人教版(2019)英语第一册:Unit 1 Teenage Life 单元教案(4份打包)


名称 人教版(2019)英语第一册:Unit 1 Teenage Life 单元教案(4份打包)
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文件大小 359.9KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2020-02-12 17:51:19


Unit 1 Teenage Life-Discovering Useful Structure

This teaching period mainly deals with the grammar: Phrases.
This period carries considerable significance to the cultivation of students’ writing competence and lays a solid foundation for the basic appreciation of language beauty. The teacher is expected to enable students to master this period thoroughly and consolidate the knowledge by doing some exercise of good quality.
1. Get students to have a good understanding of the basic usages of phrases, including adjective phrases, adverb phrases and noun phrases.
2. Enable students to use the basic phrases structures flexibly.
3. Develop students’ speaking and cooperating abilities.
4. Strengthen students’ great interest in grammar learning.
1. How to enable students to have a good understanding of the basic usages of phrases, including adjective phrases, adverb phrases and noun phrases.
2. How to enable students to use the basic usages of phrases flexibly.
1.(教材原文P16) The first week was a little confusing.
2.(教材原文P16) The building is so big that I'm completely lost.
3.(教材原文P16) My first French class was very confusing.
The teacher spoke so quickly.
Requirement: Analyze the underlined parts of the sentences and sum up what they have in common.
Step 2:语法概念和种类
在高中阶段,常见的短语形式有:名词短语(Noun Phrases)、形容词短语(Adjective Phrases)、副词短语(Adverb Phrases)、介词短语及动词短语(Verb Phrases)等。本单元只讲解前面三种形式。
一、名词短语(Noun Phrases)
名词短语: 指以一个名词为中心构成的短语,在句中的功能相当于名词,可作主语、宾语、表语或宾语补足语。常见名词短语的构成形式有:
限定词+名词;如: The girl
限定词+形容词(短语)十名词;如: A beautiful girl
限定词+名词+介词短语;如: A beautiful campus of my school.
限定词+描述性名词+名词;如: My school life
(1)限定词包括冠词(a/an/the)、指示代词(this/that/these/those等)、物主代词(my/your/his/her/our/their等)、不定代词(some/ no/ neither/both等)和数词(one/two/first/second等)。
(2)多个形容词修饰名词时,其顺序为: 限定词--数词--描绘词--出处--材料性质--类别——名词。
如:a small round table/a tall gray building/a dirty old brown shirt/a famous German medical school/an expensive Japanese sports car
①These red roses are for you, 这些红玫瑰是送给你的。(名词短语these red roses 的构成形式为:限定词+形容词+名词,该短语在句中充当主语)
②I have three close friends. 我有三个要好的朋友。
(名词短语three close friends的构成形式为:限定词+形容词+名词,该短语在句中充当宾语)
③He is my best friend. 他是我最好的朋友。
(名词短语my best friend的构成形式为:限定词十形容词+名词,该短语在句中充当表语)
④There are some red roses on that small table.在那张小桌上有一些红玫瑰。
(名词短语some red roses的构成形式为:限定词+形容词+名词+介词短语,该短语在句中充当主语;另外, the small table也是名词短语,在句中作介词on的宾语)
如:The red clothes with five yellow stars are mine.
(1)The boy is my brother.
(2)The cute boy is my brother.
(3)The cute boy in blue jeans is my brother.
(4)The cute boy wearing blue jeans is my bother
(5)The first young man is a bus driver.
二、形容词短语( Adjective Phrases)
副词+形容词;如: very suitable
形容词+enough;如: good enough
形容词+介词短语;如: good for nothing;
副词+形容词+介词;如: well worthy of praise
①Your room is large and beautiful,你的房间大且美丽。
(形容词短语large and beautiful 的构成形式为:形容词+and/but+形容词,该短语在句中充当表语)
②The room was awfully dirty.这房间太脏了。
(形容词短语awfully dirty的构成形式为:副词+形容词,该短语在句中充当表语)
③The most beautiful bird I have ever seen is peacock.我见过的最漂亮的鸟是孔雀。
(形容词短语most beautiful的构成形式为:副词+形容词,该短语在句中作定语修饰名词bird)
④A good friend is someone who makes you really happy.好朋友就是能让你真正高兴的人。
(形容词短语really happy的构成形式为:副词+形容词,该短语在句中作宾语补足语)
如:It is less cold today than it was yesterday.
构成形式: 副词+形容词
(1)Our country is becoming more and more beautiful.
(2)The road is long enough.
(3)The medicine is good for stomach.
三、副词短语(Adverb Phrases)
(副词)+副词如: much more beautifully
①He did his work here yesterday.他昨天在这里工作。
(副词短语here yesterday修饰动词did)
②Bill did the work very well.比尔做的这份工作很好。
副词短语very well修饰动词did
③We are all entirely responsible for our action(副词短语all entirely, 修饰形容词短语responsible for)
Step 3:即学即练
(1)You are driving too fast. Could you drive less slowly?
(2)Strangely enough, she didn’t seem to like ballet very much.
(3)The horse ran quite slowly, so they arrived very late.
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Unit 1 Teenage Life-Listening and Speaking & Listening and Talking

