人教版(2019)英语必修第一册:Unit 4 Natural Disasters 单元学案无答案(4份打包)


名称 人教版(2019)英语必修第一册:Unit 4 Natural Disasters 单元学案无答案(4份打包)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2020-02-12 19:15:40


Unit 4 Natural Disasters
Period 3 Discovering Useful Structures

1. To master the basic usages of the restrictive relative clauses.
2. To learn to use the restrictive relative clauses mentioned flexibly.
1. To appreciate the function of the restrictive relative clauses.
2. To write essays using the proper the restrictive relative clauses.
Step1: 语法自主探究
在复合句中, 修饰名词或代词的从句叫_____________。定语从句通常由______或关系副词引导,说明事物的具体信息,从句位于被修饰词_________。被定语从句修饰的词叫__________,引导定语从句的词叫_____________,关系词指代先行词,并在定语从句中充当成分。关系词有两种:关系代词_____________________________和关系副词when, where, why。
根据定语从句与先行词的关系,可将定语从句分为______________和非限制性定语从句。一般说来,限制性定语从句是整个句子_____________的部分,如果省略会影响全句的主要意思,这种定语从句前面不用_____________隔开;而非限制性定语从句的作用是对所修饰的成分作进一步说明, 通常和主句用逗号隔开,将从句去掉后句子的意思仍然完整,译成汉语时,从句常单独译成一句话,除了that和why不能引导非限制性定语从句,其他关系词的用法和限制性定语从句关系词的用法相同。
如果先行词在从句中作主语,宾语,定语,表语,则用____________,关系代词主要有who, whom ,whose, that, which, as。
指代 关系代词 例句
1.人 Who、whom、that The man _____________ is speaking at the meeting is a famous scientist. (作is speaking的主语) 在会上讲话的人是一位著名的科学家。 He _________ does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man. (作does not reach的主语) 不到长城非好汉。 This is the famous scientist (_____________) we visited last week. (作visited的宾语) 这就是我们上周拜访的那位著名科学家。
2.物 That、which He finally worked out the problem ______________ puzzled him for a long time.(作puzzled的主语) 他最后解出了这个令他困惑很久的问题。 The fish (______________) we bought yesterday were not fresh.(作bought的宾语) 我们昨天买的鱼不新鲜。
3.人的; 物的 whose They rushed over to help the man ____________ car broke down.(whose car=the man’s car,作定语,修饰car) 他们跑过去帮助那个汽车抛锚的人。 There is a mountain ______________ top is always covered with snow. (whose top=the mountain’s top,作定语,修饰top) 有一座山顶常年被雪覆盖的山。
4.句子 (在非限制性定语从句中) Which、as The weather turned out very good, ____________ was more than we could expect.(which指代“天气最后晴朗起来”,作was的主语) 天气最后晴朗起来,这是我们没有料到的。 ______________ everyone knows, China is a beautiful country with a long history.(As指代“中国是一个有着悠久历史的美丽国家”,作knows 的宾语) 每个人都知道,中国是一个有着悠久历史的美丽国家。

