课题 Unit 5 Now and ThenLesson 15 My Favourite Teacher
教学内容:单元分析本课为北师大版《初中英语》七年级下册第五单元第15课,本单元的话题是谈论学生身边事物过去和现在的变化。本单元前两篇课文的话题分别为我们家乡的变化和第一天上学的经历,通过两个阅读材料的学习使学生们了解和掌握了一般过去时的用法,同时也唤醒学生们对以往校园生活的回忆。课文内容:本课是节听力课。听力的文本题目我最喜爱的老师;是对一位成名作家的访谈记录,讲述这位作家小时候不爱学习,偶然的机会得到这位老师的尊重,内心接受了老师,从不做作业到开始写作并成为作家的故事。语言知识:词汇:forget, change, come, respect, begin的过去式。听力技能:涉及到本课的听力策略是听前预测、听中锁定关键词、听后把握文章整体结构。学生情况:整体情况: 本校生源为城乡结合地区,学生们英语基础参差不齐,普遍较弱,但有一个有国外学习经历,基础较好。经过一个学年的努力学习,学生学习基础有所改善。32人,男生17人,女生15人,英语学习兴趣较浓厚。每次英语上课前两分钟,学生会有个两至三分钟的英文脱口秀,主题有时由学生自选,有时老师指定,大多跟学生喜爱的事物以及课程内容有关。已知起点:学生在七年级上册Unit 1已经学会表达“My favorite .... is...” ,能够简单地描述外貌,能用because的句型。大部分学生能简单地描述所喜欢的老师。通过本单元前两课的学习,学生们已经了解和掌握了一般过去时的用法,但是本节课要让学生在听力中理解关于最喜爱的老师的故事,侧重点在于听力策略的使用以及通过对访谈中故事情感变化的处理,来使学生对听力原文进行内化,从整体把握文章结构与情感迁移上,提高学生的听说能力。存在问题:学生英语听力获取信息能力较弱;遇到长篇文章与对话,明显信心不足;回答问题时,语言组织能力欠缺。 应对策略:情景导入课文,激发学生对老师们的回忆; 听前预测听力内容,激活已有,找到最近发展区;将长篇幅听力文本切为片段式听力,降低听力难度;突出情感变化,归纳推理故事情感线 教学方式: 情境教学法:课前脱口秀创造访谈的真实情境,引起学生回忆自己最喜爱教师的态度体验,从而帮助学生理解教材中唐老师对陈诚的深刻影响,促进学生用感恩的视角发现老师对自己的尊重与关爱。讨论法:教师巧妙利用教材中提出的关于最喜爱教师的三个讨论题目,指导学生小组讨论并分享与自己最喜爱教师的故事,发挥学生主动性,促进学生思考和表达,促进学生的交往、相互学习和合作。练习法:在教师指导下,学生完成学案上的听力练习,解答关于听力材料的基本问题,以学生为主,目标明确,实践性强,易于评价。讲授法:教师介绍听力材料背景信息,为学生的听力练习做好准备。教师帮助学生梳理故事线索,通过对比陈诚的改变,感知唐老师对陈诚的尊重与关爱,激发学生回忆自己与老师间的往事。教学手段:文字教材(课本、学案),多媒体辅助教学系统(图片、音视频)技术准备:多媒体辅助教学系统,PPT,翻页笔,音频,视频录像与剪切等
本节课结束后,学生能够:在听说练习中准确运用forget, change, come, respect, begin的过去式。通过听前预测和锁定关键词的听力策略,听中对比理解关键词,理解在老师的帮助 下,这位学生从不做作业到爱好学习并成为知名作家的变化。抓住文章情感变化,简单概述故事情节或用目标1的词汇谈论自己相关经历。4. 用感恩的视角发现老师对自己的尊重与关爱,意识到决定自身高度的是自己的学习态度。
教学阶段 教师活动 学生活动 设置意图 技术应用 时间安排
Warm-up Welcome students to Daily Talk Show as usual. One student holds the Daily Talk Show, asking the three questions from Activity 1 on the textbook, and teacher as the guest answers the questions. 学生自我展示,激活大脑中已有的知识,并激发学生的兴趣,引出话题:我最喜欢的老师 ppt,mp3,翻页笔 3’
Pre-listening T thanks Talk show host for the excellent talk show, and shows the 3 questions on ppt. T asks Ss to introduce their favorite teachers to the class according to the structure and share with their partners. Ss think about these questions according to their experience. Ss try to introduce their favorite teachers and share with their partners. 让学生了解从哪些方面简单介绍最喜欢的老师;激发学生对老师的回忆。 ppt,mp3,翻页笔 2’
1st-listening T asks Ss to listen to the whole interview and predict before they listen to the interview. T asks the student to write down their answers to the three general questions on the handout. Ss think and predict before listening. Ss listen to the interview and write their answers on the handout. 运用听力策略预测听力内容, 激活大脑内已有知识,找到最近发展区。让学生第一次听完整的听力,并获取三个基本的信息。 ppt,mp3,翻页笔 5’