The theme of “Listening and Speaking” is “Choose a school club”. Students will have a general understanding of different school clubs by listening and ultimately can make reasonable suggestions on the choice of clubs and make correct choices. School clubs are an important part of students’ campus life, as well as an important study to expand students’ extracurricular knowledge, develop their skills and cultivate their interests.
Listening text of “Listening and Speaking” consists of two parts. The first part is about the dialogue between teachers and students in the activities of the school clubs, which makes situational preparations for choosing a suitable clubs. The second part is the dialogue between Adam and Julie as senior high school students to discuss how to choose the right one.
The theme of “Listening & Talking” is “Plan a camp for teenagers” Nowadays, more and more high school students are interested in participating in various camp activities, and take this opportunity to make friends, broaden their horizons and train their teams’ spiritual and communication skills. The purpose of this section is to stimulate students’ imagination, plan a camp activity that their peers like and to use “be going to + verb primitive” and “will + verb primitive” to express future intentions or plans.
Listening Text of “Listening & Talking” is a dialogue, where Max and Cao Jing talk about their participation in adventure camps and international youth camps on weekends.
In the plan, the two men introduced the activities of the camp and expressed their expectations for the life of the camp. The dialogue highlights “be going to + verb” and “will + verb” are two structures used to express what will be done in the future.
1. Instruct students to get main facts by listening and motivate them to talk about the topics about how to choose a right school club, how to plan a camp for the future, and how to talk about future activities.
2. Develop students’ sense of cooperative learning and individual thinking capability.
3. Develop students’ different listening skills to solve different listening comprehensive problems.
4. Help students to understand how to use the structures “be going to do, will do, plan to do, there will be, hope to do” to discuss their future plans and activities.
Prompt Ss to talk about the related topics, such as how to choose a right school club, how to make a camp for the future, how to make a camp plan and how to talk about future activities.
Step 1 Listening and Speaking
Lead in
The teacher is advised to talk with their students about school clubs that they were in when they were at junior high school: boys and girls, have you ever taken part in any school clubs before and why you chose them? After the small talk, the teacher can move on by finishing the following listening task:
Listen to the first two conversations and choose the correct answers.
1. What are they learning about in Conversation 1?
A. Hearing.
B. Sounds.
C. Dogs.
2. The students are discussing in Conversation 2.
A. schoolwork
B. relationships
C. dating
3. Circle the two clubs where these two conversations happened.
A. Science Club
B. Ballet Club
C. Nature Club
D. Debate Club.
Learning tip:
Predict content Before you listen, you can read the questions and choices. It will help you to predict what you will hear.

After finishing the task above, the teacher is expected to play Conversation 3 which is about how to help Adam choose a right club and after finishing listening for the first time, the students need to solve the following task.
Listen to Conversation 3. Then help Adam choose a club.
Tick the activities that happen in each club.
Ballet Club
○ learn new movements
○ make ballet clothes
○ watch dance programmes
Nature Club
○ watch biology lectures
○ grow plants
○ work in a greenhouse
Cartoon Club
○ watch cartoons
○ write stories
○ draw cartoons
Volunteer Club
○ help old people
○ clean up parks
○ give directions
After finishing the task above, the teacher is expected to play Conversation 3 again and solve the following task.
1. Adam says that he likes ___________ but is not so interested in___________.
2. Which club do you think is suitable for Adam? Why?
I think Adam should join the _________Club because he says that he_________.
Finally, after finishing the task above, the teacher is expected to instruct students to work in groups to finish the following project:
Speaking Project
Work in pairs. Help each other choose a school club.
A: Hi, Sam! I’ve decided to join the Music Club.
B: Good decision!
A: How about you? Are you going to join a club?
B: Yes. I’m wondering which one I should choose: the Acting Club or the Ballet Club?
A: I guess the question is... Do you like dancing better than acting?
B: Actually, I like acting better, but my friends go to the Ballet Club and I want to be with them.
A: Hmm ... If you ask me, I think you should choose what you like.
Pronunciation part
1. Have the Ss listen and repeat, then add more words to each group.

