课件37张PPT。Unit3 We should obey the rules.Lesson 18I’m David.
I feel happy everyday.In the morning, I wait for the green light when I cross the street.I often help old people cross the street.If I see people want to walk on the grass,
I often say to them: “You must keep off the grass. ”
When I get on the bus,
I often take good care of children.What do you learn from David?What must you do?Youmust等待绿灯必须.wait for the green light help old people.mustYou帮助老人keep off the grassmustYou.远离草坪take good care ofyoung childrenmustYou.照看好儿童= look after I’m Peter. I often walk to school. I cross the street when the light is red. Wow! The flowers look nice.
I pick flowers. The sigh writes
“No littering.” ,
I don’t want to obey the sigh, so I throw the rubbish on the ground. I spit everywhere when I want to spit. After school, I play on the street.What do you want to tell Peter?What mustn't you do?cross the streetwhen the light is red.Youmustn’t过马路当红灯亮时禁止Youmustn’tpick flowers.摘花Youmustn’tlitterv.乱丢废弃物.No littering.Youmustn’tspit.v.吐痰No spitting . Youmustn’tplay on the street.在街上玩耍What do you want to say?You must wait for the green light.You mustn’t cross the street when the light is red.You mustn’t play on the street. You must help old people.You must keep off the grass .You mustn’t pick flowers.You must take good care of .young childrenYou mustn’t litter.No littering.You mustn’t spit..No spitting.Talk about your sign.A: What we must do?B: We must keep off the grass.
Be quiet.
A: What we mustn’t do?B: We mustn’t pick flowers.
Don’t make noise.
No spitting.
The first girl wears a new shirt.
The second girl wears a new skirt.
Today is the first girl’s birthday.
She is as happy as a little bird.irObey the class rules, school rules and social rules.Love our motherland.Study hard.To be honest.To be friendly.