人教版(2019)英语必修第二册 Unit 2 Wildlife Protection 单元学案无答案(4份打包)


名称 人教版(2019)英语必修第二册 Unit 2 Wildlife Protection 单元学案无答案(4份打包)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2020-02-12 19:29:49


Unit 2 Wildlife Protection
Discovering Useful Structure

1. To review the basic usages of the Present Continuous Passive Voice.
2. To learn to use the Present Continuous Passive Voice to make sentences and talk about the relevant topics flexibly.
1. To appreciate the function of usages of the Present Continuous Passive Voice in a sentence.
2. To write essays using the proper usages of the Present Continuous Passive Voice.

Look at the picture. What are workers doing? What is the house being done?
The workers are building a house.
A house _____________________ by the workers.

We’re ____________________ for the wool beneath our stomachs. And our fur is _____________________ to make sweaters for people like you.

We are ___________________________________ for our ivories.
Step I: Read the sentences and sum up the meanings of the Present Continuous Passive Voice.
1. Do you know any other endangered wildlife in China that is not being protected?
2. We’re being killed for the wool beneath our stomachs.
3. Is their fur being used to make sweaters for people like you?
4. What good things are being done here to save local wildlife?
1. She is being treated in China now.
2. My computer is being repaired now.我的电脑正在修理中。
e.g.: Are these books being sent to Beijing?
Is the wall being painted?
Step II: When do we use the Present Progressive Passive Voice?
1.表示说话时正在进行的被动动作。(now, at the moment)
Actions are____________ (take) to realize Chinese dream.
2.表示现阶段正在进行的被动动作。 (说话时不一定在进行)
The problem of food safety is ______________ (study) by scientists at present.
3.表示一种习惯的被动行为(always, constantly ),带有赞扬、羡慕、讨厌等感彩。
Children of our neighbors are always ____________ (praise) by our parents.
As a result of staying up late talking last night, Jimmy may be____________ (scold) by his head teacher.
Step III. 难点
1.像take care of, look after, talk about, think of等动词与介词构成的短语用于现在进行时的被动语态时,其中的介词不可省略。
The ways to stop illegally hunting are being talked about. 阻止非法捕猎的方法正在研讨中。
2. “be (am/is/are)+under/in+ n. ”有时可相当于现在进行时的被动语态。
Many questions are under discussion. =Many questions are being discussed.
The runaway of the traffic accident is wanted by the police. 警方正在通缉交通事故的逃逸者。
The plan is being discussed at the meeting now. 现在这个计划正在讨论过程中。
A new law is being made to prevent endangered animals from extinction.
Workers are cutting down some trees in the park.
→Some trees are being cut down by workers in the park. (被动语态)
→Where are some trees being cut down by workers? (特殊疑问句)
现在进行时的被动语态的基本结构 肯定结构 be(am/is/are)being done 否定结构 be(am/is/are)+not+being done 一般疑问结构 be(am/is/are)+主语+being done 特殊疑问结构 特殊疑问词+be(am/is/are)+主语+being done

