人教版(2019)英语必修第一册:Unit 3 Sports and Fitness 单元学案无答案(4份打包)


名称 人教版(2019)英语必修第一册:Unit 3 Sports and Fitness 单元学案无答案(4份打包)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2020-02-12 19:15:56


Unit 3 Sports and Fitness-Discovering Useful Structure

1. To master the basic usages of tag questions.
2. To learn to use tag questions to express proper emotions orally.
To use different types of tag questions in oral English.
附加疑问句由两部分组成:前一部分是__________部分,后一部分是__________部分,两部分的人称和时态应保持______________。附加疑问部分一般由助动词 、be动词或情态动词和表示主语的代词构成 。
1. 肯定式陈述部分+否定附加疑问部分(前肯后否) You often play badminton, don’t you? 你经常打羽毛球,是吗? You are going to the gym with me, ____________you? 你要和我一起去健身房,是吗? She’s been to shanghai before, __________she ? 她以前去过上海,是吗?
2. 否定式陈述部分+肯定附加疑问部分(前否后肯) It isn't a beautiful flower, is it? 那不是美丽的花,是吗? You didn't go skating yesterday, ________you? 你昨天没去滑冰,是吗? They can’t finish it by Friday, _______________? 他们不能在星期五之前完成,是吗?
3. 含有否定词的附加疑问句 (1)当陈述句中含有seldom, hardly, never, rarely, little, few, none, neither,no, not, nowhere, nothing no one, nobody等否定意义的词时,后面的附加疑问句则为肯定形式。 He hardly goes to school by car, does he? 他几乎不开车去上学,是吗? You have never been to Paris, _______you? 你从没去过巴黎,是吗? They seldom come late, _____they? 他们很少迟到,是吗? Little has been done to prevent pollution, _______it? 几乎没有做什么来防止污染,是吗?
(2)如果陈述句中仅含否定前缀的词unhappy, dislike, impossible等,则后面的附加疑问句仍为否定形式。 He is unfit for his job, _________? 他不适合这项工作,是吗? It is impossible, isn't it? 那不可能,是吗? He dislikes his classmates,________? 他不喜欢他的同学,是吗?
4. 祈使句的附加疑问句 (1)肯定的祈使句的附加疑问句在句末加“will you? /won’t you?/can you ?/ can’t you?” (2)否定的祈使句的附加疑问句通常在句末加“will you?” Come along with me, will you / won’t you ?/can you ?/ can’t you? 跟我来,好吗? Don't make any noise,________? 别出声,好吗?
(1)Let's 开头的祈使句,附加疑问句用shall we? (2)Let us 开头的祈使句,附加疑问句用will you? Let's go and listen to the music,_____? 让我们去听音乐,好吗? Let us wait for you in the reading-room, __________? 我们在阅览室等你,好吗?

1. 当陈述部分主语是everyone/ everybody, someone/somebody, no one/ nobody, none等表示人的不定代词时, 附加疑问句部分的主语多用they,但也可用he;当陈述部分的主语是everything, anything, something, nothing等表示物的不定代词时, 附加疑问句部分的主语用it。 Nobody saw him walk into the room, did they? 没人看见他走进房间,是吗? Everything has gone wrong today,____________? 今天什么都出了问题了,是不是?
2. 当陈述部分的主语是指示代词this, that, these, those时, 附加疑问句的主语不再用指示代词,而要用it或they。 That isn’t your dictionary, is it? 这不是你的字典,是吗? These are interesting stories,_________? 这些故事很有趣,不是吗?
3. 当陈述部分是“there be+主语+其他”结构时,附加疑问句用“be (not) there”结构。 There is a book on the desk, isn’t there? 桌子上有本书,是吗? There are not any pens in the box,___________? 盒子里没笔了,是吗?
4. 当陈述句的谓语动词是have时,如果作“有”讲, 附加疑问句用have或助动词do的形式;如果表示其他意思时, 附加疑问句只用助动词do的形式。 You have a nice house, haven’t/ don’t you? 你有一所很漂亮的房子,是吗? We have to finish the work now,___________? 我们必须现在完成工作,是吗? They had a good time last night, _____they? 他们昨天晚上玩得很开心,是吗?
5. 当陈述句的谓语部分含有had better, would rather, would like, ought to时, 附加疑问句的谓语动词要用相应的助动词。 You’d better go now, hadn’t you? 你最好现在就走,是吗? You’d rather go there early, ___________? 你宁可早点去那里,不是吗?
6. 当陈述句的谓语动词含有used to时, 附加疑问句的谓语部分用didn’t或usedn’t。 He used to get up early, didn’t/ usedn’t he? 他过去起床很早,是吗?
7.陈述句部分是主从复合句时,附加疑问句部分的代词和助动词要与主句中的主语和动词保持一致。 He is not the man who gave us a talk, is he? 他不是给我们演讲的人,是吗? He can hardly stay awake because he is so tired, ______? 由于很累,他几乎不能保持醒着。
8. 在宾语从句中,如果陈述句部分是“I (don’t) think/ believe/ suppose/ imagine/ expect等+宾语从句”, 附加疑问句部分要与宾语从句的主谓保持一致,并且要注意否定转移(前肯后否,前否后肯)。 We believe she can do it better, can't she? 我们相信她能做得更好,是吗? I don’t think you have heard of him before, ______? 我认为你以前没有听说过他,是吗?

