050twentythirtyfortyfifty找规律twentythirtyfortyfifty温馨提示:整十数20到90都是以“ty”结尾,表示“几十”的意思。60708090sixtyseventyeightyninetyLet's practice数字80“eighty”
“y”就可以了。21twenty-one33thirty-three56fifty-six79seventy-nine95ninety-five找规律温馨提示:20以后的非整十数用连字符“-”表示,“-”左边表示十位数,“-”右边表示个位数。24twenty-four65sixty-five76seventy-six42forty-two98ninety-eightPrices:¥5¥8¥15¥27¥45five yuaneight yuanfifteen yuantwenty-seven yuanforty-five yuanGame timeRules: Four students a group, one take the cards and ask "How much is it/are they?", the other three guess "It's/They are...". If you are right, you can get the card, if no one is right, the one who ask can get the card.
规则:四人一小组,一人拿着卡片问“How much is it/are they?“(给出一定价格范围),其余三人猜价格"It's/They are...",每人轮流三次机会,猜对的人获得卡片,如果没有人猜对则问价的人获得卡片。Where are they?They are in a shop.Can I help you?
需要帮忙吗?Cartoon timeWatch and answerWhat would Bobby like?How many would Bobby like?Cartoon timeWatch and answerWhat would Bobby like?Bowknots 蝴蝶结How many would Bobby like?Ten Cartoon timeRead and answerWhy Bobby buy these bowknots for Tina? 为什么Bobby要买蝴蝶结给Tina?Cartoon timeWhy Bobby buy these bowknots for Tina? 为什么Bobby要买蝴蝶结给Tina?Her tail is long.尾巴长的Is Tina happy?她的Listen and repeatRead in roles分角色朗读要求:
4人一组分角色朗读课文,注意模仿语音语调。注意朗读时模仿Sam奇怪的语气和Tina高兴的语气。Act the story表演要求:
4人一组,每人扮演一个角色,看谁模仿的语音语调最棒,别忘了表情还有动作哦! Show time
(四家商店,选择一家商店自由购物, 但每人必须购得一件商品。)Goodbye!