1. He is opening a bottle.
A bottle ______________________.
2. He is drinking Coca cola.
Coca cola______________________by him.
3. She is cutting an orange.
An orange ______________________ by her.
4. She is eating an orange.
An orange______________________ by her.
1. They ___________________ (hunt), illegally, for their valuable fur.
2. Much ___________________ (do) to protect wildlife, but if we really want to save the planet, we must change our way of life.
3. These large animals ___________________ (kill) illegally for their body parts that are considered valuable.
4. Billions of trees ______________________ (cut) down every year to make paper for humans.
5. In this way a lot of animal homes _________________ (destroy)!
Step 1: Read the sentences and sum up the meanings of the Present Continuous Passive Voice.
1. Do you know any other endangered wildlife in China that is not being protected?
2. We’re being killed for the wool beneath our stomachs.
3. Is their fur being used to make sweaters for people like you?
4. What good things are being done here to save local wildlife?
肯定式: be being done
She is being treated in China now.
否定式:be not being done
My computer is being repaired now.我的电脑正在修理中。
一般疑问式:Am/Is /Are+主语+ being + done…
e.g.: Are these books being sent to Beijing?
Is the wall being painted?
When How Where Why What (Am/Is /Are+主语+ being + done…)
①表示说话时正在进行的被动动作。(now, at the moment)
Actions are____________ (take) to realize Chinese dream.
②示现阶段正在进行的被动动作。 (说话时不一定在进行)
The problem of food safety is ______________ (study ) by scientists at present.
③表示一种习惯的被动行为(always, constantly ),带有赞扬、羡慕、讨厌等感彩。
Children of our neighbors are always ____________ (praise ) by our parents.
As a result of staying up late talking last night, Jimmy may be____________ (scold) by his head teacher.
Step III. 难点.
1.像take care of, look after, talk about, think of等动词与介词构成的短语用于现在进行时的被动语态时,其中的介词不可省略。
The ways to stop illegally hunting are being talked about. 阻止非法捕猎的方法正在研讨中。
2. “be(am/is/are)+under/in+n. ”有时可相当于现在进行时的被动语态。
Many questions are under discussion.
=Many questions are being discussed.
3. 有时表“状态,心理活动,情感”等的动词,常用在一般
The runaway of the traffic accident is wanted by the police.
The plan is being discussed at the meeting now.
A new law is being made to prevent endangered animals from extinction.
Workers are cutting down some trees in the park.
→Some trees are being cut down by workers in the park. (被动语态)
→Where are some trees being cut down by workers? (特殊疑问句)
肯定结构 be(am/is/are)being done
否定结构 be(am/is/are)+not+ being done
一般疑问结构 be(am/is/are)+主语+being done
特殊疑问结构 特殊疑问词+be(am/is/are)+主语+being done
1. He is opening a bottle.
A bottle ______________________.
2. He is drinking Coca cola.
Coca cola______________________by him.
3. She is cutting an orange.
An orange ______________________ by her.
4. She is eating an orange.
An orange______________________ by her.
1. They ___________________ (hunt), illegally, for their valuable fur.
2. Much ___________________ (do) to protect wildlife, but if we really want to save the planet, we must change our way of life.
3. These large animals ___________________ (kill) illegally for their body parts that are considered valuable.
4. Billions of trees ______________________ (cut) down every year to make paper for humans.
5. In this way a lot of animal homes _________________ (destroy)!

Look at the picture. What are workers doing? What is the house being done?
The workers are building a house.
A house is being built by the workers.
We’re being killed for the wool beneath our stomachs. And our fur is being used to make sweaters for people like you.
We are being hunted for our ivories.
Step II: When do we use the Present Progressive Passive Voice?
①being taken
②being studied
③being praised
④being scolded
1. is being opened.
2. is being drunk
3. is being cut by her.
4. is being eaten by her.
1. are being hunted
2. is being done
3. are being killed
4. are being cut
5. are being destroyed
7 / 7
Unit 2 Wildlife protection
Listening and Speaking & Listening and Talking
1. To understand the content of listening texts in terms of using visuals to predict content.
2. To guess the meaning of words in listening; discuss with their peers how to save endangered wildlife and help wildlife in their neighborhood.
3. To use functional sentences of the dialogue such as “I am concerned about…” “What do you know about the endangered animals in…” and so on to talk about one of the endangered animals.
1. To understand the content of listening texts in terms of using visuals to predict content.
2. To use the functional items of proper languages to make a dialogue to talk about the related topics properly.
Part 1: Listening and Speaking
Step 1: Lead in
What messages do these posters share?
Step 2: Prediction
Predict what the listening text is about by looking at the pictures.
Some animals are_____________ and _________ we can do to protect them from being extinct.
Listening tip: use visuals to predict content.
Before listening, look at the pictures, videos, charts and other visuals to help you predict.
Step 3: Summary of the main idea
1. Finishing listening to the first part of the tape, and then the students need to solve the following tasks.
Fill in the blanks while listening
Our planet’s ____________ is dying out at an alarming rate. Between 150 and 200 species are becoming ___________ every day. This mass extinction is caused by hunting, habitat _________and pollution. We must make people aware of the problem and help_______ the endangered wildlife before it’s too late!
2. Play the second part of the tape and listen and answer the following questions:
1) How many elephants are killed on average every day? _______________
2) What did Prince William say about China?
China can become a _________________in wildlife protection.
3. What does “change begins with you” mean?
Step 4: Speaking Project
(Page 15) In pairs, discuss their present situation, and then talk about one of the animals in the photos below.