附加疑问句的答语与一般疑问句类似 ,注意其与汉语表达习惯的差异 。回答附加疑问句通常应根据实际情况来确定,如果事实是肯定的,就用yes,事实是否定的,就要用no。
1. 附加疑问句的答语与汉语表达的差异: (1)对于“前肯后否”的附加疑问句的回答,如果事实是肯定的,就用yes,译成“是的”,事实是否定的,就要用no,译成“不”。 (2)对于“前否后肯”的附加疑问句的回答,如果事实是肯定的,就用yes,译成“不”,事实是否定的,就要用no,译成“是的”。 一Tom is an honest boy, isn't he? 汤姆是个诚实的男孩,是吗? 一Yes, he is. We trust him all the time. 是的,我们一直相信他。 —He likes playing football, ________he? 他喜欢踢足球,是吗? —No, he doesn’t. 不,他不喜欢。 —You didn’t find the owner of the books, did you? 你没有找到书的主人,是吗? —No, I didn’t. So I gave them to our teacher. 是的,我没有找到。因此我把书交给老师了。 —His sister didn’t attend the meeting, did she? 他妹妹没有参加会议,是吗? —Yes, she did. She spoke at the meeting. 不,她参加了。她在会上讲话了。
2.祈使句的附加疑问句的肯定回答为“Yes, I will.” ,否定回答为“No, I won’t.”。 —Write to me when you get home, will you? 到家后给我写信好吗? —Yes, ____________好的,我会的。 —Don’t make a noise, will you?不要弄出响声,好吗? —No,__________. 好的,我不会的。

陈述部分一般用降调,而附加疑问部分既可用升调也可用降调 ,但含义有所不同 。
1. 用升调时,多表示疑问或请求 The school team have won the gold medal, ↘ haven't they? ↗ 校队获得了金牌,是吗?
2. 用降调时,多表示求证或希望对方同意 。 The school teams have won the gold medal, ↘ haven't they? ↘ 校队获得了金牌,对吧?

1.-It’s Father’s Day today, ______? -______,______. Let’s buy a gift for Dad.
2.-Don’t be late for school next time, ______?
-______, ______. I’ll try to be on time.
3. —There is a beautiful park near your school, ______?
—______, ______. I often go walking there.
4. —The 29th Olympic Games were held in Beijing, ______?
—______, ______.
5. —Michael Jordan started to play basketball in college, ______?
—______, ______. He first played in a team at senior high school.
6. —David has been to a boxing match, ______?
—______, ______. He always watches boxing on TV.
7. —You can’t cook, ______
—______, ______. I’m good at cooking.
8. —You have a nice car, ______?
—___,______. I bought it last year.
9. —This is the first time that you have been to America, ______?
—______, ______. It is the second time that I’ve been there.
10. —According to my grandma, it is a good idea to eat chicken soup when you have a cold, ______?
—______, ______. Scientists agree with her.
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Unit 3 Sports and Fitness-Listening and Speaking & Listening and Talking

1.To learn how to get the basic facts by listening and infer some conclusions based on the listening materials.
2.To talk about the related topics mentioned in the listening parts.
1. To learn to use different listening tips to get the necessary information.
2. To talk about the related topic such as how to invite a friend to a sports event and voice one’s own opinions about sportsmanship
【学习内容】Listening and Speaking
Step 1: Lead in
Look at the posters on p36, what sports events do you like to watch?

Which sports would you like to try?

Step 2: While listening:
1) Play conversation 1, solve the following tasks.
2. Listen to conversation 1 again and write down the words that the speaker stresses:
2) Play conversation 2, answer the following questions:
1. When will the event happen?
The event will happen____________________________________
2. What's a "Blue Paint" run?
A "Blue Paint run is a fun run that _____________________________________
3. Why is it called a "Blue Paint" run?
Because people can buy water balloons filled with _________ and__________ the runners.
4. If 200 people take part in the run and 400 balloons are sold, how much money will they collect?
Step 3: Speaking Project
What event or activity would you like to invite your friend to? Make a conversation with a partner.
Ski Race: Zhangjiakou, a beautiful city in northern China, will host the Youth Ski Race in December.
Track Meet: a great event for track –and –field lovers on 26 October.
Gym Class: come and work out at a gym! You can make it.
【学习内容】Listening and Talking
Step 1: Lead in
What do you think of sportsmanship? Let’s listen and find out:

Step 2: While listening:
Play the listening and match each opinion with the right speaker. Who do you agree with? Why?
Cao Jing ___________ Lily _______________ Max _____________
A. An athlete should do his/her best to win.
B. The girl should stop and help the other girl. Good sportsmanship is more important than wining!
C. An athlete should think about honor and his/her fans if he/she is competing for his/her country.
Listen again and circle the expressions that you hear in the conversation.
agreeing disagreeing
I agree. So do I. Exactly! All right Good idea. Yes, I think so. Me too. Sure./Certainly./ Of course. You're right/correct. I guess so. I'm sorry, but I disagree/don't agree. I don't think so. That's not right. That doesn't make any sense! That's not how I see it. I see what you mean, but …

Step 3: Speaking Project
Work in groups. Choose one of the situations below and make a conversation:
●A soccer player should not pretend to fall down even if it helps his/her team.
●In school teams, everyone should get a chance to play, not only the best players.
●It is wrong to pay people millions of yuan to play sports.
●Athletes should play only for their own country.
A: I agree with the idea that a soccer player should never pretend to fall down even if it helps his or her team. You should never cheat.
B: Exactly! It's important to do the right thing.
C: Well, don't think so. Many players do it, and they think it helps their team to win.
A: That doesn't make any sense!
B: I see what you mean, but the audience wants fair play.

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Unit 3 Sports and Fitness-Reading and Thinking

1.To get basic information about Lang Ping and Jordan; read deeply
2.To understand why they can be called sports legends.
3.To understand the meaning of some languages in the context of the text, such as "time seems to stand still, graceful" and so on.
1. To learn to use different reading strategies such as skimming, scanning and summarizing.
2. To talk about your living legends.
Step 1 Leading-in
Who are your favorite sports player? Do you like him/her? Why?

Step 2 Reading to get related information about the two sports star
1. Read quickly to answer students’ own questions and the following questions.
What contributions did Lang Ping make in volleyball?

What contributions did Michael Jordan make in basketball?

What’s special about Michael Jordan in his life?

Step 3 Understanding the title and the lead paragraph
Answer the following questions.
1: Why do you think the author chooses to write these two sports stars?

2: What does “living legend” mean?

3: What are the standards or requirements to be chosen as a living legend of sports star?

Step 4 Getting detailed information about Lang Ping
1. Read to answer the following questions.
Is Lang Ping a master in her area? How do you know that?

What good examples does Lang Ping set for others?

2. Focus on the story about Lang Ping.
Lang Ping’s determination was tested. What happened to her?

Was the challenge big? How do you know? How did she solve it?

What can we learn about Lang Ping from the sentence “She had met difficulties before” mean?

What can we learn about Lang Ping from the sentence “She knew her young player could win if they worked together as a team.”?

3. Sum up the information about Lang Ping with the table
Living legends Masters Good examples
Lang Ping As a As a As a

Step 5: Exploring detailed information about Michael Jordan
1. Read the paragraph of Michael Jordan and complete the following table.
Now read and find out why Michael Jordan is a living legend on your own by completing the following table.
Living legends Masters Good examples

2. Sort out detailed information about Michael Jordan.
How does the author describe his impressive skills?

How do you understand “time seemed to stand still”?

What does “graceful” mean?

Which sentence do you think best describes his mental strength?

Which words is important in the sentence in describing his mental strength? Why?

How do you understand “unique”?

What can we learn from Michael Jordan?

Step 6 Discussing and recommending
Recommend their own living legends of sports.
Work in groups to choose your own living legend of sports and give the reasons of your choice.
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Unit 3 Sports and Fitness-Reading for Writing

1. To write a class wellness book properly using some newly acquired writing skills in this period.
2. To master some words related to writing a proper class wellness book
1. To have a good understanding of how to write an impressive class wellness book.
2. To write a convincing class wellness book, using some related writing skills.
Step 1 Lead in
Do you want to lose weight and why? Do you think you are fit?

Step 2 Read to discover details
Read the passage “Going Positive” and then solve the questions below.
1.What problem did Kayla have in the past?

2.What does the sentence “I almost went bananas” mean?

3.What made her change her thinking?

Step 3 Read to sum up
Read the passage again and figure out the organization and language features.
The turning point:________________________________________________
the past the present
Aim: ___________________________ __________________________
Mood: __________________________ __________________________
Actions: _________________________ ___________________________
Step 4 Use what you have learnt to write a proper class wellness book.
1. Think about the questions below, then write down your own idea.
(1)What can you do to make exercise like jogging more enjoyable?

(2)How can you plan your work and make sure that you also have time to rest and relax?

(3)What can you do to become more confident and feel better about yourself?

(4)How can you make your meals healthier?

2. Use your ideas to list some positive changes.
●What you used to do/do now and results.

●What you do now/will do in the future?

Useful expressions to show similarities and differences:
like so too still similarly similar to the same (... as ..). in common (with) both ... and ... possible results instead than however/but/though different from rather than instead of the difference is …

Write a short paragraph to describe and explain your changes.
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