1.关系代词的省略 关系代词在定语从句中作_________时,不可省略;做宾语时,在限制性定语从句中可以省略,在非限制性定语从句中不可省略。 Is he the man who /that wants to see you? (作wants的主语不可省略) 他就是那个想见你的人吗? Hangzhou is a beautiful city(___________)I always want to visit.(在限制性定语从句中作visit的宾语,可以省略) 杭州是我总想参观的一个美丽城市。 Hangzhou, _____________ I visited last week, is a beautiful city.(在非限制性定语从句中作visited的宾语,不可省略) 杭州是一个美丽的城市,我上周去参观过。
2.从句中代词的重复多余 定语从句中的引导词指代先行词,并在从句中作成分,从句中不能再出现指代该先行词的代词。 判断正误 The book that I read it yesterday is very interesting.( ) The book that I read yesterday is very interesting.( ) This is the woman who I met her last time.( ) This is the woman who I met last time.( )
3.关系代词和代词的误用 定语从句的引导词要用关系代词,而不能用一般代词。 判断正误 This is the boy he told me a story yesterday.( ) This is the boy who told me a story yesterday.( ) This is the boy his father is our headmaster.( ) This is the boy whose father is our headmaster.( )
4.what不引导定语从句 定语从句中有关系代词that和which,而没有what,what可以引导名词性从句。 All that we need is a supply of oil. (that引导定语从句,修饰先行词all) What we need is a supply of oil. (what引导主语从句) 我们需要的是石油供应。
5.that不引导非限制性定语从句(用逗号隔开) 在非限制性定语从句,不能用关系代词that。如果指代“人”,用关系代词who/ whom,指代“物”,用关系代词which。 The basketball star, _____ tried to make a comeback, attracted lots of attention. 这位打算复出的篮球明星引起了很多关注。 Beijing, ____________ is the capital of China, is a beautiful city. 中国的首都北京是座美丽的城市。 He has become a doctor, _________ he wanted to be. 他成为了一名医生,这是他以前一直梦想的。
6.介词+which/whom 先行词在从句中作介词宾语,若介词提前,指代物时,只能用which,不用that; 指代人时,只能用whom,而不用who。介词不提前时,用that/which, who /whom都可以。 I have the book about ____________ you are talking. = I have the book (that/ which) you are talking about. 我有你现在谈论的那本书。 The man with _____________ I talked just now is from Beijing University. = The man (who/whom/that) I talked with just now is from Beijing University. 刚才和我谈话的那个人是从北京大学来的。
7.whose+n. =the+n +of which =of which +the+n. whose+n.可与the+n +of which 互换,而且of which也可置于名词之前,名词之前必须有定冠词the。 I live in the room _________ window faces south.( whose window=the room’s window) I live in the room the window of _________/ of which the window faces south.( the window of which= the window of the room) 我住在窗子朝南开的房间里。
8.定语从句中的主谓一致: 关系代词在定语从句中做主语时,定语从句的谓语通常与先行词在人称和数上保持一致。 注意:当先行词为“one of +复数名词” 时定语从句的谓语动词用复数形式;当先行词为“the (only/very)one of +复数名词”时定语从句的谓语动词用单数形式。 He is a good student ____________ likes to help others. 他是一个乐于助人的好学生。 They are good students _____________ like to help others. 他们是乐于助人的好学生。 He is one of the students __________________ praised. 他是一个受到表扬的学生之一。 He is the one/ the only one of the students ______________ praised. 他是唯一一个受到表扬的学生。

1.用that,不用which的情况 ①当先行词为不定代词:everything, anything, nothing, all, any, much, many, some, few, little, none等或当先行词被no, some, any, all, much, little等词修饰时,只能用that。 To get the job started, all that I need is your permission.要开始工作,我所需要的是你的许可。 Is there anything that I can do for you?有什么要我做的事吗? He answered few questions that were asked by the reporters.他几乎没有回答记者提问的问题。
②当先行词被the only, the very, the same等词修饰时。 That’s the only thing that we can do now.目前我们只能这样了。 This is the very pen that I am looking for. 这正是我找的钢笔。 He still lives in the same house that we visited ten years ago. 他还住在十年前我们参观的同一座房子里。
③当先行词被序数词、形容词最高级修饰时。 This was one of the most interesting books ______________ were sold in this book store.这是这家书店售出的最有趣的书之一。 The first thing ________________ should be done is to get some food.该做的第一件事是弄点吃的。
④当先行词中同时包括人和物时。 I’m going to talk about the countries and people _________________ I have visited. 我要谈论一下我所访问的国家和人民。
⑤当要避免与疑问词which重复时。 Which is the T-shirt _____________ fits me most? 那件体恤衫最适合我?
2.用which,不用that的情况 ①在非限制性定语从句中 Football, ____________ is an interesting game, is played all over the world. 全世界都踢足球,它是一项有趣的运动。
②介词提前时,不用that,而用which,介词不提前时,用that和which都可。 This is the room in __________ my father lived last year. = This is the room (that/ which) my father lived in last year. 这是我父亲去年居住过的房子。