Part 2: Listening and Talking
Step1:Listen to the tape, for the first time, and then ask the students to solve the following tasks.
Choose the right ending for each sentence.
1. Binoculars______________
2. Build bird feeders_______________
3. Use a bird field guide________________
4. Put paper cut-outs on windows_________________
A. in order to identify birds
B. so that birds do not crash into them in order that...
C. to make sure that birds have enough food
D. are used for watching birds from far away
Listen and answer the questions.
1. Who are the teenagers?
2. Where are they?
3 .What are they doing?
4. Why are they doing it?
Step 2: Listen again and use the phrases you hear to fill in the blanks.
Expressing purposes
This is used for.../so as to…/in order to/ He has done it so that… /in order that…
1. They got up early _____________search for wild birds.
2. I’ve brought a field guide ___________we can look up the birds we see.
3. My dad gave me the binoculars ______________we can see the birds better.
4. Bird watching clubs clean up habitats build bird feeders, and put paper cut-outs on windows ________________protect birds.
Step 3: Speaking Project
Work in groups. Think of the wildlife in your neighborhood and their needs. What can you do to care for them? Find out the solutions. Role-play a dialogue with your peers.
Unit 2 Wildlife Protection
Reading and Thinking

1. To learn some information about the present situation of the wild animals and the effort made to protect the wild animals.
2. To learn to recognize the important reasons to protect the animals in danger and help them to realize that saving the wild animals is saving human beings.
3. To sense the importance of saving the animals in danger and the necessity of protecting the earth.
1. To understand the main information and text structure of the reading text.
2. To consolidate the reading skills like skimming and scanning for details.
Step 1: Warming up and prediction
1. Let’s look at some animals, and discuss what they have in common.

2. Guessing game: what kind of animal is it?
It is good at running and jumping. It is one of the Beijing Olympic mascots. It mainly lives in Qinghai and Tibet.

It is__________________.
3. Watch a video about antelopes and talk about the feelings about the video.
Step 2: Fast reading tasks
Read the passage quickly to solve the following questions.
(1)Why did the author come to Tibet?

(2)Why did the population of antelopes drop so badly in the 1980s and 1990s?

(3)What was done to protect the Tibetan antelopes?

(4)Why should we continue the protection programs of the antelopes?

(5)What can we do to save the planet according to the author?

Step3: Scanning reading tasks
Read the passage and fill in the blanks.
Paragraph 1 We come here to observe Tibetan (1) _________.
Paragraph 2 I’m (2) ______by their beauty and also reminded of the danger they are in.
Paragraph 3 My guide works at a nature reserve, which is a (3) ______for animals and plants.
Paragraph 4 In 1980s and 1990s, the population (4) ________because of people’s activity.
Paragraphs 5&6 The government placed it under national (5) _________and its population recovered.
The protection programs will continue.
Paragraph 7 We must change our way of (6) __________. Only when we learn to (7) __________in harmony with nature can we stop being a (8) ______to wildlife and to our planet.
Step4: Consolidation
1. Read quickly and figure out the main idea of each paragraph.
Paragraph 1:
Paragraph 2:
Paragraph 3:
Paragraph 4:
Paragraph 5:
Paragraph 6:
Paragraph 7:
2. What does the author experience in the clouds?
Things the author sees:

Things the author hears:

Things the author feels or thinks:

Step 5: Critical thinking:
What’s the purpose of this article?

