Unit
Our
school
subjects
Sound
time,
Rhyme
time,
Checkout
time
&
Ticking
time
Teaching
contents
教学内容
Sound
time,
Rhyme
time,
Checkout
time
&
Ticking
time
Teaching
aims
and
learning
objectives
教学目标
1.
学生能熟练听懂、会读、会拼写本单元单词。
2.
学生能熟练听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元句型。
3.
学生能初步会说本单元小诗:Subjects。
4.
学生能掌握字母a在单词中的发音[ei]。
Focus
of
the
lesson
and
predicted
area
of
difficulty
教学重点和难点
教学重点:1.
能听懂、会说、会读关于话题subject的单词。
2.
复习巩固本单元词汇、句型,达到相应的三会、四会要求,提高学生的听、说、读、写能力。
3.
能诵读歌谣Subjects.
教学难点:通过评价,引导学生反思和调控自己的学习过程,同时建立学生学习英语的自信心。
Teaching
procedures
教学过程
Step
Free
talk
1.
seconds
non-stop
talking
T:
Good
morning,
boys
and
girls.
S:
Good
morning,
Miss
…
T:
In
this
unit,
we’ve
learned
some
words
about
school
subjects.
Who
can
say
some
S:
English,
Maths,
Chinese...
T:
That’s
good!
Now
will
give
you
thirty
seconds
and
you
just
try
to
talk
about
the
school
subjects.
Let’s
see
who
can
talk
about
this
topic
very
well.
(PPT呈现句型提示)
2.
Ticking
time
T:
Well
done.
Now,
it’s
ticking
time.
Please
work
in
groups
of
four.
Just
tick
for
your
group
partner.
Understand
S:
Yes.
T:
Remember,
if
your
partner
can
use
“what”
to
ask
about
school
subjects
correctly
and
fluently,
he
can
get
three
stars.
If
your
partner
can
ask
questions
just
correctly,
he
can
get
two
stars.
But
if
he
still
needs
some
help,
maybe
he
can
only
get
one
star.
(同学们针对刚才的30秒交流进行评价,小组内成员互相打分)
【设计意图:复习回顾本单元所学的课程词汇和句型,在课堂的一开始以游戏的形式带动学生的学习热情,也为下一步学习进行铺垫。】
Step
Revision
1.
Ask
and
answer
T:
Last
class,
we
knew
a
new
friend,
Billy.
He’s
talking
about
the
lessons
with
Bobby
and
Sam.
What
lessons
do
they
have
on
Monday
morning
/
afternoon
S:
…
T:
They
have
two
lessons
on
Monday
morning.
What
are
they
S:
Music
and
Maths.
T:
What
subject
does
Billy
like
S:
…
T:
And
two
lessons
on
Monday
afternoon.
What
are
they
S:
They
are
and
Science.
T:
And
what
does
Sam
like
S:
…
T:
(教师按顺序板书四节课表)
They
have
lessons
on
Monday.
Billy
likes
Music
and
Sam
likes
is
fun.
2.
Look
and
answer
T:
Look,
this
is
their
timetable.
They
have
lessons
or
subjects
S:
Lessons.
T:
And
S:
Subjects.
T:
What’s
the
difference
between
lesson
and
subject
Can
you
find
(学生自己发现两者区别,教师总结归纳:lesson指一堂课、一节课,只有40分钟;而subject指一门课程、一门学科,贯穿整个学期。)
3.
Recite
Cartoon
time
T:
Next,
let’s
look
at
the
pictures
of
the
story.
Let’s
recite
the
story.
If
you
can
recite
the
sentence,
please
raise
your
hand
and
let
me
know.
S:
(PPT呈现Cartoon
time,学生逐图复述课文)
T:
Well
done!
You
can
recite
the
story
very
well.
【设计意图:此环节目的在于检查学生的课文背诵。背诵是一种实实在在的语言输入,是学习和积累语言的有效方法,是培养语言能力的基本手段。】
Step
Sound
time
1.
Read
and
find
T:
Boys
and
girls,
today
we
are
going
to
learn
the
sound
of
letter
“a”.
First
please
open
your
books
and
turn
to
Page
6.
And
then
try
to
find
out
all
the
words
which
have
the
letter
“a”.
(学生自主查找第六页课文上所有包含字母a的单词。)
2.
Read
and
classify
T:
What
words
have
you
found
S:
Back,
class,
timetable,
have,
Maths,
and,
art.
T:
Nice!
Please
read
these
words
and
do
you
think
all
these
“a”
have
the
same
sound
S:
No,
they
don’t.