2. Then listen to the proverbs and repeat. Have the Ss notice the pronunciation of the letters in bold.

Step 2 Listening and Talking
1. The teacher is advised to talk with their new students about the related topic: Boys and girls, do you know some structures to talk about future activities?
Talking about future activities
We’ll …
I plan to …
There’ll be …
I hope to …
We’re going to …
2. After their small talk, the teacher can move on by playing the listening and solve the following task.
Underline the expressions in the sentences below Cao Jing and Max use to talk about the future.
We’ll learn useful skills.
I plan to improve my spoken English.
There’ll be students from different schools.
I hope to make new friends.
We’ll talk about teenage life.
I’ll learn to make a fire.
There’ll be students from different countries at the camp.
There’ll be some experts there to show us how to live in the wild.
We’re going to learn about wildlife.
I’m going to give a speech.
I think I’m going to enjoy the activities.
I think we’ll have a lot of fun.
3. Work in groups. Plan a youth camp.
Teacher make the Ss think of ideas for the camp. And they can use the questions below to get started. And have the Ss present their ideas for a youth camp to the class.
●What kind of camp is it?
●Who will be there?
●What will they do?
●What will they learn?
Do you want to have fun and learn at the same time? Then come to our camp. In our camp, you can learn about... There’ll be many interesting activities. First, we are going to... Then we’ll... We also plan to… Finally, we’ll... Please come to our camp!
Unit 1 Teenage Life-Reading and Thinking

The topic of this unit is about teenage life, which belongs to the theme context of “humans and oneself”.
As teenagers who shoulder the responsibility of “Chinese great dream”, they must fully know themselves, including their strengths, weaknesses and challenges etc. They are supposed to improve themselves continuously and readily study their subjects, and thus foster their strategies and confidence in lifelong studies.
This period is entitled the freshmen challenges, which mainly concerns some big challenges for new students in Senior high school. In this period, a teacher should lead students to find out what their challenges are and guide them to figure out how to crack the challenges and better themselves. More importantly, a teacher should instruct students to absorb new language points and appreciate the language. Besides, a teacher must instruct students to acquire some skills concerning reading efficiently and inspire them to talk more about their new school life, especially their new problems and solutions both at school and in life.
1. Enable students to acquire the basic usage of the new words and expressions concerning the freshmen challenges and learn to use them flexibly.
2. Enable students to have a good understanding of the freshmen challenges in the new senior high school which is quite different from junior middle school.
3. Develop students’ sense of cooperative learning and individual thinking capability.
4. Develop students’ different learning skills to solve different reading comprehensive problems.
1. Develop students’ reading ability such as skimming, scanning and summarizing.
2. Let students talk about their new school challenges in senior high school and encourage them to find the possible solutions to conquer them.
1. Warming up
Step 1 Leading-in
Have a free talk with students. Ask them the following questions:
How do you feel about your senior high school? Have you come across some challenges that make you upset?
Step 2 Pre-reading
Let students guess what the text will be mainly about before reading by looking at the picture and the title.
Step 3 Reading
1. Fast reading
Ask students to skim the reading passage to sum up the main idea of each paragraph and then discuss it with their partners.
Tips: you can find main ideas by first taking at quick look at the title, picture, key words and phrases and topic sentences.
2. Intensive reading
Allow students to read carefully this time to understand the main details of each paragraph and then finish the following.
1. 1. Adam felt __________at the beginning of his senior high
A. excited B. interested C. confused D. worried
2. Who gave Adam advice on courses?
A. Parents. B. Adviser. C .Coach. D. Classmates.
3. What subject is Adam's favorite?
A. Chinese. B. World history. C. Math. D. English.
4. Hearing he was poor in playing football well, Adam
A. felt disappointed but went on with it
B. left the football and joined a club
C. didn't give up and tried to improve
D. felt unhappy but signed up for a new team
5. What kind of person is Adam?
A. brave and well prepared B. negative and silly
C. active and shy D. gentle and patient
2. Let students look through the chart first and then read the text silently. Three minutes later, check the answers with the whole class. Show the suggested answers on the screen.
paragraph Adam’s challenges Adam’s feelings Adam’s solutions