Step 6: Summary

Step7 Homework:
Review what we have learned and find out the key language points in the text.

Step 1: Warming up and prediction
1. Let’s look at some animals, and discuss what they have in common.
They are endangered animals.
They are being hunted by some illegal hunters for money.
They should be well protected now.
They are cute and beautiful…
2. Guessing game: what kind of animal is it?
It is good at running and jumping.
It is one of the Beijing Olympic mascots.
Its name is closely connected with Hoh Xil Nature Reserve.
It mainly lives in Qinghai and Tibet.
It is an antelope.
Watch a video about antelopes and talk about the feelings about the video.
Feel sorry and sad. They shouldn’t be hunted and instead should be well protected.
Step 2: Fast reading tasks
Read the passage quickly to solve the following questions.
(1)Why did the author come to Tibet?
In order to observe Tibetan antelopes.
(2)Why did the population of antelopes drop so badly in the 1980s and 1990s?
Because of being hunted and the loss of their habitats.
(3)What was done to protect the Tibetan antelopes?
Watching over them and adding some bridges and gates.
(4)Why should we continue the protection programs of the antelope?
The threat to them has still existed.
(5)What can we do to save the planet according to the author?
To live in harmony with nature.
Step3: Scanning reading tasks
Read the passage and fill in the blanks.
Paragraph 1 We come here to observe Tibetan (1) _________.
Paragraph 2 I’m (2) ______by their beauty and also reminded of the danger they are in.
Paragraph 3 My guide works at a nature reserve, which is a (3) ______for animals and plants.
Paragraph 4 In 1980s and 1990s. the population (4) ________because of people’s activity.
Paragraphs 5&6 The government placed it under national (5) _________and its population recovered.
The protection programs will continue.
Paragraph 7 We must change our way of (6) ___. Only when we learn to (7) ____in harmony with nature can we stop being a (8) ______to wildlife and to our planet.
1. antelopes 2. struck 3.shelter 4. dropped
5.protection 6.life 7.exsit 8.threat
Step4: Consolidation
1. Read quickly and figure out the main idea of each paragraph.
Paragraph 1: The writer visited Changtang in order to observe Tibetan antelopes.
Paragraph 2: Tibetan antelopes are in danger.
Paragraph 3: His guide thinks that the land is sacred and protecting the wildlife is a way of life.
Paragraph 4: Bad times for the Tibetan antelope.
Paragraph 5: The Chinese government and volunteers took effective measures to protect the Tibetan antelope.
Paragraph 6: The effective measures have helped the population of Tibetan antelopes recover.
Paragraph 7: Human beings must change the way of life in order to save the planet.
2. What does the author experience in the clouds?
Things the author sees:
snow-covered mountains disappearing into clouds
the antelopes moving slowly across the green grass
Things the author hears:
Changtang National Nature Reserve
bad times for the Tibetan antelope
measures to protect the Tibetan antelope
effects achieved after years of protection
Things the author feels or thinks:
Struck by their beauty
Changing our way of life.
Existing in harmony with nature.
Step 5: Critical thinking:
What’s the purpose of this article?
The author intends to tell us that although the Tibetan antelope has been removed from the endangered species list, the threats to them have not yet disappeared. We must change our way of life and learn to exist in harmony with nature.

6 / 6
Unit 2 Wildlife protection
Reading for Writing
1. To acquire some features about an English poster by reading the text.
2. To write an English poster properly using some newly acquired writing skills in this period.
3. To absorb some language points concerning the topic.
1. To have a good understanding of how to write an English poster about animal protection.
2. To write an English poster properly and concisely.
Step 1: Lead in
Do you want to be a volunteer of a pet’s shelter? Why?

