Unit 4 Lesson 11 A Skills Survey
本单元围绕兴趣和技能的话题展开。第一课通过谈论兴趣,学生学习了表示同意和不同意的功能句;第二课通过进行技能调查,学生来学习特殊疑问句;第三课学生会通过阅读刘伟的故事来学习can表示能力的用法;最后在communication workshop中,学生会综合利用前三课所学来介绍自己和朋友的兴趣和技能。
词汇:survey, information, Internet, act, email, French, people, Olympics
play basketball, use a computer, ride a bike, speak Chinese, … …
First Period
1. 通过把单词放入相应的圆圈中学会对与技能调查相关单词的整理和归类;
2. 通过观察技能调查问卷,明确问卷所包含的主要内容,然后通过连线的方式来理解每项内容的含义及其包括的信息,并对缺失信息进行简单的预测;
3. 通过听力,完成对调查问卷的信息获取,然后通过对所获取的有关技能的词汇的观察,明确相应词汇的构成,从而完成word builder的学习;
4. 仿照例文设计学校十项技能大赛的技能调查问卷的设计,并以两人一组互问互答的形式,完成这份问卷。
教学活动 设计意图 互动模式&时间
Warm up
Step 1 A speech about interests (hobbies). 根据单元话题进行自主命题演讲,提高学生自主学习能力,激发学生学习兴趣,增长自信心。 IW3’
Step 2 Lead to the topic of this lesson.Ss choose their favorite skills for the skills competition with the help of pictures. Ss learn the new word--- survey by answering the question and try to understand it with the help of the picture. 根据学校近期活动,创设真实情景,引导学生关注本课话题,同时学习生词--- survey, 引起学生对本课的学习兴趣。 CW IW1’
Step 3 Ss observe the skills survey, and get the general information of the survey. Q1: The survey is about _______.Q2: How many parts are there in the survey?Q3: What are they? 通过填空和设问帮助学生在听前理解调查问卷的基本内容并归类,渗透归纳概括主旨的策略,也为听力扫清理解障碍。 CWIW2’
Step 4 1. Ss match the three parts with the pictures. 2. Ss try to put the words about the survey in the correct circle.3. Ss check the answers in pairs4. Ss check the answers in class.5. Ss read the words together. 通过图片信息帮助学生理解调查问卷三部分的含义,并帮助学生建立词汇按话题归类的意识 利用书中所给词汇激发学生的已知,并渗透词汇整理策略为听力扫清词汇障碍 IWPWCW5’
Step 5 Ss observe the survey again, learn the new word “act” and guess the missing information. 学习生词,为听力扫清词汇障碍并渗透听前预测的听力策略 CWIW2’
Step 6 1st listening 1. Ss listen to the first part of the survey, and check the answers in Part 1.2. Ss listen to the second part of the survey, and tick the skills that Tom can do in Part 2.3. Ss listen to the third part of the survey, and write down the answers of Part 3. 2nd listening1. Ss listen to the whole survey, try to complete it and check the answers by themselves. 2. Ss check the answers in pairs by asking and answering the questions in the survey.3. Ss check the answers in class. 4. Ss think about the question “How to make a skills survey?” and try to answer it. 3rd listening1. Ss listen to the tape.2. Ss read the dialogue about the survey after the tape. 将听力拆分成三部分,验证预测是否准确。学生听第一份部分的听力,判断Part1 中的信息的正误,培养听力获取并核对信息的能力。学生听第二部分的听力,选出Part2 中Tom的技能,训练听力获取并筛选信息的能力。学生听第三部分的听力,回答Part3 中的问题,训练听力记录信息的能力。 学生听全文,从整体理解并完成问卷调查并自行核对答案,再以问答的方式两人一组和全班核对答案。通过问题,启发学生思维,归纳调查问卷的结构,并为后续的输出活动做铺垫。 听录音,学习模仿语音语调,培养语感。内化课文信息和语言。 IWPWCW15’
Step 7 Learn the Word Builder1. Ss answer the question “How to ask and answer when you want to know the other’s skills or languages?”2. Ss observe the sentences and try to find out the Word Builder.3. Ss sum up the Word Builder and try to give more examples.4. Ss finish the word map on P88. 学生通过回顾调查问卷中的问答,关注动词短语的构成及运用,并通过练习巩固所学,也为语言输出做铺垫。 PWIWCW7’
Step 8 Activity:学校的技能大赛近期就会举办,时间紧迫,你能帮助老师进行问卷调查,从而尽快确定比赛的5项技能都是什么吗?1.Ss design their own skills survey in groups (four students in one group); T gives an example about how to design a skills survey and also gives some language support. 2. Ss make an interview by using their own form of the skills survey (at least 2 classmates in other groups). 3. Ss tell the results of survey to their group leader, then the group leader tells it to the class leader. At last, the class leader will decide the 5 skills in the competition. T gives some language support. (见学案)4. Ss complete the assessment form.(见学案)5. Ss share the dialogues in class, and the class leader tells the final result to the whole class. 再次使用本课开头设置的语境,学生通过对话和汇报两种活动,内化课文信息,初步运用所学语言。 教师给出恰当的示范和语言支撑帮助学生明确活动内容,汇报活动成果。 对自己的活动做出评价,强化学生在完成任务的过程中使用所学语言。 GWCWIW10’
