(Warming Up and Reading
Unit 5 First Aid for Burns
of burns
of burns
Skim to get the main ideas of each paragraph
The functions of the skin
Protect you against _______, _______ and __________________;
2) Keep you _______ or _____;
3) Prevent your body from
4) Give you your _____________.
sense of touch
the sun’s harmful rays
Para1 (P33)
losing too much water
Which of the following won’t get the skin burned?
○ hot liquids ○ chemicals
○ mild weather ○ steam
○ electricity ○ the sun
○ fire ○ radiation
○ spring (温泉)
○ mild weather
○ spring (温泉)
Para. 2 :
How many types of burns are there?
What are the characteristics of the burns?
Para. 3-4 :
First degree burn
Third degree burn
Second degree burn
Affect only the ___ layer of the skin.
Affect both the ___ and the ______ layer of the skin.
Affect all _____ layers of the skin and any ______ and ______ under the skin.
dry, red
mildly swollen
______ painful
rough, red, swollen
______ painful
Swollen; tissue can
be seen
______ pain
little or no
What type of burn does the little girl receive?
Burns caused by hot liquids
Second degree burns
Discuss and think about how to give first aid in other situations.
Each group has a different task.
Group 1
Task 1
Group 3
Task 3
Group 4
Task 4
Group 2
Task 2
Question :How to treat sprained ankle?Choose the
right answer to fill in the blanks.Act it out.
First, have the victim ____________and _______the foot.
Second ,_____________around the foot and ankle.
Third ,______________ on the ankle to reduce the swelling.
A put an icy pack B sit down
C put a bandage D raise
Question :When you have a nosebleed , what should you do ?
Use your body language to act it out.
First, sit down. A towel can be held under your nose.
Second , pinch your nose slightly.
Third, lean _______ to avoid swallowing the bleed.
A forward
B backward
First aid for drowning person
First ,see whether the person is breathing .If not, use ___________method
Second ,begin rapidly __________ on the chest.
Then, _______ his nose closed, put mouth to the mouth and _____
A pressing down B pinch
C mouth to mouth D blow
First aid for animal bites.
Firstly, ______the bite area right away
with warm water for 5 minutes.
Secondly, if the wound is swollen, apply
_____ covered in a towel to it for 10 minutes.
Thirdly, get _________or medical care.
A ice
B wash
C treatment
Practice (七选五)
文章标题猜大意 段首段尾主题句 空前空后逻辑性 同义举例与对比
代词冠词大小写 标点符号关键词 相似句式或排比 多个条款要对应
A. Remember your ABCs of CPR.
B.Listen for the sound of air coming in and out.
C. Cover a towel or a blanket over the person if you have one.
D.The ABCs of CPR refer to the three critical things you need to look for.
E.Perform chest compression 30 times and rescue breathing twice as part of CPR.
F.If you suspect a spinal injury, leave the person where he is, provided he is breathing.
G.If he does not respond to any activity, sound, or touch, determine whether he is breathing
You should always seek professional medical help as soon as you are able to, but following
correct first-aid steps can be the difference between life and death. Here are some suggestions
about how to care for an unconscious(不省人事的)person.
Determine responsiveness. If a person is unconscious, try to awake him by gently touching
his hands and feet or by speaking to him .______1________
Check for breathing and a pulse. If the person is unconscious and unable to be awoken,
check for breathing; look for a rise in the chest area. 2 Feel for air using the side of
your face. If no signs of breathing are clear, check for a pulse.
If the person remains unresponsive, prepare for CPR(心肺复苏). Useless you suspect a
spinal(脊柱的)injury, carefully roll him onto his back and open his airway. 3 If
the person begins to vomit, move him over to his side to help prevent choking.
4 Check these three things frequently as you give the person first-aid CPR.
Airway. Does the person have a clear airway?
Breathing. Is the person breathing?
Circulation. Does the person show a pulse at major pulse point?
Make sure the person is warm as you wait for medical help. 5 However, if the person
has heatstroke, do not cover him or keep him warm. Instead, try to cool him by fanning him and
damping him.
Life is precious
We should care about others, and help people in an emergency.
Try our best to give them effective first aid if they are in danger.
1.Search as much information as you can about first aid
http://www. healthy. net/clinic/first aid/
http://kids health. org/parent/first aid safe/
2.Write a composition “First Aid in Fires”