课件20张PPT。 Unit 3
What would you like?
英语 五年级 上册 RJ·PEP Part B 第五课时
Let's learn—Look , write and sayWhat would you like?(你要什么?)
I’d like some …(我要一些……)beefnoodlessouphamburgerbreadfishchickencakeice creamThey’re fresh(新鲜的).They’rehealthy(健康的).
It’s delicious(美味的) .I like ice cream.
It’ssweet(甜的).I don’t like chilies(辣椒).
They’rehot(辣的).火眼金睛 找相同火眼金睛 找相同火眼金睛 找相同火眼金睛 找相同火眼金睛 找相同My favourite food is ice cream,
What's your favourite food?Ice cream.
It’s sweet.What's your favourite food?Salad.
They are delicious.What's your favourite food?Role playhothealthy/
deliciousMake a dialogue by using the words and sentences we’ve learned today and act it out.