T:
That’s
right.
Please
classify
these
words
according
to
their
different
sounds
of
letter
“a”.
Can
you
S:
Yes,
we
can.
Group
1:
back,
have,
and,
Maths
Group
2:
class,
Art
Group
3:
timetable
T:
Well
done!
3.
Read
after
the
tape
(播放Sound
time录音,让学生跟录音读单词和小诗)
4.
Say
more
words
with
the
sound
[ei]
T:
Can
you
say
more
words
with
a
pronounced
as
[ei]
S:
grape,
name,
take
…
(教师板书学生说出的单词)
5.
Ticking
time
T:
Next,
let’s
tick
for
ourselves.
If
you
can
say
four
or
more
words
with
the
sound
[ei],
you
can
get
three
stars.
If
you
can
say
three
words
with
the
sound
[ei],
you
can
get
two
stars.
If
you
can
only
say
two
words,
you
can
only
get
one
star.
Understand
S:
Yes.
T:
Good.
Please
tick
for
yourselves.
(同学们根据老师提出的评价标准,进行自我评价。)
【设计意图:此处将游戏、歌谣等学生喜爱的活动穿插在语音教学之中,通过生动活泼的形式来加快认读,促进记忆,熟练拼读,学生的积极性就能得到很大提高。】
Step
Rhyme
time
1.
Watch
the
cartoon
(播放Rhyme
time动画)
T:
Do
you
like
the
rhyme
S:
Yes,
do.
T:
What
subjects
are
in
this
rhyme
S:
Music,
Chinese,
English
T:
What
subject
do
they
like
S:
They
like
Music.
T:
What
subject
do
you
like
S:
You
like
Chinese.
T:
What
subject
do
we
like
S:
We
all
like
English.
(新授单词all)
2.
Read
the
rhyme
(学生跟录音读小诗)
3.
Make
a
new
rhyme
T:
Well,
boys
and
girls.
Now
let’s
change
some
words
in
this
rhyme.
Please
try
to
make
a
new
rhyme.
【设计意图:此处设计相应的动作,结合游戏,让学生边唱边演。这样既能培养学生的英语语感,又能帮助其准确理解意思,帮助记忆。这类押韵小诗在校园内外都可以边玩边说,能将英语学习由课内向课外延伸,在无意识中反复操练语言,不断提高学生的口语能力。】
Step
Checkout
time
1.
Think
and
write
T:
(投影仪出示教师的timetable)
Look.
This
is
my
timetable.
They
are
my
subjects.
How
many
subjects
S:
Six
subjects.
T:
So
have
six
subjects
at
school.
(在纸上填写six)
And
what
are
they
S:
They
are
Chinese,
English,
Music,
Math,
and
Science.
T:
Good.
(在纸上填写English,
Music,
Maths,
and
Science)
What
subjects
do
like
Guess.
S1:
You
like
…
S2:
You
like
…
T:
like
English
and
Music.
But
don’t
like
Chinese.
(在纸上填写English
and
Music,
Chinese)
T:
Now
it’s
“My
subjects”.
(将短文读一遍)
What
about
your
subjects
Open
your
books,
turn
to
p11
and
try
to
fill
in
the
blanks.
(学生写完,同桌交流,并上台投影展示朗读,教师纠正书写错误)
2.
Ticking
time
T:
In
this
unit,
we’ve
learned
a
lot
of
new
words
about
subjects.
Now
it’s
our
ticking
time.
Please
work
in
pairs
and
show
your
writing
to
your
partner.
Let’s
see
who
can
say
and
write
the
names
of
subjects
correctly.
Understand
S:
Yes.
T:
Remember,
if
you
can
say
seven
subjects
or
more,
then
you
can
get
three
stars.
If
you
can
say
six
subjects,
then
you
can
get
two
stars.
But
if
you
only
can
say
four
words,
you
can
only
get
one
star.
(同桌之间交流checkout
time的写作,互评ticking
time中的第一项。)
【设计意图:本课采用学生小组互评,学生自评与同桌互评等评价形式,其目的是使学生在学习英语的过程中不断体验进步与成功,认识自我,建立自信,促进其语言能力的不断发展。】
Homework
家庭作业
1.
Listen
to
the
tape
and
recite
Rhyme
time.
2.
Review
Unit
and
finish
the
exercise
book.
Teaching
aids
教学准备(含板书设计)
教学准备:多媒体课件。
板书设计:
Unit
Our
school
subjects
What
subjects
do
you
like
like
…
What
lessons
do
we
have
this
morning/afternoon
We
have
…