Unit8 Chinese New Year (第三课时) 课件(33张PPT)


名称 Unit8 Chinese New Year (第三课时) 课件(33张PPT)
格式 zip
文件大小 6.5MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 牛津译林版
科目 英语
更新时间 2019-12-24 10:17:38



课件33张PPT。6A Unit8 Chinese New YearSound time& Culture time& Cartoon timeIntroduce Chinese festivalsThree-minute talk三分钟素质训练Chinese New YeareatYour Chinese New Year☆注意做要用be going to…结构哦Talk about your family's plans for Chinese New Yearon Chinese
New Year’s
Evefathermother…… before Chinese
New Yearon Chinese
New Year DayWhat?Your family’s Chinese New Yearmotheron Chinese
New Year Dayon Chinese
New Year’s
Evemotheron Chinese
New Year Day before Chinese
New Yearon Chinese
New Year’s
Evemotheron Chinese
New Year Dayfather before Chinese
New Yearon Chinese
New Year’s
Evemotheron Chinese
New Year DayWhatfather before Chinese
New Yearon Chinese
New Year’s
Evemotheron Chinese
New Year DayIt is the most important festival in China. importantmore importantithe most important最重要的Something more about Chinese New YearWe also call it “Spring Festival”.Culture time Christmas is the most important holiday in the UK.What is the most important holiday in the UK?交流预习任务中搜集到的信息on 25th December……Culture time Christmas is the most important holiday in the UK.What is the most important holiday in the UK?交流预习任务中搜集到的信息Give thanks to the people around you. Culture timeIt’s on the fourth Thursday of November.Thanksgiving is a very important holiday in the US.ThanksgivingfoodroomroomroomroomroomschoolroomSound timebook cook foot good/u:/?/?/The cook is looking at a cookbook.
To look for something good.
The cook is looking at a cookbook.
To cook us something good.Sound timeTip:连读句子会更流畅哦!Read and find注:"好脚站木羊毛"短。"即:good, foot, stood, wood ,wool羊毛.
第二句也可以是:"d、k之前oo短,"foot"、"food"恰相反。小组将搜集好的含oo字母组合的词拿出来读一读,准备展示。Show timeBobby’s mum is cooking some dumplings.It is Chinese NewYear’s Eve.1.What do Bobby and Tina get?
2.What are they going to do tomorrow?Watch and answer1.What do Bobby and Tina get?
They get red packets.
They are rich.
2.What are Bobby and Tina going to do tomorrow?
They are going to see Aunt Alice in the morning and watch fireworks in the evening.爱丽丝阿姨Watch and answerCartoon timeWhat do you think of Bobby?A.Bobby is hungry. B.Bobby likes eating.Cartoon timeListen and repeatListen and repeatListen and repeatListen and repeat分角色朗读表演整个故事脱离课本表演并有动作123三种方式供你选,欢迎挑战三人一组:Team workPPT模板下载:www.1ppt.com/moban/ wonderfulniceinterestingbusyfunnyHow is their Chinese New Year?We always have a lot of fun
at Chinese New Year.
2.Show time上台说说你的计划。
Mid-Autumn FestivalDragon Boat Festival
Easter DayWriting time新的一年即将来到,我们又将迎来许多节日。你和你的伙伴们有什么计划呢?Make a plan for your favourite festival.…The mind map is going to help youMid-Autumn FestivalDragon Boat FestivalHalloween
Easter Day_______________is coming.
It's on/in_______________.
Before______,I’m going to______
My _____is/are going to_____
We are going to________
At/On______ I’m going to ________.
My _______is /are going to___...
…Writing timeThank you2017年即将来到,我们又将迎来许多节日。你和你的伙伴们有什么计划呢?Make a mind map to tell your plans.Listen and repeatLegend (传说)Chinese
New YearIn January or FebruaryDateThingsFood…Symbols
标志物DrinksThree-minute talk