1.位置上的区别: as引导的从句可放在主句首、句末或句中。而which引导的从句只能放在主句之后。 ______________ is known to us all, the earth turns around the sun. The earth, __________ is known to us all, turns around the sun. The earth turns around the sun, ___________ is known to us all. 众所周知,地球绕着太阳转。
2.语义的区别: as有“正如”之意,因此主句和从句语义一致,而which表示“这一点”在意义上相当于一个并列句,可以用and this代替,在语义上可以不一致。 Mike won the first prize, _______ was expected. 正如所料想的, 迈克获得了一等奖。 Mike won the first prize, __________ was not expected. 迈克获得了一等奖,这一点没被料想到。

1.在限制性定语从句中,先行词有such, so, as, the same修饰时,引导词用as。 比较: I have never read the book that you have talked about. 我从未读过你谈到的这本书。 I have never read such an interesting book as you have talked about. = I have never read so/ as interesting a book as you have talked about. 我从未读过像你谈到的这样有趣的书。
2.在非限制性定语从句中,指代整个主句内容。 As we know, she is a good teacher. 我们都知道她是一个好老师。 Lily, as we expected, won the first prize in the competition yesterday. 像我们所期望的那样,莉莉在昨天的比赛中获得了一等奖。

1. such/ so…as…和such/ so…that…
①such/so…as…表“像……这样的……”,用来引导定语从句(as在从句中充当主、宾或表语等) ②such/so…that…表示“如此……以致……”,用来引导结果状语从句。 This is such a heavy stone __________ no one can lift.(作lift的宾语,是定语从句) This is such a heavy stone _____________ no one can lift it. (不缺成分,是结果状语从句) 这是一块如此重的石头,没人能搬得动。

2. the same…as…和the same…that…
①the same…as…表示“类似的一个,而不是同一个”(相似性) ②the same…that…表示“同一个”(同一性) I have bought the same watch _____________ you have. 我买了一块和你的一样的手表。(相似的,非同一个) This is the same watch ______________ I lost. 这就是我丢的那块手表。(同一个)

1. The trees ________ stand by the river were planted by us.
2. She never gives in to those ________ have money.
3. This is the best film ________ has been shown so far in the city.
4. February is the only month ________ has fewer than 30 days.
5. My son made notes of everything ________ he read.
6. Yesterday I met the teacher ________ once taught us maths.
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Unit 4 Natural Disasters
Period 1 Listening and Speaking

1. To get the listening skills and words and expressions used in Listening and Speaking;
2. To get the listening strategies, especially picking out the key information of the questions, such as what, when, where, why and how.
3. To grasp some information about natural disasters.
Step 1 Watch the video about Natural Disasters and then look at the photos in Activity 1. Write down their names by yourselves.

Step 2 Listen and tick in Activity 2.

Step 3 Circle the key word(s) in the questions below and write the kind of information they refer to.
1. What will the man do next?
2. How old is the woman now?
3. What is small for the woman?
4. What does the man mean?
5. Where does the conversation most probably take place?
6. What does the man like about his hometown?
7. What is the weather like in the fall in the man's hometown?
8. What time was the plane originally scheduled to leave?
9. Why is the woman worried?
10. Why does the man's brother go to the man's place?
11. Where does the man work in the morning?
12. What language is the woman starting?
13. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
14. What subject does the man probably prefer?
15. What do the woman's parents expect her to be?
16. What is the woman good at doing?
17. How did the servants deal with their earnings in Victorian times?
18. What was the nurse’s main duty?
19. How did the Victorian upper class parents treat their children actually?
20. What will the speaker talk about next?
1. What will the man do next?
What: activity
2. How old is the woman now?
How old: number
What is small for the woman?
What: specific item
4. What does the man mean?
What: inference/implied meaning
5. Where does the conversation most probably take place?
Where: place
6. What does the man like about his hometown?
What: specific information
7. What is the weather like in the fall in the man's hometown?
What is the weather like: weather
8. What time was the plane originally scheduled to leave?
What time: specific time
9. Why is the woman worried?
Why: reason
10. Why does the man's brother go to the man's place?
Why: reason
11. Where does the man work in the morning?
Where: place/address
12. What language is the woman starting?
What language: language name
13. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
What: inference of main idea
14. What subject does the man probably prefer?
What: subject
15. What do the woman's parents expect her to be?
What: future job for the women
16. What is the woman good at doing?
What: activity for the woman
17. How did the servants deal with their earnings in Victorian times?
How: way of doing in Victorian times
18. What was the nurse’s main duty?
What: activity for nurses
19. How did the Victorian upper class parents treat their children actually?
How: way of doing
20. What will the speaker talk about next?
What: topic to talk about
Step 4 Read and report in Activity 4.
Step 5 Pronunciation
Pay attention to the letters in bold and the pronunciation of the -ed endings. Then write the words in the boxes carefully.
Step 6 Summary
1. Learn some important information about natural disasters.
2. Grasp some listening skills.
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Unit 4 Natural Disasters—Reading & Thinking