Step 2: Read to discover details concerning the main details of the news report.
I. Read the news report and then solve the questions below.
1. Who started the rescue centre called Small Friends Pet Shelter?

2. What did the young people do in the shelter?

3. How do the young people think of their work?

4. What help does the centre need?

II. Read the text again and then choose the best answer.
1. What should we do when we protect the wildlife animals?
A. Treat all the wild animals equally.
B. Only pay attention to less cute animals.
C. Pay attention to cute animals.
D. Care about endangered wildlife animals.
2. What’s the bad effect of cutting down billions of trees to make paper for humans?
A. Make a lot of animals homeless.
B. Make a number of wildlife animals dying out.
C. The animals’ habitat is being destroyed.
D. All of them.
3. What does the second poster want people todo?
A. Protect the environment.
B. Protect the animals.
C. Don’t make animals homeless for making paper.
D. Don’t cut down trees.
【答案】1.___________ 2.____________ 3._____________
Step 3: Study the organization and language features.
I. Read the passage more carefully and write down the outline of the text.
Small Friends Pet Shelter The founder of the Small Friends Pet Shelter It was 1. ______________ by a group of high school students and their parents. The situation of the shelter There are many animals living at the 2. _________________ The young people keep it clean and take care of the animals. The achievements They have already helped to find homes for nearly 200 animals. They think it is 3. ____________________ it. Appeal When find a lost pet, 4. _________________ the shelter. If you want to help out, go and 5. _______________ your time and love.

II. Appreciate the complex sentences:
1. The Small Friends Pet Shelter was started by a group of high school students and their parents when they started to see many pets (that were left behind after their families moved away).
译文: 当一些高中生和他们的父母看到在主人搬走后, _________________时, 他们建立了小朋友宠物收容所。
2. The young people (who run the shelter) work hard to keep the place clean, take care of the animals, and advertise the animals so that they can be adopted.
译文: 负责收容所的年轻人努力保持收容所的清洁、照顾这些动物、________________________。
3. When it comes to...当涉及……
___________________________ (当涉及野生动物保护时), all species—the good, the bad, and the ugly—should be treated equally.
4. so that 引导目的状语从句:
Is it right to make animals homeless ___________________________________ (以至于人类就可以有更多的纸)?
5. 强调句型:___________________________ (正是因为这个原因) the WWF constantly put up information to stir up public interest in the welfare of the planet.
6. That is what...what引导表语从句:That is _____________________ (动物们最需要的).
Step 4: Analyze the characteristics of an English poster.
I. 英文海报的特点:
1. 标题
首先根据海报的特点、格式写明标题。海报中往往把内容作为大标题。例如: Save the earth, Save the birds…
2. 正文部分
不同的海报其正文部分的侧重点不同。对于介绍性的海报,首先要引出话题, 其次列出原因,最后是总结。
3. 图片:要选择引人注目的图片,与主题要相关,色彩明亮。
1. It is a treasure of our country. 它是我国的国宝。
2. Believe it or not, at present only several thousand pandas exist in the world.
3. It’s because of human activities that tigers are endangered.
4. Many wild animals are in danger of dying out.
5. The government has taken effective measures to protect them.
6. People should raise the awareness of the protection of wild animals.
7. It’s amazing that there are merely less than 1, 000 finless porpoises living in China.
非常令人吃惊,目前中国仅有不足1 000只江豚。
Step 5:Use what you have learnt to write an English poster.
1. 大熊猫是中国乃至世界的稀有动物;
2. 由于栖息地遭到破坏,竹子被砍伐,大熊猫觅食越来越困难,正濒临灭绝;
3. 政府已建立数个自然保护区来保护大熊猫;
4. 拯救熊猫的项目需要更多的关注和资金。
谋篇 明确体裁话题:海报 确定时态人称:一般现在时,第三人称 布局文章架构:图片 标题 主要内容 列出要点:1.个人信息2.教育经历

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