课件26张PPT。Unit 1 Lesson7Task 1 is blow up(炸掉) the monster.The monster is crafty.
(狡猾的)If you see the shapes, Stand up and shout(喊出) quickly(快速的).The monster will be drove away. (被赶走)The monster
will die(死掉).If you see a , then shout “bomb”.Are you ready?Task 2Let's go!Cross the riverAvoid the stone避开Choose the roadCross the riverAvoid the stone避开Choose the roadTask 3Task 4The ___ is/are in the shape of a ____.Task 5The ___ is/are in the shape of a ____.The shapes
colorful and useful!What shape do you see?I see ...I see circles.I see triangles.Home work
Finish the robot's
body, arms, hands, legs and feet.
Share with your parents.