1. To find out the paragraph topic sentences, understand the basic information of the Tangshan earthquake through skimming, searching and other reading skills;
2. To sort out the details of the paragraph, to understand the strange things before the Tangshan earthquake, the tremendous destructive force caused by the earthquake, and the rapid and selfless rescue and reconstruction after the disaster;
3. To discuss the thinking brought by earthquake and sublimate the theme significance.
1. To acquire reading ability such as skimming, scanning and summarizing.
2. To talk about the precursor before the earthquake, the damage caused by the earthquake, the rescue after the earthquake and the reconstruction after the earthquake.
1. What do you know about Tangshan earthquake?

2. What’s the main idea in each paragraph?
3. In what order does the author describe the earthquake?

4. Read Paragraph1 answer the following questions
(1) What were the strange things?

(2) What was people’s reaction to these strange things?

(3) Why didn’t people pay attention to these strange things/the signs before the earthquake?

(4) When does this paragraph mainly talk about?

5. Read to get detailed information about Paragraph 2.
(1) How strong was the earthquake?

(2) How did the people feel when the earthquake happened?

(3) What does this paragraph mainly talk about?

6. Read to get detailed information about Para. 3.
(1) What were destroyed?

(2) How does the writer describe “everything in the city”?

(3) How did the people feel?

(4) What does this paragraph mainly talk about?

7. Read to get detailed information about Paragraph 4.
(1) Who brought hope back? And what did they do?

(2) How did the people feel after a lot of people came to rescue?

(3) How was the city after a lot of people came to rescue?

8. Read to get detailed information about Paragraph 5.
(1) What shows the revival of Tangshan?

(2) How can Tangshan revive itself and get up on its feet again?

(3) In times of disasters, how can we go through it?

9. Highlighting the theme and reflecting
(1) Make a summary of the text.
time what happened people’s response

(2) Further understand the title
After our learning, why do you think the earth didn’t sleep on that night?

(3) Reflect through discussion on what can be learnt after reading.
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Unit 4 Natural Disasters
Period 4 Reading For Writing

To write a summary about a news report properly using some newly acquired writing skills in this period.
To have a good understanding of how to write a summary about a news report.
1. Lead-in
Step 1: Lead in
What is a tsunami? What causes it? Will it cause great damage to humans? Watch the video and express your ideas.
Step 2: Read to discover details concerning the main body of the news report.
Read the news report and then solve the questions below.
1. What is kind of text type is?
2. When and where did the tsunami happen?
3. what caused the tsunami?
4. Why would it be difficult to deliver food and supplies?
Step 3: Read to sum up
1. After finishing the tasks above, the teacher leads students to figure out the summary of the news report.
And Check the main points it includes.
On 26 December 2004, a tsunami ________ (kill) more than 6,500 tourists,fishermen and many other locals in Southeast Asia. Thousands of people are ________ (miss) and the number of deaths is expected ________ (grow). The damage ________ (cause) by the tsunami is making it difficult for rescue workers to help the ________ (survive).
date time place event cause effect following events
2. Follow the steps below to write a summary for the first text called “the night the earth didn’t sleep.
Read the text and write a list of the main details.
●Strange things happened in the countryside before the earthquake.
●An earth quake hit China ________________________China on 28 July 1976.
Step 4: Use what you have learnt to write a news report
A Terrible Earthquake
Your version:
Step 5 实践探究
Discuss with your partners and figure out the features of a news report:
3.________________——是消息的主要部分,要用充足的事实表现主题,对导语的内容作进一步 的展开和阐述。
Step 6 小试牛刀
1) _______________________________________________________________
2) _______________________________________________________________
3) _______________________________________________________________
1). ______________________________________________________________
2). ______________________________________________________________
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