1. Copy and recite the new words and the Verb phrases. 2. Write down the dialogue you made in class on the worksheet.
Second Period
1. 通过对完成技能调查问卷的展示进行复习;
2. 通过对问题例句的观察和分析,发现特殊疑问句的结构,说出特殊疑问词的中文意思;
3. 通过完成分层练习,逐步理解特殊疑问句的表意功能;
4. 运用恰当的特殊疑问句向同学询问你感兴趣的内容,以加深相互的了解,和谐相处。
教学活动 设计意图 互动模式&时间
Warm up
Step 1 A speech about interests (hobbies)… 根据单元话题进行自主命题演讲,提高学生自主学习能力,激发学生学习兴趣,增长自信心。 IW3’
Review(homework presentation)
Step 2 Ss present the dialog about the skills survey. 学生以作业展示的形式复习上节课所学的信息和语言,为下一步的特殊疑问句的语法学习做铺垫。 PW5’
Step 3 1. Ss review the questions and read them. 2. Ss observe the sentences of Wh-questions to find out the name, meaning and function, the feature of them.3. Ss list the question words they know, then sort them into two groups, and tell the meanings of them. 回忆如何进行提问,并朗读问句,引出本课所学的语法。 学生在教师的引导下观察例句,发现并归纳出它们属于什么问句,重要特征以及它们的用法。 学生列举出其他的特殊疑问词并加以分类,说出他们的意思,加深对特殊疑问句特征的印象。 IWCW15’
4. Ss match the Wh-questions with their answers in Ex5 on P65. 5. Ss observe the sentences again to find out the structure of Wh-questions. 完成练习,巩固学生对特殊疑问词意思的进一步理解。学生在教师的引导下再次观察例句,讨论归纳出特殊疑问句的结构。
Grammar in use
Step 4 1. Ss complete the questions with the words in the box. ( on P88 )2. Ss complete the questions with the correct question words and answer them. ( on P65 )3. Ss make the sentences by using the given words, then answer the questions. ( on P65 )4. Ss ask and answer the questions in pairs. 利用书中练习,从词义到句意再到句子结构,从限制答案到开放性答案再到学生自主设置问题与答案,逐层深入的帮助学生理解特殊疑问句的用法及表意功能。多角度的语言运用也为后面的输出活动做了铺垫。 IW PWCW10’
Step 5 Activity: 虽然我们大家相处时间不长,但也有了一些基本的了解,而且上节课经过调查后,你可能对周围的同学有了新的认识。那你想不想对你周围的同学有更深入的了解呢?设计出你想要问的问题,询问你想要了解的同学,并编成对话。1. Ss list the questions in groups (four students in one group)Ss share the questions in class. 2. Ss complete the assessment form. (见学案) 3. Ss choose the questions they want to use individually and make a dialog with the classmate he/she’d like to know. 4. Ss share the dialog in class. 设置恰当的语境,帮助学生综合运用本课所学的语言及语法知识了解他人,促进班级内部的和谐相处。 以组为单位列举问题,既可以促进学生间的合作,也为后面自主寻找了解对象,确定合适的问题提供了更多的选择,做了很好的铺垫。 对自己的活动做出评价,强化学生在完成任务的过程中使用所学语言。 询问合适的人,选择恰当的问题,为学生提供恰当运用所学语法知识的机会,锻炼其综合运用语言的能力。 GWPWCW12’
1. Write down the dialogue you made on the worksheet.2. Copy and recite the new words and main sentences.