2nd-listening T describes the man’s current job and asks the Ss a question “Did the man like writing from the beginning in junior high school?” T gradually shows how the man’s junior school life was like at the beginning and meanwhile asks the Ss to fill in the blanks. T then shows the turning point of the story and asks how the change happened. Ss listen and then answer the questions.Fill in the blanks on the handouts. Ss read the sentences and fill in the blanks. Ss try to think over how this change happened. 通过描述被采访者现在作家的职业,让学生猜测他过去是否从一开始便喜欢写作。让学生逐步了解被采访者过去在学校的状态。 通过故事情节的冲突与转折,进一步激发学生的兴趣,引发他们的思考。 ppt,mp3,翻页笔 4’ 5’
3rd-listening T asks Ss a question about what happened between them and gives them three choices. Then ask them to predict the possible answers to the question. After that, T lets Ss listen. Ss read the question, think about it and guess the possible answers, then give their reasons. Then Ss listen to the Mp3 what happened and give their answer. 让学生预测接下的情节,为听力进行铺垫。 ppt,mp3,翻页笔 5’
4th-listening T asks Ss to listen to the whole interview and put the events in order. Ss listen to the whole interview and then put the events in order. 从局部细节听力,过渡到整体听力的练习。让学生最后有一个整体的感知与认识。 ppt,mp3,翻页笔 5’
Post-listening T asks Ss to review the whole story of Chen Cheng and Ms Tang.Show Ss the change between before the talk and after the talk. Tasks Ask students to do the following tasks according to their real situation. Task 1: Describe the story of your own in your own Talk Show with the partner. Task 2: Fill in the blanks and retell Chen’s story.After the talk show, T asks Ss to think deep, “Who changed Chen?” “Who changed You?” T guides Ss to realize: Nobody can change you, but yourself. Remember: Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude. Follow the teacher and review the whole story. Get the change of Chen Cheng, and think about why. Finish task 1 or task 2 according to their reality. Task 1: Describe the story of your own in your Talk show with the partner.Task 2: Review and fill the blanks and retell Chen’s story.Think about the questions, and think more deep about who changed Chen and who changed them. Follow T’s guide, Ss realize: Nobody can change you, but yourself. Remember the sentence: Your attitude determines your altitude. 通过对比陈诚的改变,感知唐老师对陈诚的尊重与关爱,激发学生回忆自己与老师间的往事。 以作者故事为模板,进行迁移,结合亲身经历,进行故事叙述,回顾过往,用感恩的视角发现老师对自己的尊重与关爱。 意识到决定自身高度的是自己的学习态度。 巩固、提高、升华。 ppt,翻页笔 5’ 7’ 3’ 1’
Homework T asks the Ss to write a short passage about their favorite teacher. Write a short passage about them and their favorite teacher. 课下巩固本课所学。 ppt,翻页笔 1’
评价方式形成性评价:教学过程中参与活动的态度,积极性,合作精神以及知识的掌握与运用情况;通过听力,核对答案,查看学案完成情况;以及最后复述或者讲述自己的故事等。 本节课学生学习效果评价:本节课学生在学习过程中态度积极,具有合作精神,能够顺利完成听说训练项目,并能运用所听内容去联系实际生活。在听前学生认真思考预测,在听中全神贯注聚焦听力内容,在听后小组合作完成设计任务。
评价量规Self- assessmentI can answer questions about my favorite teacher. I can predict pieces of the interviewer’s information. I can use the past tense of : forget change come respect begin I can fill in blanks of the story structure. I can put sentences in order according to the listening. I can retell Chen Cheng’s story including these parts: Before During After I can retell my story including these parts: Before During After Count your smiling faces: Good: 10 Very good: 11-15 Well done: 15-20 Excellent: 21-26