Step 4 Further Reading and discussion
Read the text the third time and work in pairs to do the following.
What does “make the team” in Paragraph 3 mean?
Do you face the same challenges as Adam? What other challenges are you facing?
What are some differences between Adam’s school life and your school life?
Step 5 Passage Consolidation
Complete the passage with the suitable words from the passage.
I'm Adam, 1._______freshman in senior high school. The first week was a little 2. _____ (confuse).
There are some 3. _____ (challenge) I have to face in my new school life. First, I had to think carefully about my courses. Chinese is hard to learn, but I hope I can speak it _____ (fluent) when I graduate. My adviser 5. _____ (recommend) me to sign up for advanced literature because I'm good 6. _____it. Second, I had to choose my extra-curricular activities. I tried 7. _____ (join) the school football team though I couldn't do well in 8. _____at first. Besides that, I joined a volunteer club.
In order to be well 9. _____ (prepare) for university or whatever else10. _____ (come) in the future, I make up my mind to study harder and get used to new situation.
Step 6 Homework
1. Write a passage to introduce you first senior school challenges and how to solve them. (about 120words)
2. Learn the useful new words and expressions in this part by heart.
Unit 1 Teenage Life-Reading for Writing

This teaching period mainly deals with reading for writing a letter of advice. Students are expected to learn the knowledge about how to write a suggestion letter. The teacher is expected to enable students to master some writing skills concerning suggestion letters and learn to write one.
1. Get students to have a good understanding of how to write a suggestion letter properly.
2. Enable students to use some writing skills flexibly.
3. Develop students’ writing and cooperating abilities.
4. Strengthen students’ great interest in writing discourses.
1. How to enable students to have a good understanding of the skills of writing a suggestion letter
2.How to enable students to write a good recommendation letter using some writing skills properly.
Step 1: Lead in
Begin the class with the lead-in questions: how to write a letter for advice? What kinds of aspects should be included? It is strongly recommended that the teacher should ask students to discuss the topic freely with their partners and brainstorm some ideas concerning the topic. In this way, students can come up with
more ideas and avoid being nervous at the beginning of the class.
Step 2: Read to discover details concerning advice letters’ writing style.
The teacher is expected to ask students to read a letter offering some advice on page 18 silently and then request students to discuss the questions below.
In this step, what should be highlighted is that the teacher ought to give students enough time to read individually and think independently. There is no need for them to discuss the detailed questions. In this way, students can develop their individual logical thinking ability and promote their skills of finding details.
1. What is Worried Friend’s problem?
2. Do you think Ms Luo’s advice is useful? Why or why not?
3. What other kinds of advice would you give?
Step 3: Read to sum up
After learning the passage on Page 18, the teacher leads students to figure out the organization of the letter and appreciate its language features.
Find and mark the parts of the letter that match the following points.
A.I know what the problem is. B I understand how you feel.
C.This is my advice and reasons D I think my advice will help.
What expressions does Ms Luo use to make suggestions? Circle them in the letter.
Step 4: Use what you have learnt to write a letter of advice to one of the teenager below.
In this step, the teacher asks students to sum up some ideas regarding the following topic:
1.Work in groups. Choose one of the teenagers and discuss his or her problems. List possible suggestions and reasons.

Eric 15, Chicago

Xu Ting 14 Hangzhou

Min Ho, 15, Seoul
Step 5: Use what you have learnt to draft a letter offering advice to any of those students above.
1. Complete the outline and use it to draft your writing.
____________(write the date and greet the reader) Dear______ You wrote that ___________________ I understand that______________ I think____________________ Because_____________. I am sure_______________ Best Wishes,(close and sign the letter). ______

2. Exchange drafts
After each student finishes their own writing, ask them to exchange the drafts with their desk mates and evaluate the drafts with the following criteria.
Use the checklist to give feedback on your partner’s draft.
√Are all the parts of a letter included and organized in a good order?
√Does the writer give reasons for the advice?
√Does the writer use proper expressions to give suggestions?
√Does the writer use commas and stops correctly?
√Is the handwriting easy to read?
3.Write down some writing expressions and models concerning advice letters.