(一)教学资源整合:听力文本巧妙切分,听力策略思维渗透1. 本节课根据学生实际水平,将课本练习中的长篇听力材料巧妙的切分成几个小片段,一方面,将听力分成片段可以降低学生的畏难情绪,不会觉得听力材料过长,不愿意接受。 另一方面,根据学生的实际水平以及中考方向,小段听力更有利于培养学生们获取听力信息的能力。2. 引导学生听前预测下一段的内容,充分调动学生的思维,这可以集中学生的注意力,并提高正确率。并让学生划关键词是培养学生听力策略思维的一个关键点。学生学会划关键词,不仅有助于学生理解整个听力文本,也对学生完成题目有很大的帮助。二、语言教学与情感态度价值观的完美融合:1. 此次教学设计贯穿始终的有两条线,一条语言线,即通过听陈诚的故事,学习掌握文中关键动词的过去时在听力中的练习与运用,以及相关句式;另一条是情感线,即通过了解陈诚受到唐老师的尊重,从不爱学习到成为作家的故事,结合自身实际,感受师生间的尊重与关爱,同时从另一个角度也认识到,改变内心的学习态度,就能改变自己的未来。2. 把语言知识层面和情感层面的学习进行难度分层,给学生铺设逐步掌握的梯度,进而达到传递正能量的情感目标。
课程基本理念(四)强调学习过程,重视语言学习的实践性和应用性。此理念主张学生在语境中接触、体验和理解真实语言,并在此基础上学习和运用语言。听说课的巧妙结合,对于学生听说技能的培养与提高有很大的帮助。通过本节课的学习,学生们在听说两方面都有了显著的提高。首先,课前两分钟的脱口秀,取用教材中Activity 1中关于“My Favourite Teacher”的三个问题引出话题,课程结尾的脱口秀又继续以这三个问题结尾,贯穿始终。从刚开始的时候,学生可以简单谈论最喜爱的教师,到结束的时候,学生们可以不仅仅简单的谈论为什么喜爱老师,而是可以说出与老师之间发生的故事,由此可以看出,学生本节课的收获与进步。出于对学生实际情况的考虑,他们遇到长篇文章与对话,明显信心不足;回答问题时,语言组织能力欠缺。我在设计中将教材中Activity 2和Activity 3的练习题进行修改与融合。比如,将第一小题听序数词60th anniversary,改为直接给学生的信息;而第二小题以及Activity 3第二小题和第三题都是通过听力练习由学生自己听出,并进行融合,如将 “Was this memory special for Chen Cheng? Why?”改为了直接问“Why was this memory special for Chen Cheng?”。教材第四题是通过排序练习处理的,通过排序带领学生回顾整篇文章,并获取文章情感线路。同时鼓励学生进行情感迁移,从别人最喜爱的老师联系到自己最喜爱的教师,引导学生进行简单的语言输出。然后,让孩子们更深入的思考,到底是“谁改变了Chen Cheng?”“谁改变了你自己?”让学生意识到,不要等待老师的那把“椅子”,没有人能改变你,除了你自己,是你的态度,而不是你的天赋,决定你的高度。(这句话是全校学生每日早晨“琅琅金声”活动中的名句,学生们都已会背诵。) 上完这节课,我感受到:一节好课,要让真实的需要得到满足,要有真实的情感投入,真实的情景创设,真实的想法流露,真实的思维空间等等。语言学习需要我们用生动真实的语言创设情景来抓住孩子们的心,让情感在学习中产生积极的过滤,同时让孩子们在真实的思考中输入,在真实的情感中表达。这样听力与口语的结合,能够让学生把吸收的东西展示使用出来,在培养学生口语能力的同时,也能潜移默化地提高学生表达方面的自信心。
附:(Unit 5 Lesson 15听力文本)
附:(Unit 5 Lesson 15学案)
Unit 5 Now and Then
Lesson 15 My Favourite Teacher
1. The interviewee’s information
Who is he? _______, a famous young ______.
When did he graduate? ___________________ years ago.
What will he talk about? He will talk about _____________.
2. The story structure
Before At first, he often ______ to do his homework and didn’t do well in tests.Everything ______ after his new Chinese teacher, Mrs. Tang, _______.
During How did Mrs Tang change Chen Cheng ?A. Mrs Tang asked his parents to come to school.B. Mrs Tang criticized (批评)him in class.C. Mrs Tang asked him to go to office and had a long talk with him.
After Why this memory special for Chen Cheng?It was the chair. She __________ me.Then I ________ to open my heart and hear her words.After that, I _________ to like Chinese and began my writing.
3. Listen to the interview and put these sentences in order.
(a) Chen’s teacher talked to him for a long time.
(b) A new teacher came to Chen’s class.
(c) Chen didn’t pay attention at school.
(d) Chen started his writing.
4. Choose a task to Talk show.
Task A: Tell your story.
Task B: Retell Chen Cheng’s story.
(